Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

Imagine standing at the crossroads of the digital currency universe, where two of the most influential cryptocurrencies, Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC), intersect. This is not a mere intersection, but a gateway, a portal that allows you to convert one cryptocurrency into another. As a result, the question of how to swap ETH to BTC arises. Today, we will guide you on the journey of ETH to BTC swaps.

This journey is not just for the seasoned crypto navigators but also for those who have just set sail in the vast ocean of digital currencies. Knowing how to convert Ethereum to Bitcoin is like having a magic key that can unlock new opportunities for investment and diversification. Follow this guide to navigate the process and learn all about the exchange of two major players on the market - ETH to BTC.

What is Ethereum (ETH)?

Ethereum (ETH) is not just a cryptocurrency but more of a decentralized global computer. It was funded through crowdfunding, making it decentralized from the start. Ethereum is in the process of a significant change from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake. With a market cap of $198 billion, Ethereum is the second-largest blockchain network in the world. It hosts nearly 6,000 decentralized apps (DApps) and functions as the base infrastructure for several crypto trading platforms, DeFi protocols, and NFT marketplaces.

What is Bitcoin (BTC)?

Bitcoin, although less mysterious and more widespread, also has some intriguing aspects that are not widely known. For instance, a bug in 2010 led to the accidental creation of 184 billion BTC, far exceeding the intended maximum limit of 21 million. However, this issue was quickly rectified, and the maximum limit was reinstated. Another interesting fact is that the smallest unit of bitcoin is called a “satoshi,” which is equal to 0.00000001 BTC. Together, all these make the question of how to swap ETH to BTC even more important.

Why Do Users Swap ETH to BTC?

Users might look for ways to convert ETH to BTC for various reasons. One of the primary reasons is portfolio diversification. By holding a diverse range of cryptocurrencies, investors can mitigate risk across different assets. Due to the high volatility in cryptocurrency values, maintaining a variety of assets can safeguard investments against market fluctuations.

Where to Swap ETH to BTC?

There are several platforms where users can swap ETH to BTC. These include places like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, and more. However, the majority of our readers prefer SimpleSwap as a convenient way to convert ETH to BTC. The platform stands out as a reliable and user-friendly platform for swapping ETH to BTC

How to Swap ETH to BTC: Swapping Guide

One solution for those wondering how to transfer ETH to BTC is through a platform like SimpleSwap.

1. Choose the crypto pair.

Select ETH in the “You send” section and enter the amount you wish to exchange. Then choose BTC in the “You get” section. Click “Exchange”.

2. Add the recipient’s address.

Enter the recipient’s address. The ETH will be sent to this address after the exchange.

3. Send the deposit

You’ll see an address to send the indicated amount of BTC to continue your swap.

4. Get cryptocurrencies

After receiving your deposit, SimpleSwap will convert it and send the ETH to the wallet address you provided.

How the Exchange (Swap) Process Looks Like

Before we delve into the specifics of how to exchange ETH to BTC, let’s pause to comprehend the procedure. By following a well-defined and organized approach, you can facilitate the exchange process with ease and efficiency. It’s important to note that this procedure is not exclusive to the method to buy Bitcoin with Ethereum - it can also be applied to any crypto pair.

Benefits of Exchanging ETH to BTC

Swapping the two can offer several benefits, some of which are discussed below:

The exchange allows you to distribute your investments across multiple cryptocurrencies, taking advantage of the distinct strengths and opportunities each coin presents. This strategy can reduce the impact of volatility in any one cryptocurrency and potentially improve the overall performance of your portfolio.

Historically, Bitcoin has demonstrated higher returns than Ethereum. While past performance does not guarantee future outcomes, many investors exchange ETH for BTC with the aim of benefiting from Bitcoin's market trends and its potential for high returns. However, it’s crucial to understand that higher potential returns also come with greater risk.

Bitcoin, being the first and most widely adopted cryptocurrency, has a larger market volume and broader application than Ethereum. This means Bitcoin is accepted and recognized by more businesses and individuals worldwide, making it potentially a more liquid and versatile investment. Swapping ETH to BTC could therefore offer more opportunities for use and potential appreciation.

Bitcoin transactions generally have lower fees compared to Ethereum, especially during periods of high network congestion. This can make Bitcoin a more cost-effective option for frequent transactions. However, transaction fees can vary and should be checked at the time of the transaction.


In conclusion, the choice of how to convert ETH to BTC can be a strategic move both in the short term and in the long term. While the process may seem complex at first, platforms like SimpleSwap make the process straightforward and accessible. As with any financial decision, it’s important to do your research and understand the potential risks and rewards.

In recent years, both Bitcoin and gold have become famous investment options. Gold is one of the most popular long-term investments that has stood the test of time for centuries, being considered a symbol of security and wealth. On the other hand, Bitcoin, the 21st century asset, is a digital currency that gathered the attention of people from all over the world, sparking both skepticism and intrigue.

In the universe of investment, there has appeared a debate on whether it is good to keep investing in traditional assets or adopt emerging digital alternatives. However, this dilemma depends on many factors, so to help you make a good decision, we have prepared a comprehensive comparison of the advantages and drawbacks of both options.

Historical context


Gold is an asset cherished and loved since ancient civilizations. From the Roman Empire to the Egyptian pharaohs, gold has been a cornerstone of power, wealth and trade. Because gold has an intrinsic value, it has become a medium of exchange. For instance, in the 19th century, it represented the backbone of the global monetary system, and numerous countries around the world have adopted the gold standard.

Fiat money has risen and fallen over the years, but gold maintained its title of a reliable store of value and still represents a haven in those times of economic uncertainties.


Bitcoin appeared in 2008 when an anonymous person or group of people, known under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, published a whitepaper that contained the information needed to understand the concept of a decentralized digital currency. Bitcoin relies on a technology called blockchain and operates without a central authority, like the government or a central bank, which happens with traditional currencies.

At first, Bitcoin didn’t have a big value because it was perceived as quite an obscure digital token. However, things changed over the years, as the cryptocurrency had some excellent attributes, like its decentralized nature and the possibility to offer financial freedom. Because of these characteristics, it gathered the attention of people. In 2010, Bitcoin wasn’t just considered a niche but a globally recognized asset that drew both criticism and attention.

