Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

Welcome to the world of fintech startups – these guys are the new wizards in town, whipping up digital solutions that give traditional banking a run for its money. They're not just making waves; they're causing a tsunami in how we handle our dough.

Beyond the razzle-dazzle of catchy interfaces, there's real, practical appeal here. These fintech newcomers are slaying it by unlocking value for consumers like never before, giving power back to the people where it belongs – their wallets. Let's get stuck into how they're shaking things up.

Credit Where Credit's Due: Fintech's Lending Revolution

Alright, let’s get real about loans for a second. They’ve been a necessary evil since, like, forever – but fintech is flipping the script. These startups are taking the "oh no" out of personal loans with algorithms that would make your old bank manager blush. Their whole deal? Pairing you with lending options that suit your life and budget without all the hoopla and red tape.

This isn't just about getting cash faster (though, let’s be honest, that alone is pretty sweet). It's also about democratizing access to credit. Got a less-than-stellar credit score? Traditional banks might show you the door, but fintech firms could still hook you up with reasonable rates. They're assessing risk using Big Data and even social media – which means it's not just what you earn but how you handle your finances that counts. For consumers, this can mean more approval chances and personalized terms that don’t handcuff you to high-interest despair.

Investing With a Side of AI: The New Financial Sous-Chefs

Gone are the days when investing was exclusive to folks who had a hotline to Wall Street. Fintech startups have tossed that old playbook out the window and are inviting everyone to the party – yeah, even if your investment knowledge is pretty much zip. They've got these snazzy robo-advisors powered by artificial intelligence that do the heavy lifting for you.

Think of them as your financial sous-chefs – they prep your investment meal based on how spicy you want it. You say if you like it mild, medium, or hot (metaphorically speaking) when it comes to risk, then these digital geniuses curate a diversified portfolio tailored just for you. And since they're machines, they're working round-the-clock, constantly optimizing your investments for fees that don't suck up your returns.

This blend of tech and personalized strategy makes cracking into markets less "yikes" and more "yeah!" – without emptying your bank account for professional advice. AI is even being applied to lending decisions, and while there are concerns, this move is a good one on the whole.

Tap Into Savings: Fintech's Frugal Magic Wand

So, you love your Starbucks, but your bank balance doesn't? Enter fintech startups – they're transforming penny-pinching from a chore into something you might enjoy. How? Well, picture this: apps that auto-magically round up your purchases and stash the change. It’s like finding coins down the side of your couch, just turned up to 11. Before you know it, those digital nickels and dimes bloom into a nice little emergency fund or vacation cash.

But that's barely scratching the surface. Some of these savvy platforms dish out personalized tips to help avoid fees, snag better deals on bills, or just give you the lowdown on where your money is vanishing every month (spoiler: check that snack runs). That also means it’s a breeze to learn about GreenState saving rates and compare packages from all sorts of other providers in this same space. In essence, they're like that friend who’s always got killer money advice – except they fit snugly in your phone.

Your Wallet's New BFF: Budgeting Bots

Let's break it down: budgeting is about as fun as a root canal for most of us. But fintech startups? They're on a mission to make it cooler than the other side of the pillow. Enter budgeting bots – your personal finance gurus that live on your smartphone.

These nifty helpers track every latte and impulse buy, no judgment – just smart insights into where your cash flow’s heading (spoiler alert: probably towards more lattes). They categorize expenses like a boss, so you see exactly where you’re ballin' or bungling with your budget.

Moreover, they’re master nudgers, sending you gentle (or not-so-gentle) reminders when you're about to blow through your budget on another pair of sneakers. With these tools on deck, sticking to a spending plan stops being a snooze fest and transforms into an almost game-like challenge to beat your personal best – savings style.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, folks – the fintech revolution is like having a financial Swiss Army knife in your pocket.

These startups are not just making noise; they're changing the game by putting control, clarity, and a bit of fun into our financial lives.

With them in your corner, it's less about sweating the small stuff and more about watching your financial health level up.


Choosing the right HR consulting firm is crucial, as it can significantly impact your company's culture, compliance, and overall growth trajectory. This guide is crafted to help you select an HR consulting firm that aligns perfectly with your startup's unique needs and aspirations. Let's embark on this journey with clarity and confidence.

