Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50


The Money section of Finance Monthly is your comprehensive guide to all things finance, from managing debt to smart investing. This section offers a wealth of resources for individuals seeking to enhance their financial literacy and take control of their finances. Written by experienced contributors, these pieces are designed to help you make informed decisions, maximize your financial resources, and navigate the complexities of the financial world with confidence.

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How much do I need to save to retire?

5th July 2024
When you reach state pension age you will be given an income from the government however this is often not enough. It is common for workplace pensions where a percentage of your income will be deposited into a pension account which you can withdraw once you retire. It is recommended that you add in extra […]
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What to know about trading platforms for investing

5th July 2024
To start investing you will need to set up an account on a trading platform. Upload your details to the platform and deposit funds to begin. Some platforms will have a minimum fund that you can start investing with. Make sure you know all the details of trading platforms before investing so you can make […]
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What Is Wealth Management? Do I Need It?

4th July 2024
Brits who took professional financial advice for 5 years between 2001-06 enjoyed an average increase in their assets of nearly £48,000 after 10 years compared to those who took no advice. * International Longevity Centre, 2019 It is important to effectively manage your wealth, which includes both possessions and money, in order to increase its […]
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Investing for beginners

3rd July 2024
Staring your investing journey to make more from your income, save up and learn more about investing? There is a lot of information about investing and not a lot of it is easy to understand, so here is a guide for beginners learn how to invest so you can get started.   To start, what […]
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Types of investing

2nd July 2024
If you are looking to get into investing to make more from your income then make sure you are financially ready to begin. Are you ready to start investing? There are various types of investments and deciding which one suits you best will help you begin your investing journey clearly. Set some goals, what do […]
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Should I start investing?

2nd July 2024
We hear a lot about the benefits of investing and the need to increase your income through investments. However, this isn’t always an option for everyone and starting to invest can be a big decision and should be thought out. Investing is a great way to build on your income as well as create financial […]
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How Students will be impacted by the Election

2nd July 2024
Going to University becoming more and more expensive, not only in inflation making it harder to live away from home but the increase in tuition fees from the last 10 years have tripled student tuition loans. This makes it so every University student becomes massively in debt from there years on their course. Many rethink […]
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Energy price drop but for how long?

1st July 2024
Another review from Ofgem reveals a price drop in energy costs! This means that suppliers are capped at how much they can charge per unit. This newest drop means that for a typical household the bill will fall by £122 a year to a total of £1568 a year which is the lowest it’s been […]
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Amazon Prime sale day returns

1st July 2024
This year the Amazon Prime sale days will fall on the 16th and 17th of July. This is the 10th year in a row for the Amazon Prime day and is a great way to save money on an item you have wanted, buy for birthdays or even get ahead and start your Christmas shopping. […]
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What are Brits spending on this summer?

28th June 2024
Spending on experiences increases As summer begins most people might have event, holidays and days out booked and planned and clearly the public have decided experiences are the priority this year. Barclays data found that most people are planning to forego shopping days and buying new electronics for holidays, concerts and day out experiences. UK […]
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Your first 60 seconds from spotting bank fraud

27th June 2024
If you have noticed bank fraud on your account, money being spent which you didn’t authorise or information you know has been stolen then it is important to act as quickly as you can. Bank fraud is a common crime and there are lots of ways you can protect yourself and your accounts.  When you […]
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5 Money Saving Mindsets

27th June 2024
If you find yourself in daily bad habits of spending this is probably why it’s difficult for you to have money left over each month for savings. There are lots of ways to save money or just cut down some costs even if you are on a low income, a student or work part time. […]
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