If there’s one thing that can stop a growing business in its tracks, it’s late payments. From neglected invoices to ignored calls and forgotten ground rules, businesses of all shapes and sizes suffer when their clientele – for whatever reason – don’t pay their invoices on time.
Even chasing these late payments can also be a drain on your already stretched resources, taking time and money away from other areas of your business. Putting ground rules in place can help you protect your business and your bottom line, as well as preserving those precious relationships with your clients. So, with this in mind let’s explore some helpful tips to ensure your invoices are paid on time, every time.
Make Your Invoices Clear And Professional
Writing up invoices can be time-consuming and incredibly dull, and this is often reflected in the end result. Dull, boring invoices can easily be overlooked or forgotten about, causing you a bigger headache later on. Updating your invoice software and utilising invoice templates will help you create eye-catching, memorable and high-quality invoices within seconds. Customisable templates will also help you build a strong business identity, with bold logos on professional-looking documents that will encourage loyalty to your brand, as well as better recognition.
Automate Your Invoices
Automating your invoices every month helps in two ways. Firstly, you’ll know that the job has been done and it’s one less responsibility you need to oversee. Secondly, when your invoices are automated, clients can’t claim that they didn’t receive your invoice or that it’s been misplaced. Automation leaves a digital paper trail that can’t be ignored or disputed.
Be Willing To Check In
Of course, some payments are often late, due to a lack of organisation and forgetfulness on your client’s part. If payment is late, it’s always worth checking in with your client, to enquire. While reaching out and chasing payments can sound daunting, there are gentle ways you can prompt or remind clients about outstanding amounts without being aggressive, such as calling to enquire about their satisfaction with your services and if they haven’t paid because something wasn’t quite right. Most of the time, clients will feel embarrassed at their oversight and pay you straight away.
Set Clear Expectations
You want to get paid on time, but if you fail to stipulate this in your payment terms, then your clients won’t know this. Stating your payment terms as early as possible, and reminding them of your guidelines when you send out your invoice, will ensure payments are on time and overdue payment collections will be avoided.
Highlight Your Willingness To Pursue Legal Action
This doesn’t have to get personal! In your payment terms, it’s important that you also highlight that you’ll be willing to take legal action if payment terms aren’t met within a certain time frame and after a certain number of reminders and warnings have passed. Stating these terms as early as possible keeps everything professional and clear.
Final thoughts…
Follow these tips to ensure your invoices are paid on time, every time.