Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

Optimize Your Business Dreams

In today's dynamic business landscape, the quest for financial resources to start or expand a business can be challenging. Personal loans emerge as a versatile and accessible solution, empowering entrepreneurs to transform their business aspirations into reality. This guide delves into how you can astutely finance your business using a personal loan, offering insights and practical advice for navigating this path.

Understanding Personal Loans: The Basics

Personal loans are unsecured loans provided by financial institutions, typically used for individual needs. Unlike business loans, they don’t require collateral and have fixed interest rates and repayment terms. Understanding the nuances of personal loans is crucial for their effective utilization in business financing.

Key Benefits of Using a Personal Loan for Business Financing:

Eligibility and Application

To qualify for a personal loan, lenders generally assess your credit score, income, employment history, and debt-to-income ratio. The application process involves submitting financial documents and a loan application form. Being well-prepared with the necessary paperwork can significantly smooth out this process.

Personal vs. Business Loans: Choosing Your Path

While personal loans offer flexibility and easier accessibility, business loans are specifically tailored to business needs and might offer higher amounts. However, they often require extensive documentation and collateral. Weighing the pros and cons of each option is critical in making an informed decision.

Crafting a Bulletproof Application

A strong loan application significantly enhances your chances of approval. This includes a well-drafted business plan, clear financial projections, and a solid repayment strategy. Demonstrating to lenders how the loan will contribute to your business's growth is pivotal.

Loan Amounts and Rates

Understanding how much you can borrow and at what interest rate is crucial. These factors depend on your creditworthiness and the lender's policies. It's important to calculate the total cost of the loan, including interest and any additional fees.

Strategizing Repayment: Balancing Business and Personal Finances

Developing an effective repayment strategy is essential to maintain financial health. This includes budgeting, prioritizing expenditures, and possibly restructuring existing debts to manage the additional loan repayment efficiently.

Legal and Tax Considerations

It's crucial to understand the legal implications of taking a personal loan for business purposes, including any contractual obligations and tax considerations. Consulting with a financial advisor or tax professional can provide valuable insights.

Impact of a Personal Loan on Personal Credit Score:

Most Popular Providers of Personal Loans In The United States Include:

  1. BestEgg: Known for offering a range of financial products including personal loans, BestEgg is popular for its competitive interest rates and flexible terms. They also offer additional benefits like unemployment protection and financial advising. Here you can find BestEgg reviews from real customers
  2. Marcus by Goldman Sachs: Marcus is the consumer banking arm of Goldman Sachs and offers personal loans with no fees, including no origination, prepayment, or late fees. Their loans are known for competitive rates and a straightforward online application process.
  3. LendingClub: As one of the pioneers in peer-to-peer lending, LendingClub operates an online credit marketplace that connects borrowers and investors, offering personal loans with various terms and competitive rates. They are known for their transparent lending process and customer-friendly policies. Before you decide go through LendingClub reviews and see what users have to say 

Bottom Line

In conclusion, financing your business with a personal loan can be a strategic move if approached with the right knowledge and planning. This guide aims to equip you with the information and tools needed to make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and financial situation.

You might borrow money from a close friend or relative, take it out of your retirement account, or dive into your savings. Getting a personal loan is another popular method of obtaining additional funds. This loan can be used for various needs, from debt consolidation to wedding financing.

Although personal loans are very common, many people are still not familiar with all their ins and outs. So, what is the benefit of obtaining a personal loan? And are there some considerations regarding them? Let's find out.

What Is a Personal Loan?

A personal loan is a lump sum deposit a borrower gets into their bank account from a bank, credit union, or online lender. Then, the money recipient needs to repay it with interest in affordable monthly payments, usually within up to 60 months.

Most personal loans are unsecured, which means you can apply for one without putting up any security. Furthermore, these loans rank among the least expensive solutions available without a set objective. To get personal loan funds at a reasonable interest rate, you must, however, have a strong credit score.

How Much Can You Borrow with a Personal Loan?

The typical personal loan amount is between $2,000 and $50,000. The exact sum an applicant can get depends on their solvency and creditworthiness, as well as the state of residency and the limitations set by the specific lender. Whether you are requesting a $20,000 or $5,000 personal loan, lenders want to know they will get their money back. Thus, loan providers base their maximum loan amount calculations on the applicant's income, credit history, and debt-to-income ratio.

Personal Loans: Pros and Cons

Knowing the major personal loans pros and cons can contribute to your pleasant borrowing experience. Learn them carefully to make the right financial decision and avoid abruptness.

Advantages of Loans for Personal Needs

The key advantages of loans for personal needs include the following:

No Specific Loan Purpose

A personal loan lender doesn't restrict you in the way you can use the loan proceeds. Thus, you can apply for a loan even if you don't know yet what you're going to spend the money on. It may be quite convenient if you need money for wedding or vacation expenditures and can't say what expense category will be covered with the borrowed amount ahead of time. Other popular personal loan uses include debt consolidation, home renovation, medical expenses, college tuition costs, and much more.


