Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

Are you tired of feeling like your credit score is some mysterious beast ready to pounce on you at any moment? Well, you're not alone. Many struggle with understanding and managing their credit, but it doesn't have to be that way. In this article, I will share some awesome risk management tricks to help you achieve a good credit score. So, let's dive in and learn how to tame that credit monster!

Understanding Your Credit Score: A Quick Overview

Before delving into the specifics, let's briefly explain what a credit score is. A credit score is like a financial report card. It informs lenders about your reliability in borrowing money. A credit score overview shows that credit scores are typically between 300 and 850, with higher scores being better. This little number can make a big difference in your life, affecting everything from getting approved for loans to the interest rates you'll pay.

"A high credit score can open doors to better financial opportunities, from lower interest rates to more favourable loan terms." - Matt Mayerle (CreditNinja)

Keep an Eye on Your Credit Reports

One of the most important things you can do to manage your credit risk is regularly checking your credit reports. It's like giving your financial health a check-up. You're entitled to free reports from the three major credit bureaus each year, so take advantage of that! Look for any errors or suspicious activity. If you spot something fishy, report it right away. It's better to catch problems early before they seriously damage your score.

Pay Your Bills on Time, Every Time

This might seem obvious, but it's so crucial that it bears repeating. Paying your bills on time is like the golden rule of good credit. Set up automatic payments if you often forget, or use a calendar app to remind you of due dates. One late payment can dent your credit score, so stay on top of those bills!

Keep Your Credit Utilization Low

The percentage of your available credit is known as credit usage. Maintaining this at or below 30% is advised. For example, keep your credit card debt below $300 if it has a $1,000 limit. Not maxing out your credit cards shows lenders that you handle your credit properly.

Don't Close Old Credit Accounts

You might think closing old credit cards you don't use anymore is a good idea, but hold up! The length of your credit history matters. Those old accounts can help your score by showing a longer credit history. Keep them open and use them for small purchases to keep them active.

Mix It Up with Different Types of Credit

Lenders like to see that you can handle different types of credit. This might include credit cards, car loans, mortgages, or personal loans. However, don't open new accounts just for the sake of it! Only take on credit you actually need and can manage responsibly.

Be Cautious with New Credit Applications

When you apply for new credit, it results in a hard inquiry on your credit report. Too many of these in a short time can hurt your score. So, be strategic about when you apply for new credit. If you're shopping around for a loan, try to do it quickly, as multiple inquiries for the same type of credit within a few weeks are usually counted as one.

Create an Emergency Fund

This might not seem directly related to your credit score, but having an emergency fund can prevent you from relying on credit cards when unexpected expenses pop up. Aim to save enough to cover 3-6 months of living expenses. This way, you're less likely to rack up high credit card balances that could hurt your score.

Consider a Secured Credit Card

A secured credit card can be a great tool if you're starting to build credit or trying to rebuild after some financial setbacks. You put down a deposit that becomes your credit limit, reducing the lender's risk. Use it responsibly and it can help boost your credit score over time.

Educate Yourself and Stay Informed

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to managing your credit. Keep learning about personal finance and credit management. There are tons of free resources online, including financial blogs, podcasts, and even courses. The more you know, the better equipped you'll be to make smart decisions about your credit.

Don't Be Afraid to Seek Help

If you're overwhelmed by debt or struggling to manage your credit, don't hesitate to ask for help. Credit counselling agencies can provide guidance and help you create a plan to get back on track. Just make sure to choose a reputable, non-profit agency.

Mayerle emphasizes, "Seeking help from reputable credit counselling agencies can provide valuable guidance and support for managing debt and improving your credit score."

By following these risk management hacks, you'll be well on your way to achieving and maintaining a flawless credit score. Remember, it's not about being perfect, but about making consistent, responsible choices. Your future self will thank you for the effort you put in today. So go ahead, take control of your credit, and show that debt who's boss!

If you already have a credit card you will know the importance of staying organised with your repayments.

Before you get any Credit cards you should be aware of how they work.

