Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

What Is Foreclosure?

Foreclosure is the process of a lender taking back possession of a property from the borrower after the latter has failed to make payments on their loan. The foreclosure process usually starts when borrowers fall behind on their monthly mortgage payments but can also happen if they default on other types of loans such as car loans or home equity lines of credit. There are various options for avoiding foreclosure to keep in mind that will help you stay in your home. In most cases, lenders will start the foreclosure process after the borrower misses three or more consecutive payments. Once the foreclosure process begins, it can take a few months to a year for the lender to take possession of the property.

What Are The Different Types Of Foreclosure?

There are two main types of foreclosure: judicial and non-judicial. 

How Does Foreclosure Work?

The foreclosure process generally works like this: 

What Is A Pre-Foreclosure?

A pre-foreclosure is a notice that the lender has filed with the court stating that the borrower has missed one or more payments and is in danger of being foreclosed on. The pre-foreclosure period gives the borrower an opportunity to catch up on their payments and avoid foreclosure. If the borrower doesn't make their payments during this time, the property will be auctioned off and they will be evicted. For example, if the borrower owes $100,000 on their loan and the property is worth $90,000, the lender may file a notice of sale with the court. This would start the foreclosure process and the borrower would have around 30 days to catch up on their payments. If they don't, the property will be auctioned off and they will be responsible for any unpaid balance on the loan.

What Happens After Foreclosure?

After foreclosure, the borrower is responsible for any unpaid balance on the loan. The lender may also pursue a deficiency judgment against the borrower if the property is sold for less than what is owed on the loan. For example, if the borrower owes $100,000 on their loan and the property is sold at auction for $90,000, the borrower would be responsible for the remaining $10,000. The lender may also report the foreclosure to the credit bureaus, which will damage the borrower's credit score. A foreclosure can have a major impact on your life, both in the short and long term. In the short term, you will lose your home and may have to move. You may also have difficulty renting or buying another property because of the foreclosure on your credit report. In the long term, a foreclosure can damage your credit score and make it difficult to get a loan in the future.

How Can I Avoid Foreclosure?

There are some ways you can avoid foreclosure. These include: 

Foreclosure can be a stressful and difficult process, but there are options for avoiding it. If you're struggling to make your monthly payments, talk to your lender about your options. They may be willing to work with you to avoid foreclosure. So, at the end of the day, you'll be able to look back on this and know that you handled it in the best way possible. By considering your options and talking to your lender, you can avoid foreclosure and keep your home.

Development finance is a specialist type of secured loan, issued for the purpose of constructing, converting, renovating and repurposing properties. It is a strictly short-term facility, designed to be repaid within around 18 months of the issue date. Like most types of specialist commercial loans and development loans, development finance is typically granted exclusively to experienced developers and construction companies.

Q1. How does development finance work?

Development finance differs from a conventional mortgage in that the lender takes into account the estimated value of the completed property - not just the value for the development at the time the loan is issued.

A brief overview of how development finance works:

Q2. Who uses development finance?

Development finance is used by experienced developers and construction companies, who would prefer not to invest too much of their own capital in their projects. 

By covering anything from 75% to 100% (with mezzanine funding) of a project’s costs, developers have the opportunity to run multiple projects simultaneously. This would not be possible if they invested all of their own capital in any given project, making development finance their preferred choice.

Q3. What paperwork do I need for development finance?

Documentation requirements vary in accordance with the nature and extent of the funding required. However, most development finance specialists will expect to see the following as the bare minimum:

Your broker will advise on all the necessary paperwork to submit your application, during your initial consultation.

Q4. Can I qualify for development finance if I have bad credit?

It is technically possible to qualify for development finance with bad credit, but you are unlikely to qualify for lenders’ most competitive deals. If you are concerned about your credit score (or general financial background), it is essential to consult with an independent broker to discuss the alternatives to development finance. A subprime product from a specialist lender could prove more affordable, depending on the type of property development project you have in mind.

“The figures reported directly to Loans Warehouse from second charge lenders confirm lending totalled £155.5 million in March 2022, a new post-credit crunch record and a continuation of the huge growth being seen in second charge lending over the last six months,” explained Loans Warehouse managing director, Matt Tristram.

Second charge transaction volumes for March increased by almost 12.5% from the previous month, breaking all records set since the credit crunch. A total of 3,237 loans were issued in March, topping November’s previous record high of 3,036. 

