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Updated at 15:50

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Why should I get pet insurance cover?

Over the past few years, pet insurance has gained significant traction as an essential financial safety net for pet owners. As our beloved furry companions become an integral part of our families, ensuring their health and well-being has become a top priority. However, the decision to invest in pet insurance is often met with mixed […]

How to save money on car insurance down?

  Car insurance is a nuisance each time it comes around and many people have experienced increasing prices. Insurance policies take many factors into account so if you are a young driver or have had previous claims then unfortunately your insurance may be more than others. However there are a few ways you can help […]

Should I have home insurance?

What does home insurance cover? Damages from fire, extreme weather damage, smoke damage and more. Cover from burglary in the home, damages from break in and cover for any losses. Home insurance can also cover you for items inside the home such as electronics, jewellery and others. Cover form structural damage such as the ceilings, […]

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