Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

In a complex and ever-shifting financial landscape, it can be difficult to know with any degree of certainty what to do with one’s money. Strategy is key for maximising gains on your savings or investments, necessitating a great deal of research in order to chart the right path for you.rea

Against a backdrop of high inflation and slow growth elsewhere, it is more important than ever that your money works hard for you. As such, you should be looking for key ways to make inflation-beating gains on your hard-earned cash. What, though, are the best ways in which to invest your money at present?

Luxury Property

Property of any kind is a shrewd investment and always has been – even in relatively difficult times for the housing market. This is because property is an extremely valuable asset and one which will always enjoy a high level of demand; few of us want not for comfortable shelter, after all! 

Luxury properties are especially good stores of value and an even better way to grow the size of your estate. Shrewd financial planning through high net worth mortgage brokers can allow you to leverage debt to expand your portfolio, and ultimately profit from an ever-growing market. 


The tech industry is still booming, even after the meteoric rise of Silicon Valley at the end of the 20th century; new developments and innovations continue to fuel significant micro-booms within a now-essential industry for the average consumer or business. 

The latest example of tech breeding investment potential is in AI, where breakout start-ups like OpenAI are disrupting the industry with epochal inventions. It may be too late to maximise gains from investing in the likes of OpenAI, but keeping an eye on the future of tech could allow you to get in on the next big thing on the ground floor.

Sustainable Investments

Regarding investing in businesses, there is another epochal shift happening which could positively influence your portfolio if you play your cards right: climate change. The onset of ecological disaster is a terrifying prospect, but one which has bred incomparable innovation in green spaces. Businesses and start-ups focused on the big challenges of our time – clean energy, recyclable materials, Earth clean-up exercises – are likely to see huge increases in demand, and their respective company values soar as a result.

Alternative Assets

‘Alternative assets’ is almost another way of saying ‘…and the rest!’ when it comes to investment practices. However, the miscellaneous assets that make up an expensive lifestyle can themselves be highly valuable additions to your portfolio. Art is one excellent example, where short-term gambles on promising artists can lead to long-term profits as their stature grows; similar things can be said of investment whiskies. Finally, valuables like watches and jewellery can be stable stores of value.

Forex trading can be super rewarding when done with proper knowledge and skills but can be extremely challenging if you approach it as a game or gambling endeavour. Foreign exchange markets are active over the clock and trillions of dollars are traded daily. As a result of this 24/5 activity, the FX market provides traders with plenty of opportunities to speculate on price movements and make huge profits. Let’s explore whether it’s possible to become a Forex Ninja and how you can sharpen trading skills for high-precision execution. 

Understanding the Forex Market

Before we delve into the specifics of FX trading, let’s quickly answer the main questions. Yes, it is possible to become profitable in Forex trading and there are specific steps for it. There may be several fundamental concepts when trading Forex, and knowing each of them becomes super important when aiming for huge success and considerable profits. Forex markets consist of international banks, corporations, and retail clients or traders. Knowing how this market operates is a cornerstone of becoming successful. Fundamental analysis and technical analysis are two important pillars of Forex trading success. Fundamentals mean to analyze major macroeconomic news and trends, and technical means to analyze price charts. However, there are other important criteria for being a successful trader. 

Aspects like what is a good spread in forex, how to find a reliable broker with these spreads, and which platform to use are also crucial parts of being an FX Ninja. Spreads in Forex trading are differences in the bid and ask prices of a currency pair, or simply a difference between the buy and sell prices of an asset. Lower spreads become essential when opting for short-term trading strategies, which is generally called scalping. The broker allows you to access Forex markets and speculate on currency pairs, and it is essential to find a reliable broker and avoid getting scammed. You also need to get yourself familiar with at least one of the popular advanced platforms to be able to execute trading positions and risk management methods. 