Comparison of the two assets


Price volatility


Price comparison between the two assets

Gold is a tangible asset that has a worldwide value recognition and has had a steady price over time, with just a few occasional spikes during geopolitical or economic tensions. Its price can be influenced by factors such as central bank policies, inflation rates and global financial wealth.

Since Bitcoin was introduced, it has experienced quite a quiet inception. Over the years, its price went through many ups and downs, driven by media attention, growing investor interest, and its adoption as an alternative investment.

While gold’s price has been less volatile and more gradual, Bitcoin’s price has gone through some dramatic fluctuations, having periods of rapid appreciation as well as sharp correction. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, gold experienced a measured increase, but the change in Bitcoin’s price was meteoric, and in that period, it reached its all-time highs, thus solidifying its name of “digital gold”.

An investment perspective

Risk and reward



The bottom line

Gold and Bitcoin can be correlated with old and new, each having its own set of advantages and drawbacks. The choice between the two of them depends on risk appetite, individual preferences and investment goals.


Crypto Futures: Trading Tactics for Modern Investors

Futures contracts are a unique way for investors to guess how much digital assets will be worth without actually having them. This is especially useful in the volatile world of cryptocurrency trade. Traditional trading involves instantaneous asset purchases and sales, but futures trading involves participants agreeing to buy or sell an item at a predetermined price on a future date. 

Successful investors in this ever-changing market have a deep familiarity with the fundamental commercial and technical aspects that determine Bitcoin's value. Traders can make money on both rising and dropping markets, which is why it is so popular with modern investors who want to get the best returns and spread out their holdings.

Strategies for Achieving Goals

It can be hard to find your way around bitcoin futures trading, but investors can get the most out of their trading if they know the right tactics. It is important to understand how the market works and what things affect Bitcoin values. For buyers, staying up to date on news and changes in the Bitcoin world can also give them useful information that helps them make smart choices.

To improve their chances of success in the bitcoin futures market, modern buyers can do the following:

Margin and Leverage Trading

An integral part of futures trading is leverage, which allows one to manage a larger position with a relatively small starting investment. Although using leverage might increase profits, there is a larger potential that you will experience significant losses if the market moves against you. Therefore, it is essential to use leverage with caution and to continuously use a clearly defined risk management plan.

When selecting a crypto futures trading platform, it's critical to consider the margin requirements, fee schedule, and possible leverage of the platform. Certain platforms may be less profitable despite having substantial leverage due to their higher costs. To safeguard your money, use a platform that has strong risk management features like stop-loss orders.

Hedging Strategies

Hedging is an important strategy employed by futures traders to safeguard their positions from adverse market price movements. One frequent hedging approach is to take the opposite position in the spot market to reduce the risk of a futures contract. To hedge a position, a trader long on a cryptocurrency futures contract might short the same asset on the spot market.

Options contracts are yet another way to protect yourself. These agreements provide the holder the freedom, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset on or before a specified date for a specific price. Purchasing put options allows traders to protect their long holdings from downside risk, and purchasing call options protects their short positions from upside danger.

Portfolio diversification may involve adding assets that have a negative correlation with the bitcoin market in addition to hedging. During market downturns, holding gold or government bonds, for example, can help offset losses in a portfolio heavily weighted towards cryptocurrencies.


Having a solid understanding of the market and trading with discipline are essential for handling the bitcoin futures market. By employing the right techniques and strategies, modern investors may maximize their returns and raise their chances of success. Reducing risk requires employing risk management and technical analysis techniques, staying up to date on market trends and developments, and considering leverage and hedging strategies.

Because choosing the finest cryptocurrency trading platform has an impact on available leverage, margin requirements, and fee schedules, it is also crucial. In the end, traders should never stray from their discipline and trading plan, refraining from making hasty decisions affected by their emotions or outside market noise. Trading cryptocurrency futures may be a profitable venture for modern investors looking to diversify their holdings and take advantage of the chances provided by the digital asset market if they employ the right method.

This decentralized digital currency holds the promise of financial autonomy, lower transaction costs, and a slew of other advantages that have made it highly attractive. If you want to buy Bitcoin, this guide is tailored for you. We'll explore everything from choosing the right platform to advanced security measures you should consider.

What is Bitcoin?

Created in 2009 by an unknown person (or persons) using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin is a form of decentralized digital currency. It operates without a central bank or single administrator, allowing peer-to-peer transactions to take place directly between users without an intermediary.

Why is Bitcoin Popular?

Bitcoin’s key selling points include:

1. Decentralization: No government or organization controls it.

2. Transparency: All transactions are publicly recorded on the blockchain.

3. Anonymity: While transactions are public, the identities of the people involved are encrypted.

4. Low Fees: Generally lower transaction fees compared to traditional banking systems.

Choosing the Right Platform

Three main avenues exist for buying Bitcoin:

1. Cryptocurrency Exchanges: Platforms like Redot and Binance let you buy, sell, and hold Bitcoin.


2. Brokers: Websites like eToro or Robinhood make buying easy but often restrict your ability to move your Bitcoin to a personal wallet.

3. Peer-to-Peer (P2P): Websites like LocalBitcoins allow you to buy Bitcoin directly from other people.

How to Choose?

Selecting the right platform depends on various factors:

1. Fees: 

Understand the fee structure, including trading, withdrawal, and deposit fees.

2. Ease of Use: 

User experience can vary. Beginners may prefer straightforward platforms, while more advanced users might want sophisticated features.

3. Security: 

Ensure the platform uses robust security measures like two-factor authentication (2FA).

4. Reputation: 

Research customer reviews and expert opinions to gauge the platform's credibility.

Setting Up an Account

Sign Up

To set up an account:

1. Visit or download their app from the Android Play Store or IOS store.

2. Provide an email address and create a strong password.

3. Verify your email by clicking on the confirmation link sent to you.

Verification Process

Most platforms require identity verification. This can include:

1. Photo ID (passport, driving license).

2. Selfie with your ID or a handwritten note.

3. Proof of address (utility bill, bank statement).

This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several days, depending on the platform's policies and your location.

Securing Your Account

Importance of Security

The decentralized nature of Bitcoin also means that you bear full responsibility for securing your assets. Therefore, securing your account is crucial.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Enable 2FA to add an extra layer of security. This usually involves a secondary code generated by an app like Google Authenticator or sent to your mobile phone.

