Leading training provider Qube Learning has been selected by Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance to give the finance business’ employees the opportunity to embark on apprenticeship programmes. Qube Learning specialises in working with employers across the country to deliver vocational qualifications, core skills coaching and short courses, and proudly holds a Level 2 (Good) rating from OFSTED.

The successful bid by Qube Learning will see 56 employees from the Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance on their way to completing an apprenticeship by the end of 2017, a number that the company expects to see increase as people begin to see the benefits and understand the Qube Learning way of training.

Jason Bell, Learning and Development Partner at Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance, explains why he chose to collaborate with Qube Learning:

“Having strong vocational learning opportunities is a high priority to us as an employer. I met with 5 or 6 potential apprenticeship providers, Qube Learning stood out from the outset as a partner to realise this goal. Everyone I spoke to and met at Qube Learning demonstrated the learner focused values and ethos that I was striving to achieve, and they continue to meet and surpass my expectations.”

Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance has seen a real shift in mindset towards vocational learning and apprenticeships since working with Qube Learning, with employees being stretched and challenged.


Jason Bell elaborates:

“Our people are talking about their experience in such a positive light, and there is a genuine buzz around the building when apprenticeships are discussed. Already we have seen the confidence in our employees growing.”

A Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance employee, Sarah Wood, talks about her experience on the scheme:

“Having been out of formal education for over 15 years, I was a little nervous about embarking on a professional qualification. I attended the Qube Learning open day in July where I was encouraged to see so many people from different areas of the business. I was really impressed with the new provider, they gave me lots of information about the courses that were available which helped me to shape the module choices I am about to make.

The induction process clearly laid out what was expected of me and what support I would receive from my Learning Development Consultant. I was also made aware of other online tools, useful websites and suggested reading material that will help with the learning process.

I’m expecting the next 15 months to be challenging but equally rewarding and see the attainment of this qualification as an important step in my career progression.”

In April 2017 the way the Government funds apprenticeships in England is changing for all businesses and some employers will be required to contribute to a new Apprenticeship Levy.

The Levy requires all employers operating in the UK, with a pay bill over £3 million each year, to make an investment in apprenticeships. The Government states that the Levy is there to be spent on apprenticeship training and associated costs, with companies nationwide being able to access funds for their own training schemes.

Now, therefore, is a crucial time for companies to look at their vocational training provision. Qube Learning has a team of experts on hand to help employers understand more about the Apprenticeship Levy and how to prepare for it. Qube Learning also holds forums which discuss all matters relating to the Levy and allow employers to share ideas and learn together.

Jason Bell from Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance attended these sessions:

“I’ve found great benefit and value in attending the Qube Learning Employer sessions – making me further realise that we made the right choice to partner together.”

Make 2017 the year that your company maximises the benefits of Apprenticeships by speaking with the experts from leading training provider Qube Learning.