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Updated at 15:50

Therefore, everyone who wants to open a new brokerage organisation is concerned about the question: where would it be better to register a company and get a forex broker license?

Choosing an FX broker

Choosing such a partner for trading on stock exchanges should begin with collecting information about prosperous transactions and openness in working with clients. A good quality brokerage element has its own portfolio of transactions and a large number of customer reviews. The easiest way is to check the published lists of traders, which are constantly changing and updating. The trader with the most reviews will offer one of the safest working conditions. We also recommend that you pay attention to how the process of registering and depositing and withdrawing money from a particular firm is going.

Veracious FX provider

If a broker has a licence, it allows you to judge its conscientiousness and the degree of seriousness in its approach to trading. A licensed broker is more likely to settle all trades and make them profitable not only for himself/herself, but for the client. Nevertheless, in order to obtain a licence from well-known world communities or government agencies, a broker needs to seriously try to earn a certain reputation. If you see that the broker’s licence is issued by an unknown office located on a distant island, this is not the broker you should deal with.

Forex broker rating

On the Internet, you can find several independent ratings of popular brokers. Traders are sorted here by the number and quality of reviews, working hours and other important parameters. Here it is recommended to pay attention to the number of closed deals, the regularity of payments to clients, and not to the trading leverage or promised interest. In general, the first steps in cooperation with brokers are taken with caution, through small amounts. Hence the preference in favour of trading elements with expertise and safe conditions.

The most cost-effective jurisdictions with a high level of prestige

So, in order to work on the forex markets in the United States, a company needs to obtain a licence called Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer (RFED), the issuance of which is accompanied by a rigorous check of the company’s sources of capital, personal information of its owners, passing exams by key employees, and other procedures. Although the minimum net worth is USD 20 million, it is desirable that the broker can maintain a capitalisation level of at least USD 30 million. If this threshold is lowered, it will be necessary to notify the NFA each time. At the same time, all company reporting must be transparent, that is, the broker must make almost all data publicly available, including account information, etc.

This level of control allows the American regulator to immediately respond to any violations of customer rights. Even the smallest infractions can be subject to heavy fines.

In fact, Swiss brokers with a Forex licence have the status of a bank and, as a result, they are subject to the same strict controls as banking institutions, which makes them reliable agents in the eyes of clients from all over the world.

Despite lesser demands, the FCA UK financial BK licence is  the most reputable in the world. In order to get it, you need to register a company in the UK. For this, such an organisational and legal form as a joint-stock company with limited liability (LTD) is best suited.

The FCA treats the Forex market as a bookmaker, which means quite serious requirements for companies wishing to obtain a licence here. For example, there are high requirements for the company’s personnel, in particular, for the director, who must prove to the regulator his/her understanding of this segment of the financial sphere, as well as confirm his/her occupational qualifications and expertise in this area.

SPACs flip the usual process on its head. A SPAC is formed by wealthy sponsors who come together and create a company with the purpose of listing it on a stock exchange. They then have two years to find a target company to merge with who wants to go public. People are able to invest even before a target is found, despite there being the SPAC having nothing to sell. Eventually, the SPAC and target company merge, which in effect takes the company public without needing an IPO.

The market has grown considerably in the last decade. In 2013, there were 10 SPACs with roughly $144 million in assets. When you fast forward to 2020, 200 SPACs went public and raised more than $70 billion. This is a massive increase to rival the IPO market. 

There have been several high-profile companies to go public via the SPAC route in recent years, such as Virgin Galactic, DraftKings and Nikola. These are all multi-billion dollar companies that shone the spotlight on the method. The question of SPAC vs IPO is now a real dilemma for founders. Will the boom continue into 2022?

Money looking for a company

The IPO is well-known to be a long, difficult process whereby a startup can spend months dealing with investment banks to get everything ready. It demands a lot of effort from the founders and their teams.

On the other hand, SPACs bring the money to them. As the sponsors are usually industry leaders or experienced financiers, it makes the job much easier and cheaper for the founders. These third parties have all the information and know-how to guide the startup to where it needs to be to initiate the reverse merger.

High-flying SPAC sponsors are also great members of the team for startups even once the company is public. It’s a way for a startup to add a valued and trusted advisor to their team who has a vested interest to help them succeed.

Sponsors themselves may prefer investing through SPACs because they can find out more about the future of a company before investing whereas this isn’t allowed in a traditional IPO process because of the liability risk associated. The reduced formality can be a boon for those who like to get their elbows dirty.

