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Even the safest drivers who have been driving for many decades can get into accidents. 

While it is the last thing you’d want for yourself, the best thing you can do is to be prepared in advance and make sure you are insured. 

Having to claim a car insurance can be stressful and it’s best to know exactly what to do beforehand so you can avoid stress when the time to claim your insurance comes. 

What is car insurance and what does it cover?

Car insurance is what protects you and covers damage to your vehicle or someone else’s in case of an unfortunate accident. 

Car insurance not only covers damage to vehicles but also covers medical bills in case you or your fellow passengers were hit by a driver without insurance. Each insurance has a varying limit that is decided by you and your insurer.

The process to claim your insurance is a lengthy one so it’s a good idea to know all the car insurance claims one of which is the Cheapest car insurance in Illinois.

The Do’s of claiming your Car Insurance 

Here are all the do’s of claiming your car insurance 

Contact the Police

Do contact the police and call them to the scene. In case of a car accident that results in heavy damage, injury, or death, you are legally obligated to immediately report it to authorities.

When the police arrive, let them know in detail about everything leading up to the car accident. While you can take pictures and gather statements yourself, calling the police will help in creating an official scene report in case of heavy damage. 

Also, take pictures and videos of all the injuries and damages. The accident scene will likely be cleaned up so you must capture everything. Include pictures of the property in case any has been damaged. 

All of this will come in handy during the time of reimbursement. 

Call your insurance company 

The best advice we could give you is to call your insurance agent as soon as possible to tell them about the accident. Also, make sure to read your insurance policy thoroughly to fully understand all the things that it covers and all the things it doesn’t.

You must be aware of everything beforehand to avoid any confusion. This will also help you understand the full benefits of your policy and help you claim the maximum return from it. 

Also, be completely honest about the incident with your insurance company so they can truly help you. If your claim is detected as dishonest then not only will you lose the chance of getting your claim but it will also spoil your track record with the insurance company. 

Save receipts 

The aftermath of an accident is often messy and stressful. It might be hard to keep track of all the expenses you have to pay out of your pocket.

However, a lot of these can be claimed under your insurance policy when you file for it. Keep a record of all the receipts that are related to your accident. This can include things such as:

Collect Information

Collect as much information as you can while you still can so you don’t run into problems later. Take the other drivers’ information including contact info, insurance information, and vehicle information including license number. 

The Don’ts of claiming your Car Insurance 

Here are some don’ts related to claiming your insurance 

Say that you’re fine

It’s hard to determine the full extent of your injuries right after the accident so avoid saying you’re okay as this will only harm your ability to claim insurance on your medical bills. 

In the same vein, don’t put off going to the doctor and getting your injuries checked out. 

Submit any written statements with your insurance company

Make sure to fully review your insurance claim and only then submit any information. This applies to both written and recorded statements. Make sure to fully understand your obligation to give a written or recorded statement (or not) before doing so. 

Your insurance company can also not force you to record a telephone conversation with you until you agree to do so. 

Make sure to get all your questions answered by an attorney if you are confused about any aspect of this. 

Making on-the-spot settlements

Chances are, a third party might offer you the spot-settlements. 

More often than not, this is a low amount that is nowhere near the maximum amount you could claim or enough to cover the cost of all the damages. 

It is a better idea to have an in-depth conversation about this after analyzing the full cost of all the damages and knowing the full potential of the claim. 

Also, don’t sign any waivers until after your settlement.  

Accept Fault 

It is a bad idea to accept fault on your own. Chances are, even if you think it’s your fault, you could be wrong. Deciding who is at fault in a situation like this is complex and includes looking at many different factors. 

Leave the investigation up to the police and other authorities. If you admit fault right away, even if you were not at fault, you will not get the proper compensation when you file your claim.

Unnecessary Details

Accidents are often messy and for the people that were involved in them, the events are even hazier to remember. Chances that if you had an accident, you don’t correctly recall what happened or who did what. So it’s a good idea to not speculate. 

When you’re asked questions then only answer with facts. Don’t add any extra information that is not necessary or could be used against you. 

Final Thoughts 

Claiming your insurance is usually a stressful process but if you follow through with all the guidelines and do things properly then you can easily benefit and get back the cost of damages. Follow the claim process as instructed and there is a good chance your claim will be settled.

Thanks to digitalization, new services within the car insurance industry are emerging at an astonishing rate, offering customers more convenient and cost-effective options and greater transparency about their choices. 

