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Discover the essentials of safeguarding your future. This segment offers valuable insights into different types of insurance policies, including life, health, car, and property insurance. Our expert guidance helps you understand coverage options, compare premiums, and make informed decisions about the right protection for you and your loved ones.

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Stay informed about the latest trends in the insurance industry and learn how to choose policies that offer the best balance of coverage and cost, ensuring peace of mind and financial security.
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Role of Insurance Companies in Car Accident Claims

6th July 2023
When you are in a car accident and sustain injuries and losses, you will likely feel overwhelmed.
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The Ins and Outs of Filing an Insurance Claim After an Indiana Car Accident

30th May 2023
Getting into a traffic accident can be a terrifying experience, and it can be difficult to keep a level head when there are so many things to consider.
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Why Fintech is Revolutionising the Car Insurance Industry

11th April 2023
The car insurance industry has indeed been around for a long time, but it's also true that technologies such as financial technology (fintech) have completely changed how companies in this field are doing business.
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Dickson & Co Аcquires Jim Burton Insurance Services

28th February 2023
UK broker Dickson & Co (NI) Ltd, has announced a further acquisition, increasing its network of offices in Northern Ireland to eight.
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Cyber Insurance: Could Rising Premiums be a Step in the Right Direction?

31st January 2023
The perception of cybersecurity insurance and how it is used to support enterprises with business continuity has shifted significantly. Years ago, risk transference – transferring the risk of an impending cyberattack from an organisation onto its insurance company – often formed part of a reliable security strategy. This strategy was welcomed by insurers, who could previously quantify the risk of a data breach in a less volatile cyber environment.
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How to Choose the Right Level of Car Insurance: 4 Factors That Matter

21st December 2022
Irrespective of the laws of your state, having car insurance is a good idea as it provides a way of deflecting liability in the event of an accident where you are at fault. 
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5 Key Considerations When Taking Out Life Insurance for the First Time

19th December 2022
Life insurance is a key component of risk management for many adult Americans in a changing climate where violence, disease, and other threats are constantly looming unsuspectedly around the corner.
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5 Things That Can Increase Your Car Insurance

18th November 2022
When you think about what determines your car insurance premiums, you probably think first of your driving record, right?
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How to Submit an Insurance Reimbursement Claim?

15th November 2022
According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), in 2020, total health spending in the U.S. reached $4.1 trillion, or about $12,530 per person.
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How many terms of Life Insurance Should I Get for My Growing Family?

3rd November 2022
COVID-19 has made 24% of consumers more likely to discuss end-of-life planning with family, according to LIMRA’s 2022 Insurance Barometer Study.
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Financial risks faced by car insurance companies

13th October 2022
Car insurance companies are facing several financial risks that could impact their bottom line.
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How Your Home Insurance Can Help You Save Money

29th September 2022
Home insurance is a crucial part of any homeowner's protection plan.
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