Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

What is a signature loan and what are its benefits over other types of loans available to consumers?

A signature loan is a type of unsecured personal loan that does not require collateral. This means that you do not have to put up any assets, such as your home or car, in order to secure the loan. Signature loans are typically smaller than other types of loans, such as mortgages and auto loans, and have shorter repayment terms. Signature loans also tend to have lower interest rates than credit cards.

There are several benefits to taking out a signature loan

How does the process work? Do you need good credit or can anyone apply?

Signature loans are unsecured, which means that they do not require collateral. This makes them a good option for people with bad credit, as they may not be able to qualify for other types of loans. The application process for a signature loan is typically much simpler than that of other types of loans. You will likely just need to provide some basic information, such as your name, address, and Social Security number.

In order to get the best rate possible on a signature loan, it is important to have good credit. Lenders will use your credit score to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for a loan and what interest rate to offer you. If you have bad credit, you may still be able to qualify for a signature loan, but you will likely have to pay a higher interest rate.

How much money can you borrow and for how long?

No credit check signature loans are available in amounts from $100 to $5000. The repayment terms vary depending on the amount you borrow, but they typically range from two weeks to four months.

If you need a longer repayment period, you may want to consider a personal loan from Payday Champion. Personal loans have repayment terms of up to five years, so you can spread out the payments over a longer period of time.

What happens if you can't repay the loan on time?

If you are unable to repay your signature loan on time, you may be charged late fees. In addition, your lender may report the late payment to the credit bureaus, which could damage your credit score. If you think you will be unable to make a payment, it is important to contact your lender as soon as possible to discuss your options.

Mirek Saunders, who manages an online payday loan website, suggests that "A signature loan can be a great tool to help you consolidate debt, make a large purchase, or cover an unexpected expense. But as with any loan, it is important to understand the terms and conditions before you agree to borrow money."

Building a good credit score for your business is crucial for possible future financing. Even if you start your business with your own money, there is no doubt that you will need a small business loan to take it to the next level. Therefore, learning how to build a strong business credit profile must remain at the top of your priority list if your business must thrive on external financing. 

A strong credit profile not only opens doors to possible loan facilities for your business, but lucrative contracts and deals sometimes require your company to have exceptional credit scores. Nick Wilson, CEO of AdvanceSOS, recently shared six important tips that can help you boost your business credit profile. These tips are relevant whether or not your business has a credit history. 

AdvanceSOS is a loan aggregator founded in 2019 by Nick Wilson, an experienced loan officer. Its easy application helps borrowers reach a huge network of direct lenders to get a 500 dollar loan at AdvanceSOS on the same day or within 24 hours. 

Differentiating Between Personal Credit Profiles And Business Credit Profiles

Your credit profile consists of the credit history you have formulated over time using your social security number. They may include a chain of secured and unsecured loans such as mortgages, car loans, insurance, payday loans, credit cards, and so on. 

Key components such as your payment history, duration of credit, unsettled debts, credit mix, and new loans obtained are evaluated to form your credit profile. Also, your ability to pay back these cash advances when due improves or depreciates your credit score and may affect your ability to access more credit facilities. 

On the other hand, your business credit profile consists of those debt financing facilities advanced to your business and not to you as an individual. However, lenders may run a check on your credit profile when advancing business loans to small businesses. 

Unlike the chain of personal loan facilities that form your credit profile, activities such as payment history of your business, financial stress score, utilised credit ratio, and other relevant data are evaluated to form your business credit profile.

Essential Tips To Build A Sustainable Business Profile 

1. Register Your Business 

If your company has no credit history and you want to start off on the right foot, you should register your company. Business registration commences your business credit profile journey. Also, after registration, you must obtain your federal tax identification number. 

This is sometimes referred to as the employer’s identification number, which is quite similar to the social security number associated with an individual. You have commenced the long but interesting journey of building your business credit profile with all of these done. 

2. Stay Updated With The Credit Bureaus

You must constantly update your business information and credit history with the three important credit bureaus for businesses. Potential lenders examine the information provided to these bureaus to determine your creditworthiness.

These three credit bureaus have their own separate ways of calculating your credit score. However, the scores formulated by them determine whether your business credit profile is strong or not. It is also a good idea to keep your data up-to-date with all three bureaus. None should be your favourite because potential lenders can consult any or all of these credit bureaus.