In short, fintech is revolutionizing how people purchase and manage their car insurance – so let’s take a closer look at why this is happening and what it means for you.

What is Fintech and How Does it Impact the Car Insurance Industry

Fintech, or financial technology, is changing the way people compare car insurance. By streamlining the car insurance experience and making it easier to shop around for a better deal, fintech is playing an ever-increasing role in reducing the cost of auto coverage. The rise of apps and websites dedicated to helping drivers compare car insurance quickly and easily has enabled customers to find better deals in a fraction of the time. Insurance companies are now competing more than ever to attract new customers, driving costs down for consumers across the board. Ultimately, fintech is revolutionizing automotive insurance, making it easier and cheaper for drivers to get covered.

Exploring the Benefits of Using Fintech Solutions for Car Insurance 

Fintech solutions can offer great opportunities for those looking to purchase car insurance. In this digital age, using technology to compare products and prices in search of optimal coverage is a smart move. These solutions provide a simplified platform where customers can access multiple insurers and select the one that best meets their individual needs. 

Not only do you save time selecting a policy by relying on fintech tools, but customers often get a lower rate since the services usually focus on deals with greater discounts or other incentives. Plus, many mobile applications provide customer service support if you ever need guidance. If you want to find an efficient and cost-effective car insurance policy that fits your lifestyle and budget, exploring the options provided through fintech solutions makes sense.

Understanding the Different Types of Services Offered by Fintech Companies

The Fintech revolution is undoubtedly changing how we think about and use car insurance. The services offered by Fintech companies allow consumers to access tailor-made solutions that are more affordable, convenient, and transparent than ever before. Whether applying for coverage online or staying in control of your budget through digital monitoring tools, Fintech offers a unique suite of products that boost convenience and cost savings. 

Moreover, specialized services such as fraud prevention and accident management make the process easier for customers. By tapping into new technologies, Fintech companies are creating innovative offerings that make financial processes simpler and more secure - all while offering the chance for real savings over traditional insurance plans. It's no wonder Fintech is transforming the industry so quickly!

Examining the Future of Fintech in the Car Insurance Industry 

With so many drivers on the road, the car insurance industry is rapidly changing. But, fintech could be the answer to transforming this sector into a truly innovative and efficient space. By leveraging new technologies such as big data analysis and predictive modeling, fintech can help provide data-driven marketing insights into consumer behavior and trends to inform insurers about risks better, inform decisions about premium pricing, and reduce costs for both customers and providers alike. The possibilities of what fintech offers are endless in terms of providing safety measures that could ultimately revolutionize car insurance. It's time for the industry to embrace this transformative technology or be left behind.

How Can You Benefit from Fintech Solutions in Car Insurance?

Fintech is revolutionizing car insurance, offering convenient and cost-effective solutions for both customers and insurance companies. Nowadays, fintech enables customers to access their policy at any time from a connected device - whether from the comfort of their couch or while they're on the go. In addition, thanks to fintech advances, customers are presented with more tailored packages that can be adjusted depending on their lifestyles and requirements. 

This means more savings in your pocketbook as you pay only for the services you need. From online payments to directly connecting your bank account, fintech covers everything. So why not take advantage of the benefits of modern technology and enjoy all the refreshing improvements in car insurance today?

Fintech is revolutionizing the car insurance industry by providing customers with more coverage options and improved services. Consumers are now able to shop around for the best deals using the latest digital apps while relying on reliable customer service, something that many of these companies had yet to see previously. With such an array of services available, it's no wonder why Fintech has become so popular among consumers and car insurance companies alike.

The future of Fintech in the car insurance industry looks bright as more people become aware of its benefits and enlist in its services. By opting for an innovative Fintech solution tailored to their needs, customers can save time and money while gaining access to a variety of special offers and discounts that traditional providers can't offer. In this way, Fintech has the potential to be the new normal when it comes to accessing car insurance services.

While almost all states in the US have a minimum coverage requirement, drivers have the liberty to choose any level of coverage as long as it is above the state minimum. Different coverage levels come with pros and cons that are important to understand before picking an insurance policy. 

If you are unsure what level of coverage will work best for you, this guide can help you determine that.

Common Types of Coverage Include Liability and Full Coverage

Liability coverage is also referred to as third-party coverage and is the minimum coverage offered by an insurer. This level of coverage only covers damages suffered by a third party, including property damage, lost wages, cost of medical treatment, and non–economic damages. 

