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How to budget on a small income

11th March 2024
Budgeting can be difficult to set up and stick to especially if your monthly income is small. If you are trying to save, have noticed the rising prices or just need to cut down to decrease your monthly outgoings then these tips could help you to budget.
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Type of Savings accounts to suit you

8th March 2024
When trying to save it is important to first find the right savings account for your needs, there are many ways to make saving simple. There are many options for savings accounts, below you can find out how each type of account can help you save. Easy Access You will be able to draw your […]
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Working Women's battle for Equality

8th March 2024
This international women's day we spread awareness for those who work in the financial and business sectors where they suffer from inequality at work. As one of the top business and financial regions, London is on top in many areas with booming business and advances in investments and more. Despite this city’s success it is […]
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Rail Fares are rising

29th February 2024
From the 3rd of March we can expect a 4.9% increase in the price of rail fares across the UK. This has been capped by the Department for Transport (DfT) to try and keep the prices as fair as they can. The increase in ‘regulated’ rail fares is linked to the annual July retail prices […]
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How much is a house deposit?

28th February 2024
You want to get on the property ladder but don’t know where to start? You aren’t alone, thousands of people in the UK struggle to make the leap due to rising prices. When you decide you want to buy a house have a good credit card score is important with little to no debt. If […]
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Apply for Free Childcare now!

28th February 2024
For parents in the UK paying for everything your child needs as prices continually rise across the country is a difficult and stressful task. This scheme aims to ease one aspect of this for parents as childcare creates a huge financial stress. As reports come out that 6 weeks of child care in summer clubs […]
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Does the UK need tax reform?

27th February 2024
In the last Quarter of 2023, it was confirmed that the UK had fallen into recession. The picture of the UK over the last decade has been one of stagnation or decline. Productivity has grown by just 0.9% per year since 2008, and as per the Centre for Macroeconomics May 2022 Survey, it is believed that […]
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How to Prepare for a Rise in Mortgage Rates

27th February 2024
You should talk to your lender If your fixed rate term is coming to and end in 2024 you could be affected by the rising interest rates. You will have to remortgage or you will be placed on your lender’s standard variable rate which is often expensive. When you remortgage the interest rate will now […]
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Energy Prices to fall in April 2024!

26th February 2024
Ofgem has announced that from April 2024 the energy price cap is going to be reduced to £1,690 per year for a typical household. This will be £238 lower than the cap they set in January 2024 which was, £1928. The price cap is the maximum amount energy suppliers are able to charge for each […]
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What can we expect from the Spring Budget 2024?

20th February 2024
With Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt set to announce his Spring Budget on March 6th, we look into what we can expect from the UK's Spring Budget. Tax Cuts Mr Hunt has hinted at a series of tax cuts for the Spring Budget. Mr Hunt believes that the UK needs to reduce taxes as […]
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Charting the Course: Jeff Schwartz Navigates the Private Debt Landscape

19th February 2024
Jeff Schwartz, founder and managing partner of Corbel Capital Partners, has long been a vocal advocate for the potential of private debt markets. In his thoughtful leadership and industry contributions, Schwartz paints a compelling picture of this dynamic segment of the financial landscape, highlighting its growing role in fueling business growth and generating attractive returns. With […]
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Unveiling the Blueprint for Effective Account Planning: A Deep Dive into Strategic Success

19th February 2024
Strategic account planning is a systematic approach to boosting success in acquiring, retaining, and expanding crucial accounts, ultimately maximizing long-term revenue. It entails evaluating the business requirements, objectives, and organizational structure of an account. The goal is to ensure that the delivery of your product or service aligns with and exceeds the expectations of key […]
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