Advanced Security Measures

Some platforms offer additional security features like:

1. Withdrawal Whitelists: Only allow withdrawals to pre-approved addresses.

2. Cold Storage: A percentage of assets are stored offline, providing additional security.

3. Insurance: Some platforms insure a part of your assets.

Funding Your Account

Traditional Methods

You can fund your account through various methods:

1. Bank Transfer: Secure but can take up to several days.

2. Credit/Debit Card: Quick but usually incurs higher fees.

Alternate Methods

1. PayPal or E-Wallets: Platforms like Coinbase accept PayPal.

2. Cryptocurrency Transfer: If you already own cryptocurrencies, you can deposit them into your trading account.


Most platforms accept deposits in USD, EUR, and other major fiat currencies. Some allow you to deposit in other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum or Litecoin.

Making Your First Purchase

Market Orders vs Limit Orders

When buying, you usually have two options:

1. Market Order: Buys at the current market price.

2. Limit Order: You set the price at which you wish to buy.

Advanced Trading Options

More advanced platforms offer additional options like:

1. Stop-loss orders: Automatically sell if the price falls to a certain level.

2. Leverage: Some platforms allow you to buy Bitcoin on leverage, magnifying your exposure. Note that this also magnifies your risk.

Storing Your Bitcoin Safely

Hardware Wallets

These are physical devices like Ledger Nano S and Trezor that store your private keys offline.

Software Wallets

These are apps or computer programs that store your Bitcoin keys. Examples include Exodus and Electrum.

Paper Wallets

For maximum security, you can print or write down your private key and store it in a safe place. Note that if you lose access to this, you lose your Bitcoin.

Custodial vs Non-Custodial

1. Custodial Wallets: The exchange or platform holds your Bitcoin. More convenient but potentially less secure.

2. Non-Custodial Wallets: You hold your Bitcoin. More secure but also more responsibility.


Buying Bitcoin can seem daunting at first, but the process is fairly straightforward once you understand each step. From selecting the appropriate platform to knowing how to securely store your investment, each stage is crucial to ensure a smooth and safe experience.

Whether you see Bitcoin as an investment, a revolutionary technology, or simply a new asset to explore, make sure you’re fully informed and prepared. Your journey into the world of Bitcoin could be rewarding in many ways, but it's essential to proceed with caution and knowledge.


One such intriguing prospect is the Shiba Inu Coin. Understanding this coin, and more importantly, making a shiba inu coin price prediction, requires a deep dive into this compelling cryptocurrency.

In the realm of digital currencies, forecasting future prices is more than just a speculative game; it's a crucial aspect of investment strategy. Accurate predictions can help investors navigate the volatile waves of crypto markets, helping to maximize profits and minimize losses.

Two phenomena taking the crypto world by storm are the Shiba Inu Coin and the concept of Bitcoin halving. Each holds significant potential power, but when examined together, they offer intriguing possibilities that could shape the future of cryptocurrency.

Understanding Shiba Inu Coin

The Shiba Inu Coin, affectionately known as "Shiba," is a decentralized cryptocurrency that was introduced to the crypto market in 2020. It was inspired by Dogecoin and is represented by the Shiba Inu dog breed from Japan, but this playful façade belies its substantial potential in the world of digital currencies.

The Shiba Inu Coin quickly captured the attention of the crypto community with its impressive market capitalization. This rise was fueled by several factors, from its vibrant community support to strategic burn mechanisms, allowing it to rapidly emerge as a 'meme coin' with real market potential.

Shiba Inu Coin's price isn't immune to the volatility of the crypto market. Several factors can influence its value, including supply and demand dynamics, overall market sentiment, the global economic climate, and specific news or events related to Shiba Inu Coin.

Making accurate Shiba Inu Coin price predictions is challenging due to the inherent unpredictability of the crypto market. However, leveraging data, market trends, and advanced forecasting models can provide investors with insightful glimpses into potential future prices, thus helping them make informed investment decisions.

Diving into Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin halving is a key event in the Bitcoin network where the number of new bitcoins generated and rewarded to miners is halved. This event occurs approximately every four years, or after every 210,000 blocks are mined. It is a built-in deflationary mechanism that's central to Bitcoin's economic model.

Historical Perspective and Its Effect on Bitcoin Price

Looking at the history of Bitcoin halvings, we see a pattern:

●      The first halving in 2012: Bitcoin's price rose from around $11 to nearly $1,150 within a year.

●      The second halving in 2016: Bitcoin's price surged from around $650 to almost $20,000 in 1.5 years.

●      The third halving in 2020: Bitcoin's price jumped from around $9,000 to over $60,000 within a year.

It's important to note that numerous factors can influence Bitcoin's price, and halving is just one of them.

Upcoming Bitcoin Halving: What to Expect

Predicting the exact impact of the next Bitcoin halving is challenging, but if history is any guide, we might expect:

● A potential decrease in Bitcoin's inflation rate.

● Potential increase in Bitcoin's price due to supply-demand dynamics.

● Possible increased attention to Bitcoin and the crypto market.

This anticipation makes it a crucial time for both seasoned and aspiring crypto investors.

The Intersection of Shiba Inu Coin and Bitcoin Halving

With each Bitcoin halving, there's often a renewed surge of interest in cryptocurrencies at large. This wider market enthusiasm can positively influence the prices of other cryptocurrencies, including Shiba Inu Coin. As investors diversify their portfolios, they may look to promising coins like Shiba, potentially driving up their demand and price.

The Combined Potential for Investors

Considering both the Shiba Inu Coin and Bitcoin Halving presents a fascinating mix for crypto investors. Here's why:

●      The potential growth of Shiba Inu Coin: Given its unique market position, community support, and ongoing developments, Shiba Inu Coin presents a promising growth potential.

●      The historical impact of Bitcoin halving on the crypto market: Past halvings have generally signaled a bullish trend for Bitcoin and, by extension, other cryptocurrencies.

●      Diversification opportunity: With the combination of an emerging coin like Shiba and an established coin like Bitcoin, investors have the opportunity to diversify their crypto portfolios effectively.

The dynamics of Shiba Inu Coin and Bitcoin Halving can present numerous opportunities for seasoned investors and newcomers alike. Knowledge and understanding of these aspects can go a long way in formulating effective crypto investment strategies.