Assess Your HR Needs

Start by assessing your startup's specific HR needs. Are you seeking assistance with recruitment, compliance, employee training, or a comprehensive HR strategy? Understanding the areas where you need the most support will help you pinpoint the type of HR consulting firms for small businesses most relevant to your startup.

Research Potential Firms

Dive into research to compile a list of potential HR consulting firms. Look for firms with experience in working with startups or in your specific industry. Online reviews, recommendations, and case studies can be invaluable in gauging their expertise and success in addressing HR challenges similar to yours.

Evaluate Their Expertise and Experience

Once you have a shortlist, evaluate each firm's expertise and experience. How long have they been in the business? What qualifications do their consultants hold? Experience in the startup ecosystem is a huge plus, as it indicates understanding your unique challenges and dynamics.

Consider Their Approach and Methodology

Each HR consulting firm has its own approach and methodology. Some may offer standardized solutions, while others provide more customized services. Consider what approach aligns best with your startup's culture and goals. A firm that listens to your needs and tailors their services accordingly is often a good choice.

Check References and Reviews

Ask for references and check online reviews. Hearing directly from other startups or businesses that have used their services offers valuable insights into their reliability, effectiveness, and the quality of their client relationships.

Discuss Communication and Availability

Effective communication is vital in any partnership. Discuss with potential firms how they plan to communicate with you. How often will they provide updates? Are they available for consultations as needed? Choose a firm that values open communication and is readily available to address your concerns.

Review Their Pricing Structure

Pricing is a critical factor, especially for startups with limited budgets. Understand each firm's pricing structure and what services are included. Be wary of hidden costs. The goal is to find a firm that delivers high value for your investment.

Analyze Their Success Stories and Case Studies

Before making your final decision, analyze the HR consulting firms' success stories and case studies. This step gives you a clearer picture of their capabilities and the types of challenges they've successfully navigated in the past. Look for stories or examples that resonate with your startup's situation. A firm with a proven record of solving problems similar to yours can be a more reliable choice.

Assess Their Flexibility and Scalability

Consider the flexibility and scalability of the HR consulting firm's services. As your startup grows, your HR needs will evolve. It's essential to select a firm that can adapt and scale their services accordingly. Discuss with them how they have managed growing startups in the past and how they plan to accommodate your changing needs. A firm that can grow with you is an invaluable asset for your long-term success.

Trust Your Instincts

Finally, trusting your instincts plays a crucial role in the selection process. After meticulously evaluating all factors, pause and reflect on which firm is the right fit for your startup. This decision goes beyond just the tangible metrics and data. It's about gauging the cultural alignment and the level of trust you can place in the firm.

Cultural fit is paramount. The HR consulting firm you choose will be deeply involved in aspects of your business that shape your workplace environment. Their values, communication style, and approach to handling challenges should resonate with your startup's ethos. A firm that understands and aligns with your culture will implement HR strategies that reflect and enhance your core values and mission more effectively.

Remember, a successful partnership with an HR consulting firm is built on more than just expertise and experience. It's also about finding a partner who understands the unique pulse of your startup and is committed to nurturing and growing it alongside you. Trusting your instincts after a thorough evaluation can lead you to a partnership that addresses your current HR needs and contributes positively to your startup's future trajectory.

Partner for Success with the Right HR Firm

Choosing the right HR consulting firm is a significant step towards ensuring your startup's success. It's about finding a partner who understands your vision, aligns with your culture, and brings expertise to transform your HR challenges into opportunities for growth. With this step-by-step guide, you're well-equipped to make an informed decision, set the stage for a fruitful partnership, and support your startup's journey every step.


However, when you scroll back through the annals of time, you find that a lot of successful businesses started during periods of financial instability.

If you’ve got the right idea and a bit of luck, being brave enough to go against the grain and spend money when others are trying not to can pay dividends.

Money is Available, Even in a Crisis

Although the Consumer Prices Index showed a 0.4% drop in inflation from December 2022 to January 2023, the year started with the rate at 8.8%. With the cost of goods and services high, starting a business has the potential to be more costly than it would have been in 2019, for example. The good news is that there are plenty of resources for would-be entrepreneurs.

