Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

Physical precious metals assets have a track record of offering performance and diversification benefits. To help maximize their effect on your savings efforts, you may wish to take certain considerations into account.

For example, choosing to include precious metals in an individual retirement account (IRA) instead of purchasing them to keep at home may present some tax benefits. Gold coin and bullion contributions are made on a pretax basis, and taxes are generally deferred until you take distributions. If gold assets are held in a Roth IRA, contributions are made on a post-tax basis, which can essentially equate to tax-free withdrawals.

Only specific types of precious metal coins, rounds, and bars can be included in self-directed IRAs. Items must generally possess a particular purity level, per Internal Revenue Service regulations. With few exceptions, gold assets must have a fineness of at least 0.995, and silver items need to have a fineness level of 0.999 or greater.

To prepare to purchase physical precious metals assets, you’ll need to first set up a self-directed IRA (if you haven’t already). Self-directed IRAs are similar to traditional IRAs, but in addition to assets such as stocks and bonds, these accounts can include a wider variety of assets, including real estate, gold coins, and other eligible precious metals.

Establishing a self-directed IRA can be fairly easy, particularly if you have guidance from an organization like U.S. Money Reserve. The company’s Account Executives are available to help walk portfolio holders through the application and purchasing process.

Portfolio holder Lisa F ., in one of the U.S. Money Reserve reviews Google has published, says she wasn’t even sure who was managing her retirement fund from a previous employer when she reached out to U.S. Money Reserve.

“They not only found the account but [were] able to get all of my funds transferred into my bank account,” she explains. “Then they helped me understand and [set] up my IRA. I feel very happy and confident with their assistance.”

Lawrence L., another portfolio holder who has worked with U.S. Money Reserve, says he saw ads for the company’s services several times before calling.

“I'm glad I did,” he points out in one of the U.S. Money Reserve reviews on Google . “Transferring my IRA was easy, and the company continued checking to make sure I was satisfied.”

Funding and Utilizing a Precious Metals–Backed IRA

Once your new self-directed IRA is set up, you can either fund it directly with money from a checking or savings account or ask a U.S. Money Reserve Account Executiveto coordinate a rollover or transfer from another qualified account, such as a Roth, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA; 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), or pension plan; or Thrift Savings Plan.

To avoid incurring tax penalties when you move funds from an existing retirement account into a new self-directed IRA, you have two options: You can utilize a direct trustee-to-trustee rollover, where money is moved from your current IRA provider to your new precious metals IRA provider, or utilize a transfer, in which your current IRA account custodian mails a check directly to you. You won’t be subject to tax implications or fines if you deposit the money into your precious metals–backed IRA within 60 days.

Your U.S. Money Reserve Account Executive can then help you select an inventory of precious metals coins, bars, or rounds.

The coins Ron K. obtained through the company  were, he says, “even better than described.”

“The price was amazing, and I would definitely recommend U. S. Money Reserve to anyone,” he says in one of Google’s U.S. Money Reserve reviews.

You can’t immediately retain physical possession of gold purchased through your retirement account; the IRS requires precious metals assets that are part of a self-directed IRA to be kept at an IRS-approved depository. A U.S. Money Reserve Account Executive can also help arrange for your assets to be sent to a secure storage facility.

Once the time comes to take distributions, however, you have the option to either liquidate some of your metals and take a cash distribution or have your gold coins or other physical precious metals securely shipped to your door as a distribution in kind.

Robert E., a portfolio holder who has worked with the company in the past, praises the assistance U.S. Money Reserve offered in one of the U.S. Money Reserve reviews posted on the Better Business Bureau website[6] .

“Having someone watch over what is going on and helping me to diversify my portfolio is priceless,” he says. “The help I received in...setting up my precious metals [IRA] was handled well and makes me sleep comfortably knowing I was able to lock in my life savings.”

Could Precious Metals Have a Place in Your Savings Plans?

Consumers choose to include gold and other coinsin their portfolio for a variety of reasons. Some[7]  are drawn to gold and other precious metals because of their established long-term protective and growth benefits, which can make physical precious metals assets favorable inclusions in a retirement account.

As a portable asset that is bought and sold around the world, gold is considered to be relatively liquid because it can quickly and easily be exchanged for other forms of currency.

Portfolio holders who purchase items through U.S. Money Reserve can take advantage of the company’s buyback commitment, which allows customers to return qualifying certified coin purchases within 30 days or potentially sell them back to U.S. Money Reserve at a later date.

When a personal matter put Richard F. in a position of hardship after acquiring coins from the company, he was pleased that he was able to leverage his recent precious metals purchase, according to one of the U.S. Money Reserve reviews posted on Google.

“I reached out, and after a little back and forth, [my Account Executive] resolved the issue of returning my purchase,” he says. “I wish every company had a problem solver like [him]. We’d be so much better off in this country if there were.”

U.S. Money Reserve offers a wide variety of resources for portfolio holders who currently own precious metals assets or are considering purchasing some, ranging from market-related news alerts, reports, and precious metals price charts — which are available on its website — to a team of experienced Account Executives who are available to answer questions about precious metals purchases.

For more information about establishing and funding a self-directed precious–metals backed IRA, call 1-888-356-7074.

Starting your career is an exciting, sometimes overwhelming, phase in life. Fresh out of school and diving into the professional world comes with its own set of opportunities and financial challenges. 

Whether you're a recent college grad or finishing vocational training, now’s the time to build solid financial habits that will serve you well into the future. But fear not! 

Here are several essential personal finance tips to help you manage your money wisely as you embark on this new journey. 

Start with a Simple Budget

Kicking off your financial journey begins with a simple, effective budget. Think of it as the foundation for all your financial decisions.

Begin by tracking every penny you earn and spend. Use tools like spreadsheets or budgeting apps to keep things organized - these work like a map guiding you through the money maze.

Separate essentials (like rent and groceries) from non-essentials (like dining out). Aim to save at least 20% of your income if possible; even small amounts add up over time. The idea is to start small and build discipline, so you can make bigger financial goals easier to achieve down the road. 

