Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

New technologies and innovative solutions are introduced constantly – most notably, blockchain technology. Blockchain can change how all aspects of accounting and auditing processes take place. 

It not only has considerable benefits for current financial systems, but it also promises new ways of performing accounting tasks with a remarkable level of transparency and accuracy. 

In this article, we'll explore the basics of accounting systems, auditing processes, and how blockchain-based technologies (such as DeFis, DAOs, or dApps) revolutionize traditional approaches.

Accounting Systems

Accounting systems are the backbone of any business's financial management. They're responsible for keeping track of every financial transaction and record so that businesses can operate within legal guidelines, make data-driven decisions, and ensure the accuracy and maintain the integrity of their finances.

With blockchain technology, accounting systems have taken on a new dimension of transparency for businesses. Because blockchain enables decentralized storage and sharing of transactional data, all participants on the network can view these transactions in real-time, thus rendering traditional bookkeeping procedures nearly obsolete.

This feature is particularly crucial for auditing purposes where transparency is vital. With blockchain technology, auditors have a greater degree of visibility into transactions leading up to the accounts they're auditing than ever before. 

Moreover, with a more transparent ledger on which to base their analyses, auditors can perform such operations faster since it takes substantially less time for them to locate relevant information within an online ledger or database without manually searching through individual documents.

Accounting systems utilizing blockchain technologies offer increased transparency providing competitive advantages for those using these advanced systems while minimizing compliance risks - which ultimately will lead to better decision-making and higher profits.


Auditing processes are vital in verifying financial statements and ensuring the accuracy of transaction records. Traditionally, the process is complex and often involves manual input systems that require a lot of time to review every individual document. 

With blockchain technology, however, auditing has become more efficient than ever before. Since financial data is stored on a distributed network of nodes, users view transactions in real-time and help eliminate inconsistencies between different ledgers.

The use of Vena as a financial consolidation software can further this process's simplification, bringing together financial information from multiple sources to quickly create a comprehensive view of an organization's finances. 

It securely automates the preparation and generation of consolidated financial statements that will allow companies to reduce operating costs and minimize human error while consolidating all data.

Smart contracts also provide predetermined rules where conditions agreed upon by multiple parties must be met before triggering specific transactions; this improves risk management as well. These factors contribute to higher efficiency through automation and systematization alongside reducing costs in operations.


Decentralization is a characteristic feature of blockchain technology that is transforming how we think about data storage and access. The concept behind decentralization is to eliminate the traditional centralized systems prone to single-point failures. For example, banks serve as intermediaries in most financial transactions, with the responsibility of recording transactions and storing data.

However, blockchain technology has replaced these intermediaries with smart contracts embedded within the transaction records of every participant on the network. The decentralized system eliminates fees associated with middlemen since value transfers occur directly between peers without reliance on trusted third parties.

In addition to eliminating middlemen from financial transactions, decentralized platforms like DeFis (decentralized finance), DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), and dApps (decentralized applications) offer unlimited opportunities for participants to use digital assets creatively. 

With DeFi solutions built on top of blockchain networks, people can obtain loans, trade stocks, or other securities without any intermediary or credit check needed - while retaining complete control over their underlying collateral.

Furthermore, DAOs enable users to vote on critical decisions collaboratively by communal voting mechanisms thus replacing traditional hierarchical structures. This mechanism creates a much more democratic and participative culture - reducing the influence few powerful individuals may have in corporations or governments.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts represent one of the essential features of blockchain-based technologies that enhance business processes while reducing costs. They are digital contracts, designed to execute automatically based on predefined rules encoded within them.

For instance, companies can set up smart contracts that automate payment processing once specific conditions are met. This feature offers transparency and trust by displaying the smart contract's code publicly so that every participant can view it. 

Moreover, smart contracts eliminate traditional intermediaries such as lawyers and banks since they reduce the risk of human errors or biases involved in manual intervention. As a result, businesses save significantly on legal fees while maximizing transactional efficiency with instantaneous settlement.

Since DeFis leverages blockchain-based technologies to offer financial services without intermediaries such as loans, insurance, trading, collective investments, and others through tokens or cryptocurrencies, it paves the way for new investment opportunities beyond traditional fiat currencies.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, whether you're an entrepreneur or an accountant, understanding these advancements can help you make more informed decisions, innovate on existing systems and take advantage of new opportunities, such as DeFis, DAOs, or dApps. So, keep exploring and experimenting with them!

Each of them adds to your total value as an employee. Your experience and level of education show what skills and knowledge you have. It can affect how well you can do your job tasks and help the company succeed. 

Your location also matters since the cost of living and demand for accounting staff may differ in different parts of the country. Lastly, the amount of responsibility you have, how complex your tasks are, and how much experience you need for your role can all affect your salary.

Some Accounting Roles That Can Pay Well

#1 - Accounting Clerk 

An accounting clerk is an entry-level role in accounting. They're in charge of different administrative and clerical tasks related to accounting. Some of their jobs are entering data, keeping records, balancing accounts, and handling bills and payments. They're generally working under an accountant.

The average salary for an accounting clerk ranges from $25,000 to $50,000 per year. It's based on their experience and where they work. Even though this is an entry-level job in accounting, there may be chances to move up in the field. They may become a staff accountant or an accounting boss with further education, certification, and training.

Accounting clerks may also get perks like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and chances to keep learning and improving their skills.

Looking at its advantages, you may want to start building your career in accounting as a promising accounting clerk. In that case, you can check out accounting clerk resume examples and start the job hunt today.