Preparing for the Future: Investment Strategies

Diversification is a time-tested strategy that helps manage investment risks by spreading investments across various financial instruments. In the context of crypto investments:

● It reduces the impact of volatility associated with a single coin.

● It allows investors to potentially benefit from different market trends.

● It provides a safety net, as the poor performance of one coin might be offset by the good performance of another.

Managing Risks in Cryptocurrency Trading

Cryptocurrency markets are notorious for their high volatility. Here are some strategies to manage these risks:

●      Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with market news and trends.

●      Set clear goals: Define your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

●      Use safe storage: Protect your assets from hackers by using secure wallets and exchanges.

Tips for Navigating the Shiba Inu Coin and Bitcoin Halving

●      Monitor market trends: Keep a close eye on the developments surrounding these two events.

●      Analyze historical data: Past market trends can offer insights into potential future behavior.

●      Consult with experts: Consider seeking advice from crypto professionals or financial advisors.

By understanding these investment strategies, you can be better prepared to navigate the complexities of investing in Shiba Inu Coin and dealing with the implications of Bitcoin Halving.


As an investor, it is crucial to stay informed about these developments and understand the factors that can impact the price of Shiba Inu Coin and the historical patterns associated with Bitcoin Halving. Diversification, risk management, and strategic decision-making are essential for navigating the dynamic crypto landscape.

Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer looking to dip your toes into the world of digital assets, understanding the potential of Shiba Inu Coin and Bitcoin Halving can help you make informed investment choices. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and seize the opportunities presented by these exciting phenomena.

Remember, while crypto investments hold promise, they also come with inherent risks. It's crucial to conduct thorough research, consult with experts, and make investment decisions aligned with your own risk tolerance and financial goals.

Bitcoin, the revolutionary digital currency, has taken the world by storm since its inception in 2009. What used to be a niche financial technology for the tech-savvy has now grown into a global phenomenon, attracting attention from individuals and institutions alike.

With a wide range of unique features, Bitcoin has disrupted traditional financial systems and changed the way we perceive money. But like any innovation, this cryptocurrency comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages that users need to consider.

To help you understand that, below, we'll delve deeper into the world of Bitcoin by highlighting its main benefits and drawbacks. This will give you a better idea of whether or not this digital asset is the right choice for your needs - or if you should stick with more traditional options.

Read on and discover the most important facets of Bitcoin!

1. Security and Transparency through Blockchain Technology

One of the most significant benefits of Bitcoin is its underlying technology, the blockchain. This specialized digital ledger records all transactions made with Bitcoin, ensuring a high level of security and transparency.

Each transaction is verified by a network of computers, making it nearly impossible to manipulate or tamper with the data. Moreover, as blockchain is a public ledger, anyone can access and review transactions, fostering trust and accountability in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Of course, blockchain technology isn't limited to cryptocurrencies themselves. This innovative solution has a range of potential applications, from streamlining supply chains to improving the security of sensitive business data. Blockchain may even be used to create a Bitcoin ad network through a platform like Adshares, enabling more efficient and effective digital advertising.

Furthermore, decentralization fosters innovation and competition within the financial industry. Since Bitcoin is not bound by the limitations and regulations of traditional banking systems, it has encouraged the development of new financial products and services that challenge established norms.

2. Accessibility: Financial Inclusion for All

Bitcoin's accessibility is another factor contributing to its success. Anyone with an internet connection can access the digital currency, regardless of their location or socioeconomic status. This opens up a world of possibilities for people in developing countries or those who traditional financial institutions have previously underserved.

Additionally, Bitcoin transactions are borderless, meaning they can be sent and received anywhere in the world without the need for third-party intermediaries such as banks. As a result, the unbanked population can now access global markets, send remittances back home, and secure their savings without relying on unreliable local currencies.

3. Lower Transaction Costs and Faster Payments

Bitcoin offers lower transaction fees compared to traditional payment methods like credit cards or money transfers. This makes it particularly useful for small businesses looking to save on processing fees, as well as individuals sending money internationally.

Another advantage of Bitcoin transactions is their speed. Traditional bank transfers can take days to clear, while Bitcoin transactions are usually confirmed within an hour or two. This is especially beneficial for time-sensitive transactions, such as cross-border payments or emergency funds transfers.

While these advantages are certainly appealing, it's important to remember that Bitcoin isn't a perfect solution. There are also a few potential disadvantages that may render it unsuitable for some applications or users.

4. Volatility: A Double-Edged Sword

One of Bitcoin's most notable drawbacks is its volatility. The value of this digital currency can fluctuate wildly from day to day or even hour to hour. While some investors see this as an opportunity for large profits, others view it as a major risk that makes Bitcoin unsuitable for long-term investments or as a stable store of value.

This high volatility also makes it difficult for businesses to accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. If the currency's value drops significantly after a transaction, a company could lose money on the sale. This unpredictability may dissuade some merchants from adopting Bitcoin as a payment option.

5. Environmental Concerns: The Impact of Bitcoin Mining

Another significant concern surrounding Bitcoin is its environmental impact. Mining new coins and validating transactions requires a tremendous amount of computing power and energy consumption. According to some estimates, global Bitcoin energy usage is equivalent to that of a small country.

This has led to growing concerns about the sustainability of Bitcoin mining practices, particularly in countries that rely heavily on fossil fuels for electricity generation. Critics argue that the environmental costs associated with Bitcoin mining are simply too high, while proponents believe technological advances and increased renewable energy adoption will help mitigate these issues over time.

The environmental concerns could be mitigated if Bitcoin switched its consensus algorithm from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake. Proof-of-stake is a system in which users can validate transactions based on the number of coins they hold rather than their computing power. This would reduce energy consumption and make Bitcoin mining more sustainable in the long term.

Unfortunately, there are no plans to implement this switch at the moment.

6. Regulatory Issues and Legal Uncertainty

As a relatively new financial instrument, Bitcoin faces uncertainty in terms of regulation and legal status. Different countries have adopted varying approaches to cryptocurrency regulation, ranging from strict bans to more lenient frameworks. This lack of uniformity can create confusion for users and businesses alike, making it difficult to navigate the legal landscape surrounding digital currencies.