The government published its BEIS small and medium enterprises (SMEs) action plan in January 2022. The initiative has since helped remove a lot of the red tape that business owners have to cut through to secure government grants, loans, and funding. Investment opportunities from organisations like Innovate UK are also part of the UK government's funding network. This organisation’s Smart Grant gives out £125 million in loans every year to tech-based projects, so tech startups can secure as much as £2 million in funding for between six and 18 months.

Despite tough economic conditions, there is help out there for fledgling businesses. Of course, having the necessary funds to start a business is just one variable in a much larger equation. Creating a viable business that has the potential to be a success requires everything from a concept and a product to a name and branding. Just as there is financial help, there are resources you can use to handle things like branding your new business.

Use the Tools at Your Disposal

For example, you can try Business Name Generator to find ideas. In the digital age, you need a name that’s going to stand out among millions of others. You also need a catchy name, that works as a URL and is memorable. 

Research shows that people form opinions about a website in 0.05 seconds. That’s just about enough time to read the name and glance at the homepage. Therefore, you need to get these things right. Artificial intelligence-powered business name generators can take the stress out of finding a business name. That gives you more time to focus on the product or service you’re selling. What we’re driving at here is that starting a business isn’t easy, but there are ways to make things easier.

Making things easier doesn’t mean you’ll be successful, but it will give you a better opportunity to be successful. If you can get finance for your startup and use the latest tech to help with things such as branding, you’re moving in the right direction. Starting a business is a journey. If you take the right steps at the start, you have a better chance of getting on the path to success.

Many people dream of turning their creative ideas into a successful business, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and planning, launching your clothing line is within reach. In this article, we will outline simple steps that can help you get started on this exciting journey. By taking these steps one at a time, you can turn your passion for fashion into a successful business venture.

Research the Market

Researching the market is an essential first step for anyone looking to launch a clothing line. Not only will this help the business identify potential customers, but this can also provide valuable insights into current trends and competition in the industry. With this information, the business can tailor designs, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts that match the needs of potential customers. Researching the market involves surveying existing customers and analyzing data from competitors. Additionally, keeping up with fashion news and reading reports on consumer spending habits are great ways to stay ahead of trends. By taking the time to research the market thoroughly, you'll have a better chance of launching a successful clothing line that stands out from the crowd.

Create a Business Plan

Creating a business plan is essential for any entrepreneur looking to launch a clothing line. A well-crafted business plan can provide structure and clarity to the company's mission, goals, and objectives. Additionally, this serves as a roadmap that outlines key strategies regarding how the company will operate and generate revenue. This also helps the business identify potential risks or obstacles they may face along the way and guides addressing those issues. Creating a comprehensive business plan requires research into the market, financial forecasting, competitor analysis, and other necessary business activities. For a strategic and effective plan, use this simple business plan template for guidance.

Secure Financing

Securing financing is a crucial step when launching a clothing line. Without sufficient capital, it can be difficult to purchase the necessary materials and equipment needed for production. Additionally, this money can help fund marketing campaigns and other expenses associated with running the business. There are several ways to secure funding, such as taking out a loan from a bank or applying for grants from local businesses or organizations. Consider alternative sources of funding, such as crowdfunding platforms or angel investors who may be interested in investing in your business. Taking time to research all available options will guide you in making an informed decision about the financing route that is best for your company.

Find Manufacturers and Designers

Finding manufacturers and designers to create your clothing line is key to success. Manufacturers will help produce the items in bulk, while designers can provide valuable input on design elements, such as fabric choices, color combinations, and silhouettes. When selecting a manufacturer and designer for your business, research their background and experience to ensure they have the necessary skill set for producing quality garments that fit the company's vision. Additionally, finding a reliable source of materials, such as fabrics or trims, is essential when launching a clothing line. By finding experienced professionals who match your needs, you can ensure that your garments are produced correctly and meet industry standards.

Create a Website and Market Your Brand

Creating a website and marketing your brand is essential for launching a successful clothing line. A professional website can provide potential customers with detailed information about the business, such as product descriptions, pricing, and contact information. Additionally, this serves as an online storefront where customers can purchase items directly. To make sure your website stands out in today's competitive market, this should be designed to reflect the company's mission and values while providing an enjoyable user experience. Furthermore, social media platforms are great tools for promoting your brand to target audiences and engaging with them on a personal level. By taking advantage of these digital marketing strategies, you can ensure that your message reaches its intended audience and helps drive sales for your clothing line.

