Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

"If you want to invest in these assets, okay, but be prepared to lose all your money,"  Bailey said to the public accounts committee (PAC) on Monday.

"People may still want to buy them because they have extrinsic value [...] people value things for personal reasons. But they don't have intrinsic value."

"This morning we have seen another blow-up in a crypto exchange," Bailey went on to say.

Bailey’s warning comes as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continue to fall in price after crypto exchange Binance paused all withdrawals, citing “extreme market conditions.”

Bailey also told MPs on the PAC that artificial intelligence tools could potentially be used to create automatic control on cryptocurrencies that are deemed to be suspicious. 

Bitcoin hit an 18-month low, falling as much as 17% in under 24 hours to £18,540. The world’s biggest cryptocurrency is now down more than 49% this year. 


The outlook for the crypto market looked bleak on Tuesday following a brief rally on Monday that sent Bitcoin above the $31,000 level for the first time in six days. 

In the past 24 hours, the combined market cap of all crypto assets has dropped by $90 billion to just over $1.2 trillion. Bitcoin is now trading at approximately $29,500, down 5% in just one day.

However,  analysts have recognised recent institutional investor interest in Bitcoin exchange-traded products as a sign of long-term strength in the crypto market. 

"It's largely institutional, and to a degree retail investors, recognising that the pain is already endured, and we're closer to the bottom than we are to the top,” Chief investment officer of Arizona-based IDX Digital Assets, Ben McMillan, told Reuters.

"If you're getting into crypto at these levels, a little near-term volatility could be worth a long-term payoff.”

On Wednesday, Binance’s venture arm, Binance Labs, announced it has raised $500 million for its debut start-up fund, having secured backing from DST Global and Breyer Capital.

Binance Labs will use the capital to invest in companies creating Web3 — a tech movement that aims to build a new version of the internet based on blockchain technology.

“We are looking for projects with the potential to drive the growth of the Web3 ecosystem,” Ken Li, Binance Labs’ executive director of investments and M&A, told CNBC. These projects could include infrastructure, NFTs, and decentralised autonomous organisations.

The company’s announcement comes after US venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz announced a huge $4.5 billion fund to invest in crypto start-ups last week.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have lately been down sharply. Since reaching an all-time high of approximately $69,000 in November 2021, Bitcoin has plunged more than 50%. However, Binance Labs is reportedly hoping to capitalise on crypto’s recent dip to support it on its Web3 mission.

At 1:47 am ET on Thursday, the price of Bitcoin was down 8.76% to $26,848.20, according to Coin Metrics. Meanwhile, Ethereum dropped over 13% to $1,832.33.

Crypto dropped alongside stocks after the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported consumer prices for April were up 8.3%. This figure came in somewhat higher than predictions by economists polled by Dow Jones and spooked investors. As such, many investors exited risk assets, including crypto. 

The concern now for crypto asset investors is when the slide will end,said Simon Peters, a crypto market analyst at trading platform eToro.

“The market is caught in the wider adversity of investment markets that are battling to decide where comfortable levels are in the wake of interest rate hikes designed to quell soaring inflation around the Western world.”

This is the second occasion this week on which Bitcoin has tumbled into the $29,000 range. Analysts have called $30,000 a key level for the cryptocurrency by market cap.

In the past month, 15.5% of all Bitcoin wallets slumped into an unrealised loss as the cryptocurrency dropped to the $31,000 level. 

Glassnode analysts noted that this sudden flurry of “urgent transactions” amid the latest Bitcoin sell-off, which saw investors pay higher fees, indicates that they were willing to pay a premium to speed up transaction times. Over the last week, the total value of all on-chain transaction fees hit 3.07 Bitcoin. To date, this is the largest recorded in its dataset. 

Glassnode’s report noted that “the dominance of on-chain transaction fees associated with exchange deposits also signalled urgency,” a point which further supports the argument that Bitcoin investors were seeking to de-risk, sell, or add collateral to their margin positions amid recent volatility for the market. 