Furthermore, regulatory uncertainty can result in sudden changes to the legal status of cryptocurrencies, which may negatively impact their value or use cases. As governments continue to grapple with how best to regulate this emerging technology, the potential for legal complications remains an ongoing challenge for the Bitcoin community.


Bitcoin is a groundbreaking financial technology with the potential to disrupt traditional systems and revolutionize the way we think about money.

However, it's important to be aware of the risks and challenges associated with this digital currency before investing or using it for real-world transactions. By understanding both the advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin, you can make a more informed decision about whether or not this cryptocurrency is right for you.

At the same time, it's important to remember that Bitcoin isn't the only cryptocurrency worth considering. There are numerous other digital currencies available, from highly decentralized options like Ethereum to stablecoins backed by traditional fiat currencies. Even if Bitcoin is not the best solution for your needs, with enough research, you should be able to find a cryptocurrency that meets your specific requirements. Good luck!

Cryptocurrency, like gold, has a similar impact on investors. They have turned the people from rags to riches, the same as gold. The prices of Bitcoin soar high with time. This creates an opportunity for comparison between both of them. Why not? After all the Bitcoins are accepted as business transactions, the same was done in archaic times with gold. So gold or Bitcoin? Let's find it out here.

Gold vs. Bitcoin: Who wins?

We all are aware of gold; the entire world runs with the help of gold. But they are such powerful and defining metals. On the other hand, the rise of Cryptocurrency is meteoric! So let us make a comparative analysis between both of them. 


Gold has performed well historically during some economic unrest. This is because the metal has a great ability to keep value steady. Know that investors move from stocks to gold if they experience a recession. 

During the great recessions in the USA as well as the Covid-19 Pandemic, many investors moved into buying gold. Increased demand for the metal increased value. The price of gold went from as high as $1300 in 2019 to that $2100 in the middle of the years 2020 and 2021. 


Bitcoin is a digital currency launched in 2009. It is the oldest Cryptocurrency and holds the highest percentage in market capitalization. The present share of the Bitcoin market is 38.2147%. 

During the Covid-19 pandemic, when everything went into a veritable shutdown, the price of Bitcoin did not decrease. Then continued to pour capital into the hands of the investor. By April 2021, the price of Bitcoin hit $ 61000. Therefore, the advent of Bitcoin is one of the significant developments in the capital market. 


You can not acquire as much gold as you want. You will have certain restrictions with the storage of the metals. You will be answerable to the government. The government regulates this. Moreover, the government also keeps gold reserves in its treasury. You can buy and sell gold in the market, and the government will be able to know it.

The regulation of Bitcoin is made based on the country. For example, El Salvador has ratified Cryptocurrency as a legal tender. But on the other hand, China banned Cryptocurrency in the year 2021. So if you trade on Bitcoin, then no one will be able to know how much you trade. By the way, are you trading Bitcoin? You could do it using Cryptocurrency trading platforms to facilitate Bitcoin trading and investment. To learn more, click here

Usage and Utility

Gold, since antiquity, has been a means of exchange. The metal is not used extensively across different industries. However, many products are made with the help of gold. 

On the other hand, if you consider Bitcoin, the utility or usage is quite limited. This is because Cryptos are virtual assets, and they are used as a mode of investment or in buying and selling assets. Therefore, Bitcoin usage is quite limited compared to that of gold.

Arguments in Favour of Cryptos

There are a few arguments that you can produce in favor of Bitcoin against that of Gold. Firstly goldGold does not support any kind of storage option available in the digital world. But on the other hand, Bitcoins are digital assets. Therefore, being intangible, they are safer compared to gold. 

Another argument (though logically not so compelling) is that gold can not be traded easily; you can not take it anywhere. But if you use Bitcoin, you can do it easily with just a few fingertips.

The third argument is that Bitcoin has more adoption compared to that gold. Around 47 million people trade in Cryptocurrency, which is quite big compared to Cryptocurrency. So You can trade on Bitcoin as they are the future.

A metaverse is an online virtual world, typically referred to as a three-dimensional virtual environment, where people can interact with each other, create content, and build virtual worlds. Metaverse platforms allow users to build and own virtual real estate, shops, businesses, and other types of digital assets.

What Are Metaverse Platforms?

Metaverse platforms typically offer a variety of ways to buy virtual property. These include buying directly from the platform, buying from other users, or buying from a marketplace. The most popular metaverse platforms are Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, Sandbox, and Somnium Space.

Buying directly from the platform is the most straightforward way to acquire virtual property. Most platforms have marketplaces where you can browse and purchase land, buildings, and other assets. Depending on the platform, there may be different types of currency to use for purchases, such as Ethereum or Bitcoin.

Buying Properties In Metaverse

Buying from other users is also an option. Many metaverse platforms have their peer-to-peer marketplaces where users can buy and sell virtual property. This is often done with the native currency of the platform, but some platforms also accept traditional currencies like US dollars.

Finally, you can purchase virtual property from a marketplace. These are third-party platforms that act as brokers between buyers and sellers in the metaverse. So, if you’re looking to get a property in the meta space, the possibilities are endless. Visit this site to know more about metaverse assets and crypto coins.

Kinds Of Metaverse Platforms To Know About

Metaverse platforms are virtual worlds curated through blockchain technology that enable users to create and interact with 3D objects and characters in a digital space. 

Social Metaverse Platforms

Social metaverse platforms provide users with a virtual environment for socializing, creating, and connecting with others. These platforms typically have a built-in 3D chat system, allowing users to communicate with each other in real-time. They also feature tools for customizing avatars and creating 3D objects, as well as support for virtual events such as concerts and parties. Popular examples of social metaverse platforms include Second Life and Sansar.

Game-Based Metaverse Platforms

Game-based metaverse platforms typically feature detailed 3D environments, as well as robust tools for character customization and game development. Popular examples of game-based metaverse platforms include Roblox, Minecraft, and Entropia Universe.

Educational Metaverse Platforms

Educational metaverse platforms are designed to provide an interactive learning environment. These platforms typically feature tools for creating 3D simulations, as well as support for virtual classrooms and events. Popular examples of educational metaverse platforms include VR Classroom and Edorble.

Entertainment Metaverse Platforms

Entertainment metaverse platforms are designed to provide users with a virtual environment for experiencing media. These platforms typically feature tools for creating interactive 3D objects, as well as support for streaming audio and video. Popular examples of entertainment metaverse platforms include HuluVR and NetflixVR.