The Path to Becoming a Forex Ninja — Zero to Hero

The path to becoming a pro FX trader is not easy and requires careful planning and execution of this plan. The steps for starting from zero and becoming an absolute legend consist of the following:

Step One: Mindset of a Forex Ninja

The mindset is critical in all career choices, including Forex trading. Before you become successful, you need to have a pro trader’s mindsetThis mindset includes being able to remove emotions from trading and become super disciplined. This is because profitable trading is a very boring endeavour, you do the same thing, every day for several hours to achieve consistent profits. 

Step Two: Education and Analytical Skills

Together with mindset, traders should build a strong foundation. Beginner Forex traders should start with education and practice trading on a demo account. A demo account is a trading account similar to a live account, but the money is virtual. It allows traders to open and close trading positions just like in a live account and helps them build basic trading skills.  

Step Three: Risk Management skills

It is paramount in trading to always use a strict risk management plan. The basic but also powerful method is to always use stop-loss orders when opening a trading position in the Forex market. 

Step Four: Developing and testing Trading Strategies

When you get used to trading on a demo account and can freely navigate in a trading platform interface, it is time to build and test trading strategies. A trading strategy is a set of rules that outlines the steps for entering and exiting trades based on some predetermined criteria or trading set-ups. 

Essential Skills for Precision Trading Execution

Ninjas are great assassins who are very well-trained in their arts. Forex Ninja traders also need to practice trading hours every day to ensure they become masters of this profession and build strong trading skills. Here is the list of skills to execute trades like a FX Ninja:

In the end, remember that trading is like any other profession. It requires time and effort to become a master of Forex trading, and do not hesitate to put enough time and effort into becoming profitable. 

 In virtually every industry, companies are beginning to recognize the value of building their mobile apps. More than a standard mobile-friendly website, a mobile app allows you to engage and delight countless consumers around the globe. 

Studies show that consumers today spend around 4.2 hours a day using mobile applications, but they only spend a fraction of their time visiting websites on mobile browsers. 

Learning how to make a website into a mobile app, or to create an app from scratch, can seem like an expensive endeavour, even with easy-to-use platforms. While there are initial costs to consider for development, offering a mobile app can help you save – and even make – money in the long term. 

 Turning your website into a mobile app is quite an affordable way to unlock significant opportunities for growth, a common practice many of today’s businesses turn to to increase customer engagement and loyalty. Here are the key financial benefits of building a mobile app. 

#1 - Save Money on Marketing and Branding

First, a mobile app helps to boost brand visibility and recognition. It places your brand experience in a new environment (on the Google or Apple app stores), and gives you a way to showcase your logo to your customers on a daily basis. As soon as your customer downloads your app, they’ll have a constant reminder of your brand on their phone.

This can reduce the amount of money you need to spend on brand awareness and retention marketing campaigns, by ensuring your company is instantly visible to mobile users. 

If you create an excellent user experience, you can also turn your customers into advocates, who will recommend your app to users, increasing download rates, and referrals. You can even integrate your app with social media platforms, allowing users to share their experiences via their profiles, for a powerful network effect. 

#2 - Increase Customer Engagement

Research shows that customer engagement is directly tied to revenue growth. Bain & Company has found that engaged customers spend up to 40% more than their peers. While you can drive engagement to your mobile website using marketing campaigns, mobile apps are often more effective at preserving high levels of engagement. 

Studies show users spend up to seven times more time in mobile apps than they do on mobile browsers. Plus, mobile apps give you opportunities to keep pulling customers back into the app experience. Push notifications can automatically inform your customers about the latest deals, experiences, or features your app has to offer. 

This means even if they forget about you and your business temporarily, you can remind them to keep visiting your app without relying on them finding your social posts, or reading your emails. 

#3 - Reduce Purchasing Objections

The evolution of mobile apps has led to new and exciting features in these tools that can significantly improve your conversion rates and revenue. For instance, augmented reality, a feature common in many mobile app experiences today, can allow consumers to “try on a product” or see what it looks like in their homes without actually visiting a store. Studies show that 80% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after they’ve experienced it with augmented reality. 