Build an Emergency Fund Early

Once your budget is in place, prioritize creating an emergency fund. See this as your financial safety net for life's unexpected twists - car repairs, medical expenses, or sudden job changes.

Aim to set aside three to six months’ worth of living expenses. This may seem daunting at first but start small; even stashing away $20 a week can grow into a substantial buffer over time.

Linking it to your budget helps you consistently allocate funds without strain. Use high-yield savings accounts to maximize growth while keeping your money accessible. 

Tackle Student Debt Strategically

With your budget and emergency fund in place, it's time to tackle student debt. Understanding the nuances of your loans can save you money and stress down the line.

Start by listing all your debts with their interest rates and terms. Focus on high-interest loans first while making minimum payments on others - this method minimizes long-term costs.

Consider consolidation or refinancing if it lowers your overall interest rate; just be wary of extending repayment periods unnecessarily. 

If possible, automate payments to avoid late fees. Prioritizing debt repayment early in your career helps free up future income for investments and other financial goals. 

Build Your Credit Score Wisely

After tackling your student debt, shift focus to building a strong credit score. A good credit score can unlock lower interest rates on future loans and better financial opportunities.

Start by securing a low-limit credit card, and use it responsibly - charge small amounts and pay off the balance each month. This habit shows lenders you’re reliable.

Keep your credit utilization below 30% of your limit; this is crucial for maintaining a healthy score. Avoid opening too many accounts at once as multiple hard inquiries can negatively impact your score.

Consistent, smart management of credit now sets the stage for favourable terms when it's time to make significant purchases like a home or car. 

Leverage Scholarships and Grants

When beginning your career, don’t overlook the power of scholarships and grants in easing your financial burdens. These resources provide "free money" for education, significantly reducing your need for loans.

Apply for as many scholarships and grants as possible, whether through industry-specific opportunities like financial aid for esthetician school, your school or local organizations. Each dollar you receive in non-repayable funds directly lowers your educational expenses.

Stay organized - track application deadlines and required documents to ensure you don’t miss out. Scholarships can also be available beyond freshman year; continually search for new opportunities.

Start Investing Early

Lastly, begin investing early to harness the power of compound interest. Even modest investments grow substantially over time.

Start by opening a retirement account like a 401(k) or an IRA - contribute regularly and take full advantage of employer matches if available. Diversify your investments across stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to mitigate risks.

Use robo-advisors or seek guidance from financial advisors for tailored investment strategies aligned with your goals. Prioritize consistency over the amount; regular contributions compound significantly in the long run. 

Closing Thoughts

Navigating your financial journey can feel like a daunting task, but with the right strategies in place, it’s entirely manageable. Embrace these tips as stepping stones to building a stable and prosperous future. 

Every small step you take now - whether it's budgeting, saving, or investing - paves the way for greater financial security and freedom down the road. Remember, you're in control of your financial destiny. So take charge confidently and watch your hard work pay off! 

In the ever-evolving economic landscape, finding ways to minimize monthly expenses is more than a mere attempt at frugality; it's a necessity for financial survival and comfort. This guide will explore unique and effective strategies for reducing your monthly outlay, striking a balance between maintaining a quality life and ensuring your bank account remains healthy.

Refine Your Utility Usage

Utilities can be a significant monthly expense, but they also offer ample opportunity for cost reduction. Small adjustments such as switching to LED bulbs, fixing leaks, and optimizing your thermostat settings can lead to substantial savings over time. Consider a home energy audit to identify specific actions you can take to improve your home's energy efficiency. Additionally, residents living in certain areas have the option to choose their utility providers. For instance, exploring different electricity companies in Dallas could reveal more competitive rates, tailored to your consumption habits and potentially reduce your monthly costs even further.

Master the Art of Subscription Management

In the era of digital consumption, subscription services can silently bleed your finances dry. Conduct a thorough review of all your subscriptions, from streaming services to fitness apps, and cancel those you rarely use. For the subscriptions you wish to keep, investigate the possibility of sharing plans with friends or family to split the cost.

Revisit Your Insurance Policies

Oftentimes, we set our insurance policies and forget them. However, markets change, and so do our circumstances. Once a year, take the time to shop around and compare rates for your health, home, and auto insurance. You might find better deals or discover that you're currently over-insured. Adjusting your policies accordingly can lower your premiums and significantly reduce your monthly expenses.

Embrace Meal Planning and Smart Grocery Shopping

A big part of cutting costs begins in the kitchen. By planning your meals and adhering to a shopping list based on your meal plan, you can avoid impulse buys that often lead to overspending and food waste. Consider leveraging local farmer's markets for fresh, cost-effective produce, and explore bulk purchasing for non-perishable items.

Optimize Your Travel and Commuting Strategies

Transportation can eat into your budget in a big way. If possible, utilize public transportation, bike, or carpool to work. For those who must drive, consider the benefits of a more fuel-efficient vehicle or adjust your driving habits to improve fuel efficiency. Planning errands strategically to minimize trips and distance can also save money in the long run.

Adopt a Mindset of Mindful Spending

Ultimately, one of the most impactful strategies for reducing monthly expenses is adopting a mindset of mindful spending. Before making any purchase, ask yourself if it's necessary and within your budget. Practice delaying gratification and investigate cost-effective alternatives to your usual spending habits. This may involve trading expensive hobbies for cheaper or free ones, opting for at-home entertainment, or embracing DIY projects.

Explore Secondary Income Streams

While cutting costs is crucial, generating additional income can also provide financial relief. Look into freelancing, selling unused items, or investing in a passive income venture. Such activities can not only cushion your finances but also enrich your skills and personal growth.

Leverage Financial Tools and Apps

Taking advantage of modern technology can make managing finances much easier and more effective. Use budgeting apps to track your spending and savings goals, invest in stocks with low-cost brokerage apps, and utilize financial planning tools to visualize your progress. Technology can automate savings, provide reminders for bill payments, and help avoid late fees.

