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You Gov Shares plummet

20th June 2024
You Gov shares decline more than a third after pollings this morning and warnings come that annual profits would fall short of their forecasts. You Gov do not make the majority of their revenue from the electoral polls and instead they are a company which conducts market research for businesses to generate their income. They […]
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SMSF Management: How to Ensure Compliance and Maximize Returns

19th June 2024
Managing a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can be both empowering and complex. As a trustee, you have the responsibility to ensure compliance with regulations while maximizing returns for your retirement savings. This dual role requires a clear understanding of your obligations and strategic financial management. Here are essential strategies to effectively manage your SMSF, focusing […]
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How Commodities Could Strengthen An Investment Portfolio

19th June 2024
Diversification is the cornerstone of a robust investment strategy, offering protection against market volatility and potential downturns.  While stocks and bonds have traditionally been the mainstay of diversified portfolios, commodity investments present a compelling opportunity to further enhance diversification and potentially boost returns. What Are Commodities? Commodities are raw materials or primary agricultural products that […]
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Inflation rate falls to target levels of 2%

19th June 2024
In the year to May Inflation rates have risen at 2% this is a decline from April’s rate of 2.3%. The fall in inflation is mainly due to a slowdown in food and drinks prices as well furniture and household goods. Despite this good news petrol prices have shot up. Inflation is not rising at […]
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Data to Decisions: How to Improve Profitability Through Analytics

19th June 2024
Is data a strategic asset and not just another commodity in the world of fast-paced business today? The answer is that the ability to collect, analyse and derive insights from data is now more important than ever for any company hoping for an edge over its competitors. Data analytics play a big role in creating […]
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How does the UEFA generate revenue?

18th June 2024
This year the EUROS is expected to raise EUR9.35 million for the Hat Trick Programme over the next 4 years. This will be revenue to improve facilities and training programmes to ensure the game improves to reach new levels. There have been reports that each of the 24 teams which reach the games in Germany […]
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Reform pledges mean this for the economy

18th June 2024
Today is the last chance to register to vote ready for the July 4th election and below we have the latest manifesto pledges from the Reform party, led by Nigel Farage. The pledges below focus on the  financial changes and how they plan to change the economy if they come into parliament this year.   […]
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Navigating B2B Investment Trends

14th June 2024
For entrepreneurs building successful business-to-business (B2B) companies, keeping a pulse on continually evolving investment dynamics is crucial for optimizing exit timing and securing maximum value. Whether through acquisition or taking the company public, understanding prevailing market forces, buyer appetites, and deal-making conditions empower owners to position their companies and proactively cultivate the right relationships strategically. […]
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Labour manifesto means more promises with little evidence

13th June 2024
Labour are promising to grow the economy and pull the UK out of the crisis they argue the conservative led the country to. They will do this by prioritising funding into areas that need it, education, the NHS and working people.   They have pledged to end the tax exemptions for private school and start […]
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Key Policy Recommendations for the 2024 UK General Election

13th June 2024
Richard Otoo and Bhagirath Jain from the Tax and Accountancy Clinic based at the Royal Docks School of Business and Law at the University of East London outline key policy recommendations for the 2024 UK General Election, emphasising tax simplification, SME support, innovation funding, regulatory reforms, and green investments to drive economic growth and sustainability. Tax Simplification and […]
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Liberal Democrats promises for the economy

13th June 2024
NHS They have pledged to increase NHS funding by £9.4bn. This will be used to increase the number of GPs by 8000 full time, qualified members. Giving Pharmacists the right to prescribe some medication in order to free up GP time and speeding up appointment waiting times. They plan to bring down waiting times for […]
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Smart Tech Solutions for Savvy Seniors: A 2024 Guide

13th June 2024
Technology is a beautiful thing that can benefit humanity. It continues to reshape every aspect of our lives, including how senior citizens care for themselves and function in society. There is plenty of innovation in the active-aging field. The US active-aging industry, which includes smart living technologies, health care, safety devices, and wellness tech, is […]
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