Average completion times came out at 22 days - largely unchanged from the previous month. 

Consolidation continues to top the table as the most popular use for second charge loans, accounting for just over 39% of all loans issued. This was closely followed by joint consolidation and home improvement purposes (37.2%), and home improvements (16%). 

The figures also indicate that the average term on a second charge loan for March was 21.8 years, but there has also been a major uptake in the number of short term bridging loans issued.

In terms of types of loans, consolidation accounted for 39.3%; consolidation and home improvements for 37.2%; and home improvements for 16%. The average term was 21.8 years.

The report also showed that almost 85% of second charge loans were completed at below 85% LTV; the remaining 15% at above 85% LTV.

“One of the biggest impacts on mortgage lending during the pandemic has been on the level of equity available to borrowers,” added Tristam. 

“Second charge lending continues to offer an alternative method of raising capital for many, as such we will have highlighted the split of lending over 85% LTV.”

Bridging Finance Boom Continues

The short-term bridging sector has likewise recorded a monumental performance during the first quarter of 2022, achieving a total combined transaction value of £156.78 million - a major increase of 8.5% compared to the same period last year.

As it becomes increasingly difficult to qualify for affordable finance on the High Street, businesses and households alike are setting their sights on alternative options from specialist lenders. 

For 16 months in a row, the most popular use for bridging finance has been purchasing investment properties, followed by speeding up the property purchase process and mitigating the risk of a chain break scenario.

“It comes as no surprise that bridging loan transactions have increased again from the previous quarter – the property market continues to be turbulent for a variety of well-publicised reasons so borrowers are looking for increasingly innovative ways to structure their debt,” said Head of Corporate Partnerships at Sirius Property Finance, Kimberley Gates.

“The stigma surrounding bridging also continues to subside as more investors, developers and homeowners are starting to see it as a useful tool for realising their real estate goals and no longer as a last resort.”

1. Borrow Cash From Your Credit Card

In an emergency, you may need access to cash quickly. One way to get cash is to borrow it from your credit card. This can be a quick and easy way to get your money. However, there are some downsides to this method. First, you will likely be charged interest on the loan. Second, if you cannot repay the loan, you may damage your credit score. Consider all of your options before taking out a loan from your credit card. Bad credit loans may have higher interest rates and fees, but they can still be a good option if you need cash quickly and have few other options.

2. Pawn Your Items

If you have valuable items you no longer need, you can always sell them to a pawnshop. To pawn an item, you simply take it to a pawn shop, and they will give you a loan based on the value of the item. You then have a certain amount of time to repay the loan, and if you do not, the pawnshop will keep your item. This is a good option if you have items of value that you are willing to part with for a short period.

3. Sell Your Unwanted Items

You can sell your items online or at a local consignment shop. This is a good option if you have some items that you no longer need or want and you need cash quickly.

4. Pick Up Odd Jobs 

You can advertise your services online or in your local community, and you can often find work within a day or two. You can also control how much work you take on to decide how much money you need to earn. Pick-up jobs aren't always the most reliable source of income, but they can be a lifesaver in an emergency.

5. Access Your Retirement Account

Their retirement account is one of the most valuable assets for many people. While it can be tempting to access this money in times of need, there are several things to consider before taking this step:

  1. You will likely incur heavy penalties and fees if you withdraw money from your retirement account before reaching retirement age
  2. The funds you withdraw will no longer be earning interest, which can impact the overall growth of your account
  3. You may be required to pay taxes on the money you withdraw, further reducing the amount of money you have available

Emergencies can happen to anyone, and when they do, have a plan to deal with the financial stress. Hopefully, you now have a few ideas of ways to get quick cash during an emergency. Remember, it's always best to start with your savings account or checking account as your first line of defence, but if those funds are unavailable, don't hesitate to try one of these methods.

And what happens if the sale of your current home falls through at the last moment? What if the buyer you lined up suddenly has to pull out because their buyer changed their mind at the eleventh hour?

Property chains are long, complex and inherently fragile. Just a single broken link is all it takes for the whole thing to come crashing down. In an ideal world, there would be a stopgap solution available making it possible to buy your next home first and sell your previous home later; a simple and affordable way to bridge the gap between buying and selling, enabling you to opt out of the traditional property chain entirely.