Commit to Continuous Learning and Improvement

Remaining adaptable and open to learning new ways to manage money is vital. The world of personal finance constantly evolves, and staying informed about the latest tips, tricks, and trends can lead to even greater savings. Consider joining online forums, reading financial advisories, or attending workshops to enhance your financial literacy.

Reducing monthly expenses doesn't have to involve drastic lifestyle changes. By applying some creativity, research, and discipline, you can decrease your outlay without sacrificing enjoyment or comfort. Start implementing these strategies today and watch your savings grow over time. Remember, the key to financial well-being is not how much you earn, but how much you keep.



Fixed Deposits (FDs) have established themselves as a foundational element for personal finance strategies in India. Their appeal stems from the guaranteed returns they offer, which provide a sense of security and stability for your hard-earned savings. However, before committing funds to an FD, a comprehensive understanding of their functionalities and their integration into your overall financial plan is essential. Here are 10 key considerations that will enable you to effectively make better decisions about utilising FDs.

1. Matching Investment Horizon and Goals

FDs lock in your capital for a predetermined period, ranging from a few days to several years. Aligning your investment horizon with the chosen FD tenor is crucial. Consider your short-term needs, such as a vacation in the next year, versus long-term goals like retirement planning decades down the line. Selecting an appropriate tenor ensures easy access to funds when required and avoids penalties for early withdrawal.

2. Interest Rates and Returns

The interest rate offered on your FD directly impacts your returns. These rates depend on three key factors: the chosen bank/NBFC, the selected tenor, and the total investment amount. Typically, longer tenors offer slightly higher interest rates. Utilise online FD interest rate calculators for a general idea, but confirm rates directly with issuers for the most accurate information. Remember, the highest FD interest rates translate to a greater return on your investment at maturity. It's also worth noting that some banks and NBFCs may offer special FD schemes with higher interest rates for specific customer segments, such as senior citizens or new account holders. Exploring such options can further optimise your earnings potential.

3. The Power of Compounding

FDs can benefit significantly from the power of compounding. When you opt for an FD with interest payout options (monthly, quarterly, or annually), the earned interest gets added to your principal amount. Here’s an example of this concept. Imagine you invest ₹5 Lakhs in an FD with a 6% interest rate compounded annually. At the end of the first year, you'll earn ₹30,000 in interest, which gets added to your principal, making it ₹5,30,000. In the second year, you'll earn interest on this new principal amount, leading to even higher returns. Over time, the compounding effect can significantly boost your overall returns on the FD.

4. Understanding Tax Implications

While FDs offer a sense of security, remember, that the interest earned is taxable as per your income tax slab. This means a portion of your returns will be paid to the government as tax. However, there are tax benefits for senior citizens who can invest in special tax-saving FDs offered by some issuers. These FDs typically come with a lock-in period of five years and offer tax benefits under specific sections of the Income Tax Act, of 1961. Consulting a tax advisor for personalised guidance on utilising these tax-saving options and managing your overall tax liability is always recommended.

5. Premature Withdrawal Penalties

Life throws curveballs, and you might need to access your FD funds before maturity. In such scenarios, be aware of the pre-closure penalties levied by banks/NBFCs. These penalties can significantly eat into your returns, potentially negating some of the interest earned. Choose your FD tenor wisely, considering potential emergencies and your liquidity needs. Alternatively, some FDs offer flexible withdrawal options with slightly lower interest rates. These options provide greater access to your funds throughout the tenor but may slightly reduce your overall returns. Striking a balance between liquidity and maximising returns through a well-thought-out FD tenor selection is crucial.

6. Building Creditworthiness

Having an FD on your books demonstrates financial discipline and a good savings habit. This can be beneficial when applying for loans, potentially leading to better interest rates from banks/NBFCs. They view FDs as a sign of responsible financial behaviour, making you a more attractive borrower in their eyes. When you maintain an FD, it indicates your ability to manage your finances effectively and meet your financial obligations. This positive credit history can translate into lower interest rates on loans you may require in the future, such as a home loan or car loan, potentially saving you a significant amount of money over the loan term.

7. FDs vs. Recurring Deposits (RDs)

Both FDs and RDs are popular savings instruments, but they cater to different needs. FDs involve a lump sum investment with a fixed return at maturity. RDs, on the other hand, involve investing a fixed amount periodically, instilling a regular savings habit. RDs often offer slightly higher interest rates than FDs with similar tenors. Consider your investment style and goals when choosing between the two. If you are a disciplined saver seeking to inculcate a regular savings habit, RDs may be a better fit. However, if you have a lump sum available and prioritise a guaranteed return at a specific point in time, FDs might be the more suitable option.

8. Banking on a Reputable Issuer

Always choose a reputable bank/NBFC with a strong financial track record for your FD investment. In India, deposits up to ₹5 Lakhs are secured by the DICGC or the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation. This adds an extra layer of security to your investment, providing peace of mind in case of unforeseen circumstances with the issuer. Feel free to explore and compare rates and terms offered by different banks and NBFCs. Utilise online resources and comparison tools to get a comprehensive overview of available options. The key is to find an issuer that offers a competitive interest rate, a secure platform for your investment and aligns with your specific needs and preferences.

9. Laddering Your FDs

Consider "laddering" your FDs by investing in those with varying maturities. This helps you create a steady stream of income and provides access to funds at different points in time. For example, you could invest a portion of your savings in a short-term FD to meet a near-term goal, another portion in a medium-term FD for a mid-term objective, and a larger portion in a long-term FD for your retirement plan. This approach offers more flexibility in managing your finances and helps mitigate risk by not having all your FD investments maturing at the same time.

10. Portfolio Diversification

While FDs offer stability and a guaranteed return, they might not always keep pace with inflation. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of your money over time. To ensure your savings retain their value and potentially grow over the long term, consider diversifying your portfolio with other investment options alongside FDs. This diversification can include instruments like mutual funds, stocks, or real estate, depending on your risk tolerance and financial goals. Consulting a financial advisor can help you create a well-diversified portfolio that aligns with your risk profile and financial objectives.