3. Utilise The Power Of Tradelines

The Dun & Bradstreet Paydex score requires that you have at least three settled trade lines, and the greater the number of settled trade lines you have, the better your score. Therefore, you can make this work in your favour by establishing an account-payable relationship with your vendor or suppliers if that is your line of trade.

This way, you take up their trade credit and settle the credit promptly and ask that your vendor report your payment history with them to the credit bureaus. This will boost your credit score tremendously. You can also approach the credit bureau yourself by lodging the payment history as a trade reference on your account.

4. Put Your Vendors To Good Use

This is a supporting tip to the third tip above. The logic behind using tradelines is to establish a narrative of creditworthiness with the credit bureaus. Therefore, you need to conduct business with suppliers and vendors that report to a credit bureau. The whole essence is not to be dodgy but as transparent as possible, and you must have this transparency reported.

It then becomes an important business question you need to ask every supplier or vendor, whether they will report your prompt payments before taking up their credit or loans. Already, banks and other financial institutions that extend loan facilities to businesses report your credit history to the credit bureau, which is why prompt settlement of debt automatically increases your credit score.

4. Factor In Credit Utilisation

The use of credit cards and lines of credit to boost your business isn’t novel. However, what is important is that you must avoid maxing out these credit cards. You must learn how to make the most of your credit card. Essentially, never exceed your limit, and when you do, pay it back promptly. When you have credit limits, do not exceed 30% of your credit limit.

Also, do not use your credit card for business purposes. You must avoid letting your credit profile affect your business. Open a business credit card instead and ensure that the credit card company reports your history to the credit bureaus.

5. Monitor Your Credit

You may not always have your credit details at the back of your hand. It is important that you consistently monitor your business credit to ensure you have the right credit profile that attracts lenders and yields lower interest rate opportunities when seeking credit or loan facilities. Furthermore, monitoring your business credit reveals any damaging issues or fraud that may cause a dip in your credit score.

About the Author: Amanda Girard leads the financial copywriting team at AdvanceSOS. Her invaluable input and expertise translate into articles posted throughout our website and other notorious channels. Since our founding in 2019, she has written the most comprehensive yet exciting pieces for our company.

What is considered to be good or poor credit?

Generally speaking, a credit score of 670 to 739 is a good credit score. However, building credit is not just for those with poor credit scores. It is always beneficial to get into financially healthy habits and build your credit score up as high as possible. 

Having a good credit score boosts your chances of being approved for loans and lines of credit and maximises the likelihood of receiving the best rates available, all of which will save you money in the long run.

1. Join the electoral register

Joining the electoral register helps lenders to confirm your identity when reviewing your application for loans or a credit card. If you are on the electoral register, there is an official record of your name and address. This is a free and simple action that means that you are making life easier for lenders and ensuring that when they go to verify your information, they can do so quickly via the electoral register.

2. Pay off existing debt

If you already have a large amount of outstanding debt, you should work to pay this off as quickly as possible. Generally speaking, if you make regular repayments in a timely manner, this will help your credit score in the long term as it shows you to be a reliable borrower. Lenders and credit card providers want to know that you are able to pay the required amount at the required time.

Clearing out any debts is a good way to keep your credit score nice and clear, except for a mortgage that people would expect you to have for 10 or 20 years.

There are some products such as payday loans which are less desirable for your credit score and even though paying them on time is a good indication of creditworthiness, such high-cost products including rent to own and logbook loans are often associated with those living week to week and generally do not help your score.

3. Manage your credit utilisation rate

In order to build credit, you should manage your credit utilisation rate. This is the amount you are spending versus the amount of credit you have available. It is also known as a debt-to-loan ratio. Your credit utilisation rate lets lenders know how responsibly you are using your credit.

Financial experts recommend keeping credit utilisation at 30% or under meaning that you are never spending more than 30% of your available credit. For example, if your credit card has a limit of £1000 per month, you should try not to spend more than £300 in order to keep your credit utilisation ratio in check and positively impact your credit score.

