Personal Finance. Money. Investing.
Updated at 15:50

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary technology. According to a recent Gartner survey in 2019, 37% of the surveyed businesses had already adopted AI technology, and the numbers would have increased by now.

There's no surprise that this revolutionary technology has also penetrated the accounting sector. Artificial intelligence can be used to automate processes in the accounting sector. For example, AI can help you to manage cash flow more effectively by using predictive analytics. This will help you to make better decisions about buying inventory or paying bills on time. There are several such use cases of AI in the accounting industry, such as:

Automating Tedious Tasks

As AI becomes more advanced, it will have an increasingly large impact on the way we work. In accounting, there will be less need for human intervention when it comes to tedious tasks such as data entry and calculations.

For example, an AI programme can automatically categorise your expenses and organise them into different categories like "food" or "gas." This makes it easy to see what areas of your business cost the most and where you can save some cash. It also makes it easier to see how much money came in each month from each source so that you can plan accordingly for future expenses.

AI can take over these tasks and make them much more efficient, freeing up your time for more critical tasks like strategic planning or client meetings. The beauty of AI is that it's not just about speed—it's also about accuracy.

Automation saves your employees time, allowing them to focus on more critical tasks, such as decision-making and communicating with clients.

Identifying Fraud

Accounting fraud is not a new phenomenon. It has been around for centuries and has grown in sophistication over time. However, it is not always easy to detect fraud as it occurs. In addition, accounting fraud may be difficult to prove because of the complex transactions and records typically involved in such cases.

One of the ways AI can help identify fraud is by providing more accurate data analysis than humans alone can provide. Accounting fraud often involves manipulating data that is used for financial reporting purposes. This could include falsifying information or making adjustments that distort the information presented in financial statements, which investors and others use to decide whether to do business with a company or individual.

Using artificial intelligence with big data analytics tools can help identify patterns or anomalies in data sets that would be difficult for humans alone to see clearly or quickly before they could take action against those responsible for committing fraud against an organisation through their actions or omissions during their employment.

Enabling Clients To Track Their Money In Real-Time

Most clients of accounting firms have no idea where their money is going. This makes it difficult for them to manage their finances effectively and efficiently.

With the help of AI, though, clients can easily track their expenses in real-time and also keep track of what they spend on different things throughout the day or week, depending on how often they want updates on their finances from an app or website.

Electronic Signature

Electronic signatures are becoming increasingly common in accounting because they make sharing documents, signing contracts, and sending invoices easier.

Electronic signature has many benefits for accounting departments, such as:

Cloud Computing

Cloud-based accounting software has been around for years, but until recently, most people were unaware of its benefits. However, cloud-based accounting software has become increasingly popular over the past few years because it offers many benefits that cannot be found in traditional accounting software.

The benefits are so tempting that most accountants now use cloud accounting software for daily work. A recent survey indicates that over half the respondent accounting firms use cloud accounting to enhance project management functions and improve communications.

Some of the crucial benefits of cloud computing for accounting firms include:

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics can help accountants improve their business processes by making better decisions based on data analysis. For example, an accountant may use a software tool that automatically analyses historical data about business transactions and identifies common trends among those transactions that might indicate fraud or errors in reporting. This information can be used to detect potential issues before they become problems.

One example of big data analytics used in accounting is when a company uses it for tax compliance. They might use it on employee-related data, such as salary information or employee pension contributions. The company could also use this information to calculate how much tax they owe or how much money they need to set aside for other taxes due during the year (such as corporation tax).

Final Thoughts

As the world moves at a rapid pace, businesses must keep up. The accounting sector has long relied on effective paper records management, but those days are quickly fading away. As digital storage becomes the norm, you can expect all kinds of advancements in this area – including AI analytics for business intelligence. After all, there's no sense in relying on outdated techniques when you have so much opportunity for growth available with emerging trends.

For example, over the COVID lockdowns, business lending in the EU increased by an average of 5.3 per cent, with banks struggling to keep pace with the steep increase in demand. With a recession looming we can expect another increase in business loan applications and financial institutions need to be prepared.

Over the coming months, lenders will need to move fast to process these increasing loan applications. But not all will have learned the lessons of the pandemic and invested in the digital infrastructure that allows them to scale and pivot at pace.  The laggards need to move now, employing up-to-date technology and automation solutions so they can work faster and more efficiently. Otherwise, customers will vote with their wallets and look elsewhere for their banking needs.