Personal loans can be repaid within 12 to 60 months. Feel free to choose the loan term that fits your budget. Your monthly payment will be less the longer your payback time is. Conversely, a shorter loan term will save you a lot of money on interest while also resulting in a larger payment. You can use a simple loan calculator to identify the optimal loan duration and monthly payment.


When it comes to personal loans, there's nothing that comes as a surprise. This form of borrowing usually has fixed monthly payment amounts and interest rates. This means that the sum you pay will be the same within the whole loan life. With a predictable monthly payment, it becomes much easier for you to plan your budget.

One Lump Sum Payment

A personal loan lender will transfer the entire loan amount to your bank account in one lump sum. Thus, it becomes more convenient to finance a major purchase, cover unexpected expenses, or pay for vacation compared to a credit card or line of credit. The borrowed amount then needs to be repaid in equal monthly payments, so personal loans don't put much stress on your budget.

Credit-building Options

If you're looking for an option that will stimulate your credit score growth, a personal loan is one of them. All you need to succeed is to make consistent on-time payments. Each time you stick to your repayment schedule, a lender reports it to three major credit bureaus. This demonstrates your responsible financial behaviour. Your credit score boosts over time, increasing your chances of getting favourable interest rates on financial products in the future.

Affordable Interest Rates

Personal loan rates are typically lower than those for credit cards or short-term loans. You can get between 5.99% and 35.99%, depending on your credit score, state, loan type, and the particular lender. As of October 2023, the average personal loan rate is 11.47%. For comparison, the same figure for credit cards is 28.17%. Reduced borrowing costs allow you to save money in the long run by paying less in interest to a lender.

Higher Loan Amounts

Lenders offering personal loans usually set a higher borrowing limit compared to regular credit lines or cash advance loans. You can typically get from $2,000 to $50,000, with some options reaching $100,000. The exact maximum sum depends on your gross monthly income, credit score, and debt-to-income ratio.

Fast Funding Times (For Some)

As the lending market evolves, some personal loan companies can provide you with money in as little as one business day. Thus, a personal loan can be a great emergency solution if you deal with the right moneylender.

No Collateral Needed

In most cases, personal loans don't require collateral. This makes them safer for a borrower. Even if your financial situation changes, adding some difficulties to making your loan payments on time, you don't put any of your assets at risk.

Some Disadvantages of Personal Loans

While personal loans can be a great ally in reaching your financial goals, there are some considerations regarding them, too. First of all, personal loans usually have strict credit score requirements. Traditional lenders are more likely to offer lower interest rates to borrowers with good and excellent credit. Otherwise, you can get an interest rate of as high as 35.99% or even be denied a loan.

Also, personal loans often come with extra charges that can potentially affect their total costs. The most typical ones include late fees, prepayment penalties, and origination fees. Your loan agreement must include a detailed explanation of all rates and costs, so you should carefully read it before signing. Take extra care to read the fine print and confirm that you know exactly what you can be charged for.

Additionally, personal loans carry potential risks to your credit history. Although they can help you build credit, things can get worse, too, if you pay late or miss your payments. On top of that, personal loan lenders commonly make hard credit inquiries to evaluate your creditworthiness. Therefore, your credit score will temporarily go down by a few points after you apply for one.

Best Alternatives to Personal Loans

There's no single answer, as you're the only one who can decide what option will be the best for you. The right choice depends on your particular circumstances, credit score, and current preferences. If you're looking for an alternative to an unsecured personal loan, options like credit cards, peer-to-peer loans, 401(k) loans, and borrowing from your family can fit.

Opting for a lower interest rate or having a bad credit score? Consider secured personal loan alternatives. The most common ones include home equity loans, home equity lines of credit, and cash-out mortgage refinancing. But be cautious before obtaining a secured loan. Although with, say, a home equity loan, you can qualify for a higher loan amount at a lower rate, it also comes with the risk of losing your property.

Note: Try to avoid short-term, high-interest debt. Options like payday loans or auto title loans can be tempting due to their accessibility but should only be used as a last resort in case of small emergencies.

When Getting a Personal Loan Is a Good Idea?

Personal loans can be a perfect fit if you need to get a high amount on hand without bothering your savings account balance. It can also help you finance large purchases or obtain something that you need right away without setting the money aside. Finally, getting a personal loan can be a great idea if you want to cover other costly debts and reduce the financial burden you carry.

However, it's crucial to make sure you can afford this potential debt before obtaining it. Here are some questions to ask to figure out whether a personal loan is the right option for you:

  1. What is my credit score? The best offers are usually given to borrowers with higher credit.
  2. Can I stick to my loan payment schedule? Make sure you can cover your debt payment obligations without delays in advance.
  3. Will I have enough money left for my current needs after making the monthly loan payment? Pay attention to the amount that will remain after you make your loan payment, and make sure it corresponds with your regular monthly expenses.
  4. Are there cheaper alternatives available? Shop around for other options and compare various offers to choose the one with the best rates and terms.

Final Thoughts – What Is The Major Personal Loan Benefit

A personal loan can help you get the funds you need relatively quickly and use them on any needs and goals. Although there are many benefits of loan options for personal needs, the major one lies in their affordability. It becomes possible due to their lower interest rates and flexible repayment terms that each borrower can adjust to their particular situation.