Over $3.15 billion in value moved into or out of exchanges during last week’s sell-off. This is the largest sum since the market reached its $69,000 peak in November 2021. 

On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve upped its benchmark interest rate by half a percentage point. Additional interest rate hikes, as well as tightening of monetary policy, have exacerbated fears that the US economy could enter into a recession.

“The market still needs to digest the impact of tighter monetary policy on all risk assets and crypto might take a hit as correlations [with US stocks increase]”, said Josh Lim, head of derivatives of New York-based brokerage Genesis Global Trading.

On Friday, Bitcoin was down less than 1% at $35,900.25, according to Coin Metrics. Meanwhile, Ether was down 1.1%. 

The crypto sale was sparked by a difficult Thursday on Wall Street where the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost over 1000 points. Nasdaq also fell 5%. The losses of each marked the worst single-day decline since 2020.  

Saylor said MicroStrategy employees will be able to add Bitcoin to their retirement accounts through Fidelity Investments. On Tuesday, Fidelity Investments became the first major retirement-plan provider set to offer Bitcoin as a savings vehicle.

"Bitcoin's digital property and that makes it the perfect asset for a retirement plan. It's less risky than bonds and stocks and commercial real estate and gold," Saylor told CNBC. "A 401(k) plan is a pretty common thing for millions and millions of workers to use to save in order to protect their family interests. This is going to fill an important vacuum in the investment product market.”

"There's been a lot of demand for this. They've been asking for it for quite a while. It's a technical challenge to offer 401(k) savings plan and Fidelity has overcome that challenge," Saylor added.

MicroStrategy is the largest publicly traded corporate holder of Bitcoin, having spent an approximate total of $4 billion on purchases of the world’s most popular cryptocurrency with its subsidiaries. 

Later this year, Fidelity Investments will begin including Bitcoin investments in retirement accounts, with customers able to put a maximum of 20% of their savings into Bitcoin. At a later date, it is likely that other cryptocurrencies will also be added. 

Signs Of Increasing Acceptance For Crypto

But, in March this year, Goldman Sachs became the first major US bank to trade crypto over the counter. In a historic move, the bank traded a non-deliverable option with crypto merchant bank Galaxy Digital. Also in March, President Biden signed an Executive Order named Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets. In a surprise move, Senator Elizabeth Warren even told reporter Chuck Todd on Meet the Press that the US should create a central bank digital currency (CBDC), also noting that crypto will need to be regulated - to avoid repeats of events such as the subprime mortgage crisis. These steps followed JP Morgan setting a similar milestone in February, by entering the Metaverse.  While up to now most of the crypto activity has been dominated by pure crypto players like Coinbase, Paxos and Grayscale, with the recent flurry of activity many previously cynical financial services decision-makers are sitting up, and wondering if there is more to this crypto thing than they originally thought possible. Some are even playing catch-up as to what crypto even is. 

Crypto Caution

Nevertheless, even with Presidential engagement, cryptocurrencies are still viewed as the Wild West and, to some extent, in the current state of play, rightly so. They can certainly be dangerous for rookie investors, with new types of cryptocurrencies or tokens fluctuating wildly, from soaring highs to collapse. Even those that are more established, with Bitcoin as the prime example, are volatile assets, subject to jaw-dropping swings in value. References and preferences by famous people can impact it massively. There are also fears about security and that crypto is used to facilitate terrorism and crime.

The cryptocurrency “movement” and blockchain generally were born of striving for better – a wish for a new way to do things.  And it is a technology that has huge potential for decreasing friction, improving transparency, decentralisation and, ironically, for building more trust. The way most banks still operate is no longer fit for purpose.

In the short attention span landscape we now operate in, three to five business days for funds to clear is increasingly perceived as inappropriate and unacceptable by customers and they’re increasingly unwilling to tolerate paying hefty amounts with apparently foggy fee structures for a snail’s pace service in terms of payments, international transfers and so on. It's the consumer who suffers and pays for inefficiencies that seem prehistoric in today’s fast-moving environment.