#2 - The Staff Accountant

A staff accountant or a junior accountant is also an entry-level accounting job. Its duties involve making financial statements, analyzing financial data, and balancing accounts, among other things. They may also help with audits and other responsibilities related to financial reporting. 

As Junior accountants, they're generally working under the accounting supervisor or a Senior Accountant. They may be promoted to higher-level roles as they gain experience and expertise and take on more responsibilities. This includes becoming senior accountants, accounting managers, or even controllers.

The average salary for a staff accountant can range from $40,000 to $70,000 per year. But it can vary based on where they work and how much experience they have. Staff accountants may get benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and chances to move up in the company, in addition to competitive wages.

#3 - Senior Accountant

A senior accountant is a person with a lot of experience in accounting. They're usually in charge of overseeing and directing the accounting work in an organization. They might have to make financial accounts, look at financial data, and give advice to other people on the accounting team. 

The average pay for a senior accountant depends on their experience and where they work. Still, it's usually between $70,000 and $100,000 per year. If you are a senior accountant and want to move up your career ladder, you could take on roles like accounting manager, controller, or even Chief Finance Officer. 

Senior accountants can also keep up with accounting standards, and rules changes through ongoing education and professional development. Also, they may get perks like business representation allowance, health care, retirement plans, and paid time off.

#4 - Controller

A controller is a high-level accountant overseeing a company's accounting processes and financial reporting. They're in charge of developing and putting accounting policies and procedures in place. They supervise the making of financial records and ensure that accounting standards and rules are followed. 

The average pay for a controller can be anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000 per year, based on their experience and where they work. As a boss, a controller may also have the chance to own part of the company or share in the profits. There may also be health insurance, plans for retirement, and paid time off. 

#5 - Chief Financial Officer

A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a high-level executive in the accounting field. They're responsible for overseeing an organization's financial operations and strategy. Their responsibilities mainly include financial planning and analysis, risk management, and ensuring the organization's financial health. 

The average salary for a CFO varies depending on experience and location, but it typically ranges between $150,000 to $400,000 per year. As top-level executives, CFOs may also have opportunities for their firm's equity ownership or profit-sharing. Other job benefits may include healthcare, retirement plans, representation allowances, and paid time off. 

In Sum

There are many well-paid roles that you can start within the accounting industry. If you're one who's got a passion for numbers and accuracy, then go for it. You can find more of these roles on the links here.

You can earn well in the accounting industry. Diligence and determination are some of the keys to making it big. So, go for it and unlock your potential!


Inevitably, one of the key challenges ahead lies in how finance functions comply with providing 150+ data points, some of which might not be captured in source systems. If this wasn’t enough, the requirements get more complex and verbose when operating internationally. The answer lies in global data integration and collaboration from a single platform.

Currently, corporate tax can be a manual, spreadsheet-driven task, conducted every twelve months and then submitted to HMRC or other local regulators. The complexity in the calculations lie in tax specific adjustments, to be made in the computation. In addition, there are different rules for various sectors, such as oil and gas, and finance, as well as exemptions for significant assets and machinery. Needless to say, completing accurate tax returns takes time and effort.

The impact of BEPS 2.0

Into this already complex landscape arrives the Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) 2.0 directive, a key cornerstone of the last G7 summit, which is designed to harmonise corporation tax on a global level. Aimed at limiting the impact that businesses can create by shifting profits offshore, everyone will effectively pay at a minimum rate of 15% to companies, regardless of jurisdiction, via the implementation of a so-called “top-up tax”. The rules will apply to around 500 UK-headquartered businesses.

Let’s say, for example, you have 50% of your business in the UK and the rest spread across 20 EU countries. You’re not likely to have a dedicated tax function in each jurisdiction; you’re more likely to outsource it to local experts. However, for BEPS it is vital to calculate it all and feed it back to HQ.

The real challenge lies in the data you need to gather, especially if you operate across borders – and you might not even be collecting or reporting on it yet. Deferred tax is probably the main area that will be required for BEPS reporting, but in many instances won’t be housed within your ERP system or other dedicated software. For those using Excel, it can be a long, manual process. Instead of relying on complex spreadsheets, which are prone to human error, BEPS may push you to create a single, trusted source of all data. This will ensure you can draw on all the necessary components for any new reporting requirements.

Centralising and streamlining data

But, how do we centralise our data in an efficient way? Many companies rely on their ERP systems as a natural first choice. The problem here is that lots of these companies will have complex legacy systems that date back years, making it a real pain to collate data. SAP4HANA and Oracle Fusion are good modern versions of ERP but even they won’t necessarily gather everything you need without a significant spend to customise them.

It is also important to bear in mind that corporates typically consolidate returns at a group level, and BEPS requires an additional level of consolidation, at a country level. This sounds trivial and obvious but in most instances, it is far from it. There’s a range of system implications, so you need to assess your technology from a data capture and calculation perspective and then check the gap analysis. Undoubtedly, there will be missing data, so you’ll need to figure out how to capture it.

Introducing automation

The alternative to all this manual work is to introduce automation on an integrated, tax-specific collaboration platform. The collaboration aspect is important: if you have people working across 15 countries, you’ll have local people completing their local spreadsheets and emailing them to HQ, who will then laboriously copy and paste the contents into one central document. Wouldn’t it make more sense to have one secure portal everyone can access and upload their figures to?

Finding a partner who can integrate your existing systems, and extract and collate the right data automatically will be a huge benefit. Too often, people expect to do it all from their ERP system but that’s more like the first step in a longer journey. ERP systems don’t typically cater “out of the box” for all tax-sensitive items that will be required for Pillar 2. You need to take the information from the ERP, integrate it with the tax return process, and make it available to those needing it. Thus, you can avoid spending months trapped in Excel with an approach that is quicker, more accurate, and controlled which gets it right, first time.

