Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

When buying a house, you will have to take out a mortgage loan from a bank or building society of your choice such as Lloyds, Barclays, Nationwide, NatWest Bank and more. It is overwhelming to wade through all the jargon and information so this is a short guide on the different types of mortgages that you could take on.

You will have to pay back your mortgage loan plus interest to the bank or building society by the end of your term which you decide on, this could be 2 years, 5 years or more.

Fixed Rate

Tracker Mortgage

Discount Mortgage

Interest only Mortgage

Factors to consider when deciding which one is best for you

A new mortgage model will soon become available in the UK called the Dutch-Style Mortgage which could make it more affordable for people to take out mortgage loans.

Taking out a mortgage loan is the biggest financial commitment you can make so it is important to have all the information and to shop around for the best deal for what you need. You can use sites to compare different deals making it simple such as Compare the Market.

You can use a mortgage calculator to determine how much you can afford to borrow without accumulating debt and getting yourself into a bad situation. This will take into account your salary and how much you have for your deposit. It is important to take into account other factors such as your existing debt, you’re spending and how much the deposit will be, so don’t get caught out.

There is a new mortgage model coming to the UK soon which could make it more affordable to take out a mortgage for more people. This new mortgage model is designed to save the borrower money as well as reduce the risk to the lender. It’s a win-win for everyone!

This involves the interest rate coming down as the loan is being paid off. This means the borrower could save an estimated £5127 in interest if the LTV fell from 85% to 60% as stated on a National World report.

The Guardian offers this example, “if you buy a property for £200,000 and borrow £150,000, your LTV is 75%. If you reduce the mortgage debt to £140,000, your new LTV would be 70%. Assuming that at that point April Mortgages has a cheaper rate available at 70% LTV than at 75% LTV, it will automatically switch you on to the lower rate in which case you do not have to do anything.”

The offer

This model will be a great option for all involved as the borrower is saving money as the interest rate decreases, equally, this reduces the risk for the lender as the value decreases.

April Mortgages

The model originated in the Netherlands by April Mortgages in 2014. Since then, the firm has facilitated over 100,000 loans which has accumulated nearly £25.63 billion. They are now one of the top lenders in the country.

April Mortgages offer flexibility and reward their customers for their repayments as they fulfil their end of the deal.

In a National World report, we learn that “April Mortgages were authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority in October to offer loans for 15% deposits but is now planning to accommodate first-time buyers with 5% deposits by the end of March.”

Tim Hague is the director of the firm and speaks on the new model having been successful in the Netherlands after doubt and now the wish to bring his ideas to the UK is reality.

There are various types of mortgage models currently available in the UK which you can learn about here. 

Are you interested in a Dutch-style Mortgage?

Pre-settlement loans promise immediate relief, but it's essential to understand both sides of this financial coin before proceeding.

What Are Lawsuit Advances and How Do They Work?

Pre-settlement loans provide plaintiffs with cash advances on the potential settlement of their ongoing legal cases. These loans are typically used by victims of personal injury lawsuits, such as car accidents, who need financial assistance while their case is still pending.

A pre-settlement loan company will evaluate the strength and value of a lawsuit before lending money. They provide the funds based on the anticipated settlement amount. This money can be used for personal expenses, medical bills, or living costs. Unlike traditional loans, these advances are "non-recourse," meaning the borrower may not be obligated to repay the full amount if the case doesn't settle or the court awards less than the advance.

The Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer in Securing a Pre-Settlement Loan 

A personal injury lawyer can be pivotal in obtaining a pre-settlement loan if you need one after a traffic accident. Here's how:

1. The lawyer can provide a professional evaluation of the case to determine its worth, which is essential for securing a loan.

2. They can act as an intermediary between the client and lending companies, helping negotiate the loan terms.

3. Lawyers offer crucial advice on whether a pre-settlement loan is in the client's best interest, considering the case's specifics and financial situation.

4. They can structure the settlement to consider the repayment of the advance, ensuring the client's financial interests are protected.

5. Experienced car accident lawyers can help clients avoid lenders with predatory practices by directing them to reputable companies and reviewing the lending terms.

