Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

When you’re watching your favourite show you may forget what went into making it and the large budgets that were set to bring it to your screen.

Some TV shows such as Game of Thrones, we expect to have a large budget which it did, of $15 million per episode by season 8. The show's success is shown in how much they made.

There have been some unexpectedly expensive shows to produce recently and each season tends to increase in price as the show gains popularity and expects to be even better for the next seasons.

4 of the most expensive shows

Starting your career is an exciting, sometimes overwhelming, phase in life. Fresh out of school and diving into the professional world comes with its own set of opportunities and financial challenges. 

Whether you're a recent college grad or finishing vocational training, now’s the time to build solid financial habits that will serve you well into the future. But fear not! 

Here are several essential personal finance tips to help you manage your money wisely as you embark on this new journey. 

Start with a Simple Budget

Kicking off your financial journey begins with a simple, effective budget. Think of it as the foundation for all your financial decisions.

Begin by tracking every penny you earn and spend. Use tools like spreadsheets or budgeting apps to keep things organized - these work like a map guiding you through the money maze.

Separate essentials (like rent and groceries) from non-essentials (like dining out). Aim to save at least 20% of your income if possible; even small amounts add up over time. The idea is to start small and build discipline, so you can make bigger financial goals easier to achieve down the road. 

Build an Emergency Fund Early

Once your budget is in place, prioritize creating an emergency fund. See this as your financial safety net for life's unexpected twists - car repairs, medical expenses, or sudden job changes.

Aim to set aside three to six months’ worth of living expenses. This may seem daunting at first but start small; even stashing away $20 a week can grow into a substantial buffer over time.

Linking it to your budget helps you consistently allocate funds without strain. Use high-yield savings accounts to maximize growth while keeping your money accessible. 

Tackle Student Debt Strategically

With your budget and emergency fund in place, it's time to tackle student debt. Understanding the nuances of your loans can save you money and stress down the line.

Start by listing all your debts with their interest rates and terms. Focus on high-interest loans first while making minimum payments on others - this method minimizes long-term costs.

Consider consolidation or refinancing if it lowers your overall interest rate; just be wary of extending repayment periods unnecessarily. 

If possible, automate payments to avoid late fees. Prioritizing debt repayment early in your career helps free up future income for investments and other financial goals. 

Build Your Credit Score Wisely

After tackling your student debt, shift focus to building a strong credit score. A good credit score can unlock lower interest rates on future loans and better financial opportunities.

Start by securing a low-limit credit card, and use it responsibly - charge small amounts and pay off the balance each month. This habit shows lenders you’re reliable.

Keep your credit utilization below 30% of your limit; this is crucial for maintaining a healthy score. Avoid opening too many accounts at once as multiple hard inquiries can negatively impact your score.

Consistent, smart management of credit now sets the stage for favourable terms when it's time to make significant purchases like a home or car. 

Leverage Scholarships and Grants

When beginning your career, don’t overlook the power of scholarships and grants in easing your financial burdens. These resources provide "free money" for education, significantly reducing your need for loans.

Apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible, whether through industry-specific opportunities like financial aid for esthetician school, your school or local organizations. Each dollar you receive in non-repayable funds directly lowers your educational expenses.

Stay organized - track application deadlines and required documents to ensure you don’t miss out. Scholarships can also be available beyond freshman year; continually search for new opportunities.

Start Investing Early

Lastly, begin investing early to harness the power of compound interest. Even modest investments grow substantially over time.

Start by opening a retirement account like a 401(k) or an IRA - contribute regularly and take full advantage of employer matches if available. Diversify your investments across stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to mitigate risks.

Use robo-advisors or seek guidance from financial advisors for tailored investment strategies aligned with your goals. Prioritize consistency over the amount; regular contributions compound significantly in the long run. 

Closing Thoughts

Navigating your financial journey can feel like a daunting task, but with the right strategies in place, it’s entirely manageable. Embrace these tips as stepping stones to building a stable and prosperous future. 

Every small step you take now - whether it's budgeting, saving, or investing - paves the way for greater financial security and freedom down the road. Remember, you're in control of your financial destiny. So take charge confidently and watch your hard work pay off! 

Navigating the fiscal landscape of an educational institution requires a leader who can chart a course with precision and foresight. At the confluence of financial stewardship and academic success, we find adept school leadership—particularly those enriched by programs such as the Doctor of Education. 

These leaders possess the acuity to make strategic decisions that bolster their schools' financial health. Their influence extends beyond mere number crunching; it shapes a vision that transcends classroom walls, impacting students and communities alike. 

In this article, we will explore how strong leadership tangibly influences a school's monetary standing and resource distribution. 

Astute Leadership Makes Funding Acquisition Possible

Visionary leadership is a cornerstone in the quest for educational funding. Leaders who can craft and communicate a compelling vision attract resources necessary for school growth. They do more than manage budgets; they inspire stakeholders to invest in the future of education. 