4. Cancel unused cards

Unused lines of credit can cause unnecessary noise on your credit card. Not only that, but multiple lines of credit may indicate to lenders that you have a risky borrowing profile and that you need to seek out multiple forms of credit. Having multiple lines of credit open means that, in theory, you could be spending a large amount of money at any given time as you have a lot of credit available to you. If you have multiple cards that are unused, you should pay these off or close the accounts as soon as you can. This action can go a long way in improving your credit score.

5. Dispute any mistakes on your credit report

Errors on your credit report are easily made. Whether they have recorded payments that were on time as late, confused someone else’s credit activity with yours, listed closed accounts as open, or are showing information that is no longer valid, there are many mistakes that could negatively impact your credit report. 

Keep on top of your credit report and make sure that you identify any errors to credit reference agencies (and it is free to do so). Once identified, you can contact your credit bureau to contest these errors and remove them from your report. This will have a positive impact on your credit score.

How Are Hard Money Loans Different From Traditional Loans?

Hard money loans are different from traditional loans in several ways. For instance, while a person may be able to repay a traditional loan in as many as thirty years, hard money loans typically have a repayment plan of about 3 years or less. 

There are several benefits of a hard money loan that may make borrowers prefer it to traditional loans. For instance, even if you do not have a very good credit score, you may still qualify for a hard money loan, experts say. While traditional lenders depend largely on a person’s credit score to approve their loan applications, hard money lenders may not be so particular about credit scores.

Types Of Hard Money Loans

Hard money loans come with different kinds of financing options, some of which include:

1. Transactional Loans

This type of loan offers short-term capital to investors. They are a quick and easy alternative to traditional loans. The entire process of getting a transactional loan is fast, making it possible for investors to get a loan in as little as one business day. These loans are designed to provide investors with short-term capital so they can quickly close deals. 

What Kind Of Investors Need Transactional Loans?

Transactional loans are certainly not the best kind of loans for every situation, however, there are situations for which these types of loans are the best. These loans are most ideal for investors who have found buyers willing to pay a lot higher for a property than its price. In this type of situation, an investor could purchase the property using a transactional loan and then sell it to the buyer. The investor would then pay off the loan using the proceeds from the sale and keep the difference as profit. These types of transactions are done very quickly.

Benefits Of Transactional loans

Transactional loans can benefit an investor in several ways, some of which include:

2. Bridge Loans

As the name implies, bridge loans are given to investors to bridge a period between two transactions, such as transactions involving buying a property and selling off the same property. The bridging industry has evolved immensely in the past decade. Today bridge loans are taken by businesses and individuals who need quick approval for real estate financing. When managed wisely, bridge loans can help investors create a lot of profit in very little time. It takes about a week to process this type of loan

What Kind Of Investors Need Bridge Loans

Many investors benefit immensely from bridge loans. Whether for managing rental properties, or fixing and flipping, bridge loans come in very handy. House flipping is growing increasingly popular as a great investment, as it yields good returns on investment; this has made bridge loans even more popular. 

Advantages Of Bridge Loans

These are a few reasons why you should choose bridge loans over other types of loans.

3. Rental Loan

This type of loan is available for people looking to buy real estate for rent. Rental loans are typically tailored to the unique needs of each investor whether veteran or a newcomer to the industry. 

What Kind Of Investors Need Rental Loans

This loan is best suited for people looking to jump into the highly lucrative business of buying properties for rent. This type of investment needs a lot of capital both for the purchase and rehabilitation of properties and rental loans are a great way to get this capital.

Benefits Of Rental Loans

What Is Credit Repair?

Credit repair is the process of disputing errors on your credit report to improve your credit score. The goal is to get the negative items removed from your report, giving you a better chance of being approved for loans and other forms of credit.

It becomes easier to get approved for a mortgage, car loan, or credit card when you have a good credit report. You may also be able to get a lower interest rate on those loans. A bad credit report can lead to you being denied credit altogether or paying high-interest rates. The good thing is that credit repair companies can help you fix your credit. They will work to ensure that your credit report is accurate and up-to-date.

What Do Credit Repair Companies Do?

It is wise to know that credit repair companies will work to dispute any errors on your credit report. They have experience dealing with the credit bureaus and know how to get the negative items removed from your report. This can be a long process, but it is worth it in the end.

One of the main things that credit repair companies will do is help you build a good credit history. This includes helping you to establish a solid payment history and increasing your credit score. They can also help you learn how to use credit wisely to don't damage your credit score again in the future.