Some might panic in the face of BEPS requirements but there is plenty of time to do the work. It’s a big change but addressing it needn’t require lots of money or throwing teams of people at it. By thinking about the whole process – both upstream and downstream, and by introducing end-to-end integration – you can successfully compile, collaborate and complete your Pillar 2 compliance. What’s more, BEPS requirements will likely change, as it is something of a moving target; an integrated tax platform will also help you evolve in tandem with the directive and complement your own company’s growth.

The answer is yes. To be eligible for a CPA examination, all you need is a Bachelor’s degree. Of course, someone with a degree in accountancy may have it easier to pass their exams, but this depends on your learning capacity and determination.

But if you’re looking to develop your career in a field that’s reliable and growing, taking your CPA license is a good decision. As more people turn to entrepreneurship and the world of business becomes more dynamic, people will need the services of a reliable accountant. 

Still, be prepared to put in the effort because the path to earning your CPA license is quite rigorous and requires a lot of effort. To help you out, here are a few tips to consider:

Check the Education and Other Requirements in Your State

Due to an ever-changing domain and the expanding body of knowledge required from a professional accountant, CPA candidates must have at least 150 semester hours of education (valid in most states). This way, the candidates show they have the right level of technical competence and skills required to occupy such a position. 

To get the required hours of academic experience, candidates with a Bachelor’s degree should take some accounting and business courses at the graduate level. CPA testing organizations also accept undergraduate accounting degrees or MBAs with a focus on accounting.

Overall, the idea is that candidates for the CPA exam need to have a mixture of accounting, business administration (it helps to know how to make a business plan), and people skills (you’ll have to communicate with customers) to be successful in the field. Plus, non-accounting majors may also have to fulfill work experience requirements, which are different from one state to another. 

Ace Your Exams

Even though there are some fears out there regarding financial automation, getting your CPA license and establishing a practice is still a powerful career move. Businesses will continue to need the help of a human accountant for years to come, so you shouldn’t put off the exam. 

Still, before you do this, there are a few steps to take. First, make sure you meet all the requirements for licensure based on your state since you can only practice in the state(s) you are licensed for. 

Second, make sure you have access to the best learning materials and resources designed to fit your needs. For this, you should read different CPA prep course reviews to understand if they fit your learning style and meet your time requirements and constraints. 

Third, keep in mind that the CPA examination is complex and includes four sections: 

To pass the exam, you have to answer multiple-choice questions and solve task-based simulations that will test your ability to read, comprehend, and act according to the instructions. You also need at least 75 points on each section but don’t despair if things don’t go right on the first try.

The CPA exam is challenging, and it will test your determination to become a professional accountant (which is a tough job, to begin with). The good news is that you can retake the exam as many times as you need within 18 months from your first try. 

Wrap Up

CPAs need a wide range of skills outside the finance and technical realm, which is why the licensure process is challenging. However, if you like the domain and want to follow this career path, the lack of an accounting degree shouldn’t stop you from trying.


But what they may not realize is that accounting can be time-consuming and complex, especially for small businesses. This is why many business owners choose to outsource their accounting needs. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of outsourcing your accounting, and we will also provide some tips on how to find the right accountant for your business.

What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing is the practice of hiring a third-party company or individual to handle certain tasks or responsibilities for your business. This allows you to focus on other areas of your business, while still getting the job done effectively and efficiently. Namely, outsourcing your accounting can free up your time, allow for more accurate financial recordkeeping, and provide expert advice on financial decisions. There is no wonder why many businesses choose to outsource their accounting needs and why outsourcing has become a popular business trend.

What are the roles you should outsource?

When it comes to outsourcing your accounting, there are a few roles that you may want to consider handing over. The most important accounting outsourcing roles include bookkeeping, tax preparation and filing, financial statement creation, budgeting and forecasting, and payroll management. These tasks can all be time-consuming for small business owners to handle on their own. 

By outsourcing these roles to a qualified accountant or firm, you can save yourself the stress and focus on running your business.

Why accounting matters in business

Having accurate financial records is crucial in running a successful business. It helps with budgeting, and decision-making, and can also prevent any costly legal issues. Outsourcing your accounting means that you have access to professionals who are experts in the field and can handle all of your financial recordkeeping accurately and efficiently. This allows you to focus on other aspects of running your business.

Also, having a professional accountant can provide valuable insights and advice on financial decisions for your business. They can help with budgeting, tax planning, and providing financial forecasts for the future of your business.

Tips for finding the right accountant

When outsourcing your accounting, it is important to find an accountant or accounting firm that fits the needs and goals of your business. Here are some tips on how to find the right fit: 

Once you have found the right accountant, establish clear communication and set expectations for their responsibilities.

Accounting basics that your company should practice

Even if you choose to outsource your accounting, it is important for business owners and managers to have a basic understanding of financial recordkeeping. This includes regularly keeping track of income and expenses, setting budgets, forecasting future financial needs, and filing taxes correctly and on time.

Once you are more confident in your accounting skills, you can consider taking on certain tasks yourself or delegating them to other team members. However, outsourcing your accounting needs can provide peace of mind and allow for more accurate financial recordkeeping in the long run.

Account reconciliation, tax planning, and cash flow management

Outsourcing your accounting can provide many benefits and leave you free to focus on other aspects of running your successful business. Consider the roles that you may want to outsource and find a qualified accountant or firm that fits the needs of your business. Remember to practice basic financial recordkeeping, while also utilizing the expert advice and insights that a professional accountant can offer. This can lead to improved cash flow management, tax planning, and overall financial success for your business. 

