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James Gardner

Articles by James Gardner

What's Next in 2021 Investment Webinar

11th December 2020
With 2020 being a very unexpected year, Finance Monthly have partnered with Rotella Qcast to offer an exclusive investment webinar to get your portfolio ready for 2021
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The CFO SUMMIT XXXVIII Will Be taking place in San Diego, US

8th September 2020
This marcus evans premium summit will look at how CFOs must take a proactive approach to pursuing growth while mitigating risk. The CFO Summit XXXVIII will be held November 12 - 14 2020 at the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort, Golf Club & Spa, San Diego, CA, United States
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Investing In Tech: 2020 Investor Trends To Watch

10th July 2020
With investors getting to grips with the new economic world we find ourselves in 2020, we highlight the key investment trends you need to be aware of when you out your money in technology.
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UK Faces Decades of Tax Rises to Pay for Coronavirus Bailout Schemes

9th July 2020
The IFS (institute for Fiscal Studies) have warned that Britain could potentially be in line for decades of tax rises in order to offset its public finances following the multitude of bailouts given during the coronavirus crisis.
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Investing in Bitcoin: Top Tips for New Investors

9th July 2020
Bitcoin trading can often be daunting and complex for beginners. Which is why we've put together some top tips so you can invest in cryptocurrencies strategically, with the right information and see a return on your investment.
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Global Currencies Hit From COVID-19 But What’s Next Is Unclear

9th July 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown no signs of slowing down six months into 2020. The financial impact felt from the disease can be seen across all asset classes, especially in the foreign exchange market where currencies moved sharply in one direction.
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LLoyds Bank Boss Stepping Down in 2021

7th July 2020
Lloyds Banking Group Plc CEO, Antonio Horta-Osorio surprised the financial world by announcing his resignation from the British bank.
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Stocks to Watch: Countryside and Royal Dutch Shell

18th May 2020
Looking for investment tips? Each week we look at several companies who show the potential to bring in big returns on the stock market from our in-house experts.
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Brexit Likely to Cause Delay in Tax Returns

31st January 2020
UK accountants are concerned that focus on Britain's exit from the European Union might lead to huge delays in tax returns being submitted in time.
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Markets and Shares Jump as Pound Stages Biggest Rally in 3 years Following Tory victory

13th December 2019
Financial Markets appear to have welcomed the potential greater certainty as sterling surges to over $1.30 with more increases expected
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