Mobile apps can also reduce your risk of purchasing objections and hurdles in other ways. For instance, they can include access to a chatbot that can instantly answer any customer questions before they make a purchase. 

You could also create mobile app experiences that simplify the purchasing process for your consumers. For example, you might allow customers to set up recurring subscription plans or payments they can control through their mobile app. This means they can essentially “set and forget” their purchasing habits. 

#4 - Higher Conversions with Personalization

Effective personalization leads to a 10 to 15% lift in revenue for most companies. While there are many ways to personalize an experience for a customer, mobile apps can make the process a lot simpler. For instance, you can use location-based targeting and beacons to send messages and push notifications to your customers, wherever they are.

This means retail stores can share specific offers with customers when they’re close to a store. Additionally, since mobile apps allow you to gather information about your customers, with access to their profiles, you can use AI to deliver more personalized product recommendations. 

You could offer customers distinct deals and discounts based on their most-purchased products, or their loyalty to your brand. You could even use personalized strategies to sell partnership services. For instance, a free budgeting app could recommend specific paid bank accounts and credit cards based on a customer’s identified goals. 

#5 - Boost Customer Retention and Lifetime Value

Customer retention is the key to financial success, particularly in today’s economic environment. It’s easier to convert a loyal customer than a new prospect. Plus, loyal customers are 50% more likely to try new products and spend an average of 31% more per purchase than new customers. 

Developing a mobile app is an excellent way to increase customer loyalty and retention rates. First, consider the fact that 85% of customers prefer to shop in an app instead of a browser. This means e-commerce and retail companies can adhere to their customers’ specific preferences, improving the experience they have with the brand. 

Mobile apps also give you a range of ways to enhance loyalty. For instance, you can create a “loyalty program” within your app, where customers can earn tangible rewards every time they interact with you. You could even offer rewards for actions like inviting other users to download the app. 

#6 - Generate Profits Through Insights

Finally, a mobile app offers businesses an exceptional way to increase profits and even reduce costs with access to valuable market insights. A mobile app can provide you with a huge amount of data about your audience’s preferences, how they interact with your brand, and even which products they purchase and when. This can help you to craft more effective product offerings and marketing campaigns.

For instance, if you learn that your customers are most likely to use your app at a certain time each day, you can tailor your push notifications to arrive just at the right moment. You can even use your mobile app data to find out more about customer service needs, so you can schedule employees according to the right strategy, and reduce your labor costs. 

Mobile apps can give you a wealth of information you can use to strengthen the customer experience and enhance your sales strategy. 

The Financial Impact of a Mobile App

Investing in a mobile app isn’t just a good way to keep up with the latest trends in today’s digital world. Increasingly, mobile apps are emerging as a valuable tool for companies looking to reduce operational costs, increase profits, and unlock new opportunities. 

If you’re wondering whether a mobile app is worthwhile for your business, the evidence above shows that it definitely can be. 

But for those willing to explore further, they offer unique opportunities for generating passive income. One such method, often overshadowed by its more flamboyant counterparts, is selling options. Let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of this approach and see how it can become a stable income source. 

What Are Options?

Before diving into the world of selling options, it’s important to have a foundational understanding. Options are financial instruments that grant the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price within a specified timeframe. There are call options (right to buy) and put options (right to sell). You can learn more about the basics of options selling from James Cordier.

The Appeal of Selling Options

Why would you want to sell options?

Immediate Premiums

The most immediate benefit is the upfront premium received by the option seller. This premium is essentially the price that the buyer pays for the potential future transaction. It’s a win for the seller regardless of whether the option is exercised. 

Limited Risk

Options have defined parameters, meaning the risks are also defined. For instance, when you sell a call option, you know the maximum amount you could potentially need to pay if the option is exercised. This contrasts with some other trading strategies where losses can be magnified. 