The pricing for liability coverage is based on the state’s minimum requirements but can vary from provider to provider.

Full coverage has all the benefits of liability coverage but also covers damages to your car, irrespective of fault. It also offers protection against other perils such as theft, fire, damages resulting from bad weather, etc. However, it does not cover other policyholders’ economic or non-economic damages besides property damage. 

If you want to better understand how the two levels of coverage work, you can check out liability and full coverage explained in this article by Marketwatch.

Choosing Between Liability and Full Coverage

The level of coverage determines the cost of premiums. So, full coverage is significantly more expensive than liability coverage. The difference in the cost of premiums leaves many drivers wondering which option will work for them. 

Here are some factors to consider when determining whether to settle for liability or full coverage.

1 - Cost of Your Car

A car is a major investment for most people, and the last thing you want is to lose your investment through an accident or any other peril. So getting full coverage is a good idea if you have a relatively expensive car. 

If your vehicle is not as expensive, you can consider dropping full coverage and liability coverage instead.

2 - Type of Ownership

Most Americans acquire cars through car financing. Car financing arrangements require borrowers to have full coverage on their vehicles as a way of minimizing their risks. 

So, getting full coverage is unavoidable if you plan to use car financing to buy your dream car.

3 - Age of Your Car

Insurance companies have a limit for car mileage that qualifies for car replacement if it is totaled. 

While it may take quite some years to hit the limit, the best rule of thumb is dropping full coverage if a car is over ten years old or when its value doesn’t warrant getting full coverage. 

4 - Budget

Your budget can also affect the type of coverage you choose for your car. However, it is important to ensure that you only buy a car whose insurance premiums you can afford. 

Otherwise, dropping full coverage on budget grounds can mean getting yourself at risk of more problems should you lose your car in an accident or through another peril.

Other Types of Insurance Coverage

Besides liability and full coverage, another type of car insurance worth paying attention to is personal injury protection coverage (PIP). PIP is a requirement in no-fault states and covers the policyholder’s medical expenses, irrespective of fault. You could also consider carrying PIP coverage even when you live in a fault state to cover you against injuries suffered in an accident wheel you are at fault.

Other types of coverage include collision insurance, uninsured motorist coverage, guaranteed auto protection (GAP) coverage, and roadside assistance. If you are still unsure which option fits you best, it would be a good idea to talk to seek help from an insurance expert. 

Your driving record indeed is one of the main factors insurance companies consider when determining how much you'll pay for your car insurance -- but it doesn't end there. Several other factors can impact your auto insurance premiums, and not always for the better. Here are some things that can increase your car insurance.

Your Marital Status

It's an unfortunate fact of life: single people will most often pay higher insurance premiums than married people. Why? The main reason is, single people are more likely to get into accidents. Drivers who are married with children are less likely to be in an accident because they tend to drive more carefully -- they have a family to think about, after all. Statistically speaking, even when married drivers do get in an accident, it tends to be a smaller claim than single drivers. Married, middle-aged women who don't smoke are the lowest risk group there is.

Your Age

It's probably no secret that younger people, particularly teenagers, pay a lot more than their adult counterparts when it comes to car insurance. No doubt many parents have experienced for themselves the massive sticker shock of putting their teenager on their car insurance policy -- according to Kristine Lee at The Zebra, teenagers pay a whopping 83% more for their car insurance than older drivers. And if those teenagers happen to get into an at-fault accident, those rates are going to go up a lot more. It could leave you searching for cheap car insurance companies in the hopes of a lower premium.

Thankfully, insurance rates drop sharply after the age of 20 or so, and they'll continue to stay lower until a driver reaches their senior years, at which point their rates will rise again. As people get older, they, unfortunately, enter a more high-risk demographic and will pay more for car insurance once they reach 80 or older.

Your Job

Though you may not realize it, your occupation plays a major part in how much you'll end up paying for car insurance. Different occupations and education levels will command different premiums. For instance, people who work from home are considered low-risk, and won't pay as much for their insurance -- they might even qualify for a low-mileage discount on top of their low-risk factor. On the other hand, truckers, Lyft and Uber drivers, delivery drivers, and anyone who drives as part of their profession is going to be at higher-risk just by being on the road all day. On the other hand, jobs that require higher education (such as academic and scientific occupations) tend to have lower insurance premiums -- statistically speaking, more highly-educated individuals are less likely to engage in risky driving behavior or get into accidents.