Another advantage for founders is that the initial volatility of a SPAC public offering is usually much lower than an IPO. We’ve seen huge surges in the stock prices of IPOs such as Bumble and Snowflake in 2020, which leaves money on the table. Traditionally, companies have put off their IPO for significant periods when the market is volatile and they wait for favourable conditions. Going through a SPACs takes out any reason to delay and means the startup can get the funds it needs in a more timely manner. If harmony with the shell company’s leadership is there, the speed of the process can be lightning fast.

The tried and tested method

There are compelling reasons for startups to stick to the IPO method though. These tend to get far more coverage in the press, and this visibility can be a major lead generation source for companies. Potential customers and retail stock investors may have only heard of them because they were in the news about their IPO. As SPACs are relatively new, they foster less of an attraction for long-time entrepreneurs who dreamed of an old-school public offering.

There’s the potential for long-term gain, too, with an IPO for investors and this is reduced with a SPAC. One comprehensive study by Renaissance Capital showed that the common shares of companies that went public via a SPAC on average lost -9.6% vs the average return of an IPO, which was 47.1%. Only 31% of the SPACs in the study had positive returns. IPOs may be favoured by general investors because they are able to get in at a lower price.

The transparency aspect is another major signal for potential investors. Going public through an IPO signals the company has nothing to hide and has been investigated thoroughly by its partner institutions. This can increase trust when it comes to requesting loans. Those who invest in a SPAC before it has chosen its acquisition target are almost going in blind and are heavily dependent on the competence of the managers to make it pay off.

When market conditions are favourable, the IPO route is more favourable for investors who may turn away from SPACs to invest their money actively instead. Until a SPAC has chosen its target, investors see minimal returns at best.

The big picture

While a SPAC might be seen as a shortcut to going public, it still has to be a successful business to perform well as a growth stock. It ends up in the markets all the same, and if the fundamentals or potential isn’t there then it can collapse all the same. The method of public offering doesn’t change a huge deal in investor’s minds after the initial hype cycle.

The longer process of an IPO can actually be beneficial to a company as it ensures all the correct due diligence has been done. SPACs seem to be decreasing the time from formation to merger, which could backfire spectacularly. As a public company, the startup will need to report its data and be transparent. Rushing this through a SPAC could lead to more headaches in the future.

While the growth in the number of SPACs has increased significantly, there are growing signs the process is already less hot than it was a few months ago. There were 300 SPACs formed in Q1 2021 but less than 50 in Q2 and only 16 in July. As of yet, this slowdown isn’t spooking those in the market, but it should give those who are predicting a revolution reason to pause.

While SPACs are likely to form a larger part of the market in the long run, it’s far from certain 2022 will be the bumper year. With everything related to the pandemic hopefully settling down, the conditions for an IPO will likely be more attractive than it has been in 2020 or 2021, so we may see a slight slowdown in fact.

The signs were not very good for stock exchanges as it was.

Even prior to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) during the first half of this year, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) have been steadily falling in recent years.There has been a growing trend for companies to stay private for longer, with business owners increasingly choosing to exit by selling to private equity.

On the face of it, COVID-19 seemed only likely to reinforce this trend as it sent the major stock exchange indices into a spin, listed open-ended real estate funds were forced to suspend as the property market froze with uncertainty and quoted companies struggled to grapple with reporting and filing obligations.

But the impact of COVID-19 has touched every business.

Companies have been able to access government assistance in addition to regular sources of funding and of course, private equity houses continue to sit on plenty of dry powder. However, there is still room for stock exchanges, such as The International Stock Exchange (TISE), to play a role in helping companies, both short and long term.

Established in 1998, TISE provides a responsive and innovative exchange where today, there are more than 3,000 listed equity and debt securities with a total market value of more than £350 billion. Since the onset of the pandemic, we encouraged current and prospective issuers on TISE to engage with us at an early stage regarding the impact of COVID-19 on their business and as such, what it means in respect of their listing.

We are taking a pragmatic approach to balancing the interests of all market participants, including both issuers and investors, in order to ensure the continuation of a fully functioning market. This is a similar approach to many other exchanges, which demonstrates the willingness of those overseeing venues to ensure that the public markets can mitigate the effects of COVID-19.

However, unlike most traditional stock exchanges, a responsive approach is integral to our offering. It has helped attract trading companies, investment vehicles such as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), and debt issuers to our market. This responsiveness can assist corporates as they start to turn their attention to the longer term.