Bridging Loans To Escape Property Chains

This is where a short-term bridging loan can be worth its weight in gold. As the name suggests, bridging finance is used to ‘bridge’ temporary financial gaps like these. Here is how bridging finance could be used to escape a property chain, in a typical buying and selling scenario:

  1. You put your property up for sale and wait for offers to begin rolling in 
  2. In the meantime, you begin searching for your next home as normal 
  3. You find your dream property at a price you can afford, but you have not yet found a buyer for your current home
  4. Rather than missing out, you take out a bridging loan against the equity you have in your current home
  5. This subsequently gives you the spending power of a cash buyer, enabling you to buy your next home and beat competing bidders to the punch
  6. You move into your new home and your previous home stays on the market until it sells for the best possible price
  7. At which point, you use the funds raised by the sale to repay the bridging loan, and the transaction is complete.

Bridging finance differs from conventional loans and mortgages in that it is designed specifically for these kinds of purposes. Each loan is arranged and negotiated as a bespoke facility, but will typically share the following features and benefits:

The speed and simplicity of a bridging loan make it the perfect tool for escaping the traditional property chain. Charged at a monthly rate of around 0.5%, bridging finance can be uniquely cost-effective when repaid promptly.

Even with all additional borrowing costs factored in, it all adds up to a small price to pay to prevent your dream home from slipping through your fingertips at an unbeatable price. 

Development finance offers the kind of flexibility that can accommodate the vast majority of larger-scale property development, conversion and construction projects; examples of which include repurposing entire properties, partially or completely demolishing properties to be rebuilt from the ground up, or transforming the early properties into luxury multi-purpose developments.

Importantly, development finance affords developers the opportunity to cover up to 100% of the total costs of the project - without eating into their own capital. As established developers often aim to have several projects on the go at the same time, this alone can make development finance a uniquely beneficial financial tool.

100% Project Costs Covered

The initial loan issued by a development finance specialist is referred to as ‘senior’ development finance, which is usually offered with a maximum LTV of 85%. This means that the primary loan secured against the development can be taken out to cover no more than 85% of the total project’s costs.

Another slightly different form of development finance is offered by some lenders, referred to as ‘stretched’ senior finance. This is where (under special circumstances) a lender is willing to increase this maximum LTV to around 90%, leaving just 10% of the project’s costs to be covered by the investor.

Again, property developers and investors often seek to minimise the direct investment of their own capital, in order to enable them to execute multiple projects simultaneously.

Whether the initial loan taken out is a standard senior development loan or stretched senior finance, the remaining funds do not necessarily need to be provided by the developer. There is also the option of seeking ‘mezzanine’ finance - a facility used to top up an initial development finance loan, which sits behind the first legal charge of the senior lender. 

Second-Charge Borrowing

Mezzanine finance can be used to take the developer's total borrowed funds from the initial 85% or 90% right up to 100% of the project’s total costs. A mezzanine finance facility will usually be sought from a separate lender to the first product, issued as a second-charge loan against the borrower’s assets - usually the development itself.

While mezzanine finance can be affordable in terms of monthly interest and borrowing costs, it is a facility which is usually issued on the condition that the lender takes a proportion of the final profits on the development from the borrower. This is not always the case, but some mezzanine finance facilities include a clause wherein up to 50% of the developer’s profits are claimed by the lender, upon completion of the project.

This is one of many reasons why it is essential to seek independent broker support, before applying for development finance. Irrespective of your target LTV or the nature of your project, broker support always paves the way for an unbeatable deal and the flexible terms you need to successfully complete your project.

But there will always be times when turning to conventional banks for support is not the way to go. In fact, mainstream lenders can be surprisingly inflexible when a borrower’s needs cannot be met by any of their standard ‘off-the-shelf’ financial products.

In each of the following instances, in particular, it may be practically impossible to secure the financial support you need from a mainstream bank or lender.

1. When time is a factor

Borrowing significant sums of money from a conventional lender typically means enduring a near-endless application and underwriting process.  Average mortgage underwriting times are currently around 12 weeks, rendering time-critical purchases and investments out of the question.

By contrast, a bridging loan for purchasing a property can often be arranged within just a few working days; ideal for taking advantage of property purchase opportunities that will not be around for long.

2. When looking to borrow money short-term

Most of the products and services offered by banks are relatively long-term in nature. This is particularly true when it comes to loans and mortgages, where early repayment paves the way for penalties and other transaction fees.

On the specialist lending market, funds can be raised for any purpose over periods of anything from one week to several years. If you would prefer to repay your debt as quickly as possible to save money, you can do just that.

