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Jacob Mallinder

Hi, I'm Jacob, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

Articles by Jacob Mallinder

8 Ways E-Signatures Can Revolutionize Your Operations

25th July 2024
For some time now, many conversations have been about signatures and how they have changed modern businesses. Now, business organizations can skip the long hours of back and forth, especially when they want documents signed. People can now conveniently attach signatures to documents and collaborate effectively without unnecessary back-and-forth. Today, they can use an electronic […]
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A Guide for Utilizing a Mortgage Loan for Your Tall House Purchase

23rd July 2024
Buying a house can be thrilling but also a bit scary, especially if you're eyeing a tall or large home. These properties can be pricey and might seem out of reach. But don't worry-mortgage loans can help make your dream home a reality! A mortgage loan lets you borrow money to buy a house and […]
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Why should I get pet insurance cover?

23rd July 2024
Over the past few years, pet insurance has gained significant traction as an essential financial safety net for pet owners. As our beloved furry companions become an integral part of our families, ensuring their health and well-being has become a top priority. However, the decision to invest in pet insurance is often met with mixed […]
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Stock Trading in the Global Economic Landscape of 2024

22nd July 2024
The global stock market in 2024 has been marked by significant economic shifts and geopolitical developments, presenting both opportunities and challenges for stock traders. Here’s how you can approach trading stocks in the current environment: 1. Understanding Economic Recovery and Market Performance The first half of 2024 witnessed a notable economic recovery, lifting the MSCI […]
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U.S. Money Reserve Reviews Detail How to Incorporate Precious Metal Coins Into a Retirement Savings Plan

19th July 2024
Physical precious metals assets have a track record of offering performance and diversification benefits. To help maximize their effect on your savings efforts, you may wish to take certain considerations into account. For example, choosing to include precious metals in an individual retirement account (IRA) instead of purchasing them to keep at home may present […]
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Top 10 Conversational AI Platforms for Banks in 2024

19th July 2024
The rise of conversational AI, like ChatGPT, is transforming how we interact with technology daily. By 2025, the chatbot market is expected to hit $1.25 billion, showing how valuable these tools have become across various sectors. These AI systems excel in managing tasks from answering customer questions to creating content, quickly becoming a favourite for […]
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Understanding Appraisals: A Key Step in a Successful Mortgage Process

19th July 2024
An appraisal plays a key part in any mortgage loan or refinance process. It acts as a check-in on your home’s value and helps the lender determine what kind of loan they can offer, as well as how much risk they’re willing to take on when determining whether to approve you for a home loan. […]
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Fresh Start Program: How to Get Defaulted Student Loan Relief in 2024

18th July 2024
Defaulting on student loans can be a daunting experience, leading to financial stress and limited opportunities. However, the Fresh Start Program offers a beacon of hope for individuals seeking to regain control over their financial futures. This guide will walk you through the essentials of the Fresh Start Program, how it can help you get […]
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Hard Money Loans - Are There Differences Between Commercial And Residential Projects?

17th July 2024
When it comes to hard money loans, you might wonder if there are differences between commercial and residential projects. In truth, they differ in several ways, particularly in terms of collateral, loan-to-value ratios, and interest rates. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right loan for your project. John Pribble, CEO of DFW Hardmoney […]
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Palantir Technologies Inc Deep Dive

16th July 2024
Palantir Technologies Inc. – Palantir continues executing mission-critical objectives for government customers, making an immeasurable contribution to Western society amidst global conflicts. Unfortunately, the commercial segment appears likely to underperform expectations baked into the stock given the increasing competitive intensity on their new “AI" product, setting up PLTR for 30%+ downside. Since its founding in […]
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