Pre-settlement loans offer immediate financial relief for individuals awaiting a lawsuit settlement, but they come with caveats. According to a reputable Indianapolis car accident lawyer, your attorney is critical in guiding you through the complexities of pre-settlement funding, ensuring that your financial and legal interests are safeguarded.

The Benefits and Challenges of Pre-Settlement Funding

Pre-settlement loans provide cash advances against the expected settlement of a lawsuit. They provide funds to manage living expenses, medical bills, and legal costs during lengthy litigation. Moreover, if the case doesn't result in a settlement, borrowers typically aren't required to repay the loan.

The Debt Trap Concern

However, pre-settlement loans can also be a slippery slope. Here is why.

High-Interest Rates

Pre-settlement loans can carry interest rates that are much higher than traditional loans. For example, a $5,000 advance could accrue thousands in interest alone when a settlement is reached, substantially diminishing the net amount the plaintiff receives.

Complex Terms

Loan agreements often contain convoluted terms and clauses that can be overwhelming. Without proper understanding, borrowers may agree to unfavourable conditions like compounded interest or additional hidden fees, making repayment terms unclear.

How Your Attorney Can Help You Navigate the Decision of Taking a Pre-Settlement Loan

An attorney's input is invaluable in ensuring the loan terms are fair and that the settlement amount will likely cover the loan repayment plus interest, avoiding any surprises at the time of settlement.

Regulation and Transparency

A lawyer can help identify state-regulated lenders who offer transparency in their loan agreements. This means clear communication about rates, fees, and repayment expectations. Your attorney can translate the complex legalese of loan contracts for you and negotiate more favourable terms. They can also project the long-term financial implications of taking out a pre-settlement loan, ensuring you make informed decisions.

Comparison Shopping

Attorneys often have networks and resources to help compare different pre-settlement loan offers. They can assist in finding the best rates and terms by leveraging their experience and contacts within the legal finance industry. Moreover, they safeguard clients from predatory lending practices by recommending reputable lenders they have worked with previously.

Are You Ready to Take a Lawsuit Loan?

Pre-settlement loans can provide necessary financial support but come with risks that can lead to debt. It's a decision that requires careful consideration, legal counsel, and a thorough understanding of the terms. With the right approach, pre-settlement funding can be a tool for managing finances during the uncertainty of litigation rather than a trap leading to further financial strain.

In both avoiding potential debt traps and making well-informed decisions about pre-settlement loans, the guidance and expertise of a personal injury lawyer are indispensable. They provide clarity and peace of mind during a complex process, ensuring that today's financial decisions will not adversely affect the settlement outcomes tomorrow.

These loans are offered by private lenders rather than traditional financial institutions, and they are typically backed by the physical property itself, making them a popular choice for real estate investments that require quick funding.

Unlike traditional loans, hard money loans are primarily based on the value of the collateral, not the borrower's creditworthiness. This makes them an attractive option for investors who may not meet traditional lending criteria. However, these loans carry higher interest rates and fees, reflecting the increased risk to the lender. Borrowers need to consider these factors and their ability to repay the loan in a short time frame.

Properties Eligible for Hard Money Loans

Various types of properties can be financed with a hard money loan, each with its unique considerations. It's worth noting that the lender's willingness to finance a particular property type may depend on its condition, location, and market value. Here are some common types of properties eligible for hard money loans:

1. Residential Properties: These include single-family houses, multi-family units (duplexes, triplexes, etc.), and apartment buildings. The loans can be used for buying a new property, renovating an existing one, or refinancing a previous loan.

2. Commercial Properties: These encompass office buildings, retail spaces, warehouses, and more. Hard money loans are often utilized for purchasing these properties, especially when the borrower intends to refurbish and sell or refinance the property quickly.

3. Land and Lots: Undeveloped land or lots are also eligible for hard money loans, which can be particularly beneficial for real estate developers or investors looking to build on the land.

4. Mixed-Use Properties: These properties combine residential and commercial elements. For instance, a building with retail shops on the ground floor and apartments above would fall into this category. They are often financed with hard money loans due to their diverse rental income potential.

Hard money loans provide a versatile financing option, accommodating various types of properties that may not be eligible for traditional loans. However, borrowers must be mindful of the higher costs associated with these loans and ensure their investment strategy can yield an adequate return to offset these costs. Always conduct thorough research and seek professional advice when considering a hard money loan for your real estate investment.

