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March 2020

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China’s Virtually Cashless Challenge to the West

2nd March 2020
There was a time when nationalised industry was thought of as slow-moving, traditional and unadventurous. It was the antithesis of individual enterprise, a go-getter philosophy and agile innovation. China has flipped this theory on its head. Today, China has become the Wakanda of payments: a hyper-focused, unified driving force for digital innovation that is outpacing anything the West has been able to deliver.
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Can We Actually Close the Gender Pay Gap in Finance?

2nd March 2020
In light of International Women’s Day, we hear from Aoife Whitford, from The Pay Index who delves into the gender pay gap in finance.
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The Impact of Blockchain on the Functioning of Real Estate Funds

2nd March 2020
We often hear about the tokenisation of real estate funds by the amount tokenised (theoretically enabling investors to buy for £1 of fund unit), or through a number of myths circulating about blockchain which would allow the sale of fund shares over-the-counter and globally. Without going so far as to exchange shares from one end of the world to the other, blockchain technology is already bringing real improvements to the traditional operation of real estate funds. Blockchain not only allows better distribution of fund shares when it is created but also facilitates trading over-the-counter in a secondary market. In this article, David Poupardin discusses the impact of blockchain on the back and middle offices of real estate funds.
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Stabilising Cashflow in the Face of Uncertainty

2nd March 2020
Cashflow is the lifeblood of any business. Survival isn’t possible without it, and healthy cashflow supports growth, innovation and expansion. In times of uncertainty, cashflow is particularly important; providing a buffer to keep a business above water in turbulent times. Having sufficient access also enables a business to take advantage of expansion opportunities which might be out of reach for competitors with weaker cashflow.
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Shaping the Future of Customer Communications in the Financial Sector

2nd March 2020
As financial institutions are being driven forward through digital transformation and ever-evolving customer expectations, they must be careful to not lose sight of the fundamental value and critical need for timely and meaningful communications with customers. Dimitrios Kyprianou explores how modern customer communications management (CCM) systems can enable regulated businesses to keep pace with those demands.
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SES-imagotag Group's Joint Venture with Bossard Group

2nd March 2020
SES-imagotag and The Bossard Group, a leading international supplier of product solutions and services in industrial and assembly technologies, have entered into a forward-looking partnership in the field of industrial and logistics IoT solutions.
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