In 2022, Uswitch data found that there were almost 59million credit cards which is nearly one for every person over 16. As we know not everyone does have a credit card this must account for people to have more than one.

However, of those 59 million issued credit cards there were 34 million which had outstanding balances at the end of the month which came to a total of £34million of unpaid, borrowed money.


Why it could be a good idea

Having more than one credit card could improve your credit score as well as allow the score to grow at a faster rate as all credit is added together. This means lenders would favour you with a great score.

Those who are self-employed will often have a separate account for their business and their personal lives. So for those who are self-employed it might be beneficial to have more than one credit card in total.


The downsides

Having more than one credit card also adds to the amount you have to pay back each month too. Just like having one card, you have to pay in full and on time every month to avoid penalties like a bad credit score and interest so this will only double with two credit cards

Having an inactive card can reflect badly on your credit score and to lenders too so if you have more than one it is best to distribute the costs between them.


So, having more than one credit card could be a great idea if your goals are to a goo credit score to get a mortgage or loan. However, unless you know for definite that you will be able to sensibly and effectively use the account and pay multiple cards off on time then it will do you more harm than good.

Fraudsters can create credit accounts under your name and misuse them, significantly lowering your credit score and potentially damaging your credit history and financial future. By the time you notice the impact, it is often too late, and the recovery process can take years. Credit monitoring can help prevent such actions, detect them early, and safeguard your credit and score. Here is how credit monitoring can help improve your credit score.

Enables You to Detect Issues Early

Managing all your bills and accounts can be tough, and an honest mistake might negatively mark your credit report. For example, you might miss a payment or overlook a negative bank account balance in collections.

You can identify these issues by routinely checking your credit reports as soon as they appear. Sometimes, you can even have the negative item removed by contacting the lender or collection agency, explaining your situation, and making a quick payment.

Optimize Your Credit Score

Local credit repair services can assist in optimizing credit scores. A person's credit score reflects their creditworthiness and is commonly used to determine the interest rate for borrowing money.

The credit score calculation considers three primary factors: the amount of outstanding debt, the duration of debt repayment, and the monthly income. It also factors in payment history, credit history length, and the total inquiries listed on the individual's credit report. Alternatively, you could use DIY credit repair software to help you track and manage your credit score on your own.

Be Vigilant for Indicators of Identity Theft

The prevalence of identity theft is on the rise, evidenced by frequent notifications indicating compromised personal data in corporate data breaches. Thieves and hackers may gain unlawful access to confidential information, which can lead to the unauthorized opening of credit cards and financial accounts in your name.

Consequently, substantial purchases could be made, potentially damaging your credit score. Recovering from identity theft is known to entail significant costs, consume considerable time, and induce stress.

Capable of Helping You Plan Your Finances Ahead

Numerous elements can potentially detrimentally affect your finances and consequently influence your credit rating. These factors include raising your outstanding debt, missing a payment, terminating an account, or generating credit inquiries, such as when seeking a new credit card or home loan.

The impact of these elements might not be immediately apparent to you unless you utilize credit monitoring services. Essentially, employing credit monitoring services will boost your financial understanding and enable you to proactively strategize instead of reacting only when issues escalate.

Reduce the Anxiety

The tendency to avoid disheartening or unwelcome financial updates is commonly mentioned as a factor that impacts various financial behaviours. In reality, younger individuals report having an outstanding or very good credit score less often than their older counterparts, which might dissuade them from constantly reviewing their credit scores. Nonetheless, failing to monitor credit scores can worsen credit issues in the long term.


Credit monitoring services can be advantageous for individuals across a wide credit score range, from below 619 to above 800. These tools are frequently free and enable you to track changes in your credit status.

Furthermore, a high credit score might enable you to obtain credit with more favorable conditions, such as reduced lending rates, in comparison to individuals with a lower credit score. Your credit score affects more than simply your eligibility. 

Therefore, ignoring your score might end up costing you a lot of money in the long run, especially if you need it to fund your business.

What Is A Credit Score?

A credit score is a three-digit figure that typically ranges from 300 to 850 and indicates how probable you are to pay back loans and make payments on time.