And then are those that are underbanked or entirely unbanked.  Many millions of people across the globe are denied access to financial services entirely. Even in America and Europe, where there’s a bank on every corner, still today we see that without tax returns, a permanent address or access to a physical branch, gaining loans or just opening a bank account, remains difficult or entirely out of reach for many. In developing countries, the problem is far worse - huge. Cryptocurrency has the potential to address this imbalance.

However, and here we come full circle, cryptocurrencies suffer from a reputation problem, in a way that banks don’t. And crypto can’t get the buy-in it would need from the wider population outside its early-adopter fan base that it would need.  Older people, in particular, are likely to baulk at using them.

Is Crypto Dangerous?

It’s not actually true that cryptocurrency is fundamentally unsafe. Its underlying technology is, in fact, far more stable and transparent than that of many mainstream banks, which themselves have some fairly unstable, outdated technology.  Bitcoin, as an example, has never been hacked, while many mainstream banks have lost the data of millions and suffered breaches that have compromised the privacy of their customers. Decentralised finance holds rich promise - if it works hand in hand with more trusted financial brands and within the established systems.

The Benefits Of Crypto

While some Bitcoin pioneers don’t want banks to have any role in the financial systems of tomorrow and linked the technology to an idealistic ideology, most people just care about transaction speed: how easy that transaction is to make, that it doesn’t cost too much, and that it is safe. Banks working with cryptocurrencies can deliver that. The technology is a game-changer, but to truly deliver, it will have to integrate with mainstream banking systems.   

What’s in it for banks is simple. Banks hate losing customers, especially en masse.  And lots of customers are looking in the crypto direction. If customers are wealthy and want a fully diversified portfolio for the best returns on investment, they likely aren’t going to want to miss out on the crypto potential.  Likewise, if bank customers want to interact in the metaverse, it can’t be done without a crypto wallet, which currently their bank isn’t offering.

If you’re working in America and sending money home to family in another country, you don’t want to be charged 20% and upwards to transfer that money. Likewise, financial institutions are paying through the nose transferring money cross-border. Each transaction can go through several different banks and different gateways using the labyrinthine and only partially-automated and costly SWIFT system. Crypto can make the process faster and exponentially cheaper. Funds can be used to buy Crypto, transferred via a digital wallet and exchanged at the other end for a different currency. It’s like the difference between queuing on the highway for the toll gate or using an electronic pass on a tag in the window - a digital highway.

How Banks Can Keep Up With Crypto

 Banks will increasingly need to create and offer infrastructure for cryptocurrency so that they keep hold of clients.. Say an institutional client or wealthy client has 100 million in a bank and wants a 20 million direct exposure to crypto - right now they couldn’t do it through a mainstream bank as no banks offer that service.  So that customer now would have to take their 20 million and open an account at Coinbase. Money is walking.  Coinbase has a 98 million customer base - larger than that of JP Morgan, which has been in business for over 150 years. 

Banks need to at the very least start offering custody, key management and digital wallets. As brands outside of banking look to transact in e-commerce, NFTs and cryptocurrency in a more efficient way, there is an opportunity for banks to enable them to set up their accounts that could also be housed at a bank.

Going forward banks may extend into crypto investment and the areas of staking, liquidity pools and Defi as they grow in size and importance to the marketplace. Crypto mortgages for the metaverse are a big opportunity for banks.  Such mortgages are already available elsewhere.

Banking is becoming an ambiguous term, as many new players such as Walmart come on board. There used to be lines drawn around areas of finance.  Not so long ago, asset management was doing investments and managing people's money and banks were doing payments. Fast forward to today and the lines are blurred - there's no distinction anymore. Now banks are doing asset management, investment management, and payments. Tech companies are doing payments. And Walmart is doing mortgages. And fintech is doing asset management and old established banks are doing fintech.  Banks need to stay relevant.