These leaders possess an uncanny ability to turn student success stories into magnetic pitches that open doors to government aid, grants, and private contributions. Their foresight enables them to navigate the complex terrain of educational finance, ensuring their schools don't just survive but thrive in a landscape where fiscal support reflects confidence in their mission. 

Visionary Leaders Have a Mastery in Budget Allocation

Effective leadership is critical to mastering the art of budget allocationIt's not merely about cutting costs; it's about strategic investment and discerning the most impactful use of funds.

Leaders adept in financial stewardship understand that a well-crafted budget narrates an institution's values and ambitions. They pinpoint areas ripe for development, directing resources to programs with a track record of boosting student performance or to emerging needs that promise future benefits. 

Through this thoughtful approach, they ensure each dollar spent is an investment in their school’s advancement, setting a precedent for excellence in both fiscal responsibility and educational outcomes. 

Prudent Financial Management Cultivates Resilience 

Financial prudence stands as another pillar in the resilient infrastructure of school finance. Much like a seasoned navigator reading the stars, effective leaders anticipate the ebbs and flows of educational funding. They understand that establishing a sound fiscal reserve is akin to steadying a ship against unpredictable seas. 

The pursuit of such prudence often begins with advanced study found at programs like those detailed at or similar institutions, where an EDD educational leadership online track can equip leaders with the necessary skills. With this expertise, they cultivate cost-effective habits within their schools, strategically redirecting savings toward catalyzing education innovation and reinforcing critical services. 

Strategic Financial Decisions Propel Educational Triumphs 

Financial acumen in school leadership goes beyond mere conservation of resources. Leaders with fiscal savvy are pivotal in amplifying educational success. With every budget line scrutinized and optimized, they unleash the potential within classrooms. 

These leaders align spending with pedagogical goals, ensuring resources directly enhance teaching and learning experiences. The ability to make smart financial decisions acts as a multiplier of academic quality; it's a catalyst for attracting top-tier educators, fostering vibrant school cultures, and strengthening community ties. Their skilful steering keeps institutions solvent and sets them on a trajectory toward unrivalled educational excellence. 

Nurturing Community Engagement Boosts Collaborative Funding 

Lastly, the fabric of a school's financial landscape is interwoven with the strength of its community ties. Leaders who excel in galvanizing community engagement lay a foundation for collaborative support and collective investment in education. 

They reach beyond the school gates, fostering partnerships with local businesses, civic organizations, and families—turning stakeholders into benefactors and advocates. This synergy not only diversifies funding streams but also embeds the institution within the heart of its community, ensuring that when schools succeed, everyone shares in the victory. Through proactive outreach and meaningful collaboration, effective leaders create a robust network that sustains their schools financially and spiritually. 

Final Words 

In the intricate dance of educational finance, the leader's role is pivotal. With strategic foresight, a commitment to efficiency, and a penchant for community involvement, these individuals transform schools into thriving epicentres of learning and fiscal stability. 

The direct correlation between strong leadership and sound financial practices cannot be understatedit's the underpinning of academic excellence and institutional resilience. As stewards of both education and the economy, these leaders ensure that our schools are well-equipped to educate the changemakers of tomorrow. 


Slovenia has so much to offer and being a less visited country your time could be less crowded and cheaper prices can easily be found.



The Capital city of Slovenia should be your first stop, you can fly into the city and stay here as your base. The city is small and easy to get around, you can walk from the train or bus station into the old town and this is a great reason to stay here and take day trips out of the city. If you are up for moving around then you would only need a couple of night in the city before moving on to other areas this amazing country has to offer.

The city has great options for food and Slovenian traditional food should be your focus, dumplings and goulash at the top of the list. There is also a large Italian influence here as they share a border so you will find lots of Italian food everywhere too.

The Ljubljana castle can be reached by walking up alongside or taking the funicular to easily reach the top as it is situated on a steep hill. It is free to roam the castle grounds but for inside the tickets are priced at about EUR12 for adults. There is a viewing tower as part of the castle where you can see the whole city from above.

Many museums in the city will offer discounts for students or those over 65 years old.

The old town will offer you historical and unique sights to see, start in Presernov Square to see the Pink Church and the Triple Bridge. There are various bridges in the City, one being the Dragon bridge with large statues looking down.





The Markets

The central Market in the city can offer you affordable food you can take for a picnic or eat back at your accommodation for a cheap dinner during your stay. There is also an array of street food in the city which is a top attraction and low in cost.

On Fridays the city hosts an open kitchen market with a range of cuisines offering their best street food. This is usually a busy event but trying lots of different street food in the centre of the city is a great way to spend the afternoon.


Lake Bled

church on the island

Easily reached from the city and worth a trip and perhaps an overnight stay or two. The lake offers summer swimming and boat trips to reach the church on the small island on the lake. The lake can be walked around in under 2 hours so if you have time you can see each part of it.

The views from Ojstrica viewpoint can’t be beaten with a full view of the lake and mountains behind, this can be reached by around a 20 minute uphill hike and easy enough for most people to achieve.