The cloud’s silver lining

The first step for banks looking to boost digital innovation is a shift to the cloud.  Today’s customers expect banking processes to be as easy and efficient as online shopping. This can only be achieved through the scale and agility provided by cloud technology

Cloud computing provides lenders with secure and agile infrastructure on which they can more easily streamline business processes, deploy new solutions and enable innovation to meet the speed at which customer expectations evolve. For banks looking to ready themselves for an increase in loan applications, cloud infrastructure will let them automate many parts of the customer journey, from application and KYC, through to approval and account management. For example, Cynergy Bank’s use of identity verification automation through its cloud-based platform cut onboarding time from three days to 54 seconds.

Another benefit of using cloud-based systems is the ability to scale more easily. Traditional banks’ legacy architectures make continuous evolution more difficult, as upgrading hardware is often both time-consuming and expensive. In contrast, cloud technology, often used by neobanks, is far nimbler, with the concept of growth an inbuilt characteristic. 

Keeping pace with the customer

Customer-centricity should be the ultimate priority for any bank, whatever the economic climate. It is no longer enough to be able to access banking amenities from your sofa, they need to be available 24/7 and easier to navigate than ever before.  

People say that television killed our attention span, but the pandemic finished off our patience.  

The good news is that, in the UK, banks have already invested in the cloud infrastructure to stay ahead of customer expectations. For example, Yorkshire Building Society knew that to maintain strong customer relationships it needed to move away from manual processes and allow employees to be more efficient. A shift to the cloud has enabled the organisation to become 90% paperless with staff spending less time searching for information on spreadsheets and more time accelerating customer service. This change has seen the Commercial Lending Department reduce the amount of time it takes to produce offer letters and facility agreements for customers by 75%.

Similarly, Santander UK has been able to use cloud computing and digital tools to stay ahead of customer expectations. Technology investment has enabled faster loan origination and decisioning, ultimately improving the overall customer experience.

This speed of service will be critical as banks scale up to better support customers over the coming downturn. However, it is not too late for those who have not yet embarked on the digital journey. Cloud solutions can be seamlessly implemented within a short period of time; start now and you and your customers will soon reap the rewards.

About the author: Thomas Chaplin is Head of Mortgage Product at nCino, EMEA.

It is safe to say that FinTech job marketing is booming. Most financial services are looking to FinTech recruiters to fill complex and tech-related positions. The customer demand for various services like cryptocurrency investing and digital banking means that FinTech brands need to keep expanding their tech team. Based on research, it has been found that nearly 46% of all jobs in UK banks are related to technology.

What Is FinTech?

Before we jump into the main gist of this article, let us first look into the basics. A FinTech company is any business that utilises technology to enhance, modify, or automate financial services for consumers or other businesses. Some great examples include trading platforms like Robinhood, automated portfolio managers like Betterment and Wealthfront, peer-to-peer payment services like CashApp and Venmo, and mobile banking apps. Apps that deal with the trading and development of cryptocurrencies can also be categorised as FinTech companies.

What Are Some Recruitment Trends In FinTech Companies?

Businesses now face increasing competition to draw the best applicants for new job roles due to the explosion in FinTech prospects. You will have to keep a close eye on the current hiring trends to stay updated on the ongoing shifts in the market and land the top talents for your organisation. Some recruitment trends you can see in FinTech hiring include:

Candidates Have Started Caring About Company Values

Before, candidates could look into and research the company they are applying for and track its records. They have also started caring more about the things they discover. These individuals now seek employment with companies that uphold their underlying beliefs and provide them with a feeling of purpose in their work.

We do not mean that the candidates are not looking for benefits and salaries. These are still considered key factors in deciding whether they accept the job offer. However, only competitive salaries do not guarantee that the candidate will join the company.

If you want greater hiring success for your brand, you must show them the commitment to your core company values and be transparent and proactive with the candidates.

FinTech Companies Have Gone Global

If you did not know before, Singapore is one of the largest international FinTech hubs today; its global ranking is 4th. In the past few years, significant growth has been seen in other Southeast Asian nations like Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. Moreover, Israel has started noticing a strong start-up culture, with more than 12 FinTech companies like Melio and Lemonade. Even Mexico has witnessed significant growth in this sector