Several occupations could earn you a discount -- many insurance companies offer discounts for military veterans, teachers, law enforcement officers, first responders, health care workers, and more.

Buying a Fast Car

Lots of us love the idea of buying a fast, sporty car, especially if our finances are good enough that we can afford it. But you should know that the faster, flashier models of the car also cost a lot more to insure. Luxury and high-performance vehicles have more expensive replacement parts, are more difficult to repair, tend to be magnets for thieves and vandals, and encourage riskier driving behavior (like driving fast or recklessly). If you want to keep your insurance premiums sane, opt for a more reliable car with lots of safety features.

Economic Factors

Finally, some economic factors determine how much you'll pay in car insurance, most of them completely beyond your control. For one thing, the recent rise in inflation has made everything more expensive, not merely car insurance. Global disturbances such as the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, and more have wreaked havoc on supply chains, making it difficult to get replacement parts for vehicles and making those that are available more expensive to get. Things have reached a point where there's been a sharp increase in catalytic converter thefts, as these have become both expensive and hard to come by -- which not only means more payouts for insurance companies if someone's car is looted or vandalized but also for the higher cost of replacement.

So what can you do to help bring down your car insurance rates? There are a few basic steps you can take to try to lower your premiums:

● Increase your credit score.

● Maintain a clean driving record and take a defensive driving course.

● Consider increasing your deductible, bundling your insurance, and/or paying your premiums a year in advance.

● Ask your insurer what kind of discounts are available.

● Shop around and compare rates to find the best deal on cheap car insurance.


Among the most significant risks is the possibility of increased claims costs due to accidents, natural disasters, and other events.

 Companies need to know how to mitigate these financial risks that come their way or else they would accumulate major losses. If you are operating a Car Insurance in Georgia or any other part of the US, below are some of the financial risks you would have to deal with.

The financial risks faced by car insurance companies when it comes to accidents.

There are many financial risks that car insurance companies face when it comes to accidents. First and foremost, there is the risk of paying out large sums of money in damages. If an accident is particularly severe, the company may have to pay out a large sum of money to cover the cost of repairs or medical bills. Additionally, there is the risk that the company will be sued by the other party involved in the accident. If the company is found to be at fault, it may have to pay a large amount of money in damages.

The financial risks faced by car insurance companies when it comes to fraud.

There are several financial risks that car insurance companies face when it comes to fraud. One of the biggest risks is that fraudulent claims can increase the cost of premiums for honest customers. This is because insurance companies often have to pay out more in claims when fraud is involved.

Another risk is that fraudulent claims can erode customer trust and confidence in an insurance company. If customers feel that they are being cheated or taken advantage of, they may be less likely to do business with the company in the future. 

The financial risks faced by car insurance companies when it comes to liability claims.

There are some financial risks faced by car insurance companies when it comes to liability claims. One of the biggest risks is the potential for fraudulent claims. This type of fraud can be difficult to detect, and it can end up costing the company a lot of money.

Another risk is the possibility that a claim will be made against the company that is not covered by its insurance policy. This could happen if the company does not have adequate coverage or if the claim is for an amount that exceeds the policy limit. Either way, this could result in a financial loss for the company.

To mitigate these risks, insurers need to carefully manage their portfolios and pricing structures.


The state you live in, your driving history, your age, and your credit score are just some of the factors affecting your auto insurance premium. Here are a handful of ways to obtain inexpensive car insurance and the best coverage:

1 - Shop Around

It's easy to get swayed by flashy ads claiming a particular company offers the cheapest car insurance. Instead, get quotes from different companies and compare them to find the most affordable options. By shopping around, you'll be surprised to discover the difference in quotes ranges from just a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. This could be because of exclusive deals offered to specific categories of applicants such as veterans or students in good standing. Most insurance companies also offer good driver and credit score discounts.

2 - Utilize Online Resources

One way of comparing different rates to find the best deal on car insurance is to use online resources. Almost every reputable insurance company has a website and an online quote generator that can give you an idea of how much you can expect to pay for auto insurance. All it takes is a few clicks to get a list of available deals. Some companies offer deep discounts seasonally or on special holidays.

3 - Check Out Smaller Companies

You can turn to local or regional car insurance companies versus big-time national brands. Check out local and regional insurers that might be able to offer you a more affordable quote. For example, smaller insurance agencies tend to be more focused on customer satisfaction. As a smaller entity, they tend to bring a more personal touch and better ratings to the table. They might also be more open to negotiating a better rate compared to national companies.