Final Thoughts

Look at the landscape in the mid-nineties. Some said you’ll be able to make calls via the internet, and they’ll be free. But that seemed decades off.  Look at contactless payments, and voice recognition.  All these seemed very new one day and shortly after, just the way we do things.

Regulation is on its way and this - along with the rise of the metaverse, with its huge appeal to the mass market - will bring down the final barrier to crypto’s natural place at the heart of an evolving financial ecosystem.

Cryptocurrency will become mainstream, and sooner than many think. 

About the author: David Donovan is EVP, Financial Services, Americas at Publicis Sapient.  

Gemini’s survey of 2,300 people in the UK found 18% had some type of cryptocurrency investment, with nearly half  (45%) investing for the first time last year.

The research suggests a significant jump in crypto ownership across the past 12 months, with research from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) estimating that just 3.9% to 4.4% of Brits had invested in the asset last year. This jump coincides with a rally for the market, with Bitcoin reaching an all-time high of over $68,000 in November 2021.

In a comment, Gemini’s UK boss Blair Halliday said, “2021 was transformational for UK cryptocurrency ownership. Confidence in and awareness of crypto has increased dramatically.”

“We believe education is the key to enabling wider audiences to safely access and capitalise on the immense opportunities that crypto represents.”

However, the days of blockchain maturation are still early—and Ethereum is facing significant scalability issues, including network congestion resulting in slow and expensive transactions.

One of the main causes that lead to congestion on Ethereum is decentralised applications, also known as DApps. These applications could vary from games to crypto exchanges to social platforms. Ethereum boasts over 67,000 daily active users on its blockchain, with more than 269,000 transactions in a typical 24-hour period in early 2022.

Moreover, the Ethereum blockchain is home to some of the largest non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces. The most popular NFT marketplace, OpenSea, has more than 1.4 million users with nearly $23 billion in transactions.

It’s important to note that the Ethereum Foundation has been working on some technical upgrades to the blockchain, also known as forks. These updates are expected to help Ethereum’s scalability issues such as high transaction fees and network congestion, which result in the very slow and expensive process of transferring Ethereum’s native asset, ETH.

Ethereum’s Biggest Problem

In the context of Ethereum’s scalability hurdles, a major problem is Ethereum’s operating mechanism, known as Proof-of-Work (PoW). The model allows miners to solve complex math puzzles to verify a transaction on the distributed ledger and get a fixed amount of ETH as a reward (users need an Ethereum wallet to collect this reward). PoW is also used by the most popular blockchain, Bitcoin.

However, the PoW working mechanism consumes a significant amount of energy. The reason is that miners need to utilise powerful hardware to solve the blockchain’s puzzles, leading to unhealthy competition. According to Digiconomist’s analysis, Ethereum consumes an estimated 112 Terrawatts of electricity per hour.

As an alternative to PoW, the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model allows a network of validators to stake the blockchain’s native asset in exchange for updating the blockchain with new transactions while earning rewards. PoS requires much less energy than the PoW mechanism, which helps to reduce the carbon footprint of the emerging technology.

Ethereum is planning to transition to PoS, through its upcoming Ethereum 2.0 upgrade. The upgraded version of the blockchain is expected to use approximately 99.95% less energy than the PoW working mechanism. It’s also easier to facilitate much faster transactions with the PoS consensus mechanism, which is expected to alleviate Ethereum’s scalability burden.

Chief Investment Officer of Bitwise Asset Management, Matt Hougan, believes that Ethereum’s transition to PoS is “a really big deal.Hougan says, I think non-crypto natives are becoming aware of the merge for the first time. There really wasn't much discussion of the merge outside of crypto channels until a few weeks ago,” Hougan told Fortune. “Now that the mainstream media is picking up on it, and institutional investors are hearing about it, people are realising what a big deal it is.