Hard Money Loans Underwriting and Approval Criteria

Hard money loan underwriting primarily focuses on the asset's value, rather than the borrower's credit score or income. This process is what sets hard money loans apart from traditional lending. Here are the key components of loan underwriting and approval criteria for hard money loans:

1. Property Value: The value of the property is a critical factor in a hard money loan. The loan-to-value (LTV) or after-repair-value (ARV) ratios are often used to determine the loan amount. These ratios represent the percentage of the property's value that the loan amount represents.

2. Exit Strategy: Borrowers must have a clear exit strategy, detailing how they plan to pay back the loan. This could be through the sale of the property, refinancing, or other means. A feasible and strong exit strategy can increase the chances of loan approval.

3. Experience: While not always a deal-breaker, lenders tend to favour borrowers with a track record in real estate investment. Experienced investors are considered less risky due to their understanding of the market, their ability to manage the project efficiently, and to sell profitably.

4. Equity: Lenders will assess the borrower's equity in the project. A higher equity stake by the borrower reduces the lender’s risk, as the borrower has more to lose if the project fails.

5. Property Condition and Location: The property's condition may impact the renovation budget, and its location can affect its marketability and potential resale value. Lenders will consider these factors during the loan underwriting process.

Remember, each hard money lender may have their unique criteria and process for underwriting loans. Always clarify these criteria and understand the terms fully before proceeding.

Hard Money Loans vs. Conventional Mortgage

When navigating the world of real estate financing, it's crucial to understand the differences between hard money loans and conventional mortgages. Both have their unique features and benefits, making them suitable for different situations and types of real estate investments.

Interest Rates and Fees: Hard money loans typically have higher interest rates and fees compared to conventional mortgages due to the higher risk involved for the lender. These costs are part of the trade-off for the faster approval and flexibility that hard money loans offer.

Loan Approval and Funding Speed: Conventional mortgages often involve a lengthy approval process, requiring extensive documentation and credit checks. On the other hand, hard money loans have streamlined approval processes, focusing more on the property's value than the borrower's creditworthiness, resulting in faster funding.

Loan Term: Conventional mortgages generally have longer loan terms, often ranging from 15 to 30 years. Contrastingly, hard money loans are short-term loans, usually with terms of 12 months to a few years.

Flexibility: Hard money loans offer more flexibility than conventional mortgages. They can be used for a variety of property types, including those in poor condition or unique properties that may not qualify for traditional financing.

Use of Funds: While conventional mortgages are primarily used for buying homes, hard money loans can be utilized for a broader range of purposes, including property flips, land loans, construction loans, and when the borrower needs to act quickly.

While hard money loans and conventional mortgages share the fundamental purpose of financing real estate, they cater to different needs and circumstances. Hard money loans are a viable option for investors looking for quick funding, flexibility, and short-term loans, while conventional mortgages are more suitable for long-term residential property purchases. It's important for borrowers to carefully consider their options, and their financial circumstances, and seek professional advice to make informed decisions.


That said, caveat loans are a type of short-term financing option available for businesses. They are typically secured by assets, such as property or equipment, owned by the business. The term "caveat" refers to a legal document lodged against the asset, which serves as security for the loan. As such, they offer businesses quick access to capital, allowing them to address immediate financial needs or seize time-sensitive opportunities. And below are some of the commonly asked questions about these loans and their answers. They are sure to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of these loans, and you can then get these loans from institutions like Diverse Funding Solutions.

1. How Do These Loans Work?

When a business applies for this loan, they provide details about the asset they intend to use as security. Once approved, the lender lodges a caveat against the specified asset, indicating their legal interest. This caveat ensures that the lender can recover their funds by selling the secured asset in case the business fails to repay the loan. As such, they generally have shorter terms and higher interest rates than traditional loans, reflecting the expedited process and increased risk associated with this type of financing.

2. What Benefits Do They Offer for Businesses?

They offer several benefits for businesses:

● They provide quick access to capital, allowing businesses to address urgent financial needs or seize time-sensitive opportunities. This speed is particularly advantageous when traditional loan processes are time-consuming.

● They often have better and more flexible eligibility criteria than traditional loans, making them accessible to businesses with varying credit histories or financial situations.

