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Updated at 15:50
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James Gardner

Articles by James Gardner

When and How Can Spread Betting Be Profitable?

1st June 2021
Spread betting is enormously popular. However, there are quite a few myths and mistruths about the betting standard that are worthy of attention.
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Top 5 Biggest Reasons to Apply for A Payday Loan

1st June 2021
In some situations, you may need to seek out short-term lending options, we break down 5 of the most common reasons to get a payday loan.
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What is Bear Trap Trading?

25th May 2021
A bear trap is a condition in the market where the expected downward movement of prices suddenly reverses up. We explore what bear traps are and how you can avoid them.
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What you Need to Know About Members Voluntary Liquidation

24th May 2021
A Members Voluntary Liquidation or MVL is a process that allows business owners to bring in a Liquidator in order to close down a solvent company. But how does it worK?
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What Is an RESP and What Can It Be Used For?

1st April 2021
We explore what a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is and whether you should be considering one.
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Interest rates and remortgaging: is there synergy between the two?

31st March 2021
Is now the right time for homeowners to consider remortgaging in the face of low interest rates
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Do UK workers enjoy working from home?

30th March 2021
Remote working is the 'new normal' for many UK workers, including in the fiance sectors, but would they rather be back at the office?
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Can you purchase cryptocurrencies with Paypal?

12th February 2021
Cryptocurrency, the digital currency created with cryptography technology, continues to increase in popularity. But can you buy it with Paypal?
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UK Economy Shrank by Record 9.9% in 2020

12th February 2021
The UK economy shrank by a record 9.9% last year but narrowly avoided a much feared double-dip recession. 
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6 Industries Poised for Big 2021 Comebacks

11th February 2021
Nearly all industries should see a bounceback in 2021 from a massive 2020 falloff because of Covid-19. We take a look at six industries poised for massive rebounds.
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