How to make the most out of outsourcing your accounting

Once you have chosen to outsource your accounting, there are a few steps you can take to make the most out of this decision. 

While outsourcing your accounting may require an initial investment, it can ultimately save you time and stress while leading to improved financial success for your business. 

Gain expertise and save on costs

When you opt to outsource your accounting, you gain access to professionals who have the expertise and skills necessary for accurate and efficient financial recordkeeping. This can save time and stress for both you and your business, while also potentially saving on costs in the long run. Consider outsourcing as a valuable investment toward the success of your business.

Not to forget, the experienced advice and insights that a professional accountant can provide can be valuable for financial decision-making and the overall success of your business. So take the time to find the right fit for your needs, and make the most out of outsourcing your accounting. 

What to consider when choosing to outsource

While outsourcing your accounting can provide many benefits, it is important to carefully consider the specific needs and goals of your business. Research potential accountants or firms and make sure they have a specialization and understanding of your industry. Meet with them to discuss how they can help you achieve your financial goals. Establish clear communication and expectations for their responsibilities, and regularly review and analyze your financial records. Outsourcing your accounting can lead to improved cash flow management, tax planning, and overall success for your business. Do not hesitate to reinvest in the expertise of a professional accountant – it may just be the key to future growth and success for your company.  

Now that you are aware of the potential benefits and considerations, it is up to you to weigh the options and decide if outsourcing your accounting needs is right for your business. Remember that gaining the expertise and insights of a professional accountant can lead to improved financial decision-making and success in the long run. So take some time to research your options, communicate expectations clearly, and make the most out of outsourcing your accounting needs.

Starting a business comes with many challenges and it can be difficult to know where to begin financially. Here we share our top tips on how you can run a business with no money.

Think about what you can access for free

It is true that when running a business there are many costs to consider which soon add up. However, take time to consider what you might be able to do for free. Think about things that are essential to the running of your business; this will help you prioritise what is strictly necessary and what is a luxury.

The internet is a valuable resource. If you are willing to spend time and effort, much of what you need might be at your disposal. There are so many free tutorials and courses available online that may be able to teach you the skills you need to take your business to the next level without employing a specialist.

For things such as accounting or bookkeeping, you may be able to save money by doing this yourself. In the first years of the business especially, it may be better to manage this yourself rather than pay for someone external to do it.

It can be tempting to spend money on social media accounts or other marketing strategies, especially if you are trying to build brand awareness. However, this takes time and more importantly money and does not always yield the customers that you would think. 

The best course of action is to first establish your business and then develop marketing strategies that resonate with your target demographic. You can also look at free marketing strategies such as SEO or referral marketing.

Save up before starting your business

Before starting your business, it is recommended that you have around six months’ worth of money saved up. Although it is not ideal to tap into your savings to cover expenses, it is useful to have it there as a safety net. 

Realistic business plans need to take into account exactly what you are spending, exactly what revenue you are bringing in, and when you can expect to see a profit. This will help you know exactly how much you will need to save as a safety net until you have regular cash flow.

Ask around for extra funds

“Friends and family can be a big help when it comes to making your business dreams a reality,” explains Justine Gray, founder of

“Make sure you have a solid business plan that you can present to them; if they believe in your business model, they could be the early investors of the company.”

“Not only that, but they can offer valuable advice and input. Think about who you have in the network that could offer you strategic or practical business advice based on their own experiences.”

“Even if they do not offer you financial support, they are a great resource for bouncing ideas, networking, or could even be some of your first customers.”

“If you do borrow money from a family member or friend, make sure to keep careful records and stick to a strict repayment schedule, as you would with any other type of loan.”

Apply for a small business loan

If you need more capital after running your business with zero funds, there are plenty of options available for small business loans. Whether you need additional cash flow or are hoping to take your business to the next level, there are many different loans available that could suit your needs.

 If you already have a bank account, you might qualify for a business bank account with the same bank. Additionally, there are several online lenders available who may be more accessible to you if you have a smaller credit history or the business is relatively new. 

There’s no one to blame for this. After all, to make the occasional oversight and error is only human, and in such a complicated field, we are only as good as the tools and processes at our disposal.

But with the world changing and developing faster than ever, every industry is looking for ways to utilize the advancements available to minimize risk, reduce mistakes, and simplify their processes simultaneously.

In fast-paced, stressful, and intricately detailed industries like accounting and finance, it’s no surprise to see companies looking for digital solutions to manage their workloads and help staff streamline processes that were once prone to so many unexpected errors.

For this reason, automation has seen a rise in popularity.

What is Accounts Payable Automation?

Accounts payable automation (also commonly referred to as AP automation) is a software system that integrates the online network of a business to connect teams, simplify accounts payable processes, and create a cohesive method of invoice payments and other business financial transactions to reduce the potential for mistakes and oversights.

Processing that’s Prompt, Precise, and Paperless

With AP automation, scanning and e-invoices are used through electronic submissions of forms and other documents to accomplish the needs of a company’s accounts payable processes.

Payroll staff, suppliers, and purchase orders can all exist in unison to speed up administrative tasks, highlight errors before they reach the system, and minimize the amount of physical paperwork required to achieve all of this.

The Main Benefits of Accounts Payable Automation

With new technologies and advancements being introduced to so many different aspects of a business, it’s important to understand exactly what the benefits of accounts payable solutions have to offer your specific business.

