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73% of Banking Workers Want Better Wellbeing Support

24th May 2018
With a rise in workplace-related stress, illnesses and mental health issues, half (50%) of working adults in the banking and financial services industries believe that businesses are not doing enough to support the physical and mental wellbeing of their employees, according to a new study. Current treatments such as health check-ups, cognitive behavioural therapy and […]
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Equifax & HSBC team Up on Open Banking Credit Application

21st May 2018
HSBC UK has created the first live use case of open banking for credit applications using the InterConnect platform from Equifax, the consumer and business insights expert. The solution will facilitate quick affordability assessments by allowing individuals to submit their bank transaction information electronically, in less than five minutes, during an application for credit. Each […]
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Over Half of Under 45s Interested in Banking Products from Apple, Amazon or Google

17th May 2018
Online research from Equifax reveals over half (51%) of Brits under 45 years old would be interested in banking products or services from technology giants like Apple, Amazon or Google. Of those, 45% said that products or services like loans, credit cards or current account from these technology companies would only appeal to them if […]
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Poland Becomes World's First to Put Banking Records on the Blockchain

14th May 2018
Billon and the Polish Credit Office (Biuro Informacji Kredytowej - BIK), the largest credit bureau in Central and Eastern Europe, have announced they will implement blockchain for storage and secure access to sensitive customer information. Billon's blockchain technology will benefit the bureau through superior security, integrity and immutability of data. The fully-GDPR compliant solution guarantees total […]
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How Will the Cambridge Analytica Scandal Impact Open Banking?

30th April 2018
The Cambridge Analytica revelations have put the issue of data privacy front and centre in the minds of consumers, policy-makers and businesses. Facebook has taken up much of the media’s attention but with other recent and notable data breaches involving many millions of customer credentials, companies are being scrutinised for their data-handling practices like never […]
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Mountain State Financial Group: Mortgage Loans in Colorado

30th April 2018
Robert Hoff founded Mountain State Financial Group in March 2015 after 15 years of experience in banking, investment, and finance. It was during this time that he saw the many opportunities for improvement in the finance industry, particularly for home mortgages. Thus, he decided to tackle these issues head on by starting his own mortgage […]
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Women in Banking Sector Face a ‘Double Glass Ceiling’

20th April 2018
Women in banking face a ‘double glass ceiling’; one when being promoted to management and another when being promoted to executive roles, according to new research from the SKEMA Business School Observatory on the Feminisation of Companies. Although women make up 52% of banking sector employees globally, they average only 38% of middle managers and […]
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The Top 5 Technologies Shaping Commercial Banking Today

12th April 2018
From AI to all things IoT, Russell Bennett, Chief Technology Officer at Fraedom, discusses with Finance Monthly the top five technologies that are already making waves in the banking sector. Over the past five years, technology has fundamentally changed how the financial services sector operates. Many retail banks already successfully cater to customers’ digital needs. […]
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What the Rest of the World Can Learn from Europe’s Open Banking Push

28th March 2018
By Mark Jackson, Head of Financial Services, at Collinson Group – a global leader in influencing customer behavior to drive revenue and value for clients.   2018 is set to be a game changer for the relationship between banks and their customers. Driven by the European Commission’s second Payment Service Directive (PSD2), which has now […]
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Is WhatsApp Facilitating Banking Fraud?

23rd March 2018
Sharing confidential information is a data protection issue with more and more red tape every day. With more and more apps differentiating encryption methods, this becomes even harder to manage for authorities. Below Finance Monthly hears about the potential for banking fraud via apps such as WhatsApp from Neil Swift, Partner, and Nicholas Querée, Associate, […]
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Does Open Banking Need to Be Personalised to Work?

16th March 2018
One in two UK consumers would be happy to share transaction data with third parties if offered a more personalised service, whilst one in three would be happy to use banking services from technology companies, because of the personalisation they offer. UK Banks that missed last month’s Open Banking deadline are facing up to the […]
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Here’s an Example of How Open Banking is Already Turning Heads

13th March 2018
Attempts have been underway in Parliament recently to help tenants improve their creditworthiness. This includes new legislation to make lenders give rental payments the same weight as mortgage premiums, including most recently Big Issue founder Lord Bird’s draft Creditworthiness Assessment Bill. Open Banking - ahead of any future legislation - offers tenants the potential to […]
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