Commerce Metaverse Platforms

Commerce metaverse platforms typically feature tools for creating 3D stores, as well as support for virtual currency and transactions. Popular examples of commerce metaverse platforms include Decentraland and VirBELA.

As technology continues to advance, new and exciting platforms are being developed to offer users even more possibilities for virtual exploration and engagement.

In Summary

Most marketplaces will offer a variety of different types of property, from basic plots of land to more elaborate creations like businesses, shops, and homes.

No matter which option you choose, buying virtual property in the metaverse is an exciting way to explore this emerging technology. With the right platform and some research, you can find the perfect piece of digital real estate for you. 

One of the latest trends? Paying your employees in cryptocurrency.

But should business owners start shelling out crypto instead of cold, hard cash? Let's explore the benefits and challenges of paying your employees in cryptocurrency.

The Rise of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has been on the rise in recent years, partly due to its increased mainstream adoption. While Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency, there are now over 12,000 different types in circulation.

And it's not just individuals who are investing in crypto. Businesses are getting involved too. In 2019, Microsoft began allowing customers to use Bitcoin to buy content in its Windows and Xbox stores. And in 2021, Tesla made headlines when it announced that it had invested $1.5 billion in Bitcoin and would accept the cryptocurrency as payment.

The appeal of cryptocurrency is clear. It's borderless, decentralised, and secure. For businesses, that means lower transaction fees and reduced fraudulent activity. For individuals, it offers an alternative to traditional banking systems.

Could Crypto Change the Way We Get Paid?

With its growing popularity, it's not surprising that people are now interested in using cryptocurrency to receive their salary. After all, what's not to like about being paid in something that could increase in value?

Over the past few years, several high-profile individuals have received part of their salary in Bitcoin. From famous sports stars like former Seattle Seahawk Russell Okung, musicians Mel B and 50 Cent and even politicians like Miami Mayor Francis Suarez.

And it's not just celebrities and politicians interested in being paid in crypto. According to research conducted by SoFi, over a third (36%) of workers want the ability to receive part or all of their paycheck in cryptocurrency.

Paying Employees in Cryptocurrency: The Perks

So, what are the benefits of paying your employees in cryptocurrency?

First, it could help you attract and retain top talent, particularly tech-savvy employees interested in working for forward-thinking businesses and Gen Z and millennial employees who are more comfortable with digital currencies.

Second, the rise of global mobility means more employees are working remotely than ever before. According to the World Population Review, over 8 million US expatriates are working and living abroad. The think tank Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) estimates that around 5.5 million Brits are living abroad - that's almost 1 in 10 of the UK population! With more employees working internationally, business owners have to pay salaries in multiple currencies which often comes with high transaction fees and foreign exchange costs. However, cryptocurrency can be used to pay employees no matter where they are in the world without these additional costs.

Finally, with the rise of stablecoins like USDT, the volatility risk is significantly reduced. Stablecoins have been trialled and tested by major companies like IBM, Facebook, and JPMorgan Chase.

Essentially, these digital currencies are pegged to a real-world asset like the US dollar, which means they avoid the huge fluctuations in value often seen with other types of cryptocurrency. This means that businesses can be more confident about using them to pay their employees without worrying about the currency's value fluctuating.

Risks of Paying Employees in Cryptocurrency

Of course, there are some challenges associated with paying your employees in cryptocurrency.

First, it's important to remember that the value of cryptocurrency is incredibly volatile. This week the news hit that the popular crypto exchange FTX filed for bankruptcy. This sent shockwaves through the financial industry as the company could owe over 1 million creditors. While this is an extreme example, it does serve to highlight the risks associated with cryptocurrency. For example, if you paid your employees in Bitcoin and the value of Bitcoin suddenly crashed, your employees would be left out of pocket.

Compliance is another big issue. Cryptocurrency is still a relatively new phenomenon, and the regulatory landscape is constantly changing. That means that there's a real risk that businesses could inadvertently run afoul of the law by paying their employees in crypto. For example, countries like Egypt and Qatar have banned cryptocurrency, so if you have employees in those countries, you would need to be very careful about how you pay them.

Finally, it's worth noting that crypto isn't regulated when it comes to social securities like pensions and healthcare. Also, if an employee wanted to take out a mortgage, they would be unable to use their crypto earnings as collateral. So, while there are some definite benefits to paying your employees in cryptocurrency, it's important to weigh up the risks before making the decision.

A Hybrid Model Could be the Answer

So, what's the solution? While some definite risks are associated with paying your employees entirely in cryptocurrency, that doesn't mean that the idea is a non-starter.

One way to mitigate some risks would be to adopt a hybrid model, where employees are paid part of their salary in crypto and part in fiat currency. For example, suppose you pay your employee £5,000 a month. They could opt-in to receive 10% of that, or £500, in crypto. This would give them the opportunity to participate in the upside of cryptocurrency without being completely exposed to the downside.

For this model to be successful, the option to be paid in crypto would need to be voluntary. Employees would also need to be allowed to convert their crypto earnings into fiat currency on a regular basis.

Final Thoughts

Paying employees in cryptocurrency is a great way to attract and retain top talent, but it's important to remember that there are some risks associated with this approach.

A hybrid model, where employees are paid part of their salary in crypto and part in fiat currency, could be a good way to mitigate some risks while reaping the benefits.

Working with a reputable payroll provider with experience in paying employees in cryptocurrency is essential to ensure that your business stays compliant. They'll be able to: 

●      Help you choose the right cryptocurrency for your needs.

●      Convert fiat currency into crypto.

●      Pay your employees in crypto.

●      Monitor compliance regulations and ensure that you're always up to date.

About the Author:

As Co-founder and Managing Director at Agile HRO, Jamie Haerewa helps businesses expand their remote workforces by merging cutting-edge technology with industry experts. With 12+ years of experience in the global PEO, global mobility, and workforce solutions, she is a recognised thought leader with her valuable insights featured in popular publications like Business Leader, Grit Daily News and HackerNoon.

Her hard work and determination have resulted in her company being awarded the #1 payroll provider in Singapore in 2020 and SME100's fastest-moving company in 2022. She is also committed to giving back to the community and is a proud sponsor of education for the next generation of Cambodia through the not-for-profit organisation Caring for Cambodia.