● By utilising assets as security, businesses can unlock the necessary funding without solely relying on credit scores or personal guarantees.

3. Are They Suitable for Startups and Small Businesses?

They are suitable for startups and small businesses, depending on their specific circumstances and needs. Startups and small businesses often face challenges when it comes to accessing traditional financing options due to limited operating history or lower credit scores. As such, these loans offer an alternative solution by utilising business assets as security, which can be appealing to businesses that may not meet the strict criteria of traditional lenders.

4. What Can Businesses Use Them for?

These loans can be used for various business purposes. Businesses can utilise the funds to manage cash flow gaps, cover unexpected expenses, invest in new equipment or technology, fund marketing campaigns, or take advantage of growth opportunities. The versatility of these loans allows businesses to allocate funds according to their specific needs and priorities. Meanwhile, businesses need to have a clear plan for utilising the funds and ensure they can meet the repayment obligations within the agreed-upon timeframe.

5. How Can Businesses Secure a Caveat Loan?

To secure this loan, businesses must provide information about the asset they plan to use as security and complete the loan application process with a lender specialising in these loans. Researching and comparing lenders is also crucial to find the one that offers favourable terms and conditions. Businesses should be prepared to provide documentation related to the asset, such as property deeds or equipment ownership proof. Demonstrating a clear understanding of the purpose of the loan and having a repayment plan in place can increase the chances of securing a loan.

Caveat loans from institutions like Diverse Funding Solutions provide businesses with a powerful financing tool to address immediate financial needs and capitalise on growth opportunities. With their ability to provide fast access to capital and leverage business assets as security, they have become a go-to option for many entrepreneurs. So by leveraging assets and navigating the landscape with careful consideration, businesses can unlock the potential of these loans and propel their success in today's dynamic business environment.

After all, these loans promise fast approval and easy access to money without the hassle of a credit check. 

But before you take the plunge, it's important to understand the risks and rewards of these loans and whether they're the right choice for your situation.

Rewards of no credit check loans

Online no-credit check loans can be a good option for people with bad credit or no credit history, as they don't require a credit check for approval. This means that you may still qualify for a loan even if you have a low credit score or no credit history. In addition, these loans are typically processed quickly, so you can get the money you need fast.

When it comes to online no-credit check loans, the interest rates and fees are higher compared to traditional loans. This is because lenders consider them higher risk due to the lack of a credit check. So while they may be easy to access, they can also be more expensive in the long run.

Risks of no credit check loans

One of the biggest risks of online no-credit check loans is the potential for predatory lenders. These lenders may offer loans with sky-high interest rates and fees or trap you in a cycle of debt with rollover loans. As a result, doing your research and only working with reputable lenders to avoid falling into these traps is important.

Another risk of these loans is the potential for fraud. Scammers may pose as legitimate lenders online and ask for upfront payments or personal information, only to disappear with your money or identity. 

To avoid these scams, be wary of lenders who ask for upfront payments or personal information, and always verify the legitimacy of a lender before applying for a loan.

When to Consider No Credit Check Loans Online:

If you're considering no credit check loans online, it's important to weigh the risks and rewards carefully. Here are some situations where these loans may be worth considering:

You have bad credit or no credit history: If you've been turned down for loans in the past due to your credit score, no credit check loans online may be an excellent option to explore.

You need money quickly: If you have an urgent financial need and don't have time to wait for a traditional loan approval process, no credit check loans online may be able to provide the fast cash you need.

You have no other options: If you've exhausted all other options for accessing cash, such as borrowing from friends or family, selling assets, or using credit cards, no credit check loans online may be your only choice.


No credit check loans online can be a convenient and accessible way to access quick cash, especially for those with bad credit or no credit history. However, they also come with higher interest rates and fees, as well as the potential for predatory lenders and fraud. 

Before taking the plunge, it's important to consider the risks and rewards of these loans carefully and only work with reputable lenders to avoid falling into financial traps. Remember, to pay your loans on time to qualify for a higher loan limit.

Eligibility Criteria for Loan against Property

You should fulfil the following criteria to stand eligible for a loan against property:

Once you tick all the eligibility requirement boxes, you can proceed with your application for a loan against property. 

Steps to Apply for a Loan against Property

You can follow the steps below to apply for a loan against property:

Step 1: Visit the official website of a financial institution.