Launching a clothing line is no small feat, but with the right business plan and strategies in place, it can be done. With the proper planning and execution of the steps outlined in this article, you'll be able to start seeing profits quickly, while having peace of mind knowing that you have created something special. The possibilities are endless when starting up a new fashion venture, so go out there and place your dream into reality.

The cost of living in the UK exceeded 10% in August, and it’s likely going to get higher from there. This crisis has made it difficult for everyone to manage their finances, but there’s hope on the horizon for small businesses that can solve some of their common financial problems quickly.

How Small Businesses Can Solve Common Financial Problems

Running a small business isn’t easy, even when you have a great idea and plenty of customers. A sudden economic downturn could severely impact your bottom line, but it doesn’t have to!

Problem 1: Lack of Sufficient Cash Flow

A lack of cash flow is one of the top 4 reasons businesses fail. Fortnightly, there are many ways to boost cash flow, such as better account management, limiting discounts, and changing your credit turns. You can also manage your inventory better and avoid overpacking your warehouse.

Problem 2: Not Applying for COVID-19 Credits

While some small businesses earned more during the pandemic, most of them lost money. To help companies manage their costs, the government implemented small business credits, and many of them are still available. For example, you can still file for employee retention credit.

Problem 3: Inefficient Marketing and Advertising

All businesses, whether online or offline, need to market their products and services to stay competitive. Inefficient or general marketing tactics will bleed you dry, but a targeted strategy will work wonders. Conduct a customer audit to help you find and target your specific audience.

Problem 4: Not Using a Business Budget

Don’t make the mistake of not referring to a budget. All great business plans start with a budget that helps them determine if their finances are on (or off) track. Keep in mind that a realistic budget must be flexible, as some economic factors (i.e., the pandemic) are beyond your control.

Problem 5: Too Few Capital Investments

Businesses that receive significant capital before going public are more likely to succeed. If you weren’t lucky enough to attract angel investors, you would need to rely on bank loans and credit cards. You may need to budget for a personal loan if you can’t lock in a low-interest rate.

Problem 6: Unexpected Business Expenses

Even the best budgets can’t account for unexpected expenses. Vandalism, storm damage, or a DOS attack could cost your company thousands, but you can prepare for these situations by padding your budget. Try to keep $50,000 to $100,000 on hand in case something happens.

Problem 7: Tax and Legal Compliance

Small businesses are responsible for different taxes and burdens depending on their structure. To stay legally compliant, companies should review their tax liability and laws surrounding their structure in their state. Otherwise, you could be subjected to fees, fines, and possible jail time.

Problem 8: Too Much to Do, Too Little Time

Business owners wear many hats, but there comes a point where you need to hire employees to pick up the slack. If you don’t, you won’t be able to focus on the business operations that make you money. Alternatively, you could use software that automates part of the process.

Problem 9: Hiring and Retaining Employees

The hiring process is incredibly expensive. It’s costly to replace employees, but working on retaining them will keep your business competitive. While you can’t always prevent an employee from leaving, offering a higher salary, better benefits, and flexibility will go a long way.

Problem 10: Keeping the Passion Alive

You likely started your business because you were passionate about the products and services you were offering. However, when your passion drops, so does your revenue. Addressing burnout early and focusing on why you became a business owner can keep the passion alive.


Small Business Investing: Opportunities, Risks, and Due Diligence 

There’s a new business in town, and everyone’s talking about it? Always consider the odds when you’re trying to decide whether or not to invest in a young company. According to research, 90% of startups fail before they make any profit. However, the remaining 10% who succeed are usually worth that kind of risk. 

Whether you’re a private equity investor, a venture capital firm, or something in between, the rules of investing are more or less the same – never miss an investment signal, and always do your due diligence.

Here’s everything you need to know before you embrace the risk. 

The Basics of Small Business Investing

Besides funding your startup, there are two other ways to invest in a small business. You can either lend your money to be returned with interest or buy a part of it for some percentage of future profits. 

You need to decide whether you will go with debt or equity investment

Debt investment doesn’t make you a partial owner of the growing company you’ve decided to fund. Whether or not the startup succeeds and starts making money or fails and bankrupts, a debt investor gets paid back an agreed-upon sum, traditionally the initial principal balance plus interest. 