By carefully considering these 10 key considerations, you can make informed decisions about using FDs effectively as a strategic tool within your financial planning strategy. FDs offer a secure and reliable way to grow your savings while providing a predictable return on investment. They can be a valuable component of your overall financial plan, helping you achieve your short- and long-term financial goals.





Some online sources, principally TikTok and YouTube Shorts, claim that gold can be a good asset to help us beat inflation and economic uncertainty in the long run. Here we explore the truth of this and outline what some of the options might be to get involved in owning gold or other precious metals.

We should start with the obvious point, it is not a good idea to hold an entire portfolio as gold; nor is it a good idea for those who struggle to save from their salary to consider. The reason is that liquidating gold to cash is costly and the whole idea of investing in gold is to hold it for several years, if not decades, rather than just a few years.

Let’s examine the history and the facts around gold prices. Historically gold does seem to hold its value despite inflation, however, the price of gold has been known to be highly volatile. It doesn't offer dividends or interest, and its returns depend solely on price appreciation. In short, the value of gold does seem to rise with inflation. Despite this, there is no established relationship in the short term, evidence from market data suggests that holding gold for five years would not match inflation. Holding gold for 20 years has worked historically (no guarantee that it will continue to work). Typically an extra 1% on UK inflation is matched by a 0.8% increase in the market price of gold, but in the grand scheme of things, gold has an upward price trend. In fact, it recently hit an all-time high as commercial investors are becoming increasingly drawn to it. All of a sudden going to your bank to talk about ISAs might seem more attractive than sleeping with a couple of gold bars hidden under the mattress!

Perhaps that is a bit of artistic licence – investing in physical gold requires secure storage, insurance, and higher costs due to dealers' premiums, VAT to buy (except coins) and potentially capital gains tax which can be as high as 28% in the UK when selling gold.
Alternatives to holding physical gold bullion are to consider Gold Exchange-Traded Funds which can be bought and sold like stocks. Examples include iShares Gold Trust and SPDR Gold Shares. These aim to track the price of gold but do come with management fees. The point here is that the investment is in ‘paper gold’, not physical gold, which reduces some of the costs but still attracts capital gains tax when liquidating a position.

Investing in gold can work as a way to preserve capital and protect against inflation and economic downturns. However, it's important to understand that like all investments there is an element of uncertainty involved. It is important to consider why you want to invest in gold and if other financial products, perhaps ISAs or Unit Trusts can meet those needs. Also, time horizon is a key factor, making this a difficult path for individual investors unless they need a long-term investment strategy to diversify their portfolio and secure protection against inflation.

This does not constitute direct financial advice. Mentions of companies or products do not constitute an endorsement.

Trading can be an exciting, yet daunting venture due to the significant risk it entails. But have you ever wondered how you can mitigate some of that risk? Free-funded accounts may just be the answer. These accounts could potentially unlock doors to trading more extensive markets with substantially fewer monetary risks.

What are Free Funded Accounts?

A free-funded account is a means for individual traders to participate in financial markets without risking their own capital. These are essentially accounts provided by proprietary trading firms (also known as prop firms) that offer their traders ample leverage to buy and sell assets. The goal here is to generate returns that benefit both the trader and the prop firm.

The concept behind these accounts is simple. You prove your trading prowess through a series of challenges or assessments, and if you're successful, the prop firm provides you access to one of their funded accounts. The best part is that you don't need to put your own money on the line.

These free-funded accounts can yield substantial benefits beyond risk mitigation. For example, they empower traders to gain exposure to broader market conditions and provide opportunities to amplify their earnings significantly compared to if they were leveraging their own capital exclusively.

If this propelled your curiosity and made you wonder how to get a free funded account, read on!

Eligibility for Free Funded Accounts

Various prop firms have different eligibility criteria for their free-funded accounts. Therefore, it becomes crucial for aspiring traders to meticulously go through the specific requirements before diving headfirst into the process. 

Despite these differences, some necessary qualifications include age specifications (typically 18 years or older), having a secure internet connection, possessing a real-time trading platform, and demonstrating a good understanding of financial markets.

One critical aspect that you must be aware of is the trading challenge. Prop firms like Maverick Trading mandate their prospects to complete these challenges as proof of their trading competency before they can gain access to a funded account.

Lastly, some prop firms require traders to take up and complete an educational course pertinent to trading. For instance, TopStepTrader runs its program to demonstrate the foundational trading skills needed to guide its members through live market sessions.

Note: confirm with your chosen prop firm about the exact specifications for free-funded accounts. It varies from one prop firm to another!


Now that you've understood what free funded accounts are and whether you qualify for them let's dive into registration. Firstly, choose a reputable prop firm that offers free funded accounts. Some notable names include, Earn2Trade, OneUp Trader, and FTMO.

Once you’ve chosen the firm, proceed with signing up on their website where you'd need to provide relevant personal information like full name, contact details, and possibly some insight into your trading experience. Expect to answer questions related to your preferred style of trading or your comprehension of risk management tools.

Be prepared to pay a refundable fee should you opt out during the evaluation or fail on the first attempt that most of these firms charge. Nonetheless, this modest fee pales compared to the potential losses you might incur had you been trading with your capital without proper guidance and expertise.

In case you are unsure which firm to go with or how much risk you can handle, take help from professionals familiar with the industry!

Navigating the Application Process

The application process usually comes next, which involves a series of steps, the first one often being the Evaluation phase. This is the trading challenge where you prove your competence by managing a practice account and achieving specific profit targets while staying within prescribed limits.

During this period, firms like Forex Signals require candidates to follow strict trading guidelines that are put in place to help them foster valuable habits like discipline and patience. Traders at this stage need to demonstrate their capacity to manage risk effectively.

On successful completion of this phase, your performance will be reviewed in detail before you are offered a live funded account if deemed eligible! The prop firm will track your progress closely, ensuring you are taking reasonable risks and making savvy trading decisions.