Strategies for Selling Options

There are multiple strategies for selling options, each tailored to different market conditions and risk appetites. 

Covered Calls

Perhaps the most beginner-friendly approach, a covered call involves selling a call option while holding an equivalent number of the underlying shares. This strategy can provide additional income on a stock that’s already part of your portfolio. 

Cash-Secured Puts

In this strategy, you sell a put option while you have enough funding in your account to buy the underlying shares if the option is exercised. It’s an effective way to potentially buy a stock at a discounted price or simply earn the premium if the option expires worthless. 

Vertical Spreads 

A bit more advanced, this involves selling one option while simultaneously purchasing another. The goal is to capitalize on the difference between their premiums, ideally with limited risk. 

The Potential Pitfalls

While selling options offer numerous benefits, it’s crucial to remain aware of potential pitfalls. 

Opportunity Cost

One risk is missing out on potential profits. For instance, if you sell a covered call and the stock price skyrockets, you might miss out on some of the potential upside. 

Assignment Risk

There’s always the possibility that an option you sold gets exercised, meaning you’ll need to fulfil your end of the bargain. This can be problematic if not anticipated and planned for. 

Embracing a Mindset of Caution

Selling options requires a careful balance between seeking profit and managing risk. It’s not a guaranteed ticket to wealth but, when approached with research, patience, and a bit of strategy, it can be a valuable tool in an investor’s arsenal. 

The Importance of Market Research

A successful option seller keeps abreast of market news and trends. Economic indicators, company earnings reports, and geopolitical events can all influence market movements. Staying updated ensures that you’re not caught off guard and can make informed decisions. 

Plus, utilizing technology can give you an edge. There are various software and platforms designed specifically for options traders. These tools can assist in tracking, analysing, and even predicting potential market shifts, giving you a clearer picture of the playing field. 


Just as with other investment strategies, diversifying your options portfolio can help manage and spread risk. This means not concentrating on a single stock or sector but having a mix to buffer against unexpected market downturns. 

Another form of diversification is selling options with different expiration dates. This staggers potential obligations, ensuring you’re not overwhelmed at any particular time. 

Building a Support Network

Engaging with a community of fellow options traders can be invaluable. They can offer insights, share their successes and failures, and provide different perspectives. Forums, webinars, and local investment clubs can be excellent resources. 

Along with this, it’s sometimes beneficial to seek advice from professionals. Financial advisors or mentors with experience in options trading can provide guidance, critique your strategies, and offer suggestions for improvement. 

The financial world is vast and diverse, with a wide range of avenues for generating income. Selling options stand out as a method combining the appeal of immediate premiums with strategies tailored to individual risk tolerances. While it’s not without its challenges, for those willing to invest the time and energy, the art of selling options can indeed be a pathway to passive income. 

While it might be challenging to think of your golden years when you're still in your late teens or early 20s, it's a good idea to begin investing for your future.

Consider the following tips to get started building wealth and saving for your retirement.

#1 - Work with a Bank that Can Help You Reach Your Goals

The process of saving for retirement might feel overwhelming at first. To get started on the right track, it’s important to work with a bank that can assist you in reaching your financial goals. For example, East West Bank, led by Dominic Ng, has helped countless customers over multiple decades realize the importance of saving for the future to help make their financial dreams a reality.

#2 - Contribute to Your 401(k)

If your employer offers a 401(k) retirement account, by all means, try to make regular contributions to the plan. This tip is especially important if your employer will match what you're already adding to your account. As U.S. News and World Report notes, this is essentially free money that your employer is allocating toward your retirement, so taking advantage of this offer is a good idea. To make it as easy as possible to contribute to the 401(k), you can have a certain percentage of your paycheck directly deposited into the account.