Summer Tobogganing is the perfect activity for those who like a bit of speed. The chair lift up the slope brings you to this tobogganing track where you sit in a cart, hold on and enjoy the ride back down! Tobogganing costs EUR7 each and can be reached by walking up the hill for around 20 minutes if you want to avoid the EUR10 extra fee for the chair lift.

Bled castle is so close too with various ways to get up, each way you will be met with lots of steps so be prepared. The entrance is EUR17 per adult and from the top you can rest in the café overlooking a gorgeous view of the lake.


Triglav National Park

Close to Bled in the national park of Slovenia with unlimited natural beauties and points of interest. You will find waterfall and valleys with emerald water and views you won’t forget. You can hire a car to drive here or get there by bus from the city. The park is free to enter however, some of the sights have small fees including Vintgar Gorge which costs around EUR10 for adults.

You can reach Vintgar Gorge by bus which will offer you a return trip giving you a couple of hours to explore before heading back to lake Bled. Or if you are up for it you can walk to or from the gorge all the way back to the lake and enjoy the nature that Slovenia has to offer. There are different routes you can take depending on how long you want to walk and how many detours through the countryside you take. This is a perfect day activity, take a picnic and enjoy all the views.


beautiful evening view of a bridge crossing over soca river, one of the most beautiful european rivers running through the soca valley near triglav national park in slovenia.



You can get here from Bled by bus or car quickly, this is a popular destination and could be a great option to base yourself for parts of the national park too, there is a camp site located right next to the water.

Bohinj has various towns and villages around it with one of them being called, “Ukanc” which translates to ‘at the end’ as people who lived here used to believe it was the town at the end of the world.

The town, Stara Fuzina is the oldest historical town of Bohinj with narrow streets, colourful houses and views of the surrounding mountains


Slovenia can offer you mountains, lakes and cities too at a low price and with so much to see the only question is, what will you fit into your trip?



Other Budget Locations you could visit...




Cinque Terre


Tickets first went on sale on the 17th April and most sessions sold out. However there are still football sessions tickets for sale from EUR24. You could also be lucky if you keep an eye out for any sales on tickets as they occasionally release these.

Make sure to only purchase tickets from the official Olympics site to avoid scams.

The Paralympics tickets can also be found on the official site and sessions such as the badminton, Taekwondo and swimming can be purchased from EUR15. The Paralympics will take place from the 28 August to 8 September and during this time you could find Paris easier to get around and find accommodation too.

Make sure to get travel insurance before your summer trip to ensure security and peace of mind.

Other Cities Hosting

A few other cities in France are hosting sessions, these could be cheaper and also less busy. By staying here you could find more reasonable accommodation and a more relaxed atmosphere.


Without  a ticket

If you are going to Paris this summer and have been unlucky with tickets or want to avoid the cost then this can still be a full and entertaining trip for you. The city will be buzzing with excitement over the summer from the games and you will find this in and outside of the venues.

Locations such as, Les Invalides and Parc de la Villette will be filled with those without tickets to particular sessions to enjoy the games from a different beautiful location. There will be large screens to view and the atmosphere here will make you forget you aren’t courtside.


Paris in the summer

Long warm days and wine by the seine, Paris can offer you a magical summer trip with so many landmarks and sights to see.

Paris is one of the most popular tourist destinations during the summer months and this year it will be even busier. Staying outside of the city will allow you to escape crowds however be mindful of the threat of train strikes in Paris during the games as well as the hike in metro ticket from EUR 2.10 to EUR 4.

If you are staying outside of Paris hiring a car could make getting around the French countryside much easier as allow you to take in as much of the beauty as you can.


Other Budget Destinations your could visit

Cinque Terre




Starting a family can be a momentous decision, and naturally, there is a lot more to consider than just the financial aspects alone. Even so, perceived financial barriers do hold many of us back from starting our family when we’d ideally like to, opting instead to work for a few more years and put together a bigger safety net for you, your partner, and your future children to fall back on if it’s needed. 

So how can you develop and maintain spend-savvy strategies as you prepare to start a family or whilst your children are still in their early developmental years? In this article, we aim to position you and your family for financial success so you can build healthy habits and inspire your kids to do the same as they grow older. 

Budget for your finances (i.e. mortgages and loans)

All families can expect to take on a certain amount of debt. Your major sources of debt will take one of two forms: a home loan, and a car loan. The home loan is self-explanatory, so let’s focus on the car loan. 

You’ll need a car to get your family around, whether for school, work or extracurricular activities. For big or even growing families in particular, investing in a reliable people mover is simply non-negotiable. And when you consider the improved safety ratings on newer vehicles, splurging on a new car feels extra sensible, to say the very least.

As you’d expect, car loans allow you to make smaller payments in either monthly or fortnightly sums. A complementary benefit of this type of loan is it typically improves your credit score for future financial decisions. In other words, taking out a car loan and managing it well may help you apply for larger loans (like a home loan) later down the line.

New car loans are typically available for vehicles that are up to three years old. If you’re looking to buy a secondhand vehicle, however, there are even used car loan options that are on offer for older models of up to twenty years old.