However, a personal loan is still the amount you borrow and need to repay on schedule. Additionally, you will be required to meet the lender's minimum credit score requirements to qualify or get favourable loan conditions. Therefore, you need to approach it responsibly and weigh all the pros and cons before going into debt.

A personal loan can provide the necessary funds for a significant purchase, debt consolidation, home improvement, education expenses or unexpected medical bills. Nevertheless, it could be challenging to select the ideal lender, given the many lenders available offering varying interest rates, repayment terms and eligibility criteria. Therefore, this article is meant to provide the guide you need in selecting the best lenders for personal loans for your unique financial needs.

Evaluating lender reputation

In the same way, trustworthiness is important when choosing credit card consolidation companies, and assessing trustworthiness is fundamental when selecting personal loan lenders for your financial needs. A lender's reputation can serve as a reliable indicator of their approach towards clients and the quality of their services. To objectively evaluate a lender's trustworthiness, it is advisable to conduct some research into their records and performance and read online reviews about them. take note of any patterns such as a history of grievances or questionable practices that would help you to be cautious. Furthermore, seeking feedback from acquaintances or family members who have had prior dealings with the lender can provide additional insights.

Customer support and service also serve as important markers of trustworthiness. The responsiveness of a lender to customer needs can significantly influence the overall borrowing experience. Therefore, prospective borrowers should seek lenders who maintain a dedicated customer support system with multiple communication channels for accessibility. Having affiliations with or accreditations from industry associations can be interpreted as an indicator of a lender's commitment to ethical standards. Since trust forms the bedrock of a successful lending relationship, meticulously evaluating a lender's reputation is a prudent step in making the right decision.

Comparing interest rates and fees

When seeking a personal loan, comparing interest rates and fees from different lenders is important in securing favourable terms. Interest rates substantially impact the overall cost of the loan, and it is essential to discern whether the rate is fixed (remaining constant throughout the loan term) or variable (subject to market fluctuations).

It is also necessary to thoroughly examine all associated fees alongside the interest rates. These fees can include origination charges, late payment penalties and prepayment fines, among others. Particular attention should be given to the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), which includes both interest and fees, providing a comprehensive view of the total cost of the loan. By comparing these variables, borrowers can make an informed decision and select a lender that offers the most advantageous terms for their loan.

Understanding the loan application process with different lenders

The loan application process can vary significantly among lenders, making it essential to understand these variations to help in a successful application. The initial step of the application involves assembling the requisite documentation such as proof of income, identification and financial statements, though specific requirements may vary across lenders.

Loan applicants should try to assess the speed and efficiency of the application process. Some lenders offer streamlined online applications with rapid approval timelines, while some applications may entail a more elaborate and time-consuming procedure. It is advisable to evaluate the transparency of each lender concerning their requirements, processing times, and approval criteria. Applicants should also gauge a lender's sensitivity to the needs of borrowers; for example, some lenders provide in-person support and others offer online services. Familiarity with the different lenders and their processes enables borrowers to select an option aligning with their preferences and timelines.

Assessing lender flexibility

Before finalizing a personal loan agreement, it is essential to review and understand the details of the contract thoroughly. Particular attention should be given to the following aspects:

Reviewing the fine print thoroughly ensures understanding of the terms and conditions of the loan, facilitating informed decision-making and averting surprises.


Choosing the right lender for a personal loan is an important financial step that requires careful consideration. There are several factors to weigh to ensure your financial goals are met. Start by assessing the lender's reputation, as a well-established and reputable institution often offers more security and better terms. Next, compare interest rates and fees to get the best deal. Understanding the loan application process is crucial to avoiding surprises down the line. Evaluate the flexibility of the lender in terms of repayment options. Do thorough research, read customer reviews, and align personal preferences with the lender's offerings. By doing so, you'll be well-prepared to secure a personalized loan that suits your needs, ultimately helping you reach your financial objectives.

However, it often comes with financial considerations that can seem overwhelming. Fortunately, with the help of a housing loan EMI calculator, you can take control of your finances and plan for your dream home with confidence. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using a home loan EMI calculator and how it can assist you in making informed decisions about your home loan.

Understanding Home Loan EMIs

A Home Loan EMI (Equated Monthly Instalment) is the fixed amount you repay to the lender each month towards your home loan. It consists of both the principal amount and the interest charged by the lender. By calculating the EMI, you can accurately assess the affordability of your loan and plan your finances accordingly.