If you decide that equity investment is a better option for you, funding a business will make you a key stakeholder. Depending on what you and the startup have agreed upon, you will either get a portion of its profits or a return on capital while also getting a say in how the business is run. 

The Small Business Investor’s Checklist 

If this is your first time funding a small business as a private investor or if you’re considering starting your venture capital firm, the following checklist will help you grasp the investment basics. Note that investment decisions require knowledge, experience, and instinct, so take your time to learn.

Discover New Investment Opportunities

First things first – how do you keep track of new investment opportunities?

We have two words for you – business insight. 

While business insight means different things to different types of investors, it ultimately encapsulates the entire well of knowledge you must possess before you can start making smart investments. That includes your understanding of entrepreneurship in general, relevant markets, and investment signals.

Successful venture capitalists get business insights and actionable data from multiple sources. Constant involvement keeps them in the loop with emerging companies and market trends and helps them track their progress. It takes a lot of networking and research – or a dedicated feed of promising businesses.

Make Sure the Investment Is Worth It

Second, an investor must always do their due diligence. 

In this context, due diligence refers to business insight, too, only more detail. Before you invest in any business, you must make sure the investment is worth it by looking at its future business plan, model, and strategy. As an investor, you need a holistic picture of the market, industry, and financial projections. 

Understand that Investing Implies Risk

Even with all due diligence, there’s always a certain percentage of risk that investors must count in. The biggest one, of course, is losing all the money. If the new venture fails, you might not be able to get your money back for years because your investment will stay illiquid, or you might not get it back at all.

That’s why investment experts always recommend diversification. 

In simple terms, diversifying your portfolio means making different kinds of investments. Your portfolio should include various types of markets, industries, and businesses. That way, if one of them fails, the chances will probably be more favorable for the other ones. Diversification takes a lot of experience. 

Pick a Small Business Funding Avenue

Both equity and debt investors have multiple funding options to choose from: 

●      Direct investments – approaching the business you want to fund directly;

●      Indirect investments – investing through a professionally managed fund;

●      Online investments – via crowdfunding and co-investment platforms.

When it comes to small businesses, the most frequently used investment avenue is the fund called SBA Loans (Small Business Administration Loans). However, there are other funds and ways to invest in a small business, too, such as credit unions and banks. You can even invest using your business credit card. 

Meet the Best Investment Candidates

Unless you’re a professional investor with a hectic schedule and a lot of experience, taking the time to talk to the entrepreneurs you want to fund is always a good idea. You should get to know the people behind the business plan and allow them to walk you through their assets and goals before you decide.

Negotiate Terms and Close the Deal

After carefully considering all the opportunities, risks, and options after you’ve done your due diligence and ultimately decided it was safe to make an official offer, don’t just start celebrating just yet. It’s important to navigate the negotiations well and go home with the best possible deal on your hands.

Stay in the Loop with Your Investment 

When you finally do invest, there’s no rule saying that you need to stay invested in the ups and downs of the business you’ve just funded. As a key stakeholder, you might get some control over the business or not. In any case, you shouldn’t shy away from being actively involved in its progress. 

Depending on how the wind blows, it might be a good idea to reinvest or flee.


Every first-time investor faces potentially ruinous temptations, and you will probably face them, too. Whether you take big risks and potentially reap big rewards or invest small and stay safe, due diligence is vital for success. Never underestimate the importance of insight and research.  

Starting a business comes with many challenges and it can be difficult to know where to begin financially. Here we share our top tips on how you can run a business with no money.

Think about what you can access for free

It is true that when running a business there are many costs to consider which soon add up. However, take time to consider what you might be able to do for free. Think about things that are essential to the running of your business; this will help you prioritise what is strictly necessary and what is a luxury.

The internet is a valuable resource. If you are willing to spend time and effort, much of what you need might be at your disposal. There are so many free tutorials and courses available online that may be able to teach you the skills you need to take your business to the next level without employing a specialist.

For things such as accounting or bookkeeping, you may be able to save money by doing this yourself. In the first years of the business especially, it may be better to manage this yourself rather than pay for someone external to do it.

It can be tempting to spend money on social media accounts or other marketing strategies, especially if you are trying to build brand awareness. However, this takes time and more importantly money and does not always yield the customers that you would think. 