4 - Opt for a Higher Deductible

Did you know opting for a higher deductible can help reduce your insurance rate? At the same time, make sure the deductible being presented is affordable. A deductible is a cost-sharing agreement between you and the insurance network. It refers to the amount you will have to pay for every claim while the insurance provider pays the rest. If you are a good driver and confident in your driving skills, then this is an option you should strongly consider.

5 - Tweak Your Insurance Coverage

If you don’t routinely drive long distances, you may want to consider a pay-per-mile or usage-based insurance policy. Insurance providers usually have a specific miles limit when determining rates. If you use your car less than that limit, you could be eligible for a lower rate. This option is ideal for people who work from home, carpool frequently, and drive less than 10,000 miles annually. Similarly, if the car you're insuring is old and has a low market value, you could opt out of comprehensive and collision coverage to lower your overall rate.

It's Always a Good Idea to Keep Your Options Open

Apart from these key points, factors such as the make and model of the vehicle will also come into play. Remember, any add-on benefits you have, like roadside assistance, will mean higher rates. In conclusion, take your time and keep your options open when trying to keep your car insurance costs low.



These days, understanding the costs associated with automotive insurance is like trying to solve a puzzle. Most drivers know that different variables determine their premium prices but don't know the factors that outweigh each other when they want to save money or lower costs. Understandably, the inadequate transparency in the process leaves much to be desired, making customers feel helpless and frustrated in reducing their expenses despite practising safe driving.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, insurance carriers also struggle with this problem as they face rising losses and lagging revenues. To offer a better customer experience and save their clients more money, many insurance companies have begun to turn to usage-based insurance (UBI) models to help them accurately predict costs. UBI models can reduce the dependence on generic information, such as gender or age, replacing them with real-world data. Through tools like onboard diagnostics that are equipped to monitor potentially dangerous driving behaviour, they can calculate risks accurately.

Behaviour-based insurance

UBI insurance is helpful because it can track the vehicle's performance and therefore measure risk with a reasonable level of accuracy. When paired with behaviour-based insurance, carriers and consumers can measure automobile usage and, as its name implies, the driver's behaviour. As a result, they can analyse risk more precisely than ever before, changing the calculus in favour of insurers and their drivers.

A more intelligent way forward

With behaviour-based insurance, providers and consumers can understand drivers' actual road behaviour much better when supported by modern technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. This is especially true if coupled with the smartphone, arguably the most popular onboard device in the world. So while they might have led to the prevalence of distracted driving, mobile technology is also a remedy.

Mobile device features like sensors are now utilised to prevent and identify device use while on the road. Other onboard features like lane-keeping assistance and automatic braking also make driving much safer than it otherwise would have been. Even developers and wireless carriers have begun to push solutions and services to thwart distracted driving. Some examples include locking the mobile device whenever the car starts moving or reaches a specific speed. These tools and all the information you can get can potentially lead to massive savings for drivers and their respective insurers. 


Through real-world data across millions of different devices, insurance companies are now better equipped to take stock of the risks of their prospective and existing clients. As a result, drivers can stay on top of their driving habits, not only for keeping their insurance premiums at a minimum, but more importantly, to ensure their safety and that of everyone driving on the same road.

As behaviour-based insurance continues to become more accurate and grow smarter by collecting and analysing data, there’s no doubt that the technologies supporting it will change and evolve to accommodate insurers and their customers better. And because of it, automobile insurance will increasingly become fairer, more affordable, and safer for everyone.

The benefit offered under NCB ranges from a 20%-50% reduction in the insurance premium costs. The policyholder can avail the No Claim Bonus benefit at the time of renewing their car insurance policy. It is important to note that the No Claim Bonus is only applicable on comprehensive insurance plans. NCB cannot be used with third-party car insurance. While most car owners are aware of the NCB benefit, not many know how it’s actually calculated. 

How Is No Claim Bonus Calculated?

The No Claim Bonus is offered to car owners on the basis of how many insurance claim-free years they have. Once a policyholder passes through a full policy year without making a claim, they are eligible for a 20% reduction in premium costs during renewal. This percentage goes up to a maximum of 50% for consecutive claim-free years. An individual can easily understand how No Claim Bonus in car insurance is calculated.