So, if you have a bad credit report, you can seek these companies out for help. They will work to correct the errors on your report and help you rebuild your credit. It may take some time, but it is worth it in the end. What you are required to do is be patient and follow the instructions of the credit repair company. They know what they are doing, so you can trust them with your credit file.

How Much Does Credit Repair Cost?

Many individuals who want to repair their credit always have this question in mind - how much does credit repair cost? This question may vary, as each company has its pricing structure. However, the average fee for credit repair is around $99 per month. This price usually includes all of the services you will need to improve your credit score.

If you are on a tight budget, you may want to consider a credit repair company that offers a payment plan. This will allow you to pay for the services over time, making the repair more affordable for you.

What To Consider When Choosing A Credit Repair Company

When choosing a credit repair company, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind. First, make sure that the company is reputable and has experience repairing credit reports. This is to ensure that you are dealing with a company that knows what they are doing, and they can repair your credit as required.

You will also want to ensure that the company offers a money-back guarantee. While this is not assured in many companies, it can give you some peace of mind that you will get your money back if the services do not meet your expectations. However, it is essential to read the terms and conditions of the guarantee before you sign up for the services.

Lastly, make sure that the company offers a payment plan if needed. This will allow you to spread out the cost of the services over time, making it more affordable for you. This is especially so if you are working with a tight budget.

Credit repair companies can be a great help when fixing your credit report and increasing your credit score. If you are considering using their services, make sure that you do your research first to find the best company for you.

Can You Clean Up Your Credit For Free?

You can do some things on your own to clean up your credit for free. This includes reviewing your credit report regularly and disputing any errors that you find. You can also start building a good credit history by making on-time payments each month. However, if you have the worst credit and it seems like you have tried everything, then you may want to consider using the services of a credit repair company.

Credit repair companies can be beneficial in fixing your credit report and increasing your credit score. They have experience dealing with the credit bureaus and know how to get the negative items removed from your report. But it is worth it in the end. So, if you are considering using their services, make sure to do your research first to find the best company for you.

Your car is probably one of the most valuable possessions you own and one of the most expensive. And sometimes, you just need a little extra cash. Taking out a logbook loan on your car is a great way to free up your finances. 

What Is A Logbook Loan? 

A logbook loan is a new way of releasing finance on your car. Just like a mortgage, a logbook loan means that your vehicle is used as a form of collateral for your chosen loan amount. If you’re strapped for cash and you need to free up your finances, you can use a logbook loan to release money from your car without having to surrender your keys. 

How Do Logbook Loans Work? 

If you have been struggling to find and take out a loan in other ways, a logbook loan could be the answer you have been looking for. According to, “The trade value of your car will determine the maximum value of the loan, therefore the more your car is worth, the more you can borrow against it.”

Once you have your loan, you can repay it back in monthly instalments that are manageable for you. Repayments can be made anywhere from 1 month to 3 years. What’s more, you can keep driving the kids to school, taking your car to work, and picking up the groceries. Basically, you can use your car in the same way you always did while enjoying the freedom of more finance. 

The 3 Benefits Of A Logbook Loan 

So, now that you know what a logbook loan is and how it works, what are the benefits? Not all loans are created equal and the type of loan you take out will depend on your individual circumstances and what you deem the best decision for your family. To help inform your decision, we have listed the benefits of logbook loans below. 

1. Bad Credit History Doesn’t Matter

For many people looking to take out a loan, there is the worry about bad credit history. So many people are rejected for loans due to the state of their credit history. However, when it comes to logbook loans, bad credit history doesn’t matter. All you need to take out a logbook loan is proof that you are the legal owner of the vehicle. Having a bad credit history doesn’t stop you from taking out a loan in this case, making it a great way to raise funds when you need them. Of course, it is important to be realistic about whether or not you can keep up with the loan repayments. However, if you feel confident this is something you can manage, logbook loans could be the answer to your financial difficulties. 

2. Raise Funds Fast 

Depending on the value of your car, with a logbook loan, you could borrow up to £50,000 in cash. Just imagine what a difference that could make to your financial situation. Whether you need a new washing machine or you need funds to finish your extension or pay your kids way through university, a logbook loan lets you take out money on the value of your car and make monthly repayments that are manageable for you. 