Step 2: Move to the ‘Loan Against Property’ tab.

Step 3: Click on 'Apply Now’ button.

Step 4: Fill in the necessary details.

Step 5: Upload the required important documents.

Step 6: Cross-check the details to avoid any errors.

Step 7: Click on the ‘Submit’ button to complete your application.

Additionally, you should keep the essential documents ready to avoid a last-minute rush.

Documents Required for Loan against Property

You will need the following documents to apply for a loan against property:

However, several lenders can also ask to furnish some additional documents during the LAP application process. There are various features of loans against property that contribute to their popularity among borrowers.

Features of Loan against Property

Some useful features of a loan against property are as follows:

Generally, for LAP, creditors offer a Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio of as high as 60% to even 90%. This implies that if the market value of a piece of land is Rs. 1 Crore, you will be eligible for a loan of about Rs. 60 Lakhs to Rs. 90 Lakhs by keeping it as collateral. 

Lenders generally easily sanction a loan amount of up to Rs. 1 Crore to salaried individuals and up to Rs. 3.5 Crores to self-employed individuals. This is adequate to meet the financial emergency that you are going through.

You have the flexibility to select a loan tenure of up to 20 years at your convenience. If you want to repay your credit at the earliest, you can opt for a shorter duration. However, if you are looking forward to repaying the credit in easy instalments, you can go for a longer one.

You can easily apply for LAP online from the comfort of your home by entering some essential details. Also, you will have to arrange for some crucial documents only. This saves you time and makes the application process much more manageable.

You can easily opt for a balanced top–up if you need excess funds. This saves you from applying for another credit. At the same time, you can even extend the repayment duration to pay off your loan with ease. 

If, after getting approval for the loan amount, you come across a lender offering credit at a lower loan against property interest rate, you can go for a balance transfer. Thus your remaining credit will be transferred to the new lender, whom you will have to repay the same.

Owing to these features, a LAP has proved to be highly beneficial to loan seekers. However, there are certain things that you should consider before applying for a loan against property.

Things to Consider before Applying for LAP

Below are certain things that you should remember before applying for LAP:

You should perform a thorough comparison to select a lender offering a lower interest rate. Furthermore, you should also check their market reputation and consult with some other customers to avoid becoming a victim of fraud. 

You should carefully assess your income and monthly budget and accordingly select the tenure. This is so because you will have to pay a higher EMI on selecting a shorter repayment duration and vice versa. 

Before applying for a loan, it is imperative to calculate the EMIs to plan the credit repayment effectively. For this, you can take help from an online EMI calculator for instant and accurate results. 

It is highly essential to check the loan amount that you are eligible for using an eligibility calculator. This gives you an estimation of the credit amount that you can get approval for from your creditor.

You should rightly estimate the amount you need and accordingly select the principal. Otherwise, a higher amount will attract an increased EMI. At the same time, a lower amount may not be sufficient for your needs and may require a balance top-up to meet them.

Checking your loan against property eligibility is essential to avoid loan rejection. This is so because it can affect your CIBIL score, which in turn poses a hurdle for future credit approval. 

Deferred compensation can be a great way to supplement your other retirement income sources, and it has some unique benefits that you may not be aware of. It's definitely worth considering if you're looking for ways to maximise your retirement income. Here is a brief explanation of deferred compensation, along with 8 practical reasons to consider it.

1. What is deferred compensation?

Deferred compensation is simply income that you receive at a later date after you have already earned it. This can be done in a number of ways, but the most common is through an employer-sponsored retirement plan. With this type of plan, you agree to defer a portion of your salary into the plan, and then you don't pay taxes on that income until you withdraw it in retirement. The question, what is deferred pay, is really just another way of asking how you can receive your income in retirement without paying taxes on it until later. Additionally, most employer-sponsored deferred compensation plans allow you to invest your deferred income, which can lead to even more tax-deferred growth.

2. Tax-deferred growth

As we just mentioned, one of the key benefits of deferred compensation is tax-deferred growth. This means that any investment earnings on your deferred income are not taxed until you withdraw them in retirement. This can lead to significant tax savings, especially if you're able to invest in a growth-oriented asset like stocks. Additionally, if you defer compensation into a Roth IRA, your withdrawals in retirement will be completely tax-free. It's important to note, however, that you will still have to pay taxes on the income when you first earn it (deferring it only delays the tax bill). But if you expect to be in a lower tax bracket in retirement, this can still be a good strategy.