#3 - Invest in Stocks

Another way to start building wealth as a young adult is to invest in stocks. While stocks can be a volatile investment — meaning they can increase and decrease in value rather dramatically at times — overall they have a great long-term record. Plus, if retirement is decades away, you have plenty of time to ride out any ups and downs of the stock market. Unsure of which stocks to purchase? Then you might consider investing in companies that you know and like. For instance, if you're a fan of Starbucks, consider buying some of its stock — and know that every latte you buy is helping your stock values stay strong.

#4 - Consider Crypto

Investing in cryptocurrency is another way to start saving for retirement. While crypto has a well-deserved reputation for its volatility, there are several ways to make money with it. For instance, once you purchase crypto, you can hold onto it until you see its value rising before selling it and making a profit. Use the profit to either purchase more crypto, add more to your stock portfolio, or contribute more to your 401(k).

#5 - Look Into Real Estate

There are different ways real estate can help you build your retirement fund. For instance, if you acquire a property to rent out, you can allocate as much of the monthly cash flow as you can to your long-term investments. You might also look into short-term vacation rentals as a way to make money. You could either own a home to rent out to travellers or, if you're on the road quite a bit for work, look into renting out your own home. Granted, it can take some time to save money to purchase a property, but if you're able to afford it, it can be a potentially lucrative investment.

Your Future Self Will Thank You

Of course, everyone wants to have enough money to live comfortably after retirement. If you start now, you'll be that much more financially prepared for this time of life. Start by finding a bank to assist you with your goals and then consider adding to your 401(k), investing in stocks, crypto, and/or real estate — or a combination of all of these. No matter what you choose, your future self will thank you for the financial planning you start today.

However, if you're new to the world of trading and investing, it can be overwhelming to figure out the best places to invest money. In this in-depth article, we'll outline the five best investment options for beginners, along with explanations and comprehensive tips on how to successfully get started in these asset classes.

Stock Market

We have all heard of stock but what are they and why they are a good investment?


The stock market is where companies sell their shares to the public. When you buy stock in a company, you become a co-owner of that company. Moving forward, the performance of your shares depends on the financial performance of the company.

The stock market is one of the most exciting and potentially profitable investment opportunities for beginners.

Difference Between Types of Stocks

Different types of stocks can be purchased, for example, common stock and preferred stock. Common stock gives shareholders voting rights at the company's meetings, while preferred stock usually offers preferential dividend payments. It's important to know which type of stock you're buying because it affects your rights and entitlements.

Risk Levels

The stock market can be volatile, meaning prices can fluctuate wildly. While some stocks are considered safe and stable, others are riskier and can bring high profits and losses. As a beginner, you should be aware that there are risks involved in the stock market.

Investment Strategies

There are different approaches to how you can invest in the stock market. Some investors prefer a long-term strategy where they buy stocks and hold them for many years. Others practice day trading, where they buy and sell stocks in a short period. Your strategy should fit your goals and risk profile. As a rule, long-term works better for beginners as most companies show some kind of growth over the years.

Tips for Beginners

If you have no experience with stocks, here are some tips to get started:

The most important thing here is to not go in blindly. Research and analysis are everything in the stock market.


Bonds are often called the best asset class for beginners, and here is why.


Bonds are debt instruments issued by governments or corporations. When you buy a bond, you lend money to the issuer and receive regular interest payments as well as your invested principal back when the bond matures.

Bonds are a more conservative investment option compared to the stock market.

Types of Bonds

There are several types of bonds, including government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds. Each type has different risks and yields. Government bonds are generally considered safer, while corporate bonds may carry more risk.

Issuer Credit

The creditworthiness of the issuer is critical with bonds. It indicates how likely it is that the issuer will be able to repay its debts. Issuers with a high credit rating typically have lower interest rates, while issuers with a lower credit rating must offer higher interest rates to attract investors.

Maturity of the Bond

Bonds have different maturities, from short-term (less than a year) to long-term (several decades). The choice should fit your financial goals.