Benefits of Using a Home Loan EMI Calculator

  1. Accurate and Instant Calculations: A housing loan EMI calculator takes into account the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure to provide you with an accurate EMI calculation. This saves you time and effort compared to manual calculations, ensuring you have instant results at your fingertips.
  2. Financial Planning and Budgeting: By using a housing loan EMI calculator, you can plan your finances effectively. It helps you determine the monthly EMI amount based on different loan amounts, interest rates, and tenures. This enables you to assess your financial capacity and adjust the loan parameters to fit your budget comfortably.
  3. Explore Different Scenarios: The flexibility of a home loan calculator allows you to explore various loan scenarios. You can adjust the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure to see how they impact your EMI. This empowers you to make informed decisions and choose a loan structure that best suits your financial goals.
  4. Comparison of Loan Offers: If you're considering multiple loan offers from different lenders, a home loan EMI calculator can be invaluable. By entering the loan details from different lenders into the calculator, you can compare the resulting EMIs and choose the most favourable loan offer that aligns with your financial needs.
  5. Visualize the Amortization Schedule: An EMI Calculator also provides an amortization schedule, which displays the loan repayment plan over the tenure. It shows the principal and interest components of each EMI, helping you understand the progress of your loan repayment and the interest outflow over time.

Using a home loan EMI calculator

  1. Enter Loan Details: To use a housing loan EMI calculator, input the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure. Ensure that the data you enter is accurate to obtain precise calculations.
  2. Calculate EMI: Once you've entered the loan details, the calculator will generate the EMI amount. It will also provide a breakdown of the interest and principal components of each payment.
  3. Analyse Results: Review the EMI amount and analyse its affordability within your budget. If the resulting EMI is higher than expected, consider adjusting the loan amount, interest rate, or tenure to find a comfortable EMI that suits your financial capabilities.
  4. Plan for the Future: A home loan calculator helps you plan for the long term. By studying the amortization schedule, you can understand the repayment structure and strategize ways to reduce the interest burden, such as making prepayments or opting for shorter loan tenures.

In conclusion, planning for your dream home is an exciting yet complex endeavour. However, with the power of an EMI calculator, you can navigate through the financial aspects of homeownership with confidence and clarity. The EMI calculator serves as a valuable tool that enables you to make well-informed decisions based on accurate calculations.

By harnessing the power of an EMI calculator, you gain numerous benefits. Firstly, you can accurately determine the Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) based on factors such as loan amount, interest rate, and tenure. This helps you assess the affordability of your home loan and ensures that it aligns with your financial capabilities.

Additionally, an EMI calculator allows you to explore different loan scenarios. You can adjust the loan parameters and instantly see how they affect your EMI. This empowers you to find the right balance between loan amount, interest rate, and tenure that suits your budget and long-term financial goals.

Furthermore, the EMI calculator provides you with an amortization schedule, offering a comprehensive view of your loan repayment journey. This schedule outlines the principal and interest components of each EMI, helping you understand the progress of your loan and plan for the future. It allows you to strategize prepayments, choose shorter loan tenures, or assess the overall interest outflow.

Moreover, the EMI calculator simplifies the comparison of loan offers from different lenders. With just a few clicks, you can input the loan details and instantly compare the resulting EMIs. This empowers you to make a well-informed decision by choosing the most favourable loan offer that meets your requirements.

Ultimately, the EMI calculator puts you in control of your financial planning when it comes to your dream home. It eliminates guesswork and provides accurate calculations, allowing you to budget effectively and ensure that your homeownership journey remains within your means.

So, whether you are a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned homeowner, don't underestimate the power of an EMI calculator. It is a valuable resource that assists you in making informed decisions, maximizing affordability, and ensuring a smooth path towards owning your dream home. Embrace the power of the EMI calculator and embark on your homeownership journey with confidence and financial clarity.

If you are one of them and need money in a hurry, you may want to consider a personal loan. 

This article will look at some of the different types, what factors you should consider, and how to compare the other options before making a final decision.

Different types of personal loans

Let’s dive in and explore the different types of personal loans available.

●     Secured personal loans

A secured personal loan is the most common type, where you borrow money against something you own. If you default on your repayments, the lender is entitled to seize your security item instead of payment. 

A secured personal loan gives you better rates and fees because you are considered less risky.

●     Unsecured personal loans

Unsecured personal loans require no collateral but commonly come with higher fees and interest rates than secured loans because of the risk factor involved.  

If you default on repayments, the lender can institute legal proceedings, so you still risk losing if you don’t honour the agreement.  

On the upside, unsecured loans often prove easier to get and are still a cheaper option than most credit cards when it comes to interest rates.

●     Debt consolidation loans

This loan enables you to combine your numerous debts into one single loan. It allows you to pay off your debts in a single place, making your life easier and costing less interest. 

There are possible drawbacks, such as turning your short-term debt into a longer-term loan, which can eliminate the advantage of a lower interest rate.

●     Student loans

If you're eligible, the Australian Government pays for some of your studies and gives you a loan to pay for the rest. You'll repay your HECS-HELP loan through the tax system when you're working full-time and earning over a certain amount.

Fixed and variable interest rates

●     Fixed-rate loans - A fixed-rate loan means that your interest rate is locked for the duration of your loan, and these loans tend to have higher fees and rates but offer secure repayments.

●     Variable-rate loans - A variable loan means that the interest rate is likely to change according to the broader market. These tend to have lower fees and rates but are subject to change if the interest rate on your loan is increased, which would ensure higher repayments in turn.