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, you can even apply for a green car loan, a pure electric vehicle that reduces carbon emissions and cuts running costs. 

Consider making voluntary superannuation contributions

If you’re saving up for your pension by investing with a superannuation fund, then consider making top-up contributions wherever possible. Top-up contributions are contributions that are made to your super balance. This is especially a good idea if you’re working part-time, casual/contract or taking leave from the workforce. 

The benefit of investing in your superannuation now is simply that a greater investment today will naturally grow ever larger tomorrow. Now compound that with the next thirty-odd years, and you’ll have a nice little nest egg waiting for you come your retirement years. Small savings make a big difference, especially when that difference can mean increasing your retirement savings in the long haul. It might feel like a long, long time away, but starting early can certainly do no harm.

Create a family financial plan

Financial planning is all about making your goals as a family both actionable and achievable. If you have your hopes set on owning a home one day, or if you’re considering starting a business or taking a financial leap, family financial planning is an essential tool that will mark the steps you need to take to get there. This type of planning is all about setting goals and seeing them through. 

You can start by calculating your family budget so you’re on top of your expenses. Then determine what your financial goals are as a family - in particular, think about your long-term family goals, such as saving for university funds or paying off debt. Then allocate your goals to a percentage metric, such as the 50-30-20 rule or another money-saving strategy, and divide your savings amongst these percentages. 

Build an emergency fund

Following on from the previous tip, building up an emergency fund should be a priority for all new and expectant parents. This fund accounts for any unprecedented, unruly events, such as property damage or medical emergencies. This will save you from financial stress, or even tripping into debt as a result.

Thankfully, most diligent lifelong savers should already have a sizable emergency fund to their name. If that’s the case, then all you need to do is combine your assets with your partner to make sure that your family has access to those collective funds.

Once the funds have been combined, consider keeping your emergency fund in a separate savings account. That way, you can accrue interest on your fund and it can thus grow itself – a game changer for busy parents! You don’t need to fork out hundreds of dollars, either. Start small and build your wealth over time. 

Invest in insurance 

Insurance is important and should be considered and evaluated by every family to protect loved ones and their financial assets. 

There are different types of insurance. Below, we’ve compiled a list: 

Manage your debt

Although it’s easy to procrastinate or forget about handling debt, managing your debt will lift the financial weight from your shoulders. Debt is a common challenge for young families, but it doesn't have to be a life-long plough through the trenches. 

When managing debt, ensure that you prioritise paying off high-interest debt (anything above the average interest rates for mortgages and student loans, for example) such as debt from a credit card. By eliminating the beast of your debt, you’re minimising interest costs. 

Assess your existing loans and explore refinancing options. This will make all the difference between paying higher or lower interest rates, the former of which could burden you with hundreds of thousands of dollars. 


It is a fact of life that families must navigate the highs and lows of financial stability. By implementing small daily financial habits into your family’s life, not only are you advocating for your family’s financial independence, but you’re teaching your children to do the same. 

The Spring Budget is here! The Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt has outlined the Spring Budget and the highlights are outlined here.


Mr Hunt started by addressing the "tragic loss of life in Israel and Gaza". And announces a £1 million memorial to be created in honour of fallen Muslims who died in both World Wars.

He highlighted the economic difficulties of the last 16 years from the 2008 financial market crashes.


He notes the efforts they've made over the last 2-3 years will lead to more growth, more jobs and higher wages. And after some jibes attacking Labour's economic plans he follows up with the OBRs reporting that inflation which was at 11%, it is now at 4%. Today's forecast suggests that inflation will fall under 2% earlier than expected within the next few months.

Cost of Living Support

The Household Support Fund will be extended beyond 31 March and continue for 6 months.

In Autumn he froze alcohol duty until August 2024. He has now extended the alcohol duty freeze to Feb 2025.

The Fuel Duty cut has been maintained and frozen for another 6 months.

He also noted that one of the focuses today is on those falling into debt. He therefore has increased the repayment period for loans to cover household emergencies from 12 months to 24 months and an end to £90 charges for debt relief orders.

Debt & Deficit

Hunt then noted that there is no growth without solid finances. Highlights cutting deficit over last 14 years "by 80% between 2010 and 2019", amounting to £370bn they could then provide during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He says that the focus should be on reducing debt instead of borrowing. OBR announces debt will fall over the next 5 years. He says that today's forecasts show debt will fall to below to 94% by 2028 and 2029, down from over 100%.

He says that UK continues to have the lowest national debt in the G7, lower than Japan, France and the United States.

Turning to growth he notes that the OBR expects the economy to grow by 0.8% this year and 1.9% next year which is 0.5% higher than their autumn forecast. He adds that this is forecasted to continue at this level until 2027.

British ISA

He then announces the creation of a “British” ISA in the form of an extra £5,000 tax-free allowance for the public to invest exclusively in the UK.

Regional Investment

He then announces a large regional investment package in the North West a "North-East trailblazer devolution deal", a package worth over £100m.