The point of this process is not just about coming out with profits but demonstrating a deep understanding of risk management. It's said that 'making money is straightforward; preventing losses isn't,' and these prop firms expect nothing less from their traders.

Managing Funded Accounts

Once you've unlocked the free funded account, remember that it's just the beginning. Now comes the part of managing these accounts smartly, which is just as crucial as earning them.

Just because you aren't trading with your capital doesn't mean you can toss caution to the wind. Prudence remains key here — make sure to follow the risk management guidelines communicated by the prop firm since flouting these could lead to penalties or even cancellation of your funded account!

The money made using a free-funded account is usually split between the trader and the firm, often with varying percentage allocations depending on performance. But bear in mind that despite this split, traders can still earn substantial profits if they handle the free-funded account prudently!

Your journey doesn't end once you unlock one funded account. You get to scale up and unlock larger accounts based on your performance. For example, TopstepTrader allows traders who meet or exceed profit targets to size up their funded accounts!

Types of Free Funded Accounts

Prop firms offer several types of free-funded accounts to accommodate the range of trading strategies their traders might employ. Exploring these can help you determine which would complement your individual trading paradigm most effectively.

For instance, some common variants include Forex-funded accounts and Futures-funded accounts. The former enables traders to buy or sell currency pairs with the backing of the prop firm's capital. Popular platforms are FTMO and The5%ers, where traders can access up to $200,000 for trading forex.

On the other hand, Futures funded accounts involve speculating on the price movements of commodities or securities at a predetermined date in the future. Notably, OneUp Trader and Tradenet are known for providing this type of account. It's essential to understand these variations thoroughly before choosing your path.


While free-funded accounts provide an avenue for risk mitigation and potential profit amplification, they aren't completely devoid of risks themselves. Engaging in any form of trading, including using a prop firm's capital, involves a level of risk-taking.

The potential fluctuations in market prices remain a constant factor of uncertainty that could influence your trades negatively. Additionally, there's also the aspect of 'over-trading' - carried away by the thrill of leveraging someone else's capital, some traders tend to over-trade resulting in unnecessary losses.

If a trader consistently fails to meet the prop firm's set profit targets or breaches their risk management guidelines, there's the threat of having their funded account revoked. Therefore, traders need to exercise discipline and prudent trading tactics to effectively navigate these risks.


Free funded accounts offer numerous benefits making them an appealing proposition for savvy traders. Obviously, one primary advantage is mitigating personal financial risk – a trader doesn't have to commit his funds to market positions.

Besides that, having a larger capital pool at their disposal via funded accounts enables traders to explore more extensive and diverse markets that they otherwise might not have access to using solely their capital.

Moreover, as prop firms mentor and scrutinize their traders' manoeuvres closely, this fosters valuable trading habits among them that can dramatically enhance their overall trading prowess. One such indispensable habit is effective risk management - a trait highly valued in financial trading industries.

Maximizing Profit 

Succeeding with a free funded account necessitates smart strategies that not only align with market trends but also with the proprietary firm's policies. Forbes explains how savvy risk management combined with strategic trading can significantly bolster your profits.

For example, adopting varying degrees of leverage based on market volatility helps maintain a balance between potential gains and losses. Also, maintaining a diversified portfolio can minimize risk and possibly increase profit margins.

Another essential hack is strictly adhering to stop-loss limits. This could safeguard your positions from any unforeseen volatility or drastic shifts in market dynamics.

The key here is consistent learning and adapting since what works today might not necessarily work tomorrow in the ever-changing landscape of financial markets!

Trading Strategies 

A crucial aspect of Excel in trading funded accounts is to embrace a robust strategy that enhances your profitability while reducing the propensity for loss. As described by Investopedia, these can range from straightforward to complex techniques.

Scalping is a frequently used strategy by traders that entails making numerous small trades throughout the day. The aim here is to accumulate many minor profits rather than aiming for one major windfall.

A contrasting strategy is 'Swing Trading' where traders look for trends or patterns in markets and place trades accordingly, often holding positions overnight. This helps them capitalize on larger price movements over longer periods and potentially enjoy bigger profits.

Choosing an appropriate strategy requires understanding its suitability to your risk tolerance level, time commitment to trading, and knowledge of market technicals!


Free-funded accounts substantially boost your trading potential by minimizing personal financial risks while maximizing trading scope. It's crucial to understand different types of accounts, various inherent risks, benefits offered by such accounts, effective strategies for trading, and ways to maximize returns.

Even if your family is currently in a good financial position, this does not mean that they will always be this way. You could lose your job at any point, or you might find that your bills drastically increase. To make sure that the people that you love are secure in the future, including on your death, here are some of the steps that you should take to map out your and your family's financial future in 2024. 

Develop a Financial Plan 

The first step that you need to take is to develop a financial plan. By taking the time to sit down and create a strategy for your future, you will ensure that you always know where you are going, and you will have a document to fall back on when times get tough. This plan should include your money goals, ideas to increase your wealth, and where you are going to invest your money. You might also add a budget, as well as schemes to pay off any debt that you owe, including your mortgage. By doing this, you will be able to focus on the future rather than get bogged down in what is currently happening to your bank account. 

Think About Your Will 

The most important step that you can take for your family's financial future, though, is to think about your will. Instead of simply leaving your assets to be passed down to your next of kin without any formal approval by yourself, you should think carefully about who you want to give what. For instance, you might give your house to the people who are currently living in it, such as your partner or your children. 

Once you have worked out how much of your money will go to the people that you love, you can then see how much you have left over for legacy gifts. Giving to charity is a popular way to do good upon your death. It can also allow you to commemorate loved ones and give back to non-profits that have helped you. For instance, you might consider leaving legacy gifts to Macmillan if you or a family member has struggled with cancer in the past. This can act as a contribution toward their continued care of other people who are in the same boat. 

