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Updated at 15:50
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Daniel Marsden is the head of Web Development at Finance Monthly

Articles by d.marsden

How Did iGaming Industries Fare on the Stock Market in 2018? 888 Holdings, Playtech and more.

31st January 2019
Historically, financial investors have always been able to rely on casino stocks rising in the markets long-term. However, as we discussed back in November, many of the leading land-based casino conglomerates are seeing their values fall, some by as much as 30%. Interest in land-based casinos appears to be waning, with the world’s casino capitals – Las Vegas and Macau – experiencing declining monthly gaming revenues.
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How to Build a Quality Retail Website Without Breaking the Bank

22nd January 2019
Have you been contemplating a venture into the lucrative world of online retail sales? If so, you will first need to create a quality website that is able to attract customers to what it is that you have to offer. However, many individuals are concerned that this process will cost an inordinate amount of money.
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Take Your Business from Sole Trader to Serious Enterprise

14th January 2019
Starting a business from scratch is a wonderful scary but exciting time. It is when you find out if all your hopes and dreams are justified and begin to support yourself without any reliance on an external pay cheque, fulfilling your cherished desire to work in your chosen sector.
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How Brexit Could Affect Your Investments

8th January 2019
While there are too many unknown factors for this to be a routine matter, there are some important points that will help you to understand what might happen in the months ahead. What type of investment could turn out to be the best for you in this period of change? Forex Trading Matters One of […]
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Donkey Finance offer fast and convenient loan comparison

2nd January 2019
Many people face unexpected financial difficulties at some time in their lives and the need to raise cash they do not have on hand can put a tremendous financial burden on them. The first recourse to get the money is usually by borrowing from friends and family, but when that fails to raise the necessary […]
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8 Questions to Ask from The Insurance Company

2nd January 2019
1.  What Is Essential to Know About Car Insurance? It is essential to compare the quotes and rates to know about some points. Different insurance companies offer various benefits, and you get the opportunities to save maximum on the insurance plans. It is up to you how much you research the market and which policy […]
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Making Debt Repayments Easier through Consolidation

20th December 2018
If you are struggling with debt, it is important to take steps as early on as possible as this can avoid the problem spiralling out of control. There are various steps you can take in order to tackle your debt issues and one of these is debt consolidation. By consolidating your debts with debt consolidation […]
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Making Extra Money Online – Tips to Help

12th December 2018
Most people often find themselves in a situation where they could do with a little extra cash in order to make ends meet. When you have a lot of financial commitments and a limited income, finding the ready cash to treat yourself or splash out on luxuries becomes impossible. However, there are ways in which […]
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Bringing Down the Cost of Car Insurance Cover

12th December 2018
Most motorists are well aware of the expenses involved in driving. In addition to paying for the vehicle itself, there are many other costs that have to be considered. This includes the cost of filling up the tank, the cost of servicing and repairs, and the cost of insurance amongst other things. When it comes […]
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The Beneficial Mental Effects of Online and Video Games

3rd December 2018
There is a misconception that playing video games promotes a lack of sociability, obesity, and idleness. In fact, research conducted by Adam Eichenbaum, Daphne Bavelier and C. Shawn Green show the opposite. At, you can see that the results of their study showed there are long-term positive effects, such as improved perception, a better attention […]
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