Your credit reports are created using the information obtained by credit-reporting organizations, often known as credit bureaus. The top three credit bureaus in the United States, also known as the big three, are TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax.

Although each creditor has its criteria for acceptable ratings, the following fundamental principles apply: In general, a credit score of 720 or greater is regarded as outstanding. 

The range of 690 to 719 is regarded as good credit. Fair credit is defined as scores between 631 and 689, while bad credit is defined as 629 and lower.

With that said, what are some mistakes you should avoid to get a good credit score to fund your business or any other endeavor?

Having Too Many Unpaid Loans As Well As Credit Card Debt

Your credit rating might suffer if you tend to take on excessive amounts of credit, particularly loans without collateral. A significant quantity of overdue debt suggests a weak capacity to make payments and a strong chance of failure.

Your credit rating and prospects of getting authorized for future credit will often suffer if your monthly average credit repayments exceed 50 percent of your take-home pay or net monthly salary.

So to keep your credit score high and improve your creditworthiness, only borrow as the last option. Don't rack up excessive credit card debt or many unsecured or unprotected loans at once. This way, financial institutions will be able to help you fund your new enterprise.

Additionally, don't apply for credit cards unnecessarily. Now you may be wondering - why does credit card application affect credit score in the first place? 

Well, it’s because when you apply for a credit card, a hard inquiry is generated on your credit report, and it negatively affects it, especially when the credit card company rejects you and you reapply.

So, never reapply for a credit card without knowing why you were rejected the first time, or never apply for a new one without repaying all your credit card debt first.

Not Routinely Reviewing Your Credit Score

Regularly checking your credit rating and credit history for inaccuracies is a smart habit. This is because your report might contain straightforward reporting or clerical mistakes that might negatively affect your credit rating. 

Only if you regularly review your credit history and rating can you have such inaccuracies fixed. Remember that if you examine your personal credit history and report, it is a "soft enquiry" and won't have an impact on your score. 

However, a mistake that sneaks into your credit report undetected might significantly affect your rating and score. In essence, not checking to see if there are errors in your credit report might affect your chances of getting the necessary funding needed for your enterprise.

Maxing Out Your Credit Card Or Cards

A further factor that might lower your credit rating or score is being close to your debt's set capacity. For instance, your credit rating may suffer greatly if you maintain an active credit card and use the whole amount. 

When credit bureaus notice that you are close to your spending threshold, they hesitate to extend you further credit. It might appear as though your finances are deteriorating as you go close to your threshold, and the agencies are just interested in lowering their liability.

Consequently, having this issue, as a result, will reduce the chances of any financial institution taking a chance of lending you for your business.


Although there is no uniformity in credit scores, they usually consider the following when generating your credit score:

You should do the following to record a good score:

Pay Your Debt On Time

One of the ideal ways to improve and maintain a good score is by paying your debt on time and in full, if possible. If you want to keep a good score, you should avoid late credit payments because payment history contributes to a larger percentage of your credit score. Agencies hire a credit cleaner to help collect credits from individuals who fail to pay creditors on time. Use all means to ensure you maintain a good score by paying your credit on time. If you have difficulties with on-time payments, you can set an alert that will remind you to pay your credit.  

Review Your Credit Reports

The first step to help you maintain a good credit score is reviewing your credit reports. If you review your credit reports, you will be in a position to know your credit status from all three credit agencies. If you are interested in maintaining a good credit score, do reviews and ‘ identify any unpaid balances or inaccuracies made by the agencies. To maintain a good credit score, you should pay any pending credit you owe lenders. This will help you to maintain good lending behaviour. Ensure your credit has no errors as it might affect your credit score negatively. If it has then you should check out the good credit repair companies and find one that is suitable to solve your issue. Once you identify the agencies that have not cleared you from old debts, ensure you get cleared to maintain a good credit score.