3. When your credit history is not up to scratch

The overwhelming majority of mainstream lenders turn away applicants with poor credit at the door. Unless you have an excellent credit score, you can forget about qualifying for a mortgage, an unsecured personal loan or any other consumer credit facility.

Bridging lenders adopt a different approach, wherein applications are judged on the basis of their overall merit. Even with poor credit and/or a history of bankruptcy, it is still possible to qualify for affordable bridging finance.

4. When you cannot provide proof of income

Likewise, if you cannot provide formal proof of income and your current employment status, you are highly unlikely to qualify for any conventional financial product available from a mainstream lender. Irrespective of the size or nature of the facility you need, your application will not even be given fair consideration. Elsewhere, secured loans from specialist lenders can often be accessed with no proof of income required, and no evidence of employment status necessary.

5. When you want to buy a non-standard property

The mortgages and property loans issued by mainstream banks are typically restricted to the purchase of habitable properties in a good state of repair. Purchasing rundown properties to be ‘flipped’ for profit is often out of the equation, as they are considered unmortgageable.

Consequently, property developers and investors tend to seek support from development finance specialists and commercial bridging loan providers; both of which are willing to lend against almost any type of property, irrespective of its condition at the time.

Across the UK, the popularity of bridging finance has skyrocketed over the past few years. But what is it that makes bridging finance such a popular choice among private borrowers and commercial customers alike? Moreover, what are bridging loans being used to finance by those taking them out?

The Benefits Of Bridging Finance

When compared to standard High Streets loans and mortgages, bridging loans can be beneficial in the following ways:

  1. They are fast to arrange - a bridging loan of any size and for any purpose can often be arranged within just a few working days. This alone makes bridging finance the ideal facility for time-critical purchase and investment opportunities.
  2. There are no restrictions on how they can be used - unlike a traditional loan or mortgage, lenders place no restrictions whatsoever on how the funds raised with a bridging loan can be allocated. 
  3. Bridging finance can be surprisingly accessible - issues like poor credit or no proof of income that would usually result in an application being declined need not be an issue with bridging finance, where ‘subprime’ applicants are welcome. 
  4. Most property types can be used as security - a bridging loan can be secured against a wide variety of different types of properties, irrespective of current conditions. Mainstream lenders are usually only willing to lend against certain types of properties in a habitable state of repair.
  5. Bridging loans can be highly cost-effective - typically charged at a rate of around 0.5% per month, a promptly repaid bridging loan can be a uniquely affordable facility. Certainly more so than any comparable loan or a mortgage from a mainstream provider.

Top Uses For Bridging Finance

As for how bridging finance is being put to use, these are the top five uses for bridging finance among private customers and business borrowers right now:

  1. Avoiding broken property chains - bridging finance can provide homeowners with the spending power of a cash buyer, enabling them to escape conventional property chains entirely.
  2. Funding fast property purchases - similarly, investors often turn to bridging finance as a flexible facility for picking up properties at low prices at auction. Where full payment for a property needs to be provided as quickly as possible, a fast access bridging loan can be just the thing.
  3. House flipping for capital gains - property developers and investors looking to generate capital gains by flipping homes as fast as possible are also finding bridging finance the ideal funding solution. Repaid in a matter of months at a low monthly rate of interest, a bridging loan can help house-flipping investors maximise their ROI. 
  4. Funding property renovations and extensions - bridging loans can be used to conduct repairs and renovations on homes before putting them on the market, ensuring they sell for the best possible price to generate bigger profits.
  5. Raising business capital - last up, SMEs, in particular, are finding bridging finance a flexible, accessible and affordable facility for raising fast-access capital to support their businesses in turbulent times.

For more information on any of the above or to discuss the benefits of bridging finance in more detail, contact a member of the team at UK Property Finance today.

Building a good credit score for your business is crucial for possible future financing. Even if you start your business with your own money, there is no doubt that you will need a small business loan to take it to the next level. Therefore, learning how to build a strong business credit profile must remain at the top of your priority list if your business must thrive on external financing. 

A strong credit profile not only opens doors to possible loan facilities for your business, but lucrative contracts and deals sometimes require your company to have exceptional credit scores. Nick Wilson, CEO of AdvanceSOS, recently shared six important tips that can help you boost your business credit profile. These tips are relevant whether or not your business has a credit history. 