Hougan says there are, however, some risks with Ethereum’s “very high stakes technological upgrade”.

The PoS model is less secure than PoW since there is no physical computational base to confirm transactions. In simple terms, PoS presents higher scalability while removing an extra layer of security.  With the rise of crypto, many investors have jumped into the industry. An estimated 55% of all active Bitcoin investors started to invest in 2021, for example.

Last year, the number of crypto users in the world, according to’s report, surpassed 295 million—and is predicted to reach the 1 billion mark by December 2022. 

Part of the reason for such a boost was crypto’s 2021 bull market. Both digital assets and traditional securities such as stocks noted significant gains. TSLA stock rose 55% in 2021, for example.

Yet digital assets have also become increasingly accessible. There are many approved cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States, but many stock trading apps have also added support for digital assets. Still, most stock apps don’t support a wide range of crypto assets or transfers outside of those stock trading platforms, which limits the use of those cryptocurrencies.

The Rise Of Ethereum Competition

While Ethereum users await the long-anticipated transition to 2.0, competitors have swooped in. These blockchains were built with PoS or other mechanisms from the start, able to provide cheap, fast transactions immediately upon product launch.

Yet this doesn’t mean they’re perfect. Here are Ethereum’s biggest rivals:

Solana (SOL)

Launched in March 2020, Solana was created to support DApps and smart contracts. The blockchain uses a combination of PoS and Proof-of-History (PoH) mechanisms for a faster and more reliable functionality with lower fees, according to its whitepaper.

Solana’s combination of PoS and PoH allows it to process tens of thousands of transactions per second while Ethereum typically processes only 15 per second. Further, more than 5,000 projects are underway for Solana with around 1,000 developers. Solana is also the network with the highest staked value at the time of writing. Solana’s total staked value is over $44.5 billion.

Terra (LUNA)

One of the biggest rivals to Ethereum is Terra with its native utility token, LUNA and its USD-pegged stablecoin, TerraUSD (UST). Terra was founded in 2018 with the aim to offer price stability with Bitcoin’s censorship resistance. Terra mainly focuses on algorithmic stablecoins with a fast-growing financial applications network.
Terra is the third-largest network in terms of staked value. Earlier this month, Terra flipped Ethereum to become the second-largest blockchain for a few days. Terra’s total staked value is over $33.3 billion at the time of writing.

Avalanche (AVAX)

Ava Labs created the Avalanche, a smart contract-based blockchain in 2020. It’s one of the most popular PoS operators with over $10 billion in total value locked (TVL). Moreover, its native utility token, AVAX, is the 10th largest crypto with a market cap of more than $24 billion. Furthermore, two of the most important issues that Avalanche is trying to fix are congestion and low fees. The blockchain can process around 6,500 transactions per second, much higher than Ethereum.

So Who Wins The Layer-1 Blockchain Race?

It’s clear that Ethereum is the most popular on the list and there are some notable mainstream names such as billionaire investor Mark Cuban publicly supporting it. However, Ethereum is poised to make a huge move toward PoS since its utility is much higher than what PoW can offer.

We’re seeing a rush where there’s a lot of different blockchains that are competing,” Mark Cuban told CNBC Make it. “When they start to put smart contracts to work, that’s when we’ll start to see things really level out. It’s going to come down to applications and integrations.”

Although these so-called “Ethereum Killers” have been created with Ethereum’s scalability issues in mind, they still lack Ethereum’s decentralisation. Many of them offer much more centralised networks with lower transaction fees and higher transaction speeds. Another downfall is that the centralised design of these networks results in various outages.

It’s too early to say whether Ethereum could be replaced with all the support it gets from the community. If Ethereum can successfully pull off its upgrade to 2.0 and improve scalability, it will be difficult to see its user base go elsewhere.

About the author: Shane Neagle is Editor In Chief at The Tokenist.