He then announces further regional funding , and announces that he has allocated £188mfor projects in Sheffield, Blackpool and Liverpool. as well as £242min Barking Riverside and Canary Wharf.

VAT & Business investment

Hunt also increases the threshold for VAT registration will go up from £85,000 to £90,000.

Now moving to business investment he notes that "Business investment has risen from an average of 9.3% of GDP under Labour to 9.9% under the Conservatives. This year it will be 10.6% of GDP – generating £30bn more in business investment than if it had continued at Labour levels. And it is still going up," he says.


The secretary for energy security and net zero is investing up to £120m more to the Green Industries Growth Accelerator,

This is to build supply chains for new technology such as offshore wind and carbon capture.

Hunt also announces £270 million for advanced manufacturing industries, to fund car and space innovation.

Creative Industries

The chancellor confirms the Autumn Statement announcement that the rate of tax credit available to the industry will rise by 5% and an 80% cap for visual effects costs will be removed.

Hunt ensures that the tax reliefs just mentioned will become "permanent at 45% for touring and orchestral productions". For non-touring productions that relief will be one of 40%.

Medical Research, Healthcare & NHS

Hunt turns his attention to medical research. He is proposing an additional £45m investment with £3m put into cancer research.

He announces a brand new investment in to life sciences company AstraZeneca.

Hunt also announces an additional 650m investment in the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and a new vaccine manufacturing hub in Liverpool.

Childcare Plan

Hunt discusses the government's plans to address working vacancies and how to fill these gaps, using this to discuss their childcare plan. Previously, it was expanded to 30-hour a week of free childcare.

He announces a guarantee on the rates that will be paid to childcare providers to deliver the government's landmark offer for children over nine months old for the next two years.

Public Sector Productivity Plan

The investment needed to modernise NHS IT systems will cost £3.4bn - but will unlock £35bn of savings.

"And as a result of this funding, all hospitals will use electronic patient records, making the NHS the largest digitally integrated healthcare system in the world," he adds.

Smoking & Vaping Duties

Hunt has introduced a new levy on vaping.

There will also be a one-off increase in tobacco duty.

Air Passenger Duty

The government is increasing the Air Passenger Duty (APD) for business class travellers, Hunt announces.

Housing Tax Reforms

The chancellor says he will scrap tax breaks which make it more profitable for second homeowners to let out their properties to holiday makers as opposed to long-term tenants.

Hunt then announced that stamp duty relief for people buying more than one dwelling is being scrapped as the system was being taken advantage of.

Capital Gains Tax Cut

The higher rate of property capital gains tax is to be reduced from 28% to 24%, Hunt announces. He says the move is predicted to increase revenues as there will be more transactions.

Non-Dom Tax Reform

The government will abolish the current tax system for wealthy foreign residents in the UK who have non-domiciled tax status. By reforming this Mr Hunt says it will make the system "fairer and competitive". It will be replaced with a "modern residency system".

It will raise £2.1 billion with which the Conservatives will use to cut taxes.

Child Benefit Reform

Hunt says he will be reviewing the potential for a new rule on collective household income, rather than on an individual basis, which he aims to introduce by April 2026.

To help in the short-term, he will increase the threshold from £50,000 to £60,000.

And the top of the taper at which it is withdrawn will go up to £80,000.

Half a million families will save money as a result of this.

National Insurance Tax Cut

The chancellor announces a fresh cut to National Insurance contributions for employees from 6 April.

Hunt says he will reduce the rate by a further 2p, worth around £450 a year for someone on an average salary.


With Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt set to announce his Spring Budget on March 6th, we look into what we can expect from the UK's Spring Budget.

Tax Cuts

Mr Hunt has hinted at a series of tax cuts for the Spring Budget. Mr Hunt believes that the UK needs to reduce taxes as they are at the highest level since The Second World War. Speaking at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, he said that countries with lower taxes have more "dynamic, faster-growing economies".

A key part of the Spring budget then will be tax cuts, but the question is how can these be paid for? The latest figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) had marked inflation remaining at 4%, which is still double the Bank Of England's target of 2%. With interest rates unlikely to be dropped until the summer in an ongoing attempt to reduce inflation, the cost of borrowing remains high. 

Therefore, Mr Hunt is unlikely to borrow money to pay for the tax cuts as we would be forced to pay these back with a higher interest rate, not to mention that Hunt himself said: "It is not Conservative to cut taxes by increasing borrowing because all you're doing is cutting the taxes paid by people today in exchange for increasing the taxes paid by our children tomorrow."

Cutting Inheritance Tax

One of the taxes regularly brought up as being cut or even scrapped is the inheritance tax. Currently, only 4% of the population is impacted by inheritance tax, but as house prices rise, and with inheritance tax thresholds frozen, it means more people are likely to pay this tax.

This policy is likely to be very popular with well-off Conservatives throughout the country, who will be able to pass on their wealth and assets more freely to future generations. However, it's likely to be very unpopular to those who fall outside of this, which is the vast majority of the country, who will likely see this as a tax cut for the rich, whilst the poorest in the country remain under a heavy tax burden.