AdvanceSOS is a loan aggregator founded in 2019 by Nick Wilson, an experienced loan officer. Its easy application helps borrowers reach a huge network of direct lenders to get a 500 dollar loan at AdvanceSOS on the same day or within 24 hours. 

Differentiating Between Personal Credit Profiles And Business Credit Profiles

Your credit profile consists of the credit history you have formulated over time using your social security number. They may include a chain of secured and unsecured loans such as mortgages, car loans, insurance, payday loans, credit cards, and so on. 

Key components such as your payment history, duration of credit, unsettled debts, credit mix, and new loans obtained are evaluated to form your credit profile. Also, your ability to pay back these cash advances when due improves or depreciates your credit score and may affect your ability to access more credit facilities. 

On the other hand, your business credit profile consists of those debt financing facilities advanced to your business and not to you as an individual. However, lenders may run a check on your credit profile when advancing business loans to small businesses. 

Unlike the chain of personal loan facilities that form your credit profile, activities such as payment history of your business, financial stress score, utilised credit ratio, and other relevant data are evaluated to form your business credit profile.

Essential Tips To Build A Sustainable Business Profile 

1. Register Your Business 

If your company has no credit history and you want to start off on the right foot, you should register your company. Business registration commences your business credit profile journey. Also, after registration, you must obtain your federal tax identification number. 

This is sometimes referred to as the employer’s identification number, which is quite similar to the social security number associated with an individual. You have commenced the long but interesting journey of building your business credit profile with all of these done. 

2. Stay Updated With The Credit Bureaus

You must constantly update your business information and credit history with the three important credit bureaus for businesses. Potential lenders examine the information provided to these bureaus to determine your creditworthiness.

These three credit bureaus have their own separate ways of calculating your credit score. However, the scores formulated by them determine whether your business credit profile is strong or not. It is also a good idea to keep your data up-to-date with all three bureaus. None should be your favourite because potential lenders can consult any or all of these credit bureaus.

3. Utilise The Power Of Tradelines

The Dun & Bradstreet Paydex score requires that you have at least three settled trade lines, and the greater the number of settled trade lines you have, the better your score. Therefore, you can make this work in your favour by establishing an account-payable relationship with your vendor or suppliers if that is your line of trade.

This way, you take up their trade credit and settle the credit promptly and ask that your vendor report your payment history with them to the credit bureaus. This will boost your credit score tremendously. You can also approach the credit bureau yourself by lodging the payment history as a trade reference on your account.

4. Put Your Vendors To Good Use

This is a supporting tip to the third tip above. The logic behind using tradelines is to establish a narrative of creditworthiness with the credit bureaus. Therefore, you need to conduct business with suppliers and vendors that report to a credit bureau. The whole essence is not to be dodgy but as transparent as possible, and you must have this transparency reported.

It then becomes an important business question you need to ask every supplier or vendor, whether they will report your prompt payments before taking up their credit or loans. Already, banks and other financial institutions that extend loan facilities to businesses report your credit history to the credit bureau, which is why prompt settlement of debt automatically increases your credit score.

4. Factor In Credit Utilisation

The use of credit cards and lines of credit to boost your business isn’t novel. However, what is important is that you must avoid maxing out these credit cards. You must learn how to make the most of your credit card. Essentially, never exceed your limit, and when you do, pay it back promptly. When you have credit limits, do not exceed 30% of your credit limit.

Also, do not use your credit card for business purposes. You must avoid letting your credit profile affect your business. Open a business credit card instead and ensure that the credit card company reports your history to the credit bureaus.

5. Monitor Your Credit

You may not always have your credit details at the back of your hand. It is important that you consistently monitor your business credit to ensure you have the right credit profile that attracts lenders and yields lower interest rate opportunities when seeking credit or loan facilities. Furthermore, monitoring your business credit reveals any damaging issues or fraud that may cause a dip in your credit score.

About the Author: Amanda Girard leads the financial copywriting team at AdvanceSOS. Her invaluable input and expertise translate into articles posted throughout our website and other notorious channels. Since our founding in 2019, she has written the most comprehensive yet exciting pieces for our company.

How Are Hard Money Loans Different From Traditional Loans?

Hard money loans are different from traditional loans in several ways. For instance, while a person may be able to repay a traditional loan in as many as thirty years, hard money loans typically have a repayment plan of about 3 years or less. 