Depending on what the loan is for, either one of these options can work. Consider using fixed loans for more significant purchases to take advantage of the more structured repayments.  

Variable loans are possibly a better option for a smaller loan amount, such as paying off the holiday you’ve just taken.

As you can see, several options are available to help you financially. Before signing the dotted line, you can discuss all the options available with your prospective lender.

If you want to learn about personal loans, don’t waste any time before contacting Credit24, an Australian market-leading provider of personal finance.  


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IPF Digital Australia Pty Ltd, trading as Credit24, ABN 59 130 894 405. Australian Credit Licence 422839. The information in this article is of general nature and does not take into consideration your objectives, financial situation or needs. Lending criteria, fees and charges apply. For more information about our products, eligibility criteria and terms and conditions, please visit

However, most weddings require a lot of funds, which may not be readily available for most people. Here’s where a marriage loan comes into the picture. 

A marriage loan is essentially a personal loan that you use to take care of your wedding expenses, whatever they may be. However, if you’re not convinced about taking a loan for a wedding, maybe this article can help. Here are 5 of the most compelling reasons why you should take out a marriage loan to fund the wedding of your dreams. 

#1 - Relaxed Eligibility Criteria

Contrary to popular opinion, getting a personal loan to fund your marriage expenses is quite easy. Most financial institutions have relaxed the eligibility criteria for borrowers in a bid to make it easier to apply for loans. As long as you possess a high credit score of 700 or more and have a steady and consistent stream of income, you should qualify for a marriage loan. 

That said, different lenders tend to have different eligibility requirements. So it is recommended that you compare offers from multiple institutions. This simple exercise can help you determine the provider whose eligibility criteria you satisfy. 

#2 - Highly Convenient Application Process

Nowadays, you don’t have to physically visit the branch of a bank or an NBFC or fill out any manual application to apply for a marriage loan. Almost all financial institutions have moved towards a completely online and paperless application process. This has made applying for the credit facility extremely quick and convenient.  

All that you need to do is visit the official website of the lender, fill out an online loan application, upload scanned copies of all the relevant documents, and submit them. The lender would then process your application and upon successful verification, would electronically transfer the funds to your bank account. 

The entire process usually takes only a few days to complete. On the other hand, if you have a long-standing existing relationship with a lender, you may even be eligible for instant loan disbursals as well. 

#3 - Easy Repayments

This is another major reason why you should take a marriage loan to fund your wedding. Irrespective of the amount of loan that you avail, you can choose to repay the loan in small and affordable monthly installments over a certain period. 

In addition to being able to easily repay the loan, borrowers also get the benefit of customisability. They not only get to choose the amount of loan they wish to take but also the tenure over which they would like to repay the loan. 

Such flexibility and a favourable repayment plan can be highly advantageous for newly-wed couples since it allows them to manage their financial situation in a much better manner. Also, being able to repay a huge loan in small monthly installments gives them the freedom also to save some money for the future. 

That said, before you proceed to take out a marriage loan, always remember to use a personal loan EMI calculator. It is a nifty little tool that’s designed to give you an estimate of your monthly loan obligations. By using it, you can quickly ascertain whether you possess the repayment capacity to service the loan on time till the end of the tenure. 

#4 - No Collateral Requirements

With most kinds of loans, you might be required to pledge an asset as collateral to secure the credit facility. This can be cumbersome and can be a deal breaker for individuals who don’t possess any assets to pledge as collateral. 

With a marriage loan, however, there’s no such requirement. This is because personal loans are unsecured credit facilities, which makes them more accessible to a wider base of individuals. As long as you possess a strong credit history, a high credit score, and satisfy all the other eligibility criteria set by the lender, you can avail of a marriage loan.

#5 - Ability to Cover Last-Minute Expenses

No matter how meticulously you plan a wedding, there will almost always be a few last-minute expenses that you will have to account for. Getting quick access to funds to cover these costs is of paramount importance, especially with the wedding not too far off. Since you can apply for it and get it disbursed within a matter of a few hours, a marriage loan is the best way to take care of such unexpected expenses. 


After going through these 5 reasons explained above, you must now be convinced of why you should opt for a wedding loan to cover the expenses associated with a wedding. Now, before you go ahead and apply for one, remember to compare different offers from multiple lenders. 

Doing so can not only help you land an offer with the lowest interest rate but also ensure that you sign up with a lender that offers the most benefits. 

Also, don’t forget to use a personal loan EMI calculator. Knowing your monthly debt obligations beforehand can help you plan your finances better and make an informed decision. 

Unfortunately, these figures aren’t surprising: keeping up with credit card payments has never been more challenging, especially as consumer prices continue to skyrocket.

But for how common it might be, being late for your credit card payments can have devastating consequences on your finances and significantly worsen your debt. Learn how to avoid the worst side effects of missed repayments below.

A Single Late Payment Can Seriously Damage Your Credit Score

One of the key facts about the credit card you need to know is that the way you use your card can impact your credit history.

Indeed, 35% of your credit score is made up by your payment history, which includes the way you handle your credit card balances and repayments.