Limit Applying For A New Account

To maintain a good credit score, you should limit the number of times you create new accounts. Getting new lines or credit accounts leads to a hard inquiry that can negatively affect your credit score. Opening new lines of credit affects your average age, length, and credit history, which are the requirements for calculating a credit score. Individuals opening new accounts show lenders that they can open and manage many accounts; this will result in many lenders avoiding lending you money. They feel that lending you money is a kind of risk. As you get new credit accounts and lines, be cautious not to tamper with your credit score.

Keep Old Accounts Open

If you are planning to open a new credit account or already got a new credit account, don’t close your old account. Most individuals tend to close old accounts once they pay off their credits. Closing old accounts is not a good idea if you are aiming to maintain a good credit score. Keeping old accounts is essential in maintaining a good credit score as it maintains the length of your credit score, which is a requirement in maintaining a good credit score.

Keep Your Credit Use Rate Low

If you are aiming to maintain a good credit score, maintain a low credit use rate. Try at all costs to minimise the rate at which you utilise credit. The best option to keep your credit utilisation low is by maintaining it at or below thirty per cent. You can also increase or maintain a good credit score by asking your credit card company to limit the credit increase. Another instance of keeping your credit utilisation low is choosing alternative credit means. To maintain a good score by utilising low credit, you should pay off your balances more than once a month.

It is a nice idea to pay off your balances earlier instead of waiting until the last minute to pay off your balances. Don’t risk being reported to card issuers because you cannot clear your balance.

If you want to continue receiving new credit from lenders, maintain a good credit score. Be on the forefront to confirm the important information that will help you maintain a good credit score and hence be able to acquire credit from lenders in the future. If you are looking for ideas to maintain a good score, his article will greatly help.

However, with that fun and thrilling feeling of searching for a home comes the inevitable worry of obtaining a decent mortgage loan. And while real estate brokerage firms like Compass will always advise buyers to work with a lender they feel appreciated, understood, and comfortable with, there are a lot of other variables that need to be considered too. 

To help you feel a little more confident when interest rates and other financial matters are discussed, here are some of the biggest factors that can impact your mortgage interest rates.

Your credit score

This is probably the most important factor that lenders are looking for when they calculate how reliable you’d be as a potential borrower. Determining your credit score includes various things like all of your debts, credit cards, other loans, and your repayment history on those debts. 

A credit score tends to be in the range of 300-850. The higher your score, the lower your interest rate will be. 

Your loan term

In general, the term of your loan has a lot of contributing factors to your interest rates. Short-term loans will inevitably have much lower rates of interest and costs, but of course, the monthly payments will increase significantly. 

If you’re concerned about these contributing factors, the majority of lenders will help you to find a mutually acceptable rate that’s within your budget.

The downpayment you’ve made

As you’d expect, the higher your down payment is, the lower your interest rate will probably be. The majority of lenders will see you as a low-risk borrower if you have more of your own money put into the place. 

If you can hang in there, save, and get a solid 25% or so of your own cash in a new place, then you’ll probably end up getting a better (in other words, lower) mortgage loan rate. 

Home price/loan amount ratio

Essentially, this is the price of your place, minus the down payment or borrowed mortgage loan amount. If you’re borrowing an unusually small or large amount for your mortgage, your interest rate will rise significantly. 

If you’re able to keep the amount you plan to borrow at the forefront of your housing search, you’ll be able to get a rough idea of how it could impact your mortgage rate. It’s important to calculate a ballpark figure that you’re comfortable with paying each month. 

The type of interest rate

Generally speaking, you’ll encounter two kinds of business rates - fixed rates and adjustable rates. As the name implies, a fixed rate doesn’t change over time, whereas adjustable rates will eventually rise or fall based on the real estate market. 

While adjustable loans tend to have lower interest rates, it’s important to understand how much they could increase due to fluctuations in the market.

One thing to remember when considering a personal loan is that the interest rate may be higher than what you would get on a mortgage or car loan. Therefore, it's important to compare interest rates from different lenders before deciding which one to go with.

Make sure you are familiar with the common qualification, requirements, and personal loan documents required before shopping for a personal loan. Your knowledge of the application process will allow you to streamline the process and may enhance your chances of becoming eligible.