There are several benefits of a hard money loan that may make borrowers prefer it to traditional loans. For instance, even if you do not have a very good credit score, you may still qualify for a hard money loan, experts say. While traditional lenders depend largely on a person’s credit score to approve their loan applications, hard money lenders may not be so particular about credit scores.

Types Of Hard Money Loans

Hard money loans come with different kinds of financing options, some of which include:

1. Transactional Loans

This type of loan offers short-term capital to investors. They are a quick and easy alternative to traditional loans. The entire process of getting a transactional loan is fast, making it possible for investors to get a loan in as little as one business day. These loans are designed to provide investors with short-term capital so they can quickly close deals. 

What Kind Of Investors Need Transactional Loans?

Transactional loans are certainly not the best kind of loans for every situation, however, there are situations for which these types of loans are the best. These loans are most ideal for investors who have found buyers willing to pay a lot higher for a property than its price. In this type of situation, an investor could purchase the property using a transactional loan and then sell it to the buyer. The investor would then pay off the loan using the proceeds from the sale and keep the difference as profit. These types of transactions are done very quickly.

Benefits Of Transactional loans

Transactional loans can benefit an investor in several ways, some of which include:

2. Bridge Loans

As the name implies, bridge loans are given to investors to bridge a period between two transactions, such as transactions involving buying a property and selling off the same property. The bridging industry has evolved immensely in the past decade. Today bridge loans are taken by businesses and individuals who need quick approval for real estate financing. When managed wisely, bridge loans can help investors create a lot of profit in very little time. It takes about a week to process this type of loan

What Kind Of Investors Need Bridge Loans

Many investors benefit immensely from bridge loans. Whether for managing rental properties, or fixing and flipping, bridge loans come in very handy. House flipping is growing increasingly popular as a great investment, as it yields good returns on investment; this has made bridge loans even more popular. 

Advantages Of Bridge Loans

These are a few reasons why you should choose bridge loans over other types of loans.

3. Rental Loan

This type of loan is available for people looking to buy real estate for rent. Rental loans are typically tailored to the unique needs of each investor whether veteran or a newcomer to the industry. 

What Kind Of Investors Need Rental Loans

This loan is best suited for people looking to jump into the highly lucrative business of buying properties for rent. This type of investment needs a lot of capital both for the purchase and rehabilitation of properties and rental loans are a great way to get this capital.

Benefits Of Rental Loans

To figure out which one will work best for your needs, take some time and do some research first so that you can decide with all the facts at hand instead of going off what somebody else says about which one is the best option.

Personal loans and their purpose

One of the main benefits of personal loans is that it has no limitations of use provided by the lender. Some people take out personal loans for things like home repairs or medical expenses, while others use them for more frivolous purposes, like vacations or shopping sprees. But, before signing an offer with a lender it would be advisable to learn more about different personal loan companies that offer these services. Applying for loans through online platforms offers you options to choose something that is the best fitting for your financial situation, and in a short amount of time. 

What is a payday loan?

A payday loan is a type of short-term cash advance provided by an authorised lender. The borrower writes a personal check to the lender for the amount they wish to borrow plus the fee, which is typically charged as a percentage of the face value and payable in one lump sum on the date of their next payday (hence "payday"). This is a great option for people with a bad credit score who need to make a large purchase or cover unexpected expenses. Unlike traditional loans, you can receive a bad credit loan within 24 hours despite your credit history. But it is important to note that not all companies have equal conditions, some have an easy online application process, while others offer higher rates.

Benefits of a payday loan

The biggest benefit of a payday loan is that it requires little-to-no credit checks, thus making them available for almost everyone, regardless of their history with credit. Additionally, since most lenders are online companies, you can apply for an emergency loan online, get approved within minutes, and have access to the money very quickly, which is great if you're in immediate need of cash.

The drawbacks of a payday loan 

While there are many benefits to a payday loan, there are also some things you need to be aware of before taking out one. First, since it is short-term, you will pay high-interest rates for borrowing the money compared to regular loans. However, people who have a bad credit score are usually not even eligible for other types of loans. It is important to do your research and read carefully the terms before signing. Second, if you don't pay off your loan by the due date (next payday), additional fees will be added to your final balance making it very expensive. So make sure you plan your funds well so you don’t get caught with the payments.

What is an instalment loan?