Cutting Income Tax

There is also the potential for Income Tax to be cut. This cut, as well as a further potential cut to the National Insurance tax, could save your average pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) workers as much as £450. As reported by The Times "A 2p cut to income tax for someone earning £35,000 would leave them £448 better off a year while someone earning £60,000 would have an extra £948, according to analysis from AJ Bell."

"Meanwhile, a further percentage point cut to NI would leave a worker earning £35,000 a year £673 better off while someone earning £60,000 would be £1,131 better off."

"It sounds good, but such cuts are wiped out by the impact of frozen tax thresholds, known as fiscal drag. "

Cutting Spending

It seems likely that to pay for tax cuts, Mr Hunt would be either forced to cut public spending or find taxes that can be low impact, but still reduce the tax burden. On the BBC's Political Thinking Podcast, Mr Hunt said: "It doesn't look to me like we will have the same scope for cutting taxes in the spring Budget that we had in the Autumn Statement". 

"And so I need to set people's expectations about the scale of what I'm doing because people need to know that when a Conservative government cuts taxes we will do so responsibly and sensibly."

He added: "But we also want to be clear that the direction of travel we want to go in is to lighten the tax burden."

According to the Financial Times, sources close to Hunt have said that Treasury officials are considering “reducing projected spending rises to about 0.75 per cent a year, releasing £5bn-£6bn for Budget tax cuts.” 

Politics at play

With a General Election looming Mr Hunt and the Conservatives will be reticent of their current low standing in the opinion polls and will likely see tax cuts as one of the only potential routes to victory. In light of the UK's recession, Mr Hunt will be eager to grow the economy again and stop the current stagnation occurring in the UK's economy, which was one of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's five pledges. 

With that being the case, the economy will be one of the Prime Minister's best weapons in winning back voters. They'll be hoping that by using the spring budget, they can use a series of tax cuts to grow the economy and boost their flagging opinion polls, which put them somewhere between 15-20 points behind the Opposition Labour Party.

The full interview with Jeremy Hunt from Political Thinking with Nick Robinson is available on BBC Sounds.

Today, perhaps more so than previously recognised, nonprofits have garnered immense support from the civil community, as the internet and social media enable them to share their causes more frequently and to a wider audience. 

According to The NonProfit Times, a leading publication and media outlet for nonprofitable organisations, 2021 contributions totalled more than $484.85 billion, with 67% coming from individuals alone, a significant increase from the 33% it represented at the start of the century in 2000. 

As society and younger generations look to become more vocal around the causes and communities nonprofits serve, the more than 1.5 million American nonprofits - that employ around 10% of the American workforce, and contribute roughly 5.4% to the nation's GDP - will only increase their impact and empower them to advance their mission. 

Although nonprofits do make a difference in our civil society, whether it’s through the programmes they orchestrate or the support they offer, regulatory factors regarding taxation and accounting still require nonprofits to adhere to strict protocols outlined by the federal government and the Internal Revenue Services (IRS).

Luckily for the 27 types of nonprofit organisations, there are specific rules that guide them on their tax-deductible contributions and nonprofit accounting. 

To make sense of this whirlwind of information, this simple guide looks to help add more clarity for accountants, and non-accountants that have found themselves working for a nonprofit. Here’s a simple look at the basics for beginners. 

Nonprofit Tax-Exemption Status

Seeing as nonprofits conduct efforts on a charitable basis, with most of the donations and proceeds going towards fulfilling the organisations' mission, a majority of these groups and organisations will generally be exempt from paying federal taxes. 

Organisations are only exempt if they meet requirements outlined by Publication 557 on Tax-Exempt Status released by the Department of the Treasury and IRS. 

With no direct ownership, shareholders or investors, nonprofits are required to fulfil certain requirements to keep their nonprofit status - and this is where nonprofit accounting becomes a crucial part of their operations. 

A Short Summary Of Nonprofit Accounting 

Oftentimes referred to as fund accounting, nonprofit accounting records all financial and monetary accounts held by the organisation. 

Seeing as all nonprofits are different, the fund accounting system works to keep track of income and expenses to help ensure organisations can achieve their goals and adhere to regulatory conditions. 

Nonprofit accounting can include some of the following: 

Simply put, nonprofits will need to appoint a treasurer or accountant that will help to balance the books and keep track of funding accounts. 

Setting up a budget 

Just like with for-profit businesses and companies, a budget helps to determine how profits will be used to achieve certain goals, and how the money will be allocated accordingly. 

For nonprofits, a budget may look somewhat different, as they generate income from donations and other forms of charitable causes. This means a budget will usually have an expected income and expenses. 

The expected income and expenses will outline where money will be coming from, whether it’s through corporate contributions, in-kind donations, voluntary work, or other programmes. At the same time, expenses will help keep track of where nonprofits are spending money including payroll, programmes, and events. 

Analysing financial records and statements

The second part of fund accounting is making sure to analyse financial records and statements the nonprofit incurs during the financial period. As with regular businesses, financial records and statements help to keep track of all income generated by the organisation, where it was spent, and how it got there. 