Furthermore, an ever-increasing number of people within the US are opting to be paid in Bitcoin for their day job, many of them high profile sports stars and politicians. Although this increasingly common usage is not to suggest that the US will ever completely abandon the dollar in favour of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.   

Current Global Examples Of Bitcoin Use

A specific current case of money being transferred internationally in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from America (and from many other countries) can be seen in the enormous flow of digital funds as donations into Ukraine, completely legally.  

To date only one country has wholeheartedly adopted Bitcoin as its everyday currency, El Salvador introducing it in July 2021 and encouraging the population to embrace a move to crypto away from the US dollar, which remains legal tender. Commentators are treating El Salvador as an exemplary case, but it seems reasonable to expect other countries with low GDPs to follow suit.


One idea currently under discussion within many countries, with regard to the adoption of digital ‘coins’ for everyday spending, is the concept of Central Bank Digital Currencies or CBDCs. In the US, the Fed seems to have more or less ruled this out as the ‘stable coin’ Tether, a digital currency tied to the US dollar, with a market capitalisation of $80 billion, seems set to be a safe digital store of value for investors and commerce alike. In the UK, Europe and other countries, the jury is still out on the CBDC issue, and it is early days as trial projects are being launched. 

Longer-Term Utility

A further consideration for Bitcoin becoming a ‘digital fiat’ currency is its longer-term utility. Many experts believe that Bitcoin may become used as an asset in which to store wealth (similar to gold), rather than for transactional reasons. As such, whilst investors hold Bitcoin in their digital wallet, they may exchange it for any one of the many thousands of other digital coins or tokens – such as Ethereum for smart contracts or meme coins for gaming – that are most appropriate for specific transactions. In most cases, it will depend upon what a vendor is happy to accept. There are likely other cryptos better placed to act as currency, and Ethereum substantially outperforming Bitcoin speaks to this. 

All things considered, it is a very fluid time for cryptocurrencies, and that is before one even considers the role that NFTs will play within all major economies in the coming years. What does seem certain is that, for cross-border and global transactions, some form of digital currency, or several, will become the working value exchange of choice.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day there is a big ‘does this really matter?’ question. Already major payment companies are happy for their clients to transact in Bitcoin and other digital coins. The older generation is likely to stick to FIAT for reasons of sentimentality and patriotism.  However, as time elapses, expect the ubiquity of crypto to engulf four corners of the world.  

About the author: Katharine Wooller is Managing Director UK at Dacxi.

Easy-to-use trading platforms have made crypto trading extremely accessible, and almost everyone has heard of the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum. In this article, we will talk about the most valuable cryptocurrencies right now, up and coming altcoins and we will summarise with an overview of how you should invest right now. 

Top 20 List Of The Highest Valued Cryptocurrency Right Now

Here are the top 20 cryptocurrencies at the moment, listed in order of market cap:

Bitcoin (BTC) - Price = $42,000 - Market Cap = $803Bn

The world’s most successful cryptocurrency, launched in 2009, highlighting the full potential of Blockchain technology. The digital currency has become so mainstream that it is accepted by many governments and is even considered legal tender in El Salvador. 

Ethereum (ETH) - Price = $3000 - Market Cap = $356Bn

Conceived in 2013, following an impressive Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Ethereum is based on a decentralised, open-source Blockchain that takes advantage of smart contracts to become a market-leading cryptocurrency.

Tether (USDT) - Price = $1 - Market Cap = $81Bn

Hosted on the Bitcoin and Ethereum Blockchains, Tether is a ‘stablecoin’ as it was designed to always be worth $1, as $1 is kept in reserve for every token that is issued.

BNB (BNB) - Price = $403 - Market Cap = $67Bn

The BNB token was issued by the Binance Exchange and its primary use is to pay for discounted transaction fees on the platform.

USD Coin (USDC) - Price = $0.9999 - Market Cap = $53Bn

Like Tether, the USD Coin is a stablecoin that is tied to the US Dollar, using smart contracts to create an equivalent number of tokens to what the user purchases in Dollars.