Some crucial factors to remember to safeguard your finances include:

Late Payments Can Lead to Unexpected Fees

Late fees are the most common and best-known consequence of missing a credit card payment. Luckily, these fees can be easily avoided by understanding your credit card agreement or choosing a card that does not charge late payment fees.

Most credit card contracts explicitly state the fees that users will be charged in the event of late payments, usually ranging between $15 and $35. Alternatively, if your outstanding balance is minimal, you might be charged a percentage of the amount you owe.

You Might Lose Access to Your Interest-Free Period

Most credit card providers offer new users an interest-free credit period, usually ranging between 20 and 50 days. During this time, your credit card issuer will finance your purchase and not charge interest.

Being regularly late with your payments or defaulting on your card multiple times can cause you to lose access to this important benefit.

Your Credit Card Provider Might Reduce Your Credit Limit

Your credit card limit represents the maximum amount you can borrow against your credit card, and using this limit correctly can help you improve your creditworthiness and reliability in the eyes of the lender.

However, when going into default several times or routinely having a utilization rate above 30% can cause your credit card issuer to reduce your credit limit and, in turn, your spending capacity.

Late Payments Can Forfeit Your Credit Card Rewards

If you have handpicked your credit cards for the rewards that each of them provides you are certainly not alone. But some financial habits, such as being late with your credit card repayments, can cause you to lose some or all the perks, miles, discounts, and bonuses you have been accumulating!

Depending on your provider and credit card agreement, you might be able to regain access to your rewards once your balance has been fulfilled.

Credit Cards Providers Can Switch To Penalty APR

When shopping around for your credit card, the chances are that you have compared fees, interest rates, rewards, and APR offers - and rightfully so! But when a payment is missed or returned, you might see your APR to 27-30%!

Indeed, while credit card issues are not allowed to change your APR rate arbitrarily without giving you at least 45 days of notice, they can apply penalty APR charges. Penalty APR refers to an increase in interest rates as a penalty for misusing your credit cards which are only lowered once your balance is paid.

Late Payments Will Stain Your Credit Report

As we have seen above, late payments are reported to credit bureaus after 30 days. This means that if you are only late with your payments by a few days, you won’t see any damages on your credit report.

However, after the 30-day mark, an entry is made in your credit file, which is updated in 30-day increments until you are 180 days late with your payments. At this point, your card is charged off by your provider and the entry on your credit report will remain there for seven years.

Being 180 Days Late on Your Payments Can Lead to Credit Card Default

Missing six days in a row - or being 180 days late on credit card payments - can lead to a credit card default or charge-off. When this happens, your credit card issuer will write off your account as a loss and it will communicate the default to the credit bureau.

Once an entry is made to your credit report, your credit history can remain stained for over seven years.

Only Making Minimum Payments Each Month Can be Just As Damaging For Your Finances

Above we have seen the consequences of missing one or more credit card payments. However, making only the minimum payment each month isn’t much better!

Most credit card providers will indeed allow you to avoid fees by paying only 1.3% of your balance each month - but doing so can cause your debt to swell over time! Indeed, minimum payments are often not even enough to cover the interest on your outstanding balance, thus exponentially increasing the amount owed.

Ideally, you should pay your credit card balance in full each month. But, if you are struggling to keep up with repayments, don’t think twice about partnering with a financial advisor or credit counselor.

A guide to choosing the best loan for you

There are many different types of loans available on the market, so it can be difficult to know which one is the best for your individual needs. However, by taking the time to research your options and understand the different features of each type of loan, you can make an informed decision that will suit your financial situation.

The first step is to consider what you need the loan for. Are you looking to consolidate debt, finance a large purchase, or cover unexpected expenses? The purpose of the loan will help to determine which type is best for you.

Once you know what you need the loan for, you can start to compare the different options available. You can visit LoanScouter if you need help comparing loans. 

How to compare personal loans

There are a few things you should take into account when you’re comparing personal loans, such as the interest rate, the repayment period, and any fees or charges that may apply. 

The interest rate is probably the most important factor, as it will determine how much you end up paying back in total. The repayment period is also important, as a longer period will mean lower monthly repayments but more interest paid overall. 

You should also check for any fees or charges that may apply, such as an application fee, an early repayment fee, or a late payment fee. These can all add up and make a big difference to the overall cost of the loan, so make sure you take them into account when you’re comparing loans.

Reasons for taking a personal loan

There are a few reasons one might take out a personal loan. Some people use them for large purchases, such as a car or home repairs. Others use them for debt consolidation, which can save money on interest payments and help simplify monthly budgeting. Some people also use personal loans to finance special events, such as a wedding or vacations. 

Whatever the reason, it's important to understand how personal loans work before taking one out. Personal loans are typically unsecured, meaning they're not backed by collateral like a car or house. This makes them more difficult to qualify for than secured loans, but it also means they usually come with lower interest rates.

When taking out a personal loan, it's important to compare your options and find the best one for you.

If you have a fair credit score (i.e., a score between 580 and 699 according to FICO), you may find it harder to get a favorable personal loan with a good APR without some legwork. The right provider will give you fair terms and interest rates, however, which is why knowing how to identify a reputable lender is so important.