Consider Succession 

Succession is incredibly important if you are a business owner. As someone who has built their company up over many years, it is unlikely that you will be happy to see your venture sold on or fail. If you are concerned about what will happen to your company when you retire or die, you should think about who will take over your business early on. This could be one of your children or even a star employee. By settling on this sooner rather than later, you will be able to train them, prepare them for taking over your start-up, and check that they are willing to become a business owner themselves. 

Having financial stability allows you to manage everyday expenses. It also lets you plan for the future with confidence, and weather unexpected financial storms. But building a strong financial foundation can seem daunting. This is especially true in today's world of rising costs and competing financial priorities. Here's a look at eight smart financial strategies to empower you to take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals.

1. Define Your Financial Goals

The first step towards financial well-being is defining your goals. Having clear goals motivates you to save consistently and make informed financial decisions. Set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals could be saving for a down payment on a car or a dream vacation. On the other hand, long-term goals might include saving for retirement or a child's college education. Be realistic when setting goals – overly ambitious targets can lead to discouragement. For instance, aiming to save for a house deposit in a year might be unrealistic if your income doesn't allow for significant savings. However, setting a goal to save a specific amount each month for a down payment over a two-year period is a more achievable target.

2. Create a Budget and Track Your Spending

Awareness is key to managing your finances effectively. Creating a budget that outlines your income and expenses is the foundation of financial literacy. Monitor your spending habits for a month to gain insights into your expenditures. Many budgeting apps and online tools can simplify this process. Once you know where your money is flowing, you can identify areas where you can cut back and allocate more funds towards savings. Are you spending excessively on dining out or entertainment? Perhaps there are subscriptions you can cancel or unused gym memberships you can terminate. Every small cutback adds up and contributes to your savings goals.

3. Save Consistently

Saving consistently is the bedrock of financial security. Start small, even if it's a fixed amount every week or every paycheck. Consistency is key. Transfer funds directly from your paycheck to a dedicated savings account. This can help ensure consistent savings and also remove the temptation to spend that money. Also, consider exploring different savings options. These can be high-yield savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CD) to maximise your returns. Such savings accounts offer a marginally higher interest rate than traditional savings accounts. Conversely, CDs offer a fixed interest rate for a predetermined period. However, they typically have early withdrawal penalties, so ensure the chosen term aligns with your savings goals.

4. Prioritise Debt Repayment

Debt can be a significant financial burden, not only impacting your monthly cash flow but also affecting your credit score. Focus on paying off high-interest debt, such as credit card debt, as soon as possible. High-interest debt can quickly spiral out of control, so tackling it first frees up more money for savings and future investments. Consider debt consolidation strategies like balance transfer cards or debt consolidation loans. This can help you potentially secure a lower interest rate and simplify your repayment process. Balance transfer cards typically offer a 0% introductory APR period on transferred balances. This allows you to focus on paying down the principal amount. You can do so without accruing additional interest during the introductory period. Debt consolidation loans combine multiple debts into one loan with a potentially lower interest rate. This simplifies your repayment process and potentially saves you money on interest.

5. Invest for the Future

Investing allows your money to grow over time. This may outpace inflation and help you achieve your long-term financial goals. However, investing involves risk. The potential for higher returns comes with the possibility of losing some or all of your investment. Assess your risk tolerance before investing. For beginners, low-risk investment options like index funds can be a good starting point. Index funds passively track a specific market index, such as the S&P 500, offering broad market exposure and diversification. Consider consulting a financial advisor for personalised investment strategies. Ensure that these align with your risk tolerance and long-term goals. A financial advisor can help you create a diversified investment portfolio. This would balance risk and reward based on your individual circumstances.

6. Build an Emergency Fund

Life throws curveballs. An emergency fund provides a safety net for unexpected expenses, such as medical bills, car repairs, or job loss. Aim to save enough to cover 3-6 months of living expenses in your emergency fund. This financial cushion reduces stress and allows you to handle emergencies. You can do so without resorting to high-interest debt or dipping into your long-term savings goals.

7. Automate Your Bills

Automating your bill payments ensures timely payments and avoids late fees. Late fees can add up quickly and negatively impact your credit score. Set up automatic payments for recurring bills like rent, utilities, and loan payments. This eliminates the risk of forgetting to pay a bill and helps maintain a good credit score. A good credit score translates to better interest rates on loans and other financial products in the future.

8. Review and Revise Regularly

Your financial situation and goals can evolve over time. Regularly review your budget, savings progress, and investment strategies. Consider factors like career changes, or upcoming retirement when reviewing your financial plan. Make adjustments as needed to ensure your financial plan is aligned with your changing circumstances and goals. Regularly review and revise your financial plan. This ensures it continues to support your evolving needs and aspirations.

Building a strong financial foundation is an ongoing journey. By implementing these smart financial strategies, you can take control of your finances. It also helps you achieve your goals, and create a secure future for yourself and your loved ones. Remember, financial literacy is key. There are many resources available to help you on your journey. Consider marketplaces like Bajaj Markets. It can be a valuable resource for comparing financial products and services from different providers. This enables you to make informed financial decisions. Visit the site today to learn more.

A recent survey undertaken by  McKinsey and NielsenIQ [Do consumers care about sustainability & ESG claims? | McKinsey] revealed that 78% of US consumers would like to see their financial service providers form part of their desire for a sustainable lifestyle. All around the world, we are likely far off mainstream banking blazing a trail for sustainability, but in this article, we will see what choices a UK consumer can make in an environment with less competition than the US. 

There are different extents to which individuals can align themselves to the green moment or opt to distance themselves from the funding of an industry or social cause they do not wish to support. Many sources on the web seem to discuss from the perspective of those who choose to invest in specific companies, as if they are buying stocks and shares, however, a more ordinary person does not have the time or disposable income to invest in this way. Rather they rely on banks to do their jobs, which includes taking their deposits and channelling this money towards loans to companies to facilitate investment. For most banks, this investment could be a wind farm or a coal mine with roughly equal probability. 