XRP (XRP) - Price = $0.83 - Market Cap = $40Bn

The XRP token is built on the Ripple payment transaction protocol that focuses on enabling instant, secure, and almost free payments for almost any financial transaction.

Terra (LUNA) - Price = $94.50 - Market Cap = $34Bn

This is the native token of the Korean-developed Terra Blockchain, with an initial $32m generated in investments to support the currency that has now seen major success.

Cardano (ADA) - Price = $1.02 - Market Cap = $34Bn

Cardano is a public blockchain platform used to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions, aiming to overcome the flexibility and scalability issues seen by older cryptocurrencies. 

Solana (SOL) - Price = $92 - Market Cap = $30Bn

Offering faster transaction times than its rival, Ethereum, Solana also uses a public blockchain with smart contract functionality. 

Avalanche (AVAX) - Price = $85 - Market Cap = $23Bn

Released in September 2020, AVAX is the native token of the Avalanche platform that uses a proof-of-stake system and smart contracts for improved validation.

PolkaDot (DOT) - Price = $20 - Market Cap = $20Bn

PolkaDot enables cross-blockchain transactions, solving previous compatibility issues, while also being extremely fast and scalable. 

Binance USD (BUSD) - Price = $0.9997 - Market Cap = $18Bn

A stablecoin developed by the Binance Exchange that the New York State Department of Financial Services has approved.

DogecoinDogecoin (DOGE) - Price = $0.1221 - Market Cap = $16Bn

Dogecoin was initially created in jest, as its developers looked to create a ‘joke’ payment system because of the speculation that surrounded cryptocurrency markets, however, a strong online community saw the token become extremely popular. Dogecoin is known as the first ‘memecoin’. 

Terra USD (UST) - Price = $1 - Market Cap = $16Bn

A stablecoin that isn’t actually backed by the USD, instead, for each UST that is created, $1 worth of Terra (LUNA) tokens must be destroyed.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) - Price = $0.00002362 - Market Cap = $13Bn

Another memecoin developed on the premise of FOMO (the fear of missing out), despite the initial popularity of the coin, thanks to a buying frenzy, the coin has been on somewhat of a downward spiral since late 2021 but a resurgence has been forecast by some. 

*Prices are taken from March 2022

Altcoins And Security Tokens To Watch Out For

We have picked out 7 altcoins and security tokens to watch out for, based on recent growth, popularity, and potential. 

INX - The INX token is a digital security token that is a US-registered security, now supported by the blockchain. This exciting token can be traded at any time of day, resulting in high market liquidity. The token also has its own INX crypto trading platform. 

LuckyBlock - This token has been developed to create a worldwide lottery that provides no entry limits based on geographical location and is not tied to any financial institution. 

Aave - This Ethereum-based cryptocurrency, allows token holders to vote on the future and direction of the project based on proposals.

Stellar - The Stellar token allows users to transfer digital currency into Fiat money, both domestically and across borders. The token showed strong growth in 2021.

Curve - Curve is another Ethereum-based coin that powers the Curve exchange, creating an easy way of trading tokens.

Algorand - The public version of this token allows developers to create new applications, financed by cryptocurrency and has been used across a wide range of industries, from real estate to microfinance. 

Sandbox - This interesting token is based on a metaverse that allows users to create characters so they can socialise and communicate within the platform. Users can also compete in ‘play-to-earn’ games, where they will be rewarded with the in-game currency, SAND. Using the currency, plots of land can be bought and developed to be sold on, creating a virtual economy.

What Crypto Tokens Should I Invest In?

It is not a question of which single token you should invest in as the most successful traders build a diverse portfolio made up of established cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and upcoming digital securities and altcoins. 

Any trade or investment you make should be based on thorough research and a clear motive. 

Remember, investing always contains an element of risk but a reputable trading platform can ensure your transactions are secure, enabling you to make trades quickly and easily, with minimal transaction fees.

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