As a part of the loan application evaluation process, financial institutions typically consider the following five requirements:

1. Credit score 

Various variables, such as the amount of debt you owe, how long you've had credit accounts, and your payment history, determine your credit score. If you notice errors on your credit report, you can dispute them with the credit bureau. You should also make sure that you're paying all of your bills on time and keeping your debt levels low. 

2. Steady income

Before applying for a personal loan, it's important to have a steady income. This will ensure that you can make your monthly payments on time and avoid any penalties or fees. In addition, having a regular income will show the lender that you're responsible and can be trusted to repay the loan. 

If you're not currently employed or your income is sporadic, you may want to wait until you have more stability before applying for a personal loan. Your chances of getting approval will increase with this move, and it will help you get the best interest rate possible.

3. Debt-to-income (DTI) ratio

Debt-to-income ratio is a significant factor for lenders to consider when you’re applying for a Personal Loan. Your DTI is your total debt payments divided by your monthly gross income. 

Ideally, you want a low DTI before applying for a Personal Loan. It shows lenders that you can afford to take on more debt. On the other hand, a high DTI may suggest that you’re struggling to keep up with your current monthly expenses, which could make it difficult for you to repay a new loan. 

4. Collateral

A personal loan appears to be a great option when you need some extra cash. However, before you apply for a personal loan, it's important to check your collateral. Few lenders may at times require collateral to approve a personal loan. So, it's important to ensure you have something of value that you can offer as security. 

Lenders typically want to see assets such as a home or car title, but some may accept other types of collateral such as stocks or bonds. If you don't have any assets that can be used as collateral, your chances of being approved for a personal loan are slim. 

5. Origination fee

The origination fee is essentially a percentage of the loan amount. The lender charges this fee to cover costs associated with processing the loan. So, before you take on any debt, make sure you can afford to pay the principal, interest payments, and origination fee.

Why apply for a personal loan?

When in a difficult financial situation, a personal loan provides a way out of it. This type of loan is unsecured, meaning no collateral is required. You can use it for various purposes, such as paying off credit card debt, consolidating bills, or making a major purchase.

Certain personal loan documents are required to get a personal loan. To get the best rate and terms, meet the following requirements. 


You should be aware of the five personal loan requirements listed above. This will ensure you can get the loan you need and avoid any potential headaches. If you have doubts regarding the same, speak with a personal loan specialist.


Consider Loan Options

The first step is to consider your loan options. There are a variety of loans available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. You'll need to decide which type of physician mortgage loan is best for you based on your financial situation and goals. For example, if you have a strong credit score, you may be able to qualify for a low-interest rate loan. On the other hand, if you're self-employed or have a lower credit score, you may need to look into alternative loan options. Some common loan options for physicians include:

Shop Around For Lenders

Once you know what type of loan you're looking for, it's time to start shopping around for lenders. There are a variety of lenders available, each with its own set of terms and conditions. It's important to compare multiple lenders in order to find the best deal. When comparing lenders, be sure to consider:

Once you've compared multiple lenders, it's time to choose the one that's right for you. Be sure to get all the terms and conditions in writing before signing anything.

Determine What You Expect From The Mortgage

When you're ready to apply for a mortgage, it's important to have a clear idea of what you expect from the loan. Here are some things to consider:

Once you have a clear idea of what you want from your mortgage, you'll be ready to start the application process.

The Application Process

The first step in the application process is to gather all of the necessary documents. This can include things like your tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements, and more. Once you have all of the required documents, you'll be able to fill out the application and submit it to the lender. After your application has been submitted, the lender will review it and make a decision. If you're approved for the loan, you'll be given a loan estimate which outlines all of the terms and conditions of the loan. 

Be sure to review this document carefully before signing anything. Once you've signed the loan agreement, the lender will begin processing your loan. This can take a few weeks to complete. Once everything is finalised, you'll be ready to close on your home and start making monthly payments.


If you're in the market for a new home, it's important to compare different lenders and mortgage options before making a decision. Physician loans can be a great option for physicians, as they often offer low-interest rates and no down payment requirements. Be sure to determine what you want from your mortgage and gather all of the necessary documents before starting the application process.