Tips for Beginners

Just like with stocks, there are some things you need to do before buying bonds:

Overall, bonds are great for beginners and definitely should be in your first portfolio.

Real Estate

Real estate is the asset type with the oldest history. But is it good in the modern times?


Investing in real estate involves buying property to generate income from rental income or capital gains. This investment can include physical property or investment trusts.

Real estate is a popular choice for investors looking for passive sources of income.

Physical Real Estate vs. Investment Trusts

When you invest in real estate directly, you are acquiring actual land or buildings. This often requires a significant capital investment and a willingness to take care of leasing and maintenance. Funds are investment vehicles that invest in a variety of projects, allowing you to invest in the market without directly owning physical real estate.

Location and Market Research

The success of investments often depends heavily on location. Do thorough research before deciding and remember that markets can vary by region.

Tips for Beginners

Real estate is perhaps the hardest thing to successfully invest in on the first try. Follow these tips to maximize your chances:

If you are not afraid of work then real estate is the investment for you.

Mutual Funds

Funds are another popular asset class that is perfect for beginner investors.


Mutual funds collect money from investors and invest it in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities. They provide investors with diversification and professional management.

Types of Mutual Funds

There are several types of mutual funds, including stock funds, bond funds, money market funds, and commodity funds. Each fund invests in a specific asset class.

Fee Structure

Each mutual fund has a fee structure that reflects the cost of fund management and other expenses. Be sure to understand the fees as they can affect your return.

Return and Risk

Mutual fund returns can vary by asset class and market conditions. Some funds can be more aggressive and seek higher returns, while others aim for stability and safety.

Tips for Beginners

Just with the previous assets, here are some things to consider before investing in funds:

Also, while funds are a relatively low-risk asset, do not forget to diversify.

Retirement Accounts

The last type of investment on our list is retirement accounts.


Retirement accounts such as the 401(k) in the U.S. or the Riester pension in Germany are tax-advantaged accounts designed to save money for retirement. They offer tax benefits and employer contributions.

Tax Advantages

Retirement accounts often offer tax advantages by sheltering your contributions from taxation. This allows your money to grow faster.

Employer Contributions

Many employers offer to match a portion of your contributions to retirement accounts. This is an additional way to increase your retirement savings potential.

Tips for Beginners

Here are some tips that will help you to get it all from your retirement account:

If your investment goal is saving for retirement this is the type of investment you should take advantage of.


Investing can be a powerful way to grow your money and ensure long-term financial security. Choosing the right asset class is critical, especially if you're just starting in investing. Here are some concluding thoughts:

Investing can be an exciting journey that helps you achieve your financial goals. With the right approach and knowledge, you can successfully invest and shape your financial future. No matter what asset class you choose, remember that patience and long-term thinking often yield the best results.

However, the truth is that many billionaires are quite frugal and careful with their money. In fact, by adopting some of their habits, you can also manage your finances like a billionaire and build lasting wealth. In this article, we'll share some tips from Tom Church, Co-Founder of, to help you achieve financial success.

Tip #1: Embrace Frugality

Contrary to popular belief, being frugal is not about being cheap. Instead, it's about being mindful of your spending and focusing on what truly matters. Billionaires like Warren Buffett and Mark Zuckerberg are known for their frugal habits, such as driving modest cars and wearing simple clothes. By embracing frugality, you can save money on unnecessary expenses and put that money towards more meaningful investments, such as a down payment on a house or retirement savings. For example, you could save up to £1,200 a year by cutting back on daily coffee runs. As Tom Church puts it, "Frugality is not about being miserly; it's about being mindful of what you spend and investing in what truly matters."

Tip #2: Invest in Yourself

One of the critical traits of billionaires is their willingness to invest in themselves. They prioritize their education and personal growth, whether attending conferences, reading books, or taking courses. Investing in yourself can improve your skills and knowledge, enhance your earning potential, and open up new opportunities for advancement. For example, you could increase your salary by £10,000 per year by taking a coding course. As Tom Church notes, "Investing in yourself is the best investment you can make, as it will pay dividends for the rest of your life."