3. You Can Choose A Reputable Company

Loan companies tend to have a bad reputation. And sometimes, when you’re desperate for cash, it can be tempting to go for whichever company will accept you (despite their reputation or the extortionate interest rates they charge). Sadly, hasty and panicked decisions like these can often result in worsening financial situations. With logbook loan companies, your credit score doesn’t matter so you have the pick of the crop. As the choice is yours, you should always choose a company that is reputable and sets out its terms and conditions clearly. After all, you don’t want to get caught out making extortionate monthly repayments just because you didn’t read the small print. Reputable logbook loan companies share all of their information on their website and are upfront about the credit arrangement, repayments, interest rates, and more. 

Is A Logbook Loan Right For Me? 

You may be asking yourself whether a logbook loan is right for you. And that’s a good question to ask yourself. Freeing up your finances is a wonderful thing to do, but not at the expense of your financial security. That’s why, before entering into a loan of any kind, it is important to do your research and seek advice from an expert. 

If you are still unsure whether a logbook loan is right for you, we have listed a couple of questions you can ask yourself to help shed some light on the decision. 

If You Can’t Make The Repayments

In the UK, around 12 million people struggle with loan repayments. If repayments can’t be made collateral must be claimed and in the case of a logbook loan, that collateral is your car. Missing a repayment is a risk that anyone takes on when they take out a loan, whether it be a loan on their property or their car. 

That’s why it is so important to consider whether a logbook loan is the right option for you and carefully work out your finances and whether you can afford the monthly repayments over a set period of time. Taking the time to work these things out will ensure you make the most of your loan and don’t get yourself in further financial trouble. 

Top tip: be reassured that most companies will only do this if you have fallen behind on several repayments over a set period of time. A default notice must be provided to you by law, allowing you a 14 day notice period during which you can make up any missed payments. 

Final Words 

I hope you have found this article useful. If you are looking to free up your finances, releasing cash from your car in the form of a logbook loan is one of the best ways to do so.

There are many sources of financing for an e-commerce business. If you have been diligent about savings, you can use that. The other option is to borrow from family and friends. However, there are instances when you may need business financing. You can get money from bank loans and credit lines. And, there is also the option of inventory financing, which we will explore in more detail below.

Understanding Inventory Financing

Lenders give inventory financing to help business owners buy inventory. It is a secured short-term loan or line of credit. The e-commerce owner uses current or future inventory as collateral. Inventory financing can be a lifesaver for a business that does not have enough cash flow. The lenders use specific criteria to determine who qualifies for the financing. Such include:

Do note, the financing company may run a business credit check. The credit score will determine whether you qualify for financing. It also impacts how much interest the lender will charge. It is important to monitor the scores to check for inaccuracies or inconsistencies. Such include wrongful assigning of credit accounts to you. You can also identify incorrect credit debts on your account. Look out for misspelling of names and other critical information. Leaving such on the report can result in lower credit scores. 

Some companies offer credit repair management services to identify and correct such errors. Asking help from professionals when you don’t know how to proceed is the best way to go. They’ll know all the requirements and procedures to rectify mistakes.

However, a bad credit score may not always impact the ability to qualify for inventory financing. The inventory is their collateral. It gives them some form of security for the money they lend out.

Why Inventory Financing is A Good Idea

E-commerce owners get advantages from inventory financing in several ways. These include:-

The main advantage of inventory lines of credit is that the waiting time is short. Within a few days, you know whether you have qualified or not. That means you can apply when you need to take advantage of market opportunities.

Disadvantages Of Inventory Financing

Inventory financing can save the business in critical times. But there are some disadvantages to such loans. These are:

Types Of Inventory Financing For E-Commerce Owners

Let’s look at the different types of inventory financing for e-commerce owners:

1. Inventory Loans

A lender gives an inventory loan based on the inventory value. The lender fixes a repayment period and the monthly amount the borrower needs to pay. There is also the option of lump-sum payment after the sale of the items.

2.  Inventory Lines Of Credit

Inventory lines of credit differ from loans in that the borrower can get money on an ongoing basis. It means the business can handle any unforeseen expenses. The other advantage is you can establish long-term funding with the financing company.

3. Debt Financing

The e-commerce owner can sell his debts to investors or individuals. You then agree on repayment terms for the principal amount and interest. Please note, whether you sell the stock or not, the creditors will expect the payments.