The best course of action is to first establish your business and then develop marketing strategies that resonate with your target demographic. You can also look at free marketing strategies such as SEO or referral marketing.

Save up before starting your business

Before starting your business, it is recommended that you have around six months’ worth of money saved up. Although it is not ideal to tap into your savings to cover expenses, it is useful to have it there as a safety net. 

Realistic business plans need to take into account exactly what you are spending, exactly what revenue you are bringing in, and when you can expect to see a profit. This will help you know exactly how much you will need to save as a safety net until you have regular cash flow.

Ask around for extra funds

“Friends and family can be a big help when it comes to making your business dreams a reality,” explains Justine Gray, founder of

“Make sure you have a solid business plan that you can present to them; if they believe in your business model, they could be the early investors of the company.”

“Not only that, but they can offer valuable advice and input. Think about who you have in the network that could offer you strategic or practical business advice based on their own experiences.”

“Even if they do not offer you financial support, they are a great resource for bouncing ideas, networking, or could even be some of your first customers.”

“If you do borrow money from a family member or friend, make sure to keep careful records and stick to a strict repayment schedule, as you would with any other type of loan.”

Apply for a small business loan

If you need more capital after running your business with zero funds, there are plenty of options available for small business loans. Whether you need additional cash flow or are hoping to take your business to the next level, there are many different loans available that could suit your needs.

 If you already have a bank account, you might qualify for a business bank account with the same bank. Additionally, there are several online lenders available who may be more accessible to you if you have a smaller credit history or the business is relatively new. 

From the meticulous levels of organisation to creating careful hiring strategies, there are a huge number of caveats to consider and decisions to navigate when trying to scale your business and ultimately, become successful.

One of the most important examples of this is your finances – the money your business has available - to not only get up and running but also sustain it throughout the initial period. Managing finances correctly is imperative to ensuring long-term success, and without taking the time to carefully think about how to correctly maintain the finances of your start-up, you could end up in trouble a lot sooner than you might think. So, to help stop this from happening to you, we thought we’d lend a helping hand. Join us as we run through some of the key things you should and shouldn’t do when trying to finance your start-up business.  

Do: Understand the tax implications involved

Regardless of the size or nature of your start-up business, there is one financial implication you simply can’t avoid: tax. From the income tax your employees pay to the national insurance contributions you make personally, it is vital to understand which types of tax you will be liable for – and why. Corporation tax, for example, is a form of tax payable on the profits your business makes as a limited company. This is typically charged at a single rate of 19% but can vary depending on where your company is registered. If, for example, you were registered overseas in Gibraltar, your corporation tax rate would be lower at 12.5%. Therefore, if you aren’t sure which types of tax you will owe, or how to work out what your tax liability will be, it could be worth getting clued up by speaking to a professional within the country you operate in. 

Don’t: Forget to reclaim your business expenses

Since money will most likely be fairly tight to begin with, the last thing you will want to do is miss out on being able to reclaim any expenses you incur while building up your business. There are, after all, a wide variety of things you can and can't claim for expenses on, so it's important to know the difference. Otherwise, you could unintentionally be leaving yourself vulnerable to committing tax fraud. 

Listed below are some of the key things to be wary about, helping you save those precious pennies during the early stages:

Do: Draw up a budget

A start-up business often spends more than it earns for the first two to three years. Therefore, the amount of financing you need may continue to increase even after you've finally broken even. As such, it's important to draw up a budget in line with your business plan, outlining your sales forecasts, potential expenditure and capital costs. This should be realistic and allow for contingency funding if the worst were to happen – whether that be your website being hacked or a product launch being delayed.

Similarly, this budget should identify the types of borrowing that suit your business model – both long-term and short-term. From sourcing loans to arranging overdrafts, it's imperative to know what you can and can't afford, only ever entering into financial arrangements that are practical.

Don't: Forget to check the small print

If something sounds a little too good to be true then, in all likelihood, it probably is. Therefore, it always pays to double-check the small print of any loan or financial agreements that you decide to sign up to.

Whether it be the overall term of the loan, the proposed APR after a set period of months or the total number of payments you're expected to make, the last thing you want is to be caught out by anyone you owe money to. 

About the author: Annie Button is a professional content writer and branding aficionado. 

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