Score Check

If you suspect that you might have adverse credit, then the first thing that you need to do is to check your score. There is no shortage of companies offering free credit reports, where you can check your full credit history. Many of these companies will also make credit card offers to you, although if your score’s very low, then it’s highly unlikely that you will actually be able to take out a credit card. Some score-checking agencies also offer their own credit-building cards, which are worth considering.

Credit Card

A credit card can be an extremely effective way of building one’s credit score. The only caveat is you already have to have a reasonably good score in order to qualify for one, just like a mortgage. If your score’s not great but isn’t really bad, then you may still be able to get a high-interest credit card with an undesirable company. You can then use this card to build up your score, by making every single purchase with it. Your credit card company will report to the credit bureau, noting down every purchase you have made, and every subsequent repayment, which will then increase your score.

Credit Builders

Credit builders are like credit cards, except you don’t get any credit with them. With credit builder cards, you top the card up yourself (and pay the card’s monthly fees), and then make all of your purchases with it. The more top-ups that you make, the higher your score goes. Credit builders are available to people even with the lowest credit scores, so you should be able to get it, no matter your credit score. A credit builder card is usually offered over a twelve-month period, so it is something you will have to commit to short-term.

Paying Bills

In recent years, energy providers have started reporting energy payments to the credit bureau. This means that you can actually boost your credit score by just paying your energy bills on time. If you set up a direct debit with your energy providers, then you won’t even have to lift a finger. It is worth noting, though, that because energy providers report back to the credit bureau, this means that if you miss any payments, your credit score could potentially drop. For this reason, make sure that you have a direct debit set up and money in your account to cover your payments.

Credit Use

A good way to increase your score is to keep your credit usage low, even if you have a credit card. If your short-term debt total is above a certain figure, lenders won’t look favourably upon you, and your score won’t go up. If you do owe a large amount of money on a credit card or to a debtor, then repaying this in full will help your credit score to go up. It should take about a month from the date that you repaid your debt until your credit score goes up again.

Proving Address

A very simple and effective way of increasing one’s score is to prove where you live. If you can prove your address to the credit bureau (such as by signing up for the electoral roll in Britain), then the credit bureau will instantly increase your score by a large margin. Proving one’s address is definitely a very effective way of increasing your credit score, because you don’t have to do much, and don’t have to pay any money toward anything. The longer you stay in an address, the higher your score goes also.

Credit Steps

On most credit score provider sites, they will offer you a series of steps that you can follow, which if followed, will increase your credit score. If the site that you are using offers you credit steps, then it’s a good idea to take them. These credit steps are calculated uniquely for you, by assessing your credit score, and the things that it’s lacking. It’s common to see ‘take a credit card out’ or ‘sign-up for the electoral roll’ in these guides. If you have any queries about your credit steps, you can reach out to the service’s provider and ask for more information.

Open Accounts

It’s a good idea to keep your old accounts open. The longer that you have an account, the better it will be for your credit score. A lot of people close their accounts down once they are done with it, but this is a bad idea. If you have closed accounts on your credit report, then the credit bureau won’t think that you are reliable or may think that you had to close your account because you were in debt or were unable to continue repaying your account. Open accounts with long credit histories are very desirable and can increase your score.

Fraudulent Activity

One last thing to watch out for is fraudulent activity. If a fraudster gains access to your personal and financial information, then they could theoretically sell this information to other criminals, who could, in turn, use it to commit identity fraud. It is very common for criminals to take out credit cards in other people’s names. Obviously, if a credit card was taken out in your name, then this would negatively impact your credit score. If you notice any fraudulent activity on your report, then report it immediately to the credit bureau.


There are many benefits to improving one’s credit score. One of the main ones is greater financial freedom. The better your score, the more likely you will be to qualify for large loans and credit cards, which can positively change your life.


However, it is simpler than you might think when it is broken down into smaller steps. Here are some tips that can help you secure your future by managing your personal finances. For more detail about useful resources, there are financial experts who can assist you with this.