While traditional venues are seen as overly bureaucratic and expensive, for a trading company listing, TISE provides a more proportionate and cost-effective offering which makes it viable for businesses to IPO at an earlier stage, perhaps offering existing owner/managers a partial or full capital exit. Similarly, TISE is home to more than 30% of all UK REITs because the regime is pragmatic and the fees are very competitive.

Equally, TISE’s value for money and efficient listing service have attracted companies ranging from blue-chip multinationals through to firms specialising in raising debt finance globally. This includes securities issued by private equity groups to help finance their acquisitions of portfolio companies (which of course, themselves, could be exited via a listing at a later stage).

The impact of COVID-19 has touched every business.

All these products may be eligible to enter our green market segment TISE GREEN. More broadly, we’ve witnessed a wave of listed sustainable and social bonds in response to COVID-19. Indeed, it is these issuances which beg the question about how we will operate as a society in the future and what this means for the future of many businesses

Stock exchanges such as TISE can provide a complimentary offering to the private markets, and one which is well placed to help corporates navigate through the teeth of COVID-19  as we emerge out the other side into the ‘new normal.


Contact details:

Address: PO Box 623, Helvetia Court, Block B, 3rd Floor, Les Echelons, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1AR

Phone: +44 (0) 1481 753000

Twitter: @tisegroup



As we reach the end of the 2010s, many investors will reflect on a decade that was still recovering from the worst financial collapse in history as we race towards the centenary of the great depression of the 1920s. Many players, including politicians, investors and fund managers, have commented on financial practices and how we need radical change to ensure economic collapse does not happen again. However, in this new era of technology and globalisation, there is a case to be made for digital exchanges superseding the traditional stock exchange to break the monopoly of overinflated IPOs and expensive exchange fees by traders and fund managers.

With various political and economic influences affecting businesses today, investors are looking for ways to gain rapid and secure returns on their investment on an international scale. IPOs, or companies listing on a stock exchange, have been receiving a substantial amount of negative press, in particular, WeWork and its operating losses and valuation, and this is worrying both institutional and retail investors who are looking for a better and more secure solution to access internationally facing high growth startups.

One of the most spectacular falls from grace in terms of Unicorns reaching the IPO stage was WeWork. They publicly filed its IPO paperwork on 14th August. After this, WeWork faced intense scrutiny of its finances and leadership from investors and the media. There were concerns about WeWork's path to profitability and its leader, CEO and Co-founder Adam Neumann. Ultimately, WeWork delayed its IPO on 16th September.

Now, WeWork owner The We Company may seek a valuation in its upcoming initial public offering of between $10 billion and $12 billion, a dramatic discount to the $47 billion valuation it achieved in January, Reuters reported. SoftBank, WeWork's biggest investor, took control of the company on 22nd October. SoftBank is reportedly giving Neumann $1.7 billion to step down from his position as Chairman of the board at WeWork. With SoftBank's takeover, WeWork's valuation is expected to drop to $8 billion, according to The Wall Street Journal.

As Britain prepares for Brexit and WeWork shelve its IPO, new forms of investment could be crucial for these scaling businesses as well as global investors who want to maintain access to the UK marketplace.

"The We Company" was described in its IPO filing as an umbrella with three major arms: WeWork, WeLive, and WeGrow. Neumann trademarked the term "We", forcing WeWork to buy it for $5.9 million. His successors, Artie Minson and Sebastian Gunningham, have stepped into the role of Co-CEOs of WeWork as it attempts to navigate its future.

To gauge investor appetite for IPOs and trading companies on traditional stock exchanges, Nexthash Group commissioned nationally representative research across over 2000 UK-based investors, and it revealed a clear mandate for change.

A third - 33% - of Brits want more flexible ways to invest into businesses than stocks, shares or venture capital investments.

A quarter of Brits - 24% - agree that seeing Unicorns and their IPOs fail or not fulfil their potential, such as Uber, has made investing into Initial Public Offerings unpalatable to them.

One in five British investors - 21% - feel gold and real-estate does not give them the rapid return on investment that they can get from high-growth, internationally-facing companies.

Three in 10 Brits - 28%- would consider using Digital Security Offerings if there was an unbiased, trustworthy source of information about them.

More than two-thirds of British investors - 68% - would only trade or invest where there is security or protection against fraud for their investment.