3. Pay yourself first

One of the best things about deferred compensation is that it forces you to pay yourself first. When you defer income into a retirement plan, you're essentially setting that money aside for yourself before you have a chance to spend it. This can be a great way to make sure that you're saving enough for retirement, especially if you have a tendency to spend everything you earn. Also, since you're not paying taxes on the income until later, you're effectively getting a discount on the money that you're setting aside.

4. Flexibility

Another great thing about deferred compensation is that it offers a lot of flexibility. You can choose how much income you want to defer, and you can also change your mind at any time. If you need to access the money before retirement, most plans will allow you to do so (although you may have to pay taxes and penalties). Additionally, many plans allow you to invest your deferred income in a variety of different investments, so you can tailor your portfolio to your specific goals. This flexibility can be extremely helpful if your needs change over time.

5. Employer matching

In some cases, your employer may offer to match a portion of your deferred compensation contributions. This is often done with 401(k) plans, but it can also be done with other types of deferred compensation plans. If your employer offers matching contributions, it's generally a good idea to take advantage of them. This is essentially free money that can help you grow your retirement savings even faster. Additionally, employer matching contributions often have vesting requirements, which means that you'll have to stay with the company for a certain period of time before you can keep the money.

6. Reduce your taxable income

Another benefit of deferred compensation is that it can help you reduce your taxable income in the current year. This is because you're deferring income into the future, which means that you won't have to pay taxes on it until later. This can be a great way to reduce your tax bill in the short term, and it can also help you manage your cash flow better. Additionally, if you expect to be in a lower tax bracket in retirement, this can be an especially powerful strategy. If you're in a high tax bracket now but expect to be in a lower one later, you may want to consider accelerating some of your income into the current year so that you can defer it into the future.

7. Access to loans

In some cases, deferred compensation plans may allow you to take out loans against your account balance. This can be a good option if you need access to cash but don't want to withdraw money from your account (and incur taxes and penalties). However, it's important to note that not all deferred compensation plans allow loans, and the terms of these loans can vary widely. Additionally, if you take out a loan from your deferred compensation account, you'll have to pay interest on the loan. This interest will typically be higher than the interest you would pay on a traditional loan, so it's important to consider this before taking out a loan against your account.

8. Death benefits

If you die before retiring, most deferred compensation plans will allow your beneficiaries to receive your account balance. This can be a great way to provide for your loved ones after you're gone. Additionally, many plans will allow you to name a specific beneficiary for your account. This can be helpful if you want to make sure that your money goes to the person (or persons) you choose. If you don't name a beneficiary, your account balance will generally be paid to your estate. It's important to note that death benefits from deferred compensation plans are generally taxable.

Deferred compensation can be a great way to save for retirement, but it's important to understand how it works before you decide to participate in a plan. Be sure to consider all of the pros and cons before making a decision, and don't hesitate to ask your financial advisor for help if you're not sure whether deferred compensation is right for you.

Consider Loan Options

The first step is to consider your loan options. There are a variety of loans available, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. You'll need to decide which type of physician mortgage loan is best for you based on your financial situation and goals. For example, if you have a strong credit score, you may be able to qualify for a low-interest rate loan. On the other hand, if you're self-employed or have a lower credit score, you may need to look into alternative loan options. Some common loan options for physicians include:

Shop Around For Lenders

Once you know what type of loan you're looking for, it's time to start shopping around for lenders. There are a variety of lenders available, each with its own set of terms and conditions. It's important to compare multiple lenders in order to find the best deal. When comparing lenders, be sure to consider:

Once you've compared multiple lenders, it's time to choose the one that's right for you. Be sure to get all the terms and conditions in writing before signing anything.

Determine What You Expect From The Mortgage

When you're ready to apply for a mortgage, it's important to have a clear idea of what you expect from the loan. Here are some things to consider:

Once you have a clear idea of what you want from your mortgage, you'll be ready to start the application process.