Current Accounts and Small Pots

Ideally, we keep a minimum of two months' salary in a current account where we have quick, tap-of-a-card, access to it. Better still is holding cash equivalent to six months of anticipated expenses, however, we each have differing abilities to do this [How much cash should you hold? | Hargreaves Lansdown (].  

 In terms of current account options which are not going to channel deposits toward almost any sort of investment project, there are a few small ‘green’ banks which are more selective in who they will channel money toward. For example, Triodos Bank [Ethical Current Account (] offers a current account which aligns with supporting renewables, education and social housing.  Other options exist with the Co-operative Bank which is much older and better known in the UK or perhaps the Ecology Building Society. 

The key aim in picking a current account is not funding bad stuff, next, we turn to how we fund good stuff!

Saving for the bigger picture

Again, let's start by setting the ideal position. Hopefully, readers are not letting the cash balance in non-interest-bearing accounts pile up too high. For long-term savings goals the element of choice in achieving green and social objectives as savings tend to have a direct impact on sustainable projects, through the investment they enable. 

ISA savings accounts are the most common form of savings account in general as they allow £20,000 of savings per year with no tax on interest earned [Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs): How ISAs work - GOV.UK (]. An ISA which aligns with sustainability is hard to find, especially from a high street bank and also as a cash ISA option. Stocks and Shares ISAs with ethical and green screening are more readily available; the issue here is that their value can increase or decrease. For many, this makes them too risky and an unsuitable way to save! 

 If it proves difficult to locate a suitable cash ISA, an alternative to consider is NS&I’s green savings bonds [Green Savings Bonds | NS&I (], whilst bonds are not a savings account, and the uninitiated should be sure to read up on them first, they offer a guaranteed rate of return and may fill a gap for those most committed to greening their financial presence.

This does not constitute direct financial advice. Mentions of companies or products do not constitute an endorsement. 




Most think personal financial management only involves savings and investments. Often, such individuals overlook a critical component: preparing for unforeseen legal costs. This oversight can lead to tumultuous fiscal waters when navigating the complexities of hiring legal representation. 

But fret not, as this article is your compass through the intricate world of legal expenses. The goal is to help you chart clear paths that financially empower you for any legal hurdles ahead. 

Harness the Power of Legal Insurance

Legal troubles can surface without warning, yet many fail to prepare for them in their financial planning. Mitigating this risk is simpler than you think, thanks to legal insurance. 

Think of it as an umbrella, ready at your side for a rainy day. Legal insurance offers a safety net for a regular premium, covering attorney fees and court costs within your policy limits. This preemptive step not only brings peace of mind but also keeps your savings intact when the gavel comes down. 

Contingency Fee Arrangements

Another route to consider, particularly when facing injury attorney fees in Philadelphia or wherever you live, is exploring the option of contingency fee arrangements. This approach is a buoy for those without hefty legal war chests.

With an attorney working on contingency, you bypass the need for upfront payments. Instead, their payment hinges on winning your case — they earn a predetermined percentage of your awarded damages. It's a model that democratizes access to legal assistance and aligns your attorney's motivation with your court victory. 

Stash a Legal Savings Fund

Besides considering insurance and contingency fees, establishing a legal savings fund is yet another strategic manoeuvre. Financial experts often tout the virtues of an emergency fund; think of this as its specific subset, exclusively earmarked for legal skirmishes.

Start small if you must, but start. Diversifying your savings in this way ensures that when legal storms loom on the horizon, you're not left scrambling to gather resources. Setting aside even a modest amount regularly allows you to create a financial bulwark that could one day stand between you and a potential monetary maelstrom.

Educate Yourself on Billing Methods

In the landscape of legal costs, knowledge goes a long way. That’s why you must familiarize yourself with how lawyers bill for their services. Traditionally, billing by the hour was commonplace, but now there's a broader spectrum. 

Flat fees, sliding scales based on outcome, and even subscription-based models are redefining the cost of legal aid. Understanding these methods allows you to navigate conversations with potential representation more confidently, ensuring transparency and potentially negotiating terms that better suit your financial situation. 

Negotiate Payment Plans

Another financial tool at your disposal is the negotiation of payment plans. Apart from dissecting billing methods, don’t hesitate to discuss payment flexibility with your legal counsel. 

Attorneys often understand the fiscal strain their fees can impose, and many are willing to work out a staggered payment schedule that fits within their budget. Negotiating terms that allow for smaller, more manageable instalments over time helps you avoid the pressure of lump-sum payments, easing your current cash flow while still securing professional advocacy. 

Lastly, Explore Legal Aid Societies

Legal aid societies offer an avenue worth exploring, especially for those with limited means. These organizations provide free or low-cost legal services to individuals facing financial hardship. 

Leveraging this community resource can be a game-changer, offering access to justice without the strain on your wallet. Whether it's guidance through simple legal procedures or representation in court, these societies embody the spirit of equitable support. It’s beneficial to research local options as part of your broader strategy for tackling potential legal expenses. 


Navigating the treacherous seas of legal expenses requires more than just a life vest; it demands a comprehensive strategy. By considering insurance, contingency arrangements, personalized savings plans, billing education, payment negotiations, and legal aid societies, you're equipping yourself with an arsenal to stay financially sound.

With these strategies in hand, you stand ready to face legal challenges head-on without drowning in financial uncertainty. The key is to be proactive—because when it comes to legal costs and personal finance, preparedness is your most valuable asset.

While it’s great that you might be able to file a personal injury claim after being injured in an accident, during this time of uncertainty, you’re sure to have several financial concerns. And that’s the last thing you need when you’re recovering – physically and mentally – from your injury. But medical expenses can pile up and pay cheques could halt. Plus, navigating the legal labyrinth could feel like trying to decipher an alien language.

Securing your fiscal future after being injured in an accident is not just prudent, it's paramount.

Common Personal Injuries

Personal injuries can happen anywhere and anytime. Common ones include:

By ensuring you stay vigilant – especially when engaging in activities like sports and driving – you can lower your risk of being injured. 