Tip #3: Think Long-Term

Another characteristic of billionaires is their long-term thinking. They focus on investments and goals that will pay off over time rather than chasing short-term gains. By adopting a similar mindset, you can make smarter financial decisions and build lasting wealth. For example, investing in a low-cost index fund and holding onto it for ten years could save £5,000 in fees compared to actively managed funds. As Tom Church advises, "Always think long-term about your finances. It's not about getting rich quickly but building wealth over time."

Tip #4: Don't Be Afraid to Take Calculated Risks

Billionaires are known for taking calculated risks in their investments and businesses. While this can be daunting, it can also lead to higher returns and faster financial success. Of course, doing your research and making informed decisions before taking any risks is essential.

One way to take calculated risks is by investing in emerging technologies or launching innovative products. For example, if you had invested £1,000 in Bitcoin in 2011, it would be worth over £20 million today. As Tom Church suggests, "Taking calculated risks can be scary, but it can also be gratifying. Just do your due diligence and don't invest more than you can afford to lose."

Tip #5: Create Multiple Streams of Income

Another common trait among billionaires is their ability to create multiple income streams. They don't rely on one job or business but rather diversify their sources of revenue. Doing so can increase their financial security and protect themselves against economic downturns. For example, you could earn an extra £12,000 per year in passive income by investing in rental properties. Tom Church says, "Having multiple income streams is a key component of financial success. It allows you to have more control over your financial future and not rely on one source of income."

Tip #6: Surround Yourself with Successful People

Billionaires often surround themselves with successful and like-minded individuals. By doing so, they can gain inspiration, motivation, and access to new opportunities. You can also benefit from surrounding yourself with successful people, whether it's by attending networking events or joining exclusive clubs. For example, entering a mastermind group could increase your income by £5,000 per year through new business connections. As Tom Church puts it, "Surrounding yourself with successful people can be a game-changer. It can push you to take your finances to the next level."

Tip #7: Give Back to Others

Finally, many billionaires engage in philanthropy and give back to their communities. By doing so, they not only positively impact the world but also improve their financial reputation and legacy. You can also make a difference by donating to charities or volunteering your time. For example, donating 5% of your income to charity could save £2,000 in taxes each year. As Tom Church notes, "Giving back is not only the right thing to do, but it can also be financially rewarding. It can improve your reputation and help you leave a lasting impact on the world."

By adopting these tips, you can manage your finances like a billionaire and build lasting wealth. Whether embracing frugality, investing in yourself, or taking calculated risks, there are many ways to achieve financial success. Tom Church advises, "Remember that building wealth takes time and effort, but it's worth it. By taking small steps today, you can create a brighter financial future for yourself and your loved ones."

That’s why it’s important to have a solid process in place right from the get-go to ensure you’re achieving your financial goals, whether that is hitting a savings target or improving your credit score.

Stick to a budget

By creating a budget to track your monthly income and spending, you’ll automatically feel more in control of your money. Identify exactly what is leaving your account every month, from bills and subscriptions to how much you’re spending on groceries.

To start saving more money, be sure to double down on your spending habits and be strict with yourself so you’re not tempted to go over your budget. You can even try a “no-spend” challenge and test yourself. That way, you’ll have a little bit of money left over, which you can easily transfer into your savings account.

Set up an emergency fund

Having an emergency fund available is always a good idea. Unfortunately, things happen that are out of our control and can often involve us having to spend a lot more money than we anticipated at the start of the month.

Emergency funds are crucial if you’re trying to save, as they prevent you from having to dip into your savings on a rainy day. This fund should be easily accessible so you can use it when you need it most.

Pay your bills on time

Paying your bills on time will help you avoid any late fees, which could impact your ability to save as much money as possible.

