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Updated at 15:50
Author Profile

Jacob Mallinder

Hi, I'm Jacob, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

Articles by Jacob Mallinder

Finding the Lawyer for Your Business Needs: A Helpful Guide

24th June 2024
Navigating the complexities of legal matters is an essential aspect of running a successful business. Whether you're just starting up or managing an established enterprise, having the right legal guidance can make a significant difference in your operations. From drafting contracts to handling disputes, the expertise of a skilled lawyer can protect your business interests […]
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How Financial Education Boosts Business Success

21st June 2024
We commonly consider business education to consist of traditional subjects such as marketing, operations, management, or technology. What about that not-so-warm-and-fuzzy feeling around financial education? It’s akin to the minor dent in our enthusiasm when an enjoyable evening ends abruptly. Financial skills assist companies in powering off the starting blocks, but the real kick in […]
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Managing Money Abroad with International Banking Tips for Students

21st June 2024
If you study abroad, you have an adventure: new cultures, people, and everything. But one big challenge is doing so without your usual financial resources. International banking seems daunting, a frightful voyage into a strange land. However, the journey doesn’t have to be that scary. With a few easy tricks, you can get your money […]
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6 Personal Finance Tips for Students Beginning Their Careers

21st June 2024
Starting your career is an exciting, sometimes overwhelming, phase in life. Fresh out of school and diving into the professional world comes with its own set of opportunities and financial challenges.  Whether you're a recent college grad or finishing vocational training, now’s the time to build solid financial habits that will serve you well into […]
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The Future of Finance Apps in Modern Banking

21st June 2024
The world of finance is evolving at a breakneck pace, largely thanks to the rapid advancements in technology. Modern banking is no longer confined to traditional brick-and-mortar institutions.  Instead, the future lies in the digital realm, where finance apps are becoming indispensable tools for managing money. These apps revolutionize how we bank, invest, and handle […]
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Tax Implications of Remote Work for Small Businesses

21st June 2024
Remote work has become the new norm, especially for small businesses adapting to changing workplace dynamics. Understanding the tax implications of this shift is critical for compliance and financial health. As remote work blurs geographic boundaries, small businesses must navigate complex tax rules to ensure proper compliance and avoid penalties. What is tax nexus? State […]
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SMSF Management: How to Ensure Compliance and Maximize Returns

19th June 2024
Managing a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can be both empowering and complex. As a trustee, you have the responsibility to ensure compliance with regulations while maximizing returns for your retirement savings. This dual role requires a clear understanding of your obligations and strategic financial management. Here are essential strategies to effectively manage your SMSF, focusing […]
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How Commodities Could Strengthen An Investment Portfolio

19th June 2024
Diversification is the cornerstone of a robust investment strategy, offering protection against market volatility and potential downturns.  While stocks and bonds have traditionally been the mainstay of diversified portfolios, commodity investments present a compelling opportunity to further enhance diversification and potentially boost returns. What Are Commodities? Commodities are raw materials or primary agricultural products that […]
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