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Updated at 15:50
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Mark Palmer

Articles by Mark Palmer

Rishi Sunak is rich, but is Keir Starmer rich too?

13th June 2024
As the UK election passes the halfway point, much of the focus has been on tax cuts and the economy, aside from Rishi Sunak's notable decision to leave the D-Day remembrance services early. With both leading parties trying to make the election about policies rather than personalities, it's hard to overlook just how much money […]
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Is There A Free Budgeting App?

18th December 2023
This is an innovative free budgeting app that has an intuitive interface and features that are AI-driven...
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Best zero-interest balance transfer cards

14th December 2023
...Sometimes there will be a small fee to pay for the transfer.  But this does not apply to all balance transfer cards. Do your research well and look for cards with no fee...
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Budgeting Apps - The Path To A Free Financial Future?

13th December 2023
...Expense tracking – Tracking your expenses is a vital feature within budgeting apps. If you can see in real time where your money is going, you will be able to get a better handle on it. In some cases, you can set spending limits, so that you don’t overspend...
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How to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

13th December 2023
...Many people assume the interest rate on their credit card is set in stone, however, this isn’t always the case...
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Your guide to paying down credit card debt

13th December 2023
...Two common strategies for paying down credit card debt are the debt avalanche method and the debt snowball method...
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