To ensure you’re on the right track, here are some of the improvements that your payments departments can expect from AP software.


Approval times, communications, and payments can be achieved with more efficiency and fewer hold-ups with AP automation. The transition between systems isn’t a concern due to the software’s ability to integrate seamlessly with existing systems.

Greater Speed

By eliminating most of the manual processing stages, AP software can speed up all invoice processing and eliminate wasted hours between members of staff in comparison to the time it takes to process a physical invoice.

More Cost-Effective

Automation helps reduce labor expenses and the costs that come with storing and postage of critical accounts data. These considerable cuts in business costs can also lead to saving more time and making better use of your resources.

Better Accuracy

By removing the chance for human errors occurring in your transactions and payments processes, you can benefit from more accuracy and avoid mistakes that could be potentially harmful to your business.

More Trackable and Transparent

Automated accounts payable processes are built with compliances within the system. This allows concerns like fraud and security issues to be tracked faster and more easily prevented. Operating with complete transparency, suspicious transactions and activity can be spotted quicker and are easier to follow.

The Three Main Steps of AP Automation

Accounts payable automation assists a business with unifying its tasks on one digital platform through the following three simple but effective steps.

Invoices and Receipts

Digital invoicing and receipts like PDFs, paper-to-electronic conversions, and B2B connections can be received through a digital supplier portal that facilitates sharing of data and financial information.

These invoices and receipts, whether paper or electronic, are scanned and processed using AI software. Once complete, these documents, dates, and other digital data pieces are stored safely and securely in a cloud.

Matching Data and Simplifying Workflow

That captured and stored data then gets quickly and intricately matched to its designated team or individual responsible for it. Invoices and receipts are paired with their purchase orders before being sent off to the relevant accounting departments for payment.

Secure Archiving and Ease of Access

A digital audit trail of every action, movement, and transaction that was taken for every invoice is then archived. These archives are protected but are easy to access when needed for any financial auditing purposes, allowing a safe but easy-to-locate method of finding older invoices on your database.

What ROI Can you Expect to get from AP Automation?

While many different factors can contribute to your return on investment, there are several ways in which you can expect to get a considerable ROI on your AP investment, including:

● Reduced financial loss due to human error

● Continual on-time payments made

● Reduced time and savings for labor costs

● Decreased staffing costs

● Increased discounts for early payments

● Fewer invoicing processing costs

Aside from the ROI benefits, you can also expect to achieve a more streamlined process, easier auditing, increased employee productivity, and customer satisfaction.

Commonly Asked Questions about Accounts Payable Automation

Inevitably, with so many variables to consider and so much information at stake, businesses will have some questions to confirm, reassure, or clarify their concerns and queries. Below are the most commonly asked ones regarding AP automation.

Will AP automation work with our existing accounting systems?

Yes. AP automation solutions are designed to integrate easily with ERP and other financial systems, facilitating integration and safer data flow in real time. 

Can AP automation prevent fraudulent acts and duplicate payments?

Digital checking means that every invoice is scanned, checked, and flagged when duplicates are found. This innovative method means duplicates are prevented earlier instead of after the fact.

With faster and more efficient processes, you’ll be able to pinpoint suspicious activity, identify fraudulent practices, and bolster the security of your company’s financial tasks.

Can my suppliers use this to submit invoices?

Your suppliers will have the ability to interact with these automated systems via their supplier hub. From this portal, they’ll be able to constantly check the status of their invoices, submit new ones, and reduce administrative inquiries.

How can AP automation solutions help with invoice-related communications?

It can quickly help resolve invoice-related queries and concerns by providing you with a detailed and accurate record of all dates, questions, and authorizations regarding all your invoices. These are easily accessible for all parties to get everyone on the same page faster and improve the overall efficiency of your business needs.

Today, perhaps more so than previously recognised, nonprofits have garnered immense support from the civil community, as the internet and social media enable them to share their causes more frequently and to a wider audience. 

According to The NonProfit Times, a leading publication and media outlet for nonprofitable organisations, 2021 contributions totalled more than $484.85 billion, with 67% coming from individuals alone, a significant increase from the 33% it represented at the start of the century in 2000. 

As society and younger generations look to become more vocal around the causes and communities nonprofits serve, the more than 1.5 million American nonprofits - that employ around 10% of the American workforce, and contribute roughly 5.4% to the nation's GDP - will only increase their impact and empower them to advance their mission. 

Although nonprofits do make a difference in our civil society, whether it’s through the programmes they orchestrate or the support they offer, regulatory factors regarding taxation and accounting still require nonprofits to adhere to strict protocols outlined by the federal government and the Internal Revenue Services (IRS).

Luckily for the 27 types of nonprofit organisations, there are specific rules that guide them on their tax-deductible contributions and nonprofit accounting. 

To make sense of this whirlwind of information, this simple guide looks to help add more clarity for accountants, and non-accountants that have found themselves working for a nonprofit. Here’s a simple look at the basics for beginners. 

Nonprofit Tax-Exemption Status

Seeing as nonprofits conduct efforts on a charitable basis, with most of the donations and proceeds going towards fulfilling the organisations' mission, a majority of these groups and organisations will generally be exempt from paying federal taxes. 

Organisations are only exempt if they meet requirements outlined by Publication 557 on Tax-Exempt Status released by the Department of the Treasury and IRS. 

With no direct ownership, shareholders or investors, nonprofits are required to fulfil certain requirements to keep their nonprofit status - and this is where nonprofit accounting becomes a crucial part of their operations. 