The Application Process

The first step in the application process is to gather all of the necessary documents. This can include things like your tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements, and more. Once you have all of the required documents, you'll be able to fill out the application and submit it to the lender. After your application has been submitted, the lender will review it and make a decision. If you're approved for the loan, you'll be given a loan estimate which outlines all of the terms and conditions of the loan. 

Be sure to review this document carefully before signing anything. Once you've signed the loan agreement, the lender will begin processing your loan. This can take a few weeks to complete. Once everything is finalised, you'll be ready to close on your home and start making monthly payments.


If you're in the market for a new home, it's important to compare different lenders and mortgage options before making a decision. Physician loans can be a great option for physicians, as they often offer low-interest rates and no down payment requirements. Be sure to determine what you want from your mortgage and gather all of the necessary documents before starting the application process.

Indeed, for the vast majority of businesses, it is impossible to make large-scale plans for growth without the possibility of generating investment. All companies would like to be in a position to fund their growth via their success, but typically most of the day-to-day cash flow is tied up. So, even if you are running a profitable business it is not always easy to get your hands on the extra cash when you need it. 

Of course, in other situations, it may be that a lack of cash flow is actually holding the business back and that an injection of extra funds could help to stabilise finances. And, just as there are a number of reasons that you might need to raise capital, there is a multitude of options when it comes to raising funds. In this article, we take a look at some of the ways companies can build up their cash reserves. 

Assessing the funding options

Businesses have a lot of potential options to choose between when raising money, however, in general, most fall into type fundamental categories: borrowing money that you will pay back later, or selling shares in the company.

This is oversimplifying the issue and, in both cases, there is a very varied range of possibilities and choosing the right one can depend on a number of factors: 

Below we will discuss the main options available to you, including examining what could work best in your specific circumstances. 

Borrowing money

In many ways, borrowing money is the simpler of the two categories of raising capital. You will receive the money you need and then you will need to pay back that money over a fixed period, and usually with a rate of interest. Some of the money borrowing options include:

Borrowing from friends and family

This won’t be the right choice for everyone, however, if your business is small and the cash injection that you need isn’t too significant, you may find that you can actually simply borrow the money from friends and family. This kind of casual arrangement will generally be cheaper for you, as those close to you may not charge you interest. 

Of course, it is important to weigh up very carefully whether you want to risk the money of your friends and family. If you find yourself in a position where you can’t pay it back, it can have a negative effect on your personal life as well as your professional life.

Bank loans

Perhaps the most traditional way of raising funds, bank loans can be a quick and effective way to get the money you need. The majority of high street banks offer loans to businesses, and these can be anywhere from £1,000 to £50,000. 

As with any bank loan, you will need to prove that you will be able to pay the loan back, which will generally involve having a high-quality business plan. Let the bank know about any assets you are going to be purchasing with the money, as this can strengthen the application. 

Peer-to-peer finance

Becoming more popular, peer-to-peer (P2P) finance involves matching up a number of smaller-scale investors with small businesses. Your business applies for a loan of between £1,000 and £1 million, and the money is drawn from a pool of investors. This type of funding is typically easier to apply for than a bank loan.

Invoice finance

One other option, known as invoice finance, is a business lending model that companies will use as a way of resolving their cash flow issues. Invoice finance enables companies to raise funds required by borrowing money against issues they have already issued. 

Selling shares in your business

The other major option is selling shares in your business to get the money you need. There are actually many ways to go about this, so let’s take a look at which option might be right for you. 


Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) is a government scheme that encourages investors to put money into smaller businesses. It does this by providing an income tax break to individual investors buying SEIS-qualified shares.

Investors can claim against income tax or capital gains tax, and the companies can get up to £150,000 worth of investment via SEIS shares - so this can be a win-win for investors and businesses. 

Angel investors

Angel investors are usually high-net-worth individuals looking to make investments in businesses. They can offer significant amounts of money and this will generally be in return for a large portion of the business. An angel investor may be interested in making decisions about the direction of the business, so a big part of getting this investment can be finding the right individual to work with. 

About the author: Annie Button is a professional content writer and branding aficionado.