4. Work-In-Process Financing

Work-in-process (WIP) provides financing during the manufacturing process. The lender pays the supplier directly. There is a downside though. Getting a loan for the final product will need you to pay the WIP loan first. The lender will also have a very active role in the manufacturing process. They keep a close watch on every step because they need to know their money is safe. Some suppliers may not be very comfortable with the arrangement.

Final Thoughts

Inventory financing brings many benefits for e-commerce businesses. It allows for stock replenishment when you need to. Such financing can be the lifeline you need during peak times. You maximise the existing business potential by ensuring you have the product when you need it most. There are also inventory financing options, as we have highlighted above. Do assess your business needs before committing to any loans. Also, shop around for lenders, looking at their terms and policies.

Finally, make sure you make the payments so that it does not impact your credit. A poor credit score can impact your ability to get financing in the future. Lenders who will be willing to give you money will charge high interest rates. Keep checking your credit reports for any errors. Get the help of credit repair management service providers. They will track and correct such mistakes.

Tradelines can be an excellent way of improving your credit score and ameliorating your overall financial position. However, this can only be achieved if you choose the right tradeline with the best tradeline company for your needs. The process of selecting a great tradeline company can be difficult, especially when you consider the wide range of companies to choose from and the extensive collection of information available to you. However, finding the right tradeline company for you is far from impossible – you simply need to know what to look out for. 

 1. Credit Limits

Most tradelines will have credit limits, whether they are $10,000, $15,000 or $25,000. This is an important consideration to keep in mind when choosing a tradeline company. If you anticipate that you’ll need to use a significant amount of credit to make major purchases, then you need a tradeline that will allow you to do so. Be sure to take a look at the credit limits of all the tradeline companies you’re researching. 

 2. Reviews

Since tradelines significantly impact your financial standing, you want to ensure you work with a tradeline company that is reputable. You tell if an enterprise has a high level of reputability by checking out its reviews. Reading reviews from previous customers allows you to gain insight into the experiences other people have had with this company. You’ll be able to see if people favour the company, what flaws they have pointed out, and as a result, you’ll have a better chance at gauging if the company is a good fit for you. There are many sites that allow you to read and cross-reference reviews of multiple tradeline companies. On these sites, you can find a Superior Tradelines review and compare it to a Coast Tradelines review to see which organisation comes out on top for your needs.

 3. Level of Experience

Ideally, you’d like to buy a tradeline from a knowledgeable company with plenty of experience buying and selling tradelines. As a general rule, it is advisable to work with a credit supply organisation with 10 or more years of experience. This will ensure that you’re working with seasoned specialists who know how to manage unexpected issues related to your tradeline and

4. Customer Support

Take an in-depth look at the customer service offerings of each organisation you’re considering. Do they have chatbots on their website that can help answer some FAQs? Do they have a support phone number or email that you can contact at any time?

There are several steps you can take to improve your credit score – and buying a tradeline with a reliable and trustworthy company is one of them. Although finding an organisation like this may seem like a tall task, it can be easier than you expect. As long as you put these four criteria at the forefront of your search, you’ll ensure that you pick the right tradeline company for your circumstance.

What Exactly Is An Unconventional Personal Loan?

Unconventional personal loans like the old school personal loan allow you to borrow a certain amount of money at a fixed interest rate. You will have to pay back the amount along with the interest within a decided time period. The money that you have borrowed from the lender can then be used for any personal reason including purchases, medical use, car purchasing, home repairing, etc.

But what is the difference between a traditional personal loan and an unconventional personal loan? There are two key factors you should take into consideration. Firstly, the lenders for this unconventional loan are not the usual lenders, they are usually marketplace lenders, private lenders or lenders backed by the government. Secondly, different factors are taken into consideration for qualifying for this loan. These different factors make those people eligible for the loan who otherwise would not qualify for the traditional loans.

What Are The Types Of Unconventional Loans?

Unconventional loans have been specifically designed to cater to people who have low or moderate-income, and people who are unable to pay big down payments for a house. They are usually backed by the government and require no or very low down payment with low-interest value. Here are the different types of unconventional loans you can get:


This type of loan allows you to buy a house with a very low down payment. The interest rate offered is low compared to the conventional value but some other amounts have to be paid. This program asks you to pay an insurance premium as an upfront value and a monthly fee as well apart from the monthly instalment of the loan. The credit score limit for its eligibility is lower as compared to conventional loans.