A Short Summary Of Nonprofit Accounting 

Oftentimes referred to as fund accounting, nonprofit accounting records all financial and monetary accounts held by the organisation. 

Seeing as all nonprofits are different, the fund accounting system works to keep track of income and expenses to help ensure organisations can achieve their goals and adhere to regulatory conditions. 

Nonprofit accounting can include some of the following: 

Simply put, nonprofits will need to appoint a treasurer or accountant that will help to balance the books and keep track of funding accounts. 

Setting up a budget 

Just like with for-profit businesses and companies, a budget helps to determine how profits will be used to achieve certain goals, and how the money will be allocated accordingly. 

For nonprofits, a budget may look somewhat different, as they generate income from donations and other forms of charitable causes. This means a budget will usually have an expected income and expenses. 

The expected income and expenses will outline where money will be coming from, whether it’s through corporate contributions, in-kind donations, voluntary work, or other programmes. At the same time, expenses will help keep track of where nonprofits are spending money including payroll, programmes, and events. 

Analysing financial records and statements

The second part of fund accounting is making sure to analyse financial records and statements the nonprofit incurs during the financial period. As with regular businesses, financial records and statements help to keep track of all income generated by the organisation, where it was spent, and how it got there. 

For the sake of accounting and taxation purposes, nonprofits must make use of digital tools that will help them manage and control their financial statements more seamlessly. Ultimately, these statements act as a way to keep a record of all accounts, and expenses a nonprofit generates over time. 

Recording transactions

As mentioned, financial statements can play a big part in the overall funding account management procedure and seeing as many nonprofits will oftentimes receive in-kind donations and voluntary aid, these will need to be recorded as well. 

In-kind donations are those that are acted upon by a person or company as a gesture of goodwill. For example, if a photographer says that he will assist with new portraits and photographs for the organisation's website, the nonprofit will need to record the in-kind donation in their statements. 

The nonprofit will have a separate account in its accounting ledgers for all in-kind donations and will record a receipt based on the fair market value of the donation. Thus saying, if the photographer charges $550.00 for 100 photos, the nonprofit will record the $550.00 as an in-kind donation. 

Managing various bank accounts

Smaller nonprofits may have one or two bank accounts at the beginning, but over time, as the organisation grows, different bank accounts will be required for different activities. 

Some nonprofits may have a regular check account but will have a separate savings account for emergencies. Some financial institutions offer tailored checking accounts for nonprofits that act as regular business accounts but have been customised for nonprofits. 

It’s not a smart idea to have a singular bank account from which all transactions are conducted, as this makes accounting practices increasingly difficult and complex. 

Performing bank reconciliations

Both individuals and businesses tend to perform bank reconciliations when it comes to filing annual taxes. A bank reconciliation is simply checking to see whether transactions completed on a specific bank account line up with those recorded on the financial statements. 

The bank reconciliation helps to keep track of purchases and expenses that may be exempt from tax, or which are filed and accounted for differently. 

Fund accounting and bookkeeping

Then finally, fund accounting and bookkeeping are where most nonprofits will start to organise their financial and monetary statements or transactions in one place. 

Instead of having different ledgers that help to keep track of the various transactions completed by the nonprofit, some organisations tend to make use of automated software and computerised programmes to help keep all their financial proceedings in one secure place. 

Additionally, it’s advised that nonprofit organisations make use of some form of bookkeeping and accounting services that are tailored to their needs and their tax-exempt status. Not only does it help them ensure more financial credibility, but it enables them to align their financial proceedings with their missions and regulatory factors. 

To Finish Off 

We know that nonprofit organisations play a massive role in our general community and civil society, acting as a voice for disadvantaged communities across the world. While it’s true that these organisations can make a difference, regardless of their mission, they must align their accounting and financial position with the regulatory factors outlined by federal authorities. 

Nonprofit accounting may seem like a tumultuous challenge at first, but once a person gets used to the ins and outs, it becomes almost instinct for people to keep better track of their financial situation. 

A robust and effective AR management procedure can differentiate between dwindling capital and a thriving business. However, businesses that continue to operate their AR manually will encounter numerous roadblocks that negatively impact cash flow and customer satisfaction.

To understand the accounts receivable process and its common goals, you must first master accounts receivable fundamentals. In this article, we shall define accounts receivable goals and objectives and offer guidance on how to set accounts receivable goals. 

What Is Accounts Receivables Management?

Management of accounts receivable is an integral part of any business organisation. It substantially affects customer relations, cash flow, operating capital, and your business's bottom line.

Accounts receivable (AR) are payments owed to your business for services or products that have already been provided. The process of ensuring that these payments are made accurately, on time, consistently, and dependably is a proper Accounts Receivable Process. A well-managed AR reduces overdue accounts and the time and effort required to manage them.

Outsourcing Accounts receivable services encompasses a variety of processes. It will include credit extension, customer relations, billing, monitoring and analysis of payment trends, collections, and payment reconciliation.

What Are The Common Goals Of The Accounts Receivable Management Process?

Accounts receivable can be a common source of stress for businesses, with late payments causing countless funding and cash flow issues for many businesses. Setting SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound performance goals for accounts receivable services can help you optimise your process and decrease the amount of time it takes for your customers to pay you. So, here is the list of the goals of the accounts receivable management process:

1. Integrate A Structured Credit Approval Process

Establishing a system for credit approval necessitates consultation with the finance and accounting departments, as the decision to either grant or deny credit to a vendor could affect your revenue. Determine the requirements for establishing a line of credit with your organisation, including override and credit hold conditions. Allowing your customers to submit their applications through an automated system can reduce clerical errors and prevent fraud.