What are Loan Providers?

Loan providers are companies or institutions that offer personal loans in the form of a cash lump sum. This is a broad and fairly vague term that covers institutions such as:

Even credit card companies, store card providers, and private individuals can technically be considered loan providers if they lend you money. The difference between a cash loan from a friend and a third party is obvious, of course, but the difference between a credit lender and a personal loan provider is in how credit is extended.

A credit card or store card provider gives you a balance to use and pay back repetitively, while a loan provider will enter an agreement to give you a set lump sum of cash. Once this amount is paid back (plus interest), the agreement will be terminated.

What are the Signs of a Reputable Loan Provider?

One of the major concerns everyone should have when seeking a personal loan is finding a loan provider that is reputable, ethical, and legitimate. The signs of a solid, reliable, and reputable personal loan provider include, but are not limited to:

Of course, if you are going for a loan from a large bank or credit union, this will not be an issue. If you are considering smaller, younger loan providers, you should check that all of these green flags are in order. But what about red flags?

What Red Flags Should I be Aware Of?

Most of us are aware of the dangers of taking high-interest loans from private individuals (sometimes called loan sharks), but the truth is that not every registered loan provider is reputable. There are several red flags that you should be aware of.

Of course, you should be wary of any loan provider that lacks the positive features listed above. You can also look for these red flags, however:

Any loan provider that charges you huge fees to take out a loan or settle a debt early is probably going to give you a bad experience. They may be operating legally - in fact, they most certainly will be - but certain kinds of loans are loosely regulated and can lead to a cycle of borrowing and deepening debt. Payday lenders are the most common type of legal lender that operates under such terms.

How Can I Improve my Chances of Getting a Fair Credit Loan?

Getting online personal loans for fair credit scores is possible, but can be challenging if you want to borrow large amounts. Ironically, if you have a fair credit score and want to improve it quickly, taking out a smaller personal loan and paying it off in full is one of the best ways to do so.

If you can, borrow small amounts from time to time and pay them off promptly to improve your credit score. This is one of the best ways to improve your chance of getting a larger personal loan at a good rate of interest, should an emergency arise.

Assuming you need to get a personal loan quickly, however, you can improve your chances by taking the following steps:

Remember that you can also apply for secured loans that use assets as collateral or require a co-signer if you are unable to get an unsecured loan!

The most common type of loan is unsecured business loans, but what exactly are unsecured loans, how do you apply, and how likely are you to be approved for one?  

In short, unsecured business loans are a type of credit agreement that does not require any collateral. The lender will send cash and will propose an agreement for you to pay them back with interest. The loan isn’t secured against anything, but a personal guarantee may be required, and interest rates are typically higher to account for the lack of security.

Flexibility vs cost

An advantage to unsecured business loans is that they are usually provided quicker than other types of loans and have the flexibility to be used for whatever business needs you to have. Whether you need to buy equipment, hire new staff, or pay off other business expenses, unsecured business loans are at your service. 

Unsecured loans are generally used for any purpose and are a smart way to pay expenses off while raising capital for your business - without providing security in the form of a property, which is one of the biggest risks with secured loans

Start-ups and unsecured loans

It can be difficult for start-ups to acquire unsecured business loans because they don’t typically have a lot of previous financial management information or credit history for lenders to assess, which can be seen as a risk for lenders. 

However, this doesn’t mean it is impossible. As long as you have a decent credit history (even if it’s not much) and can negotiate an agreement with your lender within a specific period, obtaining a loan shouldn’t be too difficult.

The application process 

When applying for an unsecured loan, applicants will need to have the previous six months’ bank statements, company accounts, and personal details as the business director at hand. Without these, it’s difficult to proceed with the application. 

With unsecured business loans, you can generally end your agreement early without paying any further fees or penalties, as long as you make the relevant payments towards your loan to reduce monthly commitments. 

The main thing banks or lenders will consider is your credit score, as this usually determines your ability to keep up with monthly repayments. However, as a business owner, you should always have the necessary documentation ready, and a clear business plan outlining the reason for the loan and a repayment plan. 

As no collateral is required for unsecured business loans, this type of loan can be considered one of the safest and speediest options for gaining cash for your business because there won’t be any processing time for your application. However, due to this ‘no collateral agreement’, lenders aim to reduce their risk by requiring business assets or personal guarantees.

Furthermore, interest rates are becoming more competitive in the unsecured business space, so flexibility becomes a key factor when considering what option works best for your business. 

Unsecured loans are a great, flexible way of securing finances that can help boost your business, you can speak to industry experts to help you understand if this is the best option for your business. 