An instalment loan is a type of long-term loan that may be given for between three and five years with a set monthly payment. Instalment loans have a fixed interest rate and don't have any hidden fees or rollover payment due dates. They are great for people who need a little extra time to pay off a large debt but still want to be rid of it as quickly as possible.

Benefits of an instalment loan

One of the biggest benefits of an instalment loan is that you get a set time frame to pay it back and the interest rate is fixed. This gives you a specific timeline and allows you to budget for your monthly payment without any unexpected costs which could throw off your whole plan. Another advantage is that since most loans are unsecured, you can get approved for a larger loan amount than you would with other types of financial assistance such as a payday loan.

The drawbacks of an instalment loan

Just like anything else, there are some disadvantages to taking out an instalment loan as well. First, often the borrower will need excellent credit to qualify for this type of loan, which can leave those with bad or no credit out in the cold. Second, they often have a much longer repayment period than other types of loans which means you pay more interest overall. Third, if you are struggling to make payments on your instalment loan, it is very difficult to change terms or adjust your monthly payment.

However, having a firm understanding of your company credit score, why it matters, and how to utilise it to your advantage is a simple step that could help make a significant impact on your future business success. This is especially important when running a start-up or a small business since you will almost certainly not have enough cash on hand to cover all of your business expenditures, which means you may need to obtain additional lines of credit to expand your operations.

What is a business credit score?

Your business credit score is a numerical reflection of the creditworthiness of your organisation. The score is calculated utilising information from your business credit report. When evaluating your credit application, lenders use this information to estimate how likely you are to repay them. In general, your business credit score is calculated based on a variety of factors, such as:

As you might expect, a higher score typically indicates that your company has a history of paying payments at the appointed time and generally handles its finances appropriately, which means that you will present less of a risk to lenders in the future. With that said, let’s look at some of the key benefits of a solid business credit score and why you need to pay more attention to moving forward.

It will be easier to qualify for credit

One of the most significant advantages of having a good business credit rating is that it will be much easier for you to qualify for the credit. In general, lenders are traditionally hesitant to offer loans and other forms of credit to those who have a poor credit history, leading to various problems later down the road. After all, having the ability to access more capital is extremely beneficial when a company is expanding. As a result, neglecting your credit score might severely limit your capacity to grow your business and scale operations in the future.

You’ll get better terms on your credit 

In general, the terms that lenders offer their customers are dependent on the level of risk they are taking on board. If your credit score is high, you will present less of a risk to the lender, and therefore, you will be given a more favourable rate. For example, suppose you compare business overdraft options between a company with an excellent credit score and the other with a poor credit score. In that case, the former may get offered a zero-interest account, while the latter may have to pay upwards of 30% APR. This can make a huge difference in the cost of acquiring credit, especially over the long run.

In addition to this, when your company possesses an excellent credit score, you will have the luxury of being able to shop around and compare quotes between lenders. This will give you the chance to negotiate much lower interest rates, as the banks fight amongst themselves to secure you as a customer. 

You’re borrowing power increases

Just as you will have access to better terms on your credit agreements with an excellent credit score, lenders will also feel more comfortable offering you larger amounts of credit. Increasing your borrowing power can be hugely beneficial if you ever decide to scale up your business operations and expand into new markets since you will have the capacity to boost your cash flow substantially at the time when you need it the most. For example, a business with poor credit may only be able to access a maximum of $2,000 from the bank. In contrast, a company with an excellent credit score and a history of timely payments may be able to access $100,000 (and at a better rate too). 

It separates your personal and business finances

Most of the time, small business owners and founders in start-ups use their finances to help facilitate the day-to-day runnings of their company. While this may seem like a good idea, it can get problematic rather quickly, especially if the owner uses their personal credit score for business purposes. 

If things start to go south and you begin to miss payments, it could seriously affect your personal credit score, which could have profound implications on your ability to acquire credit in your personal life. On top of this, many business owners are forced to leverage personal assets to obtain the capital they need to get the business off the ground. In these cases, you could stand to lose the collateral that was stipulated in the contract, which in most cases is your most expensive assets such as your car or home.

Of course, this isn't ideal, which is why it's critical to keep your personal and business finances separate as soon as possible. With business credit, your company debts will be disclosed on your business credit reports, protecting your personal credit rating from any financial hardship that your company may encounter, and vice versa. If anything goes wrong with your business. you'll have the peace of mind of knowing that your personal assets are safe, and you can go about your day without the ominous threat of losing your worldly possessions.

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