2. Define KPIs And Objectives

Your organisation's initial accounts receivable performance objective should be centred on its objectives and KPIs. In the end, it is difficult to determine the scope of your invoice problems without the whole picture. The most prevalent metric in accounts receivable debtor days significantly impacts cash flow. Therefore, reducing the total number of debtor days should be one of your primary goals and objectives for the accounts receivable process.

There are, of course, many other metrics that you should monitor, such as the number of aged debts, the number of follow-up calls made to clients, the percentage of debts written off each month, the percentage of clients who pay late, and the number of reminders sent to clients. Choose the metrics that best meet the needs of your business and strive to reduce them as much as possible.

3. Instituting The Usage Of Credit Transactions

The company may adopt the practice of providing credit policies to its customers. This credit may be extended for a predetermined period, and any default on this payment is typically subject to a penalty. This credit facility practice requires two parties to agree on the terms and conditions for such credit transactions. Before agreeing to these terms, the provider of this facility should also verify the customer's ability to make payments to avoid a loss of cash flow.

4. Reduce Losses Sustained From Bad Debts

Blocked cash means insufficient funds to conduct daily activities. No company would want to incur losses of any kind. Inefficient receivables management would result in bad debts, ultimately leading to losses. Receivable management will allow you to keep a close eye on the payment schedule, allowing you to follow up regularly with your debtors and maintain optimal cash flow levels.

5. Billing Clients Online

Online billing is standard in today's business world; implementing it should be one of your accounts receivable optimisation goals if you're not already doing so.

In terms of speed and ease, there is no comparison between online billing and mailing paper invoices. The former is immediate, whereas snail mail is so named for a reason. Similarly, it is much more convenient and straightforward to bill customers online. Creating and sending invoices is less cumbersome when you have everything in one place, and keeping track of payments is a breeze.

6. Collecting Money

Although it may seem obvious, the customer must be billed if cash is to be collected. Therefore, invoices must be sent promptly and accurately. The receipt of your invoice is the initial indicator of the effectiveness of your debt collection system for a business. If invoices arrive late and are inaccurate, your accounts receivable department will be perceived as inefficient, and customers may exploit this perceived weakness to delay payment.

In addition, if an invoice is incorrect, some customers may use this as an opportunity to assert that there is a dispute on the account and, as a result, suspend payment on all invoices until the dispute is resolved.

7. Accounting And Billing

Invoicing supports the Accounts Receivable Process in addition to credit approvals and data management. Here's how to bill professionally and efficiently.

First and foremost, you want your invoices to be accurate, so maintain detailed records of the work, products, and services you will be billed for. Also, provide clear payment terms to avoid any confusion. Include all the terms that were agreed upon with the customer on the invoice to prevent any misunderstandings, and be sure to adhere to these terms as well. Again, this demonstrates to your customers that you are trustworthy.

8. Give Customers Multiple Payment Options

The majority of businesses prefer to conduct transactions online, but some would rather pay invoices with cash or checks. For instance, certain software permits customers to pay via credit or debit card, ACH bank draught, or by mail. Utilising a billing platform that allows you to send invoices and accept multiple payment methods makes it easier for every customer to pay their invoices.

9. Sending Reminder Emails

When the payment is due or past due, you should send a well-written email to your customers to remind them to settle their debt. This is essential for maintaining good customer relationships and a steady revenue stream.

An automated payment solution makes optimising your email payment reminders easier. For instance, with online applications, you can compose reminder emails, customise them based on the recipient, and set up an automatic trigger to send them.

Thus, customers who are late on their payments will automatically receive your email reminder without your intervention. It is essential to send email reminders, but it can be tedious and time-consuming. The described process optimisation makes an enormous difference.

10. Establish A Transparent Credit Approval System

Given that you are lending money to your clients, one of the most effective accounts receivable process goals and objectives is to establish a clear and concise credit approval policy. It is essential to specify the specific conditions under which credit limits can be exceeded, if applicable, and what must occur for an account to be placed on hold.

To accomplish this, the accounts receivable services team should collaborate closely with finance and sales to determine which policies make the most sense for your current clientele. Additionally, you should regularly review your credit limits to ensure that your policy is still applicable. Finally, depending on the circumstances, you may need to modify your policy to better align it with changing business and economic conditions.

11. Develop A Resolution System For Billing Disputes

Almost all businesses handle disputed invoices, and establishing a procedure for resolving them can lead to more satisfied customers and paying bills. Before providing the vendor with a product or service, informing them of the terms of the transaction enables them to ask questions or express any concerns before receiving an invoice. Explain each item on the invoice and offer an alternative solution if a vendor disputes their bill, such as a payment plan.

12. Streamline The Billing Process

When invoicing is not handled effectively, accounts receivable frequently run into problems. From incorrect client information to a failure to send the invoice promptly, errors in your invoice workflow can cause delays and prevent you from receiving payment. It is also important to review when you send invoices, as many businesses send invoices in batches, causing a cash flow bottleneck.

When considering your accounts receivable process objectives, you should consider automating whenever possible. By automating your process with an electronic billing system, you can reduce the risk of human error and ensure that invoices are issued as soon as the work is completed, thereby increasing your cash flow and reducing administrative burdens on both sides.


The condition of accounts receivable can reflect on the business as a whole. For example, if they are well-organised, the finances are sound, the customer relationships are thriving, and the employees are content. On the other hand, if they are a mess, the opposite is true.

A good question is how you can determine the status of your accounts receivable; achieving the goals discussed in this article is one way to determine if you are on the right track. Reaching all of them will ensure that your accounts receivable services are optimised.