For the sake of accounting and taxation purposes, nonprofits must make use of digital tools that will help them manage and control their financial statements more seamlessly. Ultimately, these statements act as a way to keep a record of all accounts, and expenses a nonprofit generates over time. 

Recording transactions

As mentioned, financial statements can play a big part in the overall funding account management procedure and seeing as many nonprofits will oftentimes receive in-kind donations and voluntary aid, these will need to be recorded as well. 

In-kind donations are those that are acted upon by a person or company as a gesture of goodwill. For example, if a photographer says that he will assist with new portraits and photographs for the organisation's website, the nonprofit will need to record the in-kind donation in their statements. 

The nonprofit will have a separate account in its accounting ledgers for all in-kind donations and will record a receipt based on the fair market value of the donation. Thus saying, if the photographer charges $550.00 for 100 photos, the nonprofit will record the $550.00 as an in-kind donation. 

Managing various bank accounts

Smaller nonprofits may have one or two bank accounts at the beginning, but over time, as the organisation grows, different bank accounts will be required for different activities. 

Some nonprofits may have a regular check account but will have a separate savings account for emergencies. Some financial institutions offer tailored checking accounts for nonprofits that act as regular business accounts but have been customised for nonprofits. 

It’s not a smart idea to have a singular bank account from which all transactions are conducted, as this makes accounting practices increasingly difficult and complex. 

Performing bank reconciliations

Both individuals and businesses tend to perform bank reconciliations when it comes to filing annual taxes. A bank reconciliation is simply checking to see whether transactions completed on a specific bank account line up with those recorded on the financial statements. 

The bank reconciliation helps to keep track of purchases and expenses that may be exempt from tax, or which are filed and accounted for differently. 

Fund accounting and bookkeeping

Then finally, fund accounting and bookkeeping are where most nonprofits will start to organise their financial and monetary statements or transactions in one place. 

Instead of having different ledgers that help to keep track of the various transactions completed by the nonprofit, some organisations tend to make use of automated software and computerised programmes to help keep all their financial proceedings in one secure place. 

Additionally, it’s advised that nonprofit organisations make use of some form of bookkeeping and accounting services that are tailored to their needs and their tax-exempt status. Not only does it help them ensure more financial credibility, but it enables them to align their financial proceedings with their missions and regulatory factors. 

To Finish Off 

We know that nonprofit organisations play a massive role in our general community and civil society, acting as a voice for disadvantaged communities across the world. While it’s true that these organisations can make a difference, regardless of their mission, they must align their accounting and financial position with the regulatory factors outlined by federal authorities. 

Nonprofit accounting may seem like a tumultuous challenge at first, but once a person gets used to the ins and outs, it becomes almost instinct for people to keep better track of their financial situation. 

This creates a major financial burden for physicians, especially early in their careers. They are often unable to buy a home or start a family until they have paid off their loans. And, even then, they may find themselves struggling to make ends meet. This is a major problem that needs to be addressed. We need to find ways to make medical school more affordable so that our doctors can start their careers without crippling debt. But for now, here are 5 strategies for doctors to better manage their debt: 

1. Make a budget and stick to it

This will help you track your spending and see where you can cut back. Another strategy is to make extra payments on your loans. As a result, you will eventually pay less interest. You can also look into refinancing your loans. This can lower your monthly payment and save you money in the long run. Finally, don't forget to take advantage of the tax breaks and deductions available to you. 

2. Don't take on more debt

Debt is often a necessary part of a physician’s life. However, this doesn't mean that they should take on more debt than necessary. Managing loans is essential, and physician loans can be a great way to get the money needed to pay for the home you’ve recently bought because you've shifted to another city due to a job. Physicians should be mindful of the amount of debt they are taking on, and make sure they can afford to make their monthly payments. 

It's also important to remember that debt is not always bad. Loans can help physicians buy a home or car, and can even help them start their own practice. However, it's important to use loans wisely, and not take on more debt than is necessary. Physicians should always consult with a personal finance company exclusively for healthcare professionals like LeverageRX before taking out any loan, in order to make sure they are getting the best deal possible. 

3. Pay off debts with the highest interest rates first

Debt can put a huge weight on your shoulders, especially when the interest rates are high. In order to reduce the overall amount you owe and make your payments more manageable, it’s important to pay off your debts with the highest interest rates first. This will reduce the amount of money you pay in interest over time and help you become debt-free sooner.

If you have several different loans, try prioritising debts based on the interest rate, starting with the highest rate and working your way down. You can also use a debt calculator to help you figure out how much you’ll save by paying off certain debts sooner rather than later. 

4. Take courses and learn about financial planning options

Investing in yourself is a great way to improve your finances. Learning about all of the different loan options available to you can help you get the best deal that fits your needs. Many people do not know how to save money or how to invest money wisely. By taking a course on financial planning, you can learn how to save for retirement, build your credit score, and more. This knowledge will help you better manage your money now and in the future.