But if you find yourself being injured in an accident that isn’t your fault, make sure you’re aware of the potential costs regarding filing a personal injury claim. 

Potential Costs for Personal Injury Claims

A personal injury claim might resemble a financial iceberg—what's visible above the surface often belies the bulk of hidden expenses beneath. 

Legal Fees: The Price of Advocacy

The quest for justice through legal representation isn't without its price tag. Your champion in the courtroom comes at a cost—attorneys' fees, which typically operate on a contingency basis, claiming a percentage of your awarded compensation. Factor in additional outlays for court filings, deposition costs, expert witnesses, and administrative expenses; it becomes vital to understand fee structures ahead of time.

Medical Bills: Navigating the Costly Path to Recovery

Post-accident medical care often follows an ascending cost trajectory that can escalate quickly from emergency services to long-term rehabilitation. Without adequate insurance coverage or a successful claim outcome, these charges can deplete savings with surgical precision.

Lost Wages: The Invisible Drain on Resources

Time spent away from work nursing injuries means pay cheques may dwindle or disappear entirely – an invisible yet palpable drain on resources that amplifies stress and jeopardizes financial security during recovery periods. It's not just immediate income loss but potential future earnings that hang in the balance.

Five Strategies for Managing Those Financial Challenges Effectively

The initial shock of a personal injury is often succeeded by the daunting realization of its fiscal impact. However, armour against these financial challenges can be forged with strategies rooted in foresight and careful planning.

So, here are five strategies to safeguard your financial future.

1. Maximise Your Insurance Understanding

A robust grasp of your insurance policy—knowing what it covers and what it doesn't—is akin to having a detailed map when you're lost in the woods. It’s crucial to review your coverage details and exclusions with your insurer before the unforeseen strikes, ensuring policy adequacy for potential mishaps.

For instance, disability insurance could serve as a bulwark against income loss due to injury-induced work inability. It's prudent to consider policies that cover both short-term gaps and long-term incapacities.

2. Choose Expert Legal Guidance

Navigating legal waters often requires a seasoned captain at the helm. Employing adept counsel, such as RVA Personal Injury Lawyers, can not only clarify complexities but also heighten chances for claim success.

3. Craft a Budget Blueprint

Managing finances during this turbulent time calls for meticulous budgeting. Categorize expenses and prioritize needs over wants; an adjusted spending plan can keep financial stability within reach even when income streams are disrupted.

4. Be Prepared with an Emergency Fund

Should the tides turn unfavourably, a well-stocked emergency fund offers a financial life raft. This reserve acts as a buffer, allowing you to cover unexpected costs without sinking into debt.

5. Explore Supplementary Income Options

Consider alternative income avenues that accommodate recovery limitations—be it remote work opportunities or passive income sources like renting out property space. These options provide an economic buffer while recuperative efforts remain primary.

Many people across the UK are living on a financial cliff edge with increasing debt problems as the cost of living pressures have taken their toll, so where can you go to receive free debt advice to try and ease any increasing money worries? 

More than eight million people now need debt advice and over 12 million are in serious financial trouble, according to the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS). 

Using a survey that it conducted involving 22,519 adults between July and September last year, MaPS calculated that 15% or 8.1 million needed expert advice on how to cope with the money that they owe. 

Paying off the mortgage or the rent, alongside council tax and utility bill arrears are some of the typical problems that many are facing. 

Some will have seen creditors start enforcement proceedings against them such as contact from bailiffs, legal action being taken or pre-payment tariffs for electricity and gas being implemented. 

Who you can turn to at no charge?

A good place to start would be the Debt Advice Foundation which is a national debt advice service, where it can assist with a debt management plan (DMP), which can be negotiated with your creditors. 

A DMP can allow you to discuss how you can lower repayments, or freeze any interest on payments or the suspension of any legal action that is pending. 

Yet it is important to recognise that any proposals that you make with a creditor are not legally binding, and anyone who you owe money to does not have to agree to any plan. 

The foundation also allows you to download a personal debt analyser tool, which will deliver you information on how much you realistically have to pay off creditors, and how long it will take to pay any unsecured debts. 

Also, there is the National Debtline in England and Wales. 

It has phone and website services where you can speak directly to an expert, and you can fill out an online budget form that can breakdown all of your outgoings. 

There is also a fact sheet library on a wide range of debt issues, plus a sample letter library which provides examples of how to approach creditors by writing to them. 

Citizens Advice is a well-established charity that can provide extensive help with debt problems, and advisers will look to collect information about your debt, then work out which debts to prioritise

If you have any urgent debts for example dealing with council tax payments, then there are services available that will directly attack the most pressing problem. 

Also, you see how you can increase your income and also make cutbacks on your spending. 

PayPlan are another option who have been helping people with debts for 32 years, and offers a wide range of debt services, including in the event of bankruptcy and also has specific support available for self-employed debt help. 

You can apply for a DMP via an online form, and there is a debt settlement service if you have access to a lump sum which is not enough to cover all unsecured debt. 

The Step Change Debt Charity is another long-standing debt advice outlet that has also helped those in need for three decades without a fee, 

There is a three-step plan to receive help, with the first stage to tell an adviser about your debt, income and spending to create a budget. 

The second stage is exploring your options after being given an action plan on how to deal with your debt, and then finally choosing a debt solution where you will be supported through the process. 

Help is around the corner

You can also look a bit closer to home to receive free debt advice, as there are Community Money Advice centres that are open all over the country. 

In total, there are 163 of them who have consultants that can talk over the different options that are available to you, and help you make the best choices in handling debts. 

Online budgeting tips are also offered, it is a wide-ranging facility that looks at how you can boost your income, by for example selling any unwanted items that are cluttering up your living quarters, or advising you to rent out a room if this is possible. 

Money-saving tips include ensuring that you have the cheapest mobile phone or utility provider or whether you can get a cheaper rate mortgage, and also to move to a non-packaged bank account to avoid monthly bank fees. 

Lifestyle advice is also offered like cutting back on shopping for non-essentials, or walking more and not using your car. 

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