HUD Section 148

This program has been specifically designed for Native Americans with no minimum limit of credit scores. They are asked to pay an upfront value along with a monthly insurance fee. The interest rate is very low making it an easier option for a loan.

VA Home Loan

For you to be eligible to get this loan you need to be in service. This loan has been designed for military personnel and members of the National Guard to build up a home for their family. This loan allows you to purchase a home without any down payment. The only money that you have to give is the VA funding fee. Usually, there is no minimum credit score limit to get the loan.


This loan has been designed for people who are on a moderate or low income and are looking forward to purchasing a home in a USDA designated rural area. With this loan, you do not have to pay any down payment and get complete financing at a reasonable interest. You have to pay a guarantee fee which includes an upfront value and monthly insurance fees.

Why And When Is An Unconventional Personal Loan Beneficial?

An unconventional personal loan is the only way to get the best personal loan if you are not eligible to get a traditional bank loan. You can undergo situations in which you need money but you cannot qualify for conventional loans, in such situations unconventional is the best way to get a loan to suffice your needs.
Most of the unconventional loans come with no collateral. This means you do not have to have any personal belongings at risk to get the money. These unconventional loans come with no or very low down payment making it a very easy choice for the majority of low or moderate-income people. Having an unconventional loan can also improve your credit score as these unconventional lenders report about the loan activity to the credit bureaus which help to build up your loan history and improve your credit score.

Cons Of Unconventional Personal Loans

The biggest drawback associated with unconventional loans is that you cannot receive a huge cash sum. With this loan, you will be able to meet only limited expenses. If you are looking forward to getting a big house or making a big purchase, then this loan is not for you. Most of the unconventional lenders are online which means you cannot establish any relationship with the lender which sometimes is necessary to discuss your issues and requirements. Moreover, in most cases, you are not guaranteed the lowest APR.

In A Nutshell

An unconventional personal loan is a great opportunity for those who are looking forward to borrowing money but cannot meet the criterion of the conventional lenders. There are many pros associated with it and will be very beneficial for you. However, all is not good for an unconventional loan and you might have to look into it to get the best loan out of it.

This is according to research carried out by YouGov on behalf of specialist lender, Pepper Money. The research identified and questioned 600 people who have experienced credit problems, including missed payments, CCJs, defaults, unsecured arrears and secured arrears, in the last three years.

It found that 44% of adults who have experienced adverse credit said they would select a broker based on existing relationships while just over a third (36%) said they would ask for recommendations from family and friends.

Paul Adams, Sales Director at Pepper Money, says: “Our programme of research has shown that there is considerable demand for mortgages from people who have experienced credit blips in the last three years, and many of those people have concerns about having an application declined.

“This presents opportunity for brokers to promote the services they offer to potential clients and, with half of customers in these circumstances saying that they would use online research to find a broker, it’s clear that brokers can benefit from working on their online presence.”

Danny Belton, Head of Lender Relationships at Legal & General Mortgage Club says: “It is no surprise that in today’s world, potential customers start their search online to find an adviser. However, the fact that these customers are seeking advice from an adviser is very encouraging. This demonstrates the need for advisers to make themselves more visible online, and to stay close enough to existing customers so that they can be recommended to friends and family that may need their help.”

If possible, you may be better off minimizing the amount that you borrow until your credit score shows signs of improvement. Unfortunately, this is not always an option for people who find themselves in times of unexpected financial strain, and absolutely need a loan.

This is where direct lender installment loans for bad credit come into play. With these types of loans, a lender may be more likely to approve your loan given your credit score, but they may come with higher interest rates or fees.

Here are some other types of loans that may provide assistance if you find yourself in an unexpected financial crisis and have bad credit.

1. VA Home Loan

A VA home loan is a program designed to help veterans become homeowners. Although the VA does not supply the loan, they act as a co-signer for the veteran. This enables the veteran to obtain a guaranteed amount and interest rate regardless of having bad credit.

2. Secured Personal Loans

Having a secured personal loan means you have collateral that equals the amount that you borrow and that the lender can seize if a default should occur by you. Examples of personal loans include auto loan and mortgages.