Personal Loan

A personal loan is a great option if you have good credit and need a large sum of money quickly. The downside to this option is that you will likely have to pay interest on the loan, so be sure to factor that into your budget. When searching for a loan provider, be sure to shop around for the best rates and terms. There are a few different types of loans that you can apply for when you need a quick financial boost. The most common type of loan is a personal loan, which is a loan that is taken out specifically for personal use. Personal loans typically have a lower interest rate than other types of loans, but you will need good credit to qualify. Another option is a payday loan, which is a short-term loan that must be repaid within a few weeks or months. Payday loans tend to have high-interest rates, so it is important to only take out this type of loan if you are sure you can repay it quickly. A third option is a home equity loan, which is a loan that uses the equity in your home as collateral. Home equity loans typically have lower interest rates than other types of loans, but they can be difficult to qualify for if you don't have good credit.

Side Hustle 

If you need a quick financial boost, one option is to start a side hustle. A side hustle is a great way to make some extra money without having to commit to a full-time job. There are many different types of side hustles that you can choose from, so be sure to find one that fits your interests and skill set. Once you have found the perfect side hustle, be sure to market it well and put in the effort required to succeed. There are a number of jobs that can help you get a quick financial boost. Here are a few of them:


Another option for getting a quick financial boost is to take surveys online. There are a number of websites that allow you to take surveys in exchange for cash or gift cards. The amount of money you can make depends on the length and complexity of the survey, but it is typically fairly low. However, if you have some free time and want to make a few extra dollars, taking surveys can be a great option. When looking for survey websites, be sure to find ones that offer fair compensation and have a good reputation.

Sell What You Don't Need

If you need some quick cash, one option is to sell items that you no longer need. This could include clothes, furniture, books, electronics, and more. There are a number of ways that you can sell your items, including online marketplaces, yard sales, and consignment shops. Be sure to research the best way to sell your particular items in order to get the most money for them. When pricing your items for sale, be sure to consider the condition of the item, how much work it will take to sell it, and the current market value. You also want to make sure that you are charging enough to make a profit, but not so much that buyers will be deterred. If you are unsure about how to price your items, there are a number of online resources that can help. eBay has a great guide on how to price your items, and Amazon has a tool called the "Selling Manager" that allows you to see what similar items are selling for.

Pawn Something

If you need a quick financial boost and have an item of value that you can pawn, this can be a great option. Pawn shops allow you to pawn an item in exchange for a short-term loan. The downside to this option is that you will typically need to pay interest on the loan, and if you don't repay the loan in time, the pawn shop can sell the item. When looking for a pawn shop, be sure to compare interest rates and terms before deciding which one is right for you.

Credit Card Cash Advance

If you have a credit card, you can get a cash advance from an ATM or bank. You'll need to have your credit card with you, and you'll likely be charged a fee. The interest rate on cash advances is usually higher than the interest rate on purchases. Credit card cash advances should only be used as a last resort, as they can be very expensive.

There are a number of different ways that you can get a quick financial boost. Be sure to research all of your options and choose the one that is right for you. Depending on your needs, one option may be better than another. If you need some quick cash, consider taking surveys, selling items you no longer need, or pawning something of value. If you have good credit, you may want to take out a personal loan. And if you have a credit card, you can get a cash advance from an ATM or bank. Whichever option you choose, be sure to research it thoroughly before making any decisions.

When looking at how to budget for a personal loan, tools such as a loan payment calculator can be a great first step to checking loan affordability, but that's not the only factor to consider. 

Personal loans can be a great way to borrow a large sum of money, but you need to make sure that the repayment plan fits your budget for it to be a good financial decision.

How much do you need to borrow?

Personal loans can be taken out for a variety of reasons, but generally speaking, they are used to pay for and spread the cost of a specific event, such as a wedding, or an expense, such as an unexpected medical bill that you wouldn't otherwise be able to afford at that moment. 

Before applying for a loan, you should have a figure in mind for the amount you need to borrow; that way, you can easily compare different interest rates and terms to see which offers you the best value.

How much can you afford to pay back? 

The overall amount of money you pay back will be that initial sum borrowed plus interest. This is why it's important to only borrow what you need; anything more could result in higher monthly repayments or taking it over a longer-term, meaning more paid in interest.

You need to look at your personal budget and come up with a realistic amount that you can easily afford each month as a repayment. It may be tempting to opt for a higher repayment amount so that the loan is repaid quicker, but if it’s not easily manageable, you could run the risk of defaulting on a payment which could then incur fees or hurt your credit.

Getting a fixed interest rate

The interest rate on your loan is the periodic finance charge you pay to borrow the money. If you always pay on time, the monthly instalment is calculated to cover your accrued interest and pay down a small portion of your principal balance. When you are looking for a personal loan, it is good to find one with a fixed rate of interest, as this means that your repayments will stay the same for the entire term of the loan. 

You might see variable interest rate loans advertised with special offers such as having a ‘fixed low rate for x number of months’—often called an introductory or ‘teaser’ rate. While this might sound like a good idea initially, the monthly repayments can jump and change month to month as soon as the fixed-rate term runs out. This makes it more difficult to budget successfully and runs the risk of some months being more than you can afford.

The bottom line

The best way to budget for a personal loan is to look at your expenses and find a comfortable amount that you have readily available each month to put towards the repayments. Once you have this, you can use the tools provided by reputable lenders to run the numbers on the amount you need to borrow and see what term you would need to take the loan over to afford the repayments. 

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