1. Understand Your Credit Score

Firstly, one of the most crucial parts of planning your personal finances is understanding the role that your credit score plays. Banks and money lending institutions typically use someone’s credit score to see how likely they are to repay a particular loan before approving their application. 

A higher score indicates that someone is more likely to repay the loan in full within the prescribed time. Because of this, it is worth knowing the ways that you can improve your credit score. This is typically done by paying off your regular bills such as rent and utilities on time. 

Whether that occurs at the start of the month or the end, make sure that you are setting reminders to pay your bills when they are due. This allows you to avoid any outstanding debts that can lead to a poor credit score over time. 

2. Set A Realistic Budget

Similarly, setting a realistic budget is a useful way of keeping track of your spending and figuring out how to save a little money for the future. Many people try to set a strict budget that is difficult to follow, but the best way to secure your future through financial planning is to make gradual changes over time. 

This way, you can create a habit of saving without stressing over meeting certain goals immediately. Consider brainstorming what items you spend money on during a typical month, then decide if each is a want or a need. 

Impulsive purchases can be challenged in this way, and it can also allow you to find more affordable utility providers if the majority of your income is being spent on bills. It could also be worth cancelling certain payments that you don’t use, like a subscription service or gym membership, if you don’t use it. 

Once you have taken a look at all of your options, you can use budgeting resources to assign your regular income to certain items. This allows you to see how much money you will have leftover and holds you accountable to stick to your budget. 

3. Establish Saving Goals

After setting a budget for yourself with realistic allocations of money, it is important to think about your savings. You should try to set aside small amounts to put towards your savings each month if possible. There are a range of different savings accounts available with most banks, and it is worth looking into the different options. 

Setting savings goals for yourself can allow you to keep track of your savings, and consider the end goal. For some, this could be a deposit on their dream home. While others may prefer to keep their savings for emergencies. 

Consider thinking about what is essential to you, and what type of thing you want to start saving for. This can be a great way to encourage better financial habits over time, by working towards your savings goals. 

4. Prioritise

Another thing to keep in mind when you are changing your relationship with money is that you should prioritise. This means putting your long-term financial goals to one side if you are struggling to make ends meet each month. There is no point in putting yourself into debt if it can be avoided, and you should make sure that you can afford your current lifestyle. 

During the budgeting process, something to consider is what is important to you. This should be prioritised if possible, or it could be used to motivate your savings habits. Avoid impulsive purchases by reminding yourself what you are working towards, and your financial goals for the future. 

5. Pay Off Debt

One of the biggest contributors to poor credit scores is outstanding debt. This is because so many people find themselves unable to pay their regular bills and the instalments on an outstanding loan. Consider prioritising your debt repayments if possible, and start working towards a healthier credit score over time. Debt consolidation loans are great for someone who has multiple debts that need to be paid. 

This is because they typically pay off the amount needed for each loan repayment, and help simplify the process by being a single repayment that you need to budget for, rather than multiple. If it is possible, try to pay off any outstanding debt in order to stop your credit score from getting worse over time. 

6. Consider Insurance

Additionally, it could be worth getting insurance for your assets in order to protect yourself and your loved ones. Make sure you are insuring all of your property where possible in order to avoid significant fees in the future. Home insurance helps by providing access to repair fees when needed. For example, if your home gets severely damaged in a storm, and you need to replace the roof urgently. Insurance can help cover some of the fees required, which will prevent you from falling into debt in the long run. 


When it comes to changing your financial habits, it can be hard to know where to start. Because of this, budgeting and understanding the role that your credit score plays can allow you to create more sustainable habits in the future. 

Consider taking a closer look at your current spending habits, and identify certain items that you can save money on. It is also worth making use of online resources to find the right budgeting tool for you. Saving for the future can allow you to feel closer to your financial goals, like a vacation or wedding.

Marketing tactics such as these are enough to lure the average person into the trap of getting external financing. Then they enter a life-long rat race to try and repay their loans because they have bitten off more than they can chew. Here are a few tips to help you stay clear of these problems and use a loan as effectively as possible.