Policy Term  No Claim Bonus 
1 claim-free policy year 20% reduction on premium costs 
2 claim-free policy years 25% reduction on premium costs
3 claim-free policy years 35% reduction on premium costs
4 claim-free policy years 45% reduction on premium costs
5 claim-free policy years 50% reduction on premium costs

Can The No Claim Bonus Be Cancelled?

Yes, the policyholder will lose the No Claim Bonus benefit once they make a car insurance claim. Even if they have No Claim Bonus accumulated over many years, it will be reset to zero after making a claim. The policyholder will then be eligible for the base No Claim Bonus only after 1 claim-free year has passed again. The No Claim Bonus in car insurance will also be scrapped if the policyholder fails to renew their car insurance policy within 90 days from the date of expiration of the original plan. To ensure that you do not lose your No Claim Bonus, renew your car insurance plan before its expiry or within the grace period provided by your insurer. 

Benefits Of The No Claim Bonus 

Here are the main benefits you get from the No Claim Bonus in car insurance: 

As mentioned above, stacking multiple No Claim Bonus over many years allows you to get as much as a 50% reduction in the price of your insurance premiums. This can help you save a significant amount of money in the long run. 

If you are planning to buy a completely new insurance plan, the good news is that your No Claim Bonus can be transferred or carried forward to your new insurance policy. There are several insurance providers online, so If you wish to switch your insurer at the time of renewal, your existing insurance company will provide you with a No Claim Bonus certificate, which can be used to carry forward your NCB with your new insurance provider. 

How To Avoid Cancellation Of No Claim Bonus

The best way to make sure that your No Claim Bonus stays intact is to avoid making any insurance claims unless absolutely necessary. If there is only minor damage to your car that can be repaired at a lower cost, you should get the repairs done out of pocket. However, if the damage is immense, you should definitely make an insurance claim. Fortunately, you can buy a car insurance add-on cover called ‘No Claim Bonus Protection’ that will allow you to make up to 2 insurance claims in a policy year without losing your No Claim Bonus benefit. 

To Conclude

No Claim Bonus or NCB is an immensely helpful feature offered by insurance companies to policyholders which allows them to save a lot of money on premium costs. While NCB in car insurance is there to help you save money, the main reason to purchase insurance is to keep your precious car financially covered against damages. There are many myths about car finance, but there is plenty of information online for all your queries. Make sure, you don’t get discouraged from claiming insurance if your car gets involved in a major accident even if you end up losing your No Claim Bonus. 

Besides the hospital bills, costs to repair damaged property, and the damages that you might have to pay if you’re found to be at fault, you also have to consider that these expenses will also significantly affect other areas of your finances. Your car insurance premiums are bound to increase, your injuries could prevent you from going back to work, and these sudden expenses could cause you to miss out on paying some bills and loans. After a car accident, financial recovery should be your top priority (along with your health). Here are some ways to maximise your recovery.

Consult A Car Accident Lawyer

The most effective way to recover most of your finances is to file a personal injury claim. Legal experts have the knowledge, training, internal knowledge, and connections to help clients secure due compensation. They can also advise you on how to handle liability waivers, witness accounts, and how to interact with the other party. While you can indeed proceed with a personal injury claim without a lawyer, doing so would mean that you forgo your biggest advantage in the courtroom, even if you’re sure that the other party's at fault.

Minimise Your Expenses

If you’re at fault and you’ve been made to pay damages, the best course of action is to reduce your expenses as best you can. This entails making significant lifestyle changes, but doing so will keep you from getting buried in debt, which is the last thing you need right now. Unsubscribe from any non-essential services that you use, and if your car was totalled, you may need to hold off from repairing it, and instead, commute, until you can financially recover.

Renegotiate Your Loans

If you have any running loans, it’s best to get in touch with your lenders and explain to them your situation. Most lenders are more than willing to negotiate the terms of your loan as they’d rather have small consistent payouts than missed payments from their clients. This way, your credit score won’t suffer from missing payments, and this will ensure that you still have loaning options open to you in the future.

Leverage Your Insurance As Best You Can

Your car insurance is extremely useful during times like this. They can cover a portion of your medical expenses, pay for car repairs, pay for the cost of a rental vehicle, pay for lost wages, and they can even cover damages you’ve caused to the other party. Your car insurance is extremely important, and the full value of its premiums will be felt only when you need it most. Car accidents are more of an eventuality than a possibility, and the best remedy to a financial problem is to prepare for it. You should always have emergency funds for situations like these. Even if your funds don’t cover the expenses completely, it would still be a big help to have a financial buffer.

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