5. Hire a financial advisor company

When it comes to managing your personal finances, the most important but often overlooked aspect is working with a financial advisor company. When you work with a financial advisor company, you can get help managing your loans and other financial products. This can be especially helpful for physicians who have a lot of student loan debt.


Creating A Business Plan

One of the most important things business owners need to know how to do is develop a business plan. This document will outline your company's goals, strategies, and how you plan on achieving them. It's essential to have a business plan in place before you start operating, as it will help keep you on track and make sure you're making progress towards your goals.

The best way to develop a business plan will vary depending on your company and what you're trying to achieve. However, there are some key things that every good business plan should include:

Payroll Tax Calculations

As a business owner, you're responsible for properly paying your employees. This includes withholding the appropriate amount of money from their paychecks for taxes. If you don't withhold the correct amount of money, you could be on the hook for any unpaid taxes, plus interest and penalties. Generally, you need to know how to calculate payroll taxes to ensure you're withholding the correct amount of money. The first step is to determine which taxes you're responsible for withholding.

The most common payroll taxes are federal income tax, Social Security tax, and Medicare tax. Once you know which taxes you must withhold, you can use a payroll tax calculator to determine the correct amount. These calculators can be found online or in some accounting software programs.

Creating A Budget

A budgetary plan shows your company's expected revenues and expenses for a given period. Having a budget is crucial for ensuring your company stays financially afloat. It will help you track your progress and ensure you're not spending more money than you bring in.

When developing a budget, estimate your company's expected revenues and expenses for the upcoming year. Then, break down those numbers by month. After you have a good idea of your financial picture, you can start deciding where to allocate your resources.

Remember, your budget should be flexible. Things will inevitably come up that you didn't plan for, so it's essential to leave some room in your budget for unforeseen expenses.

Developing A Marketing Strategy

A good strategy outlines your plans for promoting your products or services. It's essential to have a well-thought-out marketing strategy in place before you start spending money on advertising. Otherwise, you could waste a lot of money on ineffective marketing campaigns.

You must start by identifying your target market to develop a successful marketing strategy. Who are you trying to reach with your marketing efforts? Once you've identified your target market, you can start thinking about the best way to reach them. There are a variety of marketing channels you can use to reach your target market. Some of the most common include:

Employees Onboarding

When new employees start at a company, they undergo an onboarding process. This process is designed to help the new employee adjust to their new job and workplace. It can include orientation sessions, training, and shadowing another employee.

Employee onboarding aims to help the new hire feel comfortable in their new role and to set them up for success. It's essential to have a well-designed onboarding program in place so your new employees can hit the ground running and be productive from day one.

There are a lot of things business owners need to know how to do. These are just a few of the most important. If you don't know how to do something on this list, make it a priority to learn. The better prepared you are, the more successful your business will be.


1. Consider Your Brand And Business

When trying to pick a location, always consider the nature of your brand and the message you are trying to convey. For example, if you have a high-end boutique, it wouldn’t be wise to place it in a rural area or college town. It needs to be in an upscale area where the general population can afford your products. On the other hand, a fast-food establishment would probably do well in a college town. Experiment with pop up shops until you find the perfect spot.

2. Keep Safety In Mind

Find a safe location for your business. Every business owner must strive to operate a business where they feel protected. Your business is doomed if the employees and customers do not feel safe, and your assets may also be at risk. Avoid areas that frequently experience burglary and theft. 

3. Follow The Demand

Having your business be in demand is important, but you shouldn’t place yourself at the centre of the competition. Ideally, you want a location with some demand for your products or services that isn’t already saturated with competitors. You will want to choose a location where there is high demand for your product or service. This can be determined by research and market analysis. Look at demographic data and trends to see where people are moving and what they are looking for. If you can find an underserved market, you may have found a great location for your business.

Another way to find areas of high demand is to look for businesses like yours that are doing well. If you can find a successful business in a location that is similar to the one you are considering, there will likely be high demand for your product or service as well.

You also need to consider the competition when choosing a business location. It is important to find an area that is not already saturated with businesses like yours. This can be difficult, but it is important to consider if you want your business to be successful. Once you have considered the demand for your product or service, you can begin to narrow down your search for the perfect business location.

4. Consider Your Suppliers And Vendors

Find a location that makes connecting with your suppliers and vendors easy. If they are very far from you, there may be delays in your regular tasks. You may also have constant issues with your inventory levels. When exploring your options, settle for a site that puts you close to raw goods. 

5. Stay On Budget

Settle for a business location that fits your budget. In addition to the rent, think of location-specific expenses as well. Most locations come with hidden costs such as renovations, taxes, economic incentives, and minimum wage requirements. If you are running a mobile business, you still need to consider the cost of vehicle licensing and permits. 


Location is a critical consideration when starting a business. Keeping the above factors in mind will ensure you settle for the perfect location. Do not commit to anything before doing your research. Speak with other business owners and find out what your target clients want. Compare a few options and make sure you settle for the perfect fit. If you get the location wrong, nothing else you do matters. A well-informed location strategy can fuel your success. It can streamline all your other operations. 

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