At the start of every month, be sure to put the money for your bills aside before anything else. It’s good practice to set up a separate bank account that can be used to pay your bills automatically. That way, you probably won’t even notice that the money has left your account.

Trust the process

Building up a good savings pot isn’t going to happen overnight. It’s important to have self-discipline so you can achieve your financial goals as quickly as possible.

Staying focused on your goals is the key to your saving success. However, don’t deprive yourself of a few treats now and then. It’s fine to go off-track once in a while, but be sure to stay determined to feel the full benefit of your efforts.

Fast Funds With Forex?

Anyone who was alive through the nineties will remember the era of “get rich quick” schemes. One after the next, they poured in over the radio, through email chains, and especially infomercials. The yuppie generation was in, and they wanted to make a lot of money really fast, and they were willing to take a lot of risks to do it! Remembering this era is why we don't like to think of trading as a get-rich-quick scheme or a sure-fire monthly income. That said, trading can undoubtedly bring in extra money at a very low risk since you don't need a large amount of capital to start. You can check out how brokers like Oanda function at forex trading, or you can go it alone and learn on the fly yourself. Let's take a look at how one makes some extra money with forex trading.

Starting Out

An important thing to remember is that in forex trading, as with most endeavours, you’ll need a solid grounding in the fundamentals of how everything works before you can expect to start making any money at all. A great way to find out what you’re getting into is to watch some online tutorials or even take a course in the basics. Another thing to do from the outset is to remain realistic and manage your expectations of the process; nothing comes without some hard work and understanding of the processes within the industry. The difference between a trader who does well and a trader who fails spectacularly is pretty much the same as what separates successes and failures in any field. The ones who make it and make a little money in the process are the ones who try every strategy that they know of to achieve success.

Another good idea to get you firmly set up at the beginning of your forays into trading is to open a demo account instead of jumping into things too quickly with a real one. This account allows you to operate in “real world” situations without actually risking anything. It will enable you to practice how you’ll react when the stress comes rolling in, and you have to make quick decisions. This is the time to make your mistakes and learn from them! With literally nothing to lose, all a demo account can do is make you a better trader. You’ll be able to watch how the market moves, learn all the jargon that previously sounded like Greek to you, test out any theories you’ve developed, practice trading different currency pairs and try out other platforms.

So, How Do You Make Money?

As you’ve gathered by now, asking questions like “when will I make money” or “how much money will I make” are not a productive way to start out in trading. It is possible to make daily income trading forex, but you need to follow all the initial startup steps and take great care in how you execute trades. All the examples you see of traders who have done well in forex trading have put in years of hard work and made wise decisions about how they spend and invest their money. What it comes down to is your mindset! A good mindset and positive attitude will keep you trying and working hard. If you persevere and put in the effort, you will find a formula that works well for you.

Another component of being a successful trader is deciding what you want to achieve. You can't get anywhere unless you have realistic goals! Let’s look at an example:

You could aim for a 10% annual return on your investment, aim for 4000 pounds profit per month or go for 100 pips every month. Whatever your goal, you should make it something achievable and easy to measure. Once you have your goal in mind, you should set about finding out how you’re best able to achieve it. See what resources you have available, how much time you have to spend trading etc. This might seem like a lot, so here are a few tips to be sure that you make your way through the process and get on the road to success:

  1. Develop a strategy. Whether you want to be a long-term investor or a forex scalper, know what you’re going to do and stick to it.
  2. Don’t demo for too long. The training wheels have to come off eventually! Don't be afraid to move from a demo account to a real one when you're ready.
  3. Set stop losses for every trade you make.
  4. Keep your emotions in check. Don’t trade when you’re overly angry or stressed, rather than trading and making a mess.
  5. Don’t be afraid of a loss. Everyone loses sometimes; it’s part of the game.

Wrap Up

There are many elements to success and making money trading forex. Hopefully, the information we’ve shared brings everything into sharper focus for you.

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