1. Costs

One of the main problems people face with loans is the price of the loan itself. There are two things that you need to check in this regard. The first is the interest rate on the loan and the second is the service cost of the loan. The interest rate is relatively easy to calculate and understand. Still, it is the service fee that often takes people by surprise. Most lenders are not very transparent about the costs associated with getting their financial products.  After you have bought it,  you realise that it will cost more than you expected. Make sure you go through the fine print with the salesperson and understand what you will need to pay for exactly.

2. Loan Types

Before you sign up for a financial product, understand your needs and the different products available. Rather than getting a generic loan, you may be better off getting a specialised product intended for your needs. If you need financing for a home, a real estate loan will be a better option than a generic loan. Similarly, you could apply for a business investment loan if you have a business. These specialised loans give you better choices and better prices.

3. Credit Score

Your credit score plays a pivotal role in how easily you will be able to get a loan and how cheap that loan will be. Just because a loan is advertised with affordable rates doesn't mean it will be reasonable for you. A poor credit score could make the loan more expensive because you are a riskier investment for the lender. If your credit score is holding you back from getting a good loan, your best option might be to wait until your score improves a little bit. This way, you may become eligible for other loans, and you will also get a better price on those loans.

4. Repayment

Loan repayments include repaying the interest rate and the principal amount. They are two completely separate things, and different lenders will structure their repayment plans differently. Make sure you understand your repayment policy and select something that doesn’t have compounding interest. This will help to keep the loan cost low and make repayment as easy as possible. Make sure you are comfortable with the repayment terms before signing up.

5. Lenders

Different lenders will offer the same kind of loan. You could get financing from a bank, a private investment company, an insurance provider, or even the government. Different lenders will have drastically different rates and conditions for a loan of the same value. If you can’t find a suitable option through banks, look into other options. Generally, you will get the most lenient terms through organisations that are backed by a local or federal government.

6. Value

People tend to require loans when they need a problem solved. The thing to consider is whether the loan cost will justify the value that you will get from using that money. If the risk and the price of a loan are higher than the value you will get, it might not be such a wise decision, no matter how profitable it might seem right now. Long-term loans can last years, even decades, and things can drastically change during that time. Consider the long-term value of using that money and whether it will be worth it, considering how the cost of the loan will increase over time.

Whenever you attempt to secure a loan, make sure you have plenty of time on your hands. Lenders capitalise on the urgency customers express and in their haste, they end up making poor decisions. Give yourself a couple of months to explore the different options and shortlist good options. Moreover, consult with the various service providers and take your time to understand the loan. Just because you are discussing an option with a company doesn't mean you have to decide right there and then. A well-thought-out decision could make your future.


Development finance is a specialist type of secured loan, issued for the purpose of constructing, converting, renovating and repurposing properties. It is a strictly short-term facility, designed to be repaid within around 18 months of the issue date. Like most types of specialist commercial loans and development loans, development finance is typically granted exclusively to experienced developers and construction companies.

Q1. How does development finance work?

Development finance differs from a conventional mortgage in that the lender takes into account the estimated value of the completed property - not just the value for the development at the time the loan is issued.

A brief overview of how development finance works:

Q2. Who uses development finance?

Development finance is used by experienced developers and construction companies, who would prefer not to invest too much of their own capital in their projects. 

By covering anything from 75% to 100% (with mezzanine funding) of a project’s costs, developers have the opportunity to run multiple projects simultaneously. This would not be possible if they invested all of their own capital in any given project, making development finance their preferred choice.

Q3. What paperwork do I need for development finance?

Documentation requirements vary in accordance with the nature and extent of the funding required. However, most development finance specialists will expect to see the following as the bare minimum:

Your broker will advise on all the necessary paperwork to submit your application, during your initial consultation.

Q4. Can I qualify for development finance if I have bad credit?

It is technically possible to qualify for development finance with bad credit, but you are unlikely to qualify for lenders’ most competitive deals. If you are concerned about your credit score (or general financial background), it is essential to consult with an independent broker to discuss the alternatives to development finance. A subprime product from a specialist lender could prove more affordable, depending on the type of property development project you have in mind.

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