In some instances, you may obtain a secured personal loan through a bank, online lenders, or credit unions, where the borrower borrows against a personal asset such as savings or an automobile. These loan types tend to carry lower interest rates compared to unsecured loans due to the lower risk involved.

3. Fixed-Rate Loans

Having a fixed-rate loan when you have bad credit may require you to make a down payment to secure the amount of your loan and rate. Having a fixed-rate loan is perfect for having monthly payments made that are consistent. This loan type also allows you to budget better thus helping you to change your spending habits and improving your bad credit.

4. Variable-Rate Loans

A variable-rate loan carries an interest rate that is tied to a bank rate called benchmark. As a benchmark rate fluctuates, your loan rate, total interest, and payment amount also fluctuates.

A benefit of a variable-rate loan includes an APR that is usually lower than what a fixed-rate loan has. Another benefit includes a possible cap on the rate and the number of times it can change over a certain amount of time as well as the amount of time of the loan.

It can make sense to have a variable-rate loan if your term is short-term because the rates could become higher, but may stay the same if the loan is short-term.


5. Debt Consolidation Loans

A debt consolidation loan gathers all of your debts into one combined loan. This type of loan usually has an APR that is lower so that you are able to save money because of the interest. When you consolidate you simplify all of your debts payments by creating only one payment per month.

6. Co-Sign Loans

A co-sign loan specifically targets borrowers with bad or no credit history who would not be approved if they applied alone. When a co-signer is used they act as a promise that the loan will be paid in accordance with the terms and amount if the borrower is unable to.

When a co-signer is used and their credit is strong then your chances for qualifying improve thus allowing you to secure loan terms that are favorable and a rate that is lower.

7. Personal Line of Credit

When you obtain a line of credit you have revolving credit which acts like a credit card. So instead of getting a cash loan, you have a credit amount that you borrow from whenever the need arises. You then make payments only on the amount that is borrowed.

This loan type works best for when you have times of emergency or for expenses that are ongoing, instead of an expense that is one-time.

8. Payday Loans

Another type of unsecured loan is a payday loan, which is normally repaid on a borrower’s payday. Payday loans are designed for convenient repayment because in some instances, they can be repaid by simply having a borrower’s predated check deposited. The loan amounts can be low and average around a couple of hundred dollars.

In this article, we provide some tips that could help improve your credit score, allowing you to easily qualify for a car loan or personal loan. So, without wasting any time, let's look at some tips on how you can improve your credit score.

Rectify the mistakes from your credit report

There is no doubt that sometimes incorrect information does severe damage to your credit score. So, you must carefully check your credit report to see if there are any mistakes in it. We recommend checking the report at least once a year because your credit score is profoundly affected by the information found on your credit report. Make sure that you get these problems resolved promptly; otherwise your credit score will be severely affected by these errors.

You may consult your national credit bureau, like the Credit Bureau Singapore (CBS), if you want to report the accuracy of any item of information like overdue balances, previous inquiries, and account status. The credit bureau will highlight in your report that the following information is under investigation.

Pay bills on time

A missed credit card bill payment is a dangerous element that damages your credit score in the long run. It will take a lot of time to improve your credit score if there are any missed payments in your report. Banks and other financial institutions will evaluate the risk by carefully analyzing your credit card payments. So, if you want to maintain a high credit rating, you must pay your credit card balances in full every month.

Multiple New Credit Applications Are Also A Threat

The eligibility criteria and requirements are different for every bank. Therefore, we cannot state a particular number of new applications that may harm your credit score. However, your credit score will be severely affected if you've applied for many new credit facilities in a very short period.

Keep Your Credit Active

The lender will also check if you're a responsible user of credit or not. So, if you're not utilizing your credit cards after paying off all your credit card bills, it may have an adverse impact on your credit rating. You must regularly build a history of on-time repayments by using your credit cards after a specific period. The regular use of credit has a significant impact on your reputation.

Keep it Simple

Managing credit is not a problem at all. All you need to do is to keep things simple and smooth. Here are a few habits you must follow in the long run if you want to maintain a good credit score:

Building your credit health is entirely in your control. So, consistency is key. With the tips below you’ll have no problem pushing your score right back up.

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