There is no shame in taking out a loan and often it is the best solution to a financial challenge, but debt can very quickly spiral out of control and can be a slippery slope if you do not know how to manage your loans. This article will look at a few of the best ways that you can manage your loans to prevent spiralling into debt

1. Get Your Finances In Order

People often default on loans or run into financial difficulties because they are not organised. You need to sit down and go through all of your loans and what interest you are paying so that you can work out exactly what your financial obligations are each month. If you use a pawnbroker, for example, then you need to understand your loan and work out exactly how much you are paying back monthly and for how long.

2. Understand The Contract

You also need to spend time looking through the contract of the loan (you should always do this before signing anything as well). This is so that you can get a stronger understanding of the agreement, including how long it is for and if you are able to clear the debt sooner. This will help you to avoid any nasty surprises and allow you to adjust your household budget so that you can manage during the course of the loan.

3. Keep Up With Payments

It might seem obvious, but many people do not make their payments each month for one reason or another and this is when you start to fall into dangerous territory. It is smart to set up automated payments so that the money will automatically be paid each month, which means that you do not have to remember and complete a manual payment each month - just make sure that you will always have enough money in your account. You should also look into what the implications of paying late are as every lender will have different terms and conditions. If you are ever struggling, you should always let your lenders know as they may be able to restructure the agreement. 


Loans can be a great solution to financial challenges, but they can also lead to even greater financial challenges and debt if you are not careful. The key is to know how to manage your loans so that you can stay on top of payments, adjust your household budget and pay back the loan in full and on time. When you are able to do this, loans can be incredibly useful and a smart solution to financial challenges.


Marketing tactics such as these are enough to lure the average person into the trap of getting external financing. Then they enter a life-long rat race to try and repay their loans because they have bitten off more than they can chew. Here are a few tips to help you stay clear of these problems and use a loan as effectively as possible.

1. Costs

One of the main problems people face with loans is the price of the loan itself. There are two things that you need to check in this regard. The first is the interest rate on the loan and the second is the service cost of the loan. The interest rate is relatively easy to calculate and understand. Still, it is the service fee that often takes people by surprise. Most lenders are not very transparent about the costs associated with getting their financial products.  After you have bought it,  you realise that it will cost more than you expected. Make sure you go through the fine print with the salesperson and understand what you will need to pay for exactly.

2. Loan Types

Before you sign up for a financial product, understand your needs and the different products available. Rather than getting a generic loan, you may be better off getting a specialised product intended for your needs. If you need financing for a home, a real estate loan will be a better option than a generic loan. Similarly, you could apply for a business investment loan if you have a business. These specialised loans give you better choices and better prices.

3. Credit Score

Your credit score plays a pivotal role in how easily you will be able to get a loan and how cheap that loan will be. Just because a loan is advertised with affordable rates doesn't mean it will be reasonable for you. A poor credit score could make the loan more expensive because you are a riskier investment for the lender. If your credit score is holding you back from getting a good loan, your best option might be to wait until your score improves a little bit. This way, you may become eligible for other loans, and you will also get a better price on those loans.

4. Repayment

Loan repayments include repaying the interest rate and the principal amount. They are two completely separate things, and different lenders will structure their repayment plans differently. Make sure you understand your repayment policy and select something that doesn’t have compounding interest. This will help to keep the loan cost low and make repayment as easy as possible. Make sure you are comfortable with the repayment terms before signing up.

5. Lenders

Different lenders will offer the same kind of loan. You could get financing from a bank, a private investment company, an insurance provider, or even the government. Different lenders will have drastically different rates and conditions for a loan of the same value. If you can’t find a suitable option through banks, look into other options. Generally, you will get the most lenient terms through organisations that are backed by a local or federal government.

6. Value

People tend to require loans when they need a problem solved. The thing to consider is whether the loan cost will justify the value that you will get from using that money. If the risk and the price of a loan are higher than the value you will get, it might not be such a wise decision, no matter how profitable it might seem right now. Long-term loans can last years, even decades, and things can drastically change during that time. Consider the long-term value of using that money and whether it will be worth it, considering how the cost of the loan will increase over time.

Whenever you attempt to secure a loan, make sure you have plenty of time on your hands. Lenders capitalise on the urgency customers express and in their haste, they end up making poor decisions. Give yourself a couple of months to explore the different options and shortlist good options. Moreover, consult with the various service providers and take your time to understand the loan. Just because you are discussing an option with a company doesn't mean you have to decide right there and then. A well-thought-out decision could make your future.


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