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The Money section of Finance Monthly is your comprehensive guide to all things finance, from managing debt to smart investing. This section offers a wealth of resources for individuals seeking to enhance their financial literacy and take control of their finances. Written by experienced contributors, these pieces are designed to help you make informed decisions, maximize your financial resources, and navigate the complexities of the financial world with confidence.

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Compound interest calculator

26th July 2024
  What is compound interest? Compound interest is interest which applies to the whole amount earnt or owed. Compound interest uses the original deposit or borrowed amount as well as any interest previously accumulated to continue earning interest. In comparison simple interest only generates on top of the original deposited or borrowed amount.   Who […]
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4 of the most expensive TV shows to create

26th July 2024
When you’re watching your favourite show you may forget what went into making it and the large budgets that were set to bring it to your screen. Some TV shows such as Game of Thrones, we expect to have a large budget which it did, of $15 million per episode by season 8. The show's […]
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The cost of living alone in the UK

25th July 2024
  High costs of living alone Living without roommates or a partner is becoming more popular despite the high costs of living making this more difficult. Within the last year the amount of people living alone has risen from 178,000 to 237,000.   Alan Boswell Group have compared the cost of living alone to the […]
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How much does the Royal Family earn?

25th July 2024
How much does the Royal Family earn? The Royal Finance Report shows the monarchy have received an extra £45 million from the Crown Estate Profits, due to 6 new offshore wind farms which has increased the revenue for the crown. The Crown Estate profits have increased to £1.1 billion which will lead to a rise […]
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Which Streaming platform should I cancel?

24th July 2024
Compare Streaming platforms Streaming platforms are a popular way to watch our favourite films and TV’s and most people are subscribed to more than one platform. Netflix remains the most popular streaming service with over 270 million subscribers and a revenue of over $9.4 billion in just the first quarter of 2024. Amazon Prime Video […]
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How to cancel your TV license?

24th July 2024
  Do you want to cancel your TV license? More people are deciding against having a TV license due to the rising cost as well as the declining need due to alternative streaming platforms. The rate of TV license evasion jumped to 10.31% in 2022-23 from 9.38% in 2021-22, the highest figure recorded. A TV […]
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How Universities are cutting down costs

22nd July 2024
Universities are facing a financial struggle which the government have stated they cannot bail them out from. This means that either universities need to find new ways to make money and cut costs or face the threat of crippling debt into closure. UCAS data shows that there have been 316,85 UK 18 years olds that […]
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Childcare is becoming unaffordable

22nd July 2024
Summer holidays have begun and so has the panic for parents. Finding way to keep the kids entertained is always a summer struggle for parents and this year with rising costs it’s even more difficult. It’s not a surprise that parents dread the summer holidays as childcare costs rise by 6% this year.   The […]
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7 free things to do with the kids this summer

22nd July 2024
Now schools have broken up for the summer many parents are panicking over how to entertain the kids for 6 weeks. You may be planning some days out or holidays but it’s not sustainable to spend money everyday for 6 weeks so having some free activities that you can pull together easily can make summer […]
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Stock Trading in the Global Economic Landscape of 2024

22nd July 2024
The global stock market in 2024 has been marked by significant economic shifts and geopolitical developments, presenting both opportunities and challenges for stock traders. Here’s how you can approach trading stocks in the current environment: 1. Understanding Economic Recovery and Market Performance The first half of 2024 witnessed a notable economic recovery, lifting the MSCI […]
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Inflation holding steady

17th July 2024
Good news today as the inflation rate remains steady at 2% - the Bank of England’s target. The Office of National Statistics reported the forecasts from economists had placed the inflation rate at 1.9%, which unfortunately has not been met. Inflation within sectors The Bank of England was hoping for service inflation to be down […]
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Cheapest UK supermarket to shop in 2024

17th July 2024
Aldi was nominated as the UK’s cheapest supermarket with the average price of a weekly shop costing £118.41 for 65 items compared to £151.01 in Waitrose. The cheapest way to shop has been suggested as shopping in multiple supermarkets to find the best deals and to use loyalty cards too. Make sure you are shopping […]
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