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What happened to the Renters' Reform Bill and will the general election change anything?

6th June 2024
The Renters’ Reform Bill has been seen by many as a silver bullet to rebalance the relationship between renters and landlords, but it will not be rubber stamped before the general election on 4 July. Last month before the surprise announcement of the election the bill reached the House of Lords, but later it was […]
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Spending on Election campaigns

3rd June 2024
There are regulations in place to ensure political parties stick to spending limits and a fair budget for their campaigns. Each party must submit their spending returns to the Electoral Commission which they have 3 months to submit or 6 months if they spent over £250,000 during the campaign period. Each parties’ case is investigated […]
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An overview of Party Policies

24th May 2024
The election day has been set for July 4th and the manifestos are yet to be published. For each party they have set out a list of polices they would focus on if they win the election.   Labour Labour lay out some of their top priorities they will tackle. Improving waiting times for treatment […]
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Election day announced

23rd May 2024
Rishi Sunak has announced the election will be held on the 4th July. After 14 years of conservative rule, they are now behind in the polls and on July 5th the country could have a new Prime Minister. Manifestos are expected to come in June. Make sure you are registered to vote so you can […]
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The Cost of Immigration

17th May 2024
In the year ending June 2023, ONS statistics estimate that 1.2 million people migrated into the UK. The UK is currently spending more money on their policy with Rwanda where asylum seekers are sent to a third country to settle rather than allowing them status in the UK. Due to the asylum process in the […]
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How Financial Wellness Enhances Mental and Physical Health

19th April 2024
You do not have to be a psychology expert to know that finances affect people's feelings. Every person who has been through challenging financial situations knows first-hand how mentally draining being unable to pay bills can be.  This mental pressure, at some point, starts to manifest in a decline in a person's mental and physical […]
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What are the types of impulse buying so you can avoid them?

19th April 2024
If you feel yourself often giving into impulse buying this could be hurting your finances and cutting off your savings. Most people give into impulse buying at least a few times a month and regret it quickly afterward. If you are trying to save, reducing your impulse buys could help you do this.   Avoid […]
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What is the 50-30-20 money saving rule?

11th April 2024
If you are trying to save money and need some extra tips then the 50-30-20 rule could be super helpful to create a budget. With this rule you will be splitting your income up and assigning each pot of money to a selected category. This rule will work best if you have a separate savings […]
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3 Budgeting Apps to Use in 2024

9th April 2024
Using a finance app can often be a helpful way to keep on track of your money wherever you are and in a specific way for your needs. Tracking your money shows you how much your are spending and can support you in making a change. There are many options for free budget apps as […]
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How to stop impulse buying

14th March 2024
One of the hardest things to do is stop yourself from spending money. We've all been there and it's incredibly hard to be frugal and save money when we live in a world encouraging you to buy everything and buy it now. What is impulse buying? Impulse buying is the concept of purchasing something you […]
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How Much Money Has HBO Made from Game of Thrones?

20th May 2019
When you play the Game of Thrones, you win, or you die.
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