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Your Thoughts: Hurricanes Vs Markets

13th September 2017
Between hurricane Harvey and Irma, states in the US have been truly ravaged by disaster. The effects of destruction have now left long lasting marks on local economies and the performance of markets, among many other things. OPEC, for example, was severely impacted by the hurricanes, as we saw demand pitfall despite continued production and […]
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What is the Government Doing About Insolvency Bonding?

13th September 2017
Insolvency practitioners are required by law to take out a bond to provide appropriate levels of security to cover any losses as a result of fraud or dishonesty on their part. Stakeholders have told the UK government that current arrangements are inflexible and prescriptive and fail to protect creditors. Following the government’s publication of plans […]
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Hurricane Prep: How Does Flood Insurance Work?

12th September 2017
Only 12% of homeowners in the US had flood insurance in 2016. For every one inch of flood, it could cost a homeowner $20,000 in damages. Here’s how flood insurance works, the average cost and if it’s too late to get covered.
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Investment in InsurTech is Soaring in 2017

12th September 2017
A recent report form PwC concludes that UK investment in InsurTech in the second quarter of 2017 surpassed that of the previous three quarters, increasing to $290 million (£218m) in the first half of 2017, compared to $9.7 million (£7.3m) the year before. Global investment in InsurTech by global insurance firms, reinsurance firms and venture […]
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Highest Sale on Record but London Buy to Let Sector Remains Sluggish

12th September 2017
According to the statistics, Price Central London began to witness a recovery in Q2, both in sales volumes and prices. This follows 2 years of stagnation as buyers held back due to Brexit and residential tax headwinds. The increase in average prices, however, can largely be attributed to a surge of high value sales with […]
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Industry Movers Riding the Wave of Bitcoin's Increasing Value

8th September 2017
Bitcoin's recent climb above the $4,500-5,000 mark is just one example of how its market capitalization continues to gain unprecedented reach. From cannabis to technology, bitcoin has impacted industries far and wide, but analysts believe that the cryptocurrency isn't done climbing. Inc. (OTC: CIIX) is one business taking advantage of bitcoin's success by setting […]
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Card Transactions on the Rise, More Proof Cash is Out?

8th September 2017
Figures released by UK Finance find the number of debit and credit card transactions grew by 12% in the UK in the year to the end of June, the highest annual rate since 2008. The value of spending also rose, accelerating to 7.2%. Lenders are currently facing the pending challenge of upping their game after […]
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Game of Loans: Homeowners Believe They Are in a Mortgage Prison

7th September 2017
Three in five (60%) people surveyed by Masthaven bank believes that they would find it hard to get a mortgage today - half (50%) of UK homeowners surveyed feel this way, indicating some may feel like mortgage prisoners. According to a new report by challenger bank Masthaven, the mortgage market is not in tune with […]
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PSD2: Forget the Payments Sector as You Know it

7th September 2017
Craig James, CEO of Neopay, tells Finance Monthly PSD2 will prove to be the most beneficial piece of legislation for fintech companies in years, and could completely change the face of the UK banking sector. While technology has grown increasingly important in the financial sector, the “traditional” industry has been slow to adapt as consumers […]
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Surprisingly More Foreign Investors Seeking London Entrepreneur Visas

6th September 2017
In a surprising turn of events, foreign investors don’t seem to be put off by Brexit. In London over 99 financial projects were backed by overseas investment beating out the likes of Paris and Berlin, foreign entrepreneurs are actively seeking out the Entrepreneur Visas to come to the UK. Globalisation: The next stage business Expanding […]
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7 Intelligent Ways SMEs Can Keep Cyber Safe

6th September 2017
Despite two thirds¹ (66%) of small businesses having been a victim of cybercrime, one in four owners (27%) admitted they aren’t up to date on the cyber security measures that could defend them against digital attacks in a recent survey by A&O IT One Solution. To help SMEs ensure their lack of dedicated IT department […]
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Phishing & Fraud: How Firms Can Avoid Biting the Bait

5th September 2017
Here Charlie Abrahams, Senior Vice President of MarkMonitor, a brand of Clarivate Analytics, discusses with Finance Monthly the problems behind cybercrime, in particular phishing and fraud. While internet commerce has enjoyed exponential growth over the past 15 years, it has also created a significant opportunity for bad actors to indulge in cybercrime. It not only […]
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