The research clearly demonstrates a desire for change from investors, with over a quarter of investors looking for more education of Digital Security Offers and a third wanting more flexible investment offers than stocks and shares. This is why, as we enter the decade of the 2020s, there is a case to be made for the rise of the digital exchange challenging the traditional stock market.

In the 2010s, we have seen challenger banks do things differently from the traditional high street offer, and digital exchanges stand to shake up the way individuals think about trading in companies.

Blockchain investment platforms can help make global growth finance for scaling technology businesses more transparent and easy to access. Both individual and institutional traders will be able to engage more with blockchain technology-backed trading, where the businesses are backed by a Digital Security Offering and there exists a greater potential to make rapid returns on their investments than the traditional routes. As this is adopted into the mainstream, it will revolutionise the way companies in Britain will access scale-up finance, how investors will access these businesses, and how illiquid shares can be traded into liquid capital in ways never imagined before. As Britain prepares for Brexit and WeWork shelve its IPO, new forms of investment could be crucial for these scaling businesses as well as global investors who want to maintain access to the UK marketplace.

With these new products and offerings, they are offering both businesses and investors different options for investment and growth by using the volatility of cryptocurrencies and the high-growth nature of the companies to achieve fast, liquid returns in a standard supply and demand format. These platforms, such as the digital exchange platform Nexinter, have been built from the ground up to offer scaling, internationally facing companies the chance to be in front of an educated investor base who see their true value in the marketplace, not as the hyperinflated valuations which so many unicorns are subjected to.

In the 2010s, we have seen challenger banks do things differently from the traditional high street offer, and digital exchanges stand to shake up the way individuals think about trading in companies. Digital exchanges, such as our Nexinter platforms, allow international trading to take place in a fully regulated space, with access available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, from and to anywhere in the world. It also eliminates the expense of fund managers and gives the ability for investors, retail or sophisticated, to take advantage of the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies to maximise their investments at a significantly faster rate than traditional stock options. This is why the decade of the 2020s is set to be remembered for the rise of the digital exchange.

She's only the second African-American female broker in the Exchange's 226-year history. According to a 2017 study by Stanford University, men comprise 75% of the wealth management field and fill more than 80% of leadership roles.

World stock markets have had a positive start to 2018, signalling a strong year for economic growth ahead.

Forefront in the optimism is Japan, whose stocks increased by over 3%—bringing it to nearly its highest in 26 years. Leading the rally were energy and financials stocks.

This comes after US stock markets closed last night with another record high.

What this means for Japan

Topix index of all First Section issues on the Tokyo Stock Exchange jumped to its highest since 1991, rising by 2.1%. The Nikkei, short for Japan's Nikkei 225 Stock Average and the leading and most-respected index of Japanese stocks, rose by 2.6%.

The Nikkei stock average surged above 20,000—something it has done before, but has not been able to sustain in the past.

The anticipated market rally in 2018 will commemorate the longest winning streak since 1989, when during the Japanese asset price bubble, the Nikkei gained for the 12th straight year.

"With a global economic expansion, Japanese companies will likely keep double-digit growth," said Norihiro Fujito, senior investment strategist at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co.

Analysts have said that the expected yen’s weakness, combined with the upbeat economic outlook, means Japanese companies will be aided in posting another record profit in the new year.

Despite the good news, analysts have also warned of a risk of volatility, with Senior technical analyst at Mizuho Securities Co., Yutaka Miura saying:  "Although the weather is fine, the waves are high... there will be scattered rain."

Describing the surge, Miura also said: "More overseas market players flocked to the market in the afternoon amid hopes for higher (Tokyo) stock prices this year."

How the US plays a part

Analysts have also forecasted the dollar to trade between ¥95 and ¥120 in 2018, compared with around ¥113 in late December.

Japanese companies such as Toyota and Sony depend heavily on the US market. Construction machinery manufacturer Komatsu, for example, will receive a boost thanks to the US tax overhaul legislation enacted in late 2017.

A potential defeat of Trump's Republicans in the US midterm election in November will likely start to gradually be factored in by investors, with the Nikkei possibly dropping below the 20,000 line.

Mizuho’s Miura concludes: "Following the passage of the tax reform bill, political conflicts between Republicans and Democrats will become clearer toward the midterm elections,” adding: “The conflicts may hamper Trump's efforts to push through other policies such as his long-promised plan to boost investment in infrastructure which is scheduled to be announced in January.”

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