On Thursday 10th November, Bitcoin fell below $16,000 for the first time since 2020, as the price of other cryptocurrencies was negatively impacted too.

Binance decided to pull out of the deal because of due diligence concerns connected to reports of "mishandled customer funds and alleged US agency investigations". The move has left FTX customers unable to make withdrawals from the exchange, as fears of further crypto volatility if the company goes bust are intensifying.

On Twitter, Binance commented that the issues facing FTX were "beyond our control or ability to help".

"Every time a major player in an industry fails, retail consumers will suffer. We have seen over the last several years that the crypto ecosystem is becoming more resilient and we believe in time that outliers that misuse user funds will be weeded out by the free market."

BitAlpha AI is a new platform that claims to help traders maximise their potential and receive top-tier support from regulated brokers. With platforms such as BitAlpha AI, users are connected to brokers that are best suited to them based on their location and trading preferences. Users can then use various tools and resources to help them trade digital assets such as cryptocurrency.

But does BitAlpha AI deliver on all its claims? We wanted to find out for ourselves, so we thoroughly tested this platform and have summarised what users can expect. In this BitAlpha AI review, we have also highlighted key features and addressed this platform's main pros and cons. So, check out our honest BitAlpha AI review if you want to discover more about this platform and decide whether it can benefit you! 

BitAlpha AI Review Summary 

In this review, we aim to provide a thorough overview of the platform so that our readers can decide for themselves whether it is worth giving a try. We want to be as informative and unbiased as possible, so you can clearly understand what to expect from BitAlpha AI and make an informed decision.

Throughout this review, you’ll find out what BitAlpha AI is, its pros and cons, and what key features it has on offer. We’ll also show you how to get started with the platform if you are inclined to do so. Without further ado, let’s dive into our detailed BitAlpha AI review!

What is BitAlpha AI? 

The BitAlpha AI program performs by analysing cryptocurrency markets with AI (artificial intelligence) and advanced algorithms and extracting real-time data to support traders in making smart choices.

In addition, the BitAlpha AI app is a powerful platform that allows both beginners and experienced investors to trade a broad range of digital currency exchanges.

It has advanced security features to keep its users safe. Furthermore, its simplification extends across all design features of its program, from its simple interface, which enables new investors to navigate their app easily to determine the key buttons and components needed.

BitAlpha AI offers optimal results by collecting data from users depending on the crypto market’s performance. The data gathered is extracted from the market sentiment analysis that helps users in executing trades automatically based on the market’s current activity and mood. 

BitAlpha AI Pros and Cons 

As with all platforms, there are both advantages and drawbacks to using BitAlpha AI. After all, nothing is perfect. After testing the platform for ourselves, we have laid out the most noticeable pros and cons of this platform. Take a look: 


▪ High-performance software

▪ Advanced artificial intelligence

▪ Suitable for beginners 

▪ Fast withdrawals 

▪ A variety of payment methods are accepted


▪ NFT trading is not supported

▪ The service is currently in beta testing, and only a small number of users can access it

▪ Currently, no mobile app 

The Key Features of BitAlpha AI

After creating an account and trying out BitAlpha AI for an extended period, we have listed the most notable features that make it stand out from other platforms.

❖ 24/7 Trading 

The BitAlpha AI automaton makes use of the fact that digital currencies are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, as opposed to traditional stock markets, which may close on Saturdays and Sundays. This is ideal for dedicated traders who are always ready to trade and check out their investments.  


❖ Top-notch Security 

Security is a critical component of any platform, especially when real money is involved. We were pleased to see that the BitAlpha AI website is secured with SSL encryption to protect its users’ accounts from various cyber threats. The BitAlpha AI team has also developed a comprehensive set of security measures to ensure that all user transactions and data are always protected.

❖ Quick Withdrawals

The BitAlpha AI withdrawal process is almost instantaneous; it takes only a few minutes on average to send the cryptocurrency asset that is being used in the deposit procedure. Earnings can also be transferred and cashed out using a bank account or VISA, whereas these methods take just that little longer.

❖ Helpful Resources

BitAlpha AI is one of the few trading bots that provide appropriate educational resources, which you may easily check after having completed the registration process. The FAQ page also assists users by providing detailed explanations to a variety of questions about the platform’s outcomes, features, and brokers.

❖ Demo Accounts 

Many brokers that are assigned to users through BitAlpha AI will offer demonstration accounts. Tailored around beginners, these demo accounts have been designed to allow users to experience the trading market without any real risk. Users can practice trading with dummy funds to gain confidence before using their real money. This is a fantastic feature that stood out to us when testing this platform. 

Is BitAlpha AI Legit or a Scam?

We have concluded that the BitAlpha AI platform is reliable and legitimate. We have found no evidence of foul play when testing this platform, and there have been no instances of false promises being made. BitAlpha AI states that trading is risky and does not claim that all users can get rich or make a huge profit by using the platform. Therefore, it’s safe to say that BitAlpha AI is not a scam. This means that with BitAlpha AI, users can trade their preferred cryptocurrencies with complete peace of mind.

How to Get Started with BitAlpha AI

If you think you want to try out BitAlpha AI yourself to see what all the hype is about, then thankfully setting up an account is quick and hassle-free. Follow these steps and you’ll be up and running with BitAlpha AI in no time!

Step 1 - Fill Out the Registration Form

Head to the BitAlpha AI website and you’ll find their sign-up form. Here, you’ll be required to provide your name, contact details (phone number and email), and country of residence.

Step 2 - Connect With a Broker

After your account details have been verified (at this time you can expect to receive an email or phone call from the BitAlpha AI team), you will be connected with a suitable broker who will start to discuss your goals with you.

Step 3 - Start Trading

Next, you can deposit funds into your account (minimum of $250). Once these funds have been cleared, you’re ready to enter the trading world! Good luck and enjoy!

BitAlpha AI Review - Final Thoughts

We have thoroughly enjoyed testing the BitAlpha AI platform and have been pleasantly surprised at all the features it offers. Whether you are a new or veteran trader, you’ll surely benefit from being connected with one of this platform’s reputable brokers. With an abundance of tools at hand, along with top-notch security measures and a transparent privacy policy, BitAlpha AI makes trading safer, faster, and much more enjoyable. 