Proposals to break up the dominance of the so-called “Big Four” audit firms and scrap the industry regulator have been unveiled by the UK government.

The aim of the proposed reforms is to improve regulatory standards and force company directors to take greater responsibility in ensuring accounts are accurate. Failure will result in the imposition of new, tougher penalties.

The plans to overhaul the sector come in the wake of the large-scale collapse of several prominent companies including Thomas Cook, Carillion and BHS. These collapses were cited by business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng as evidence that the UK audit regime “needs to be modernised with a package of sensible, proportionate reforms.”

“Restoring business confidence, but also people’s confidence in business, is crucial to repairing our economy and building back better from the pandemic,” Kwarteng said. “When big companies go bust, the effects are felt far and wide with job losses and the British taxpayer picking up the tab.”

The government’s new proposals would require KPMG, Deloitte, PwC and EY – the “Big Four” firms in the global accountancy and audit industries – to make their auditing processes more rigorous, and could place a cap on the number of FTSE 350 companies they are allowed to audit if these improvements are judged to be lacking.

Almost a third of FTSE 350 audits inspected last year were in need of improvement, the government said.


To “water down the supremacy” of the largest auditors, the government’s proposals suggest that big firms be required to use smaller “challenger” firms to conduct a portion of their annual audit. This is also intended to mitigate concerns of conflicts of interest arising from large firms providing both accountancy and auditing services.

Bill Michael, chairman of Big Four accounting firm KPMG, has stepped aside after the company launched an investigation into controversial comments he allegedly made to staff during a virtual meeting on Monday.

Michael reportedly told consultants to “stop moaning” about the impact of the pandemic and lockdown measures on people’s lives, and that they should stop “playing the victim card”. Around a third of the firm’s 1,500-member consulting team were in attendance.

Michael later rejoined the meeting and apologised for his comments, according to the Financial Times, and KPMG launched an “independent investigation” into his conduct.

"Mr Michael has decided to step aside from his duties as chair while the investigation is underway," a KPMG spokesperson said. "We take this matter very seriously and will not comment further while the investigation is ongoing."

During the meeting, staff reportedly complained about Michael’s statements using an app to post comments anonymously. Some allegedly expressed anger that he had dismissed concerns about possible cuts to staff bonuses, pay and pensions.

The chairman’s comments were particularly poorly received after a staff poll discussed at the beginning of the meeting showed that a high proportion of consultants were struggling to cope during the pandemic, according to the FT.

Michael has presided over a tumultuous period for the firm. KPMG has recently come under scrutiny for its audit of government contractor Carillion, which collapsed in 2018 with £1 billion of debt. Sales for 2020 fell 4% to £2.3 billion as the COVID-19 pandemic forced KPMG’s clients to cut back on expenses.


Last week KPMG UK’s full-year results revealed that Michael was paid £1.7 million last year, down from £2 million in 2019.

Whether you are a new startup or you are an established business in your niche, taking the right approach to your small business accounting is crucial for the success of your enterprise moving forward. With the right financial data at your disposal, you can make better-informed decisions about the future of your business, assess your performance and adapt to changing trends with ease. 

Failing to maintain proper financial records can cause your business all sorts of problems down the line. From delaying the receipt of payments to cash flow problems and issues with filing your taxes, poor financial management can quickly spell disaster for small businesses. To ensure that you stay in control of your business finances, it’s important that you adopt the right accounting habits this year to set your small business up for success in 2021. 

Let’s take a closer look at five accounting habits you should adopt in 2021 to help you to stay in control of your business finances. 

Maintain Proper Records

One of the most important accounting habits that any business owner can adopt is keeping good records. Keeping meticulous records will ensure that you keep track of all of your income expenses, that you get paid on time and that you have the financial information you need when reporting time rolls around. Having access to up-to-date and accurate financial data will also allow you to make better-informed business decisions going forward.

Seek Professional Advice

Business owners wear many hats, contributing to many aspects of the business. When it comes to managing your finances, you need to ensure that you have the right advice to help you keep your business on track. Seeking out professional financial advice will help you to gain a better understanding of your accounts and implement systems that will help you to manage your finances more efficiently. 


Invest In The Right Tools

Modern cloud-based accounting programs can help you to manage your business accounts and meet your reporting obligations with ease. These powerful accounting solutions are capable of automating many of your financial recording and reporting tasks, giving you more time to focus on the daily tasks associated with running your business. Choosing the right accounting software to meet the needs of your business will allow you to manage your business accounting with more precision and confidence.

Remain Tax Compliant

As a business owner, you need to ensure that you meet your tax reporting obligations to the ATO. At the beginning of the financial year, be sure to enter all of your report due dates into a calendar or other organiser so you know what reports are required and when they are due. Taking an organised approach towards your business tax reporting obligations will ensure that you avoid incurring any penalties or fines which could hinder your business at tax time. 

Monitor Your Expenses

Having a clear understanding of your business expenses is essential in planning for the future needs of your business. Being able to identify where you are overspending or where you are investing with little return will help you to make changes as required. Whether you will need to reduce your spending, seek financing or generate more income, monitoring your expenses closely is key in maintaining your profitability and having adequate cash flow to allow you to operate optimally.

Take The Right Approach To Your Business Accounting In 2021 And Beyond

Managing your business finances is a constant struggle for many business owners. With a new year beginning, now is the time to reassess your accounting habits and make positive changes going forward. Take the right approach to your business accounting in 2021 and adopt new accounting habits that will allow you to stay in control of your business finances and on track toward your financial targets.

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