In the future, we would like to see a mobile app implemented and additional support for other digital assets such as NFTs. As BitAlpha AI is still in beta, we hope to see many more improvements to the app. 

In its current state, however, BitAlpha AI is still highly impressive. With a terrific range of features, top-tier security measures, and professional brokers, this platform can give traders all the support they need to thrive in the crypto trading market. That’s why we have given BitAlpha AI 4 out of 5 stars


If you still want to find out more about BitAlpha AI, then check out our answers to frequently asked questions about the platform:

Is It Safe to Use BitAlpha AI?

We can conclude that it is safe to use BitAlpha AI. The platform has employed the appropriate security measures (such as SSL encryption) to keep its users safe at all times. We have also checked out the platform’s privacy policy and found nothing concerning. BitAlpha AI clearly outlines what data is collected from users and how it is used. Overall, we have not discovered any security vulnerabilities when using this platform or have found user complaints regarding their safety, so we can confidently say that BitAlpha AI is a safe platform.

Is BitAlpha AI Suitable For Beginners?

We do believe that BitAlpha AI is suitable for beginners. The platform is easy to navigate and creating an account is straightforward, so even first-time traders will have no trouble getting started. Additionally, BitAlpha AI’s brokers are highly professional and provide a wide selection of tools and resources that will help give traders all the support they need.

However, we recommend that beginner traders always consult a professional before they begin trading as it is incredibly risky and losses are to be expected. Remember - Never trade more than what you’re willing to lose.  

How much does it cost to set up a BitAlpha AI account?

It doesn’t cost anything to set up a BitAlpha AI account. We learned that this platform has absolutely no hidden fees that could pop up and surprise users. Both trading and setting up an account are 100% free. Do keep in mind, though, that you will need to deposit a minimum of $250 (or local currency equivalent) before starting trading. 

Is BitAlpha AI a Scam?

We have no reason to believe that the BitAlpha AI platform is a scam. We have checked out the privacy policy and have not found any red flags and the platform has made a conscious effort to be transparent with all users. BitAlpha AI does not claim to be a get-rich-quick scheme and has stated that losses are to be expected when trading.

If you're not familiar with them, they are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and control the creation of new units. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Since then, hundreds of other cryptocurrencies have been launched. Many people have made fortunes investing in cryptocurrencies, and even more, people have made money by mining them. But what about those of us who don't want to invest in cryptocurrencies? Or who doesn't want to mine them? There are still ways for us to make money from them! In this blog post, we will discuss seven ways for you to earn passive income from your crypto assets!

1 - Lending Platforms 

Lending platforms are one of the easiest ways to earn passive income from your crypto assets. All you need to do is deposit your cryptocurrencies into a lending platform and they will loan them out to borrowers. The interest that the borrowers pay will be paid back to you in the form of cryptocurrency. There are many different lending platforms available, so make sure to do your research before choosing one. Also, there are plenty of beginner guides to Crypto lending out there that can help you get started. They offer a great way to learn about earning passive income from your crypto without having to put in a lot of work. For example, BlockFi is a popular lending platform that allows you to earn interest on your Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. 


Another great thing about lending platforms is that they are usually very user-friendly. So, if you're not familiar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies, you can still easily use a lending platform to earn passive income.

2 - Staking 

Staking is another great way to earn passive income from your crypto assets. Staking is the process of holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network. By doing so, you are rewarded with newly minted tokens for your contribution to the network. The number of new tokens that you receive will depend on the amount of crypto that you have staked and the length of time that you have been staking it. So, if you have a large amount of crypto, you can earn a decent amount of passive income from staking! For instance, if you have 1000 NEO, you can earn approximately $120 per year from staking them. 


Many different cryptocurrencies offer staking rewards, so make sure to do your research before choosing one. Also, some wallets will offer to stake as a built-in feature.

3 - Masternodes 

Masternodes are similar to staking, but they require more investment. A master node is a server that supports the network of a particular cryptocurrency. Masternodes earn rewards for processing transactions and ensuring the security of the network. To run a masternode, you must have a certain amount of the cryptocurrency that you wish to run a masternode for. For example, if you want to run a Bitcoin masternode, you must have at least 1000 BTC. Or, if you want to run an Ethereum masternode, you must have at least 32 ETH. The amount of cryptocurrency required to run a masternode varies depending on the cryptocurrency. 


Masternodes also require a significant amount of technical knowledge to set up and maintain. So, if you're not familiar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies, a masternode is probably not the best option for you. However, if you are familiar with the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies and you have a large amount of crypto, masternodes can be a great way to earn passive income.

4 - Mining 

Mining is the process of verifying and adding transactions to a blockchain. Miners are rewarded with newly minted tokens for their contribution to the network. The number of new tokens that you receive will depend on the amount of work that you put into mining. If you have a lot of computing power, you can earn a decent income from mining. However, if you don't have a lot of computing power, you can still make money by joining a mining pool. A mining pool is a group of miners who work together to mine blocks and share the rewards.

5 - Trading 

Trading is another great way to earn passive income from your crypto assets. If you're good at it, you can make a lot of money by trading cryptocurrencies. There are many different cryptocurrency exchanges that you can trade on, and each offers different features. Some exchanges allow you to margin trade, which means that you can trade with leverage. This can be a great way to increase your profits, but it can also be a great way to lose all of your money if you're not careful. Make sure that you do your research before trading and only trade with money that you can afford to lose.

6 - Airdrops 

Airdrops are a great way to earn free crypto. Airdrops are when a blockchain project gives away free tokens to its community. They do this to promote their project and increase awareness. Airdrops are usually given to people who hold the currency of the project that is doing the airdrop. For example, if you hold Ethereum, you may be eligible to receive an airdrop of a new Ethereum-based token. Airdrops are a great way to earn free crypto, so make sure to keep an eye out for them!

7 - Referral Programs 

Referral programs are an excellent way to generate passive income from your cryptocurrency assets. Many cryptocurrency projects offer referral programs in which you are compensated for each person you refer to their project. The amount of money you can earn from a referral program will vary depending on the project, but it can be quite substantial! Referral programs are a great way to earn passive income, so make use of them.


These are just a few of the many ways that you can earn passive income from your crypto assets. So, if you're looking for ways to make money without having to put in a lot of work, these are some great options for you! What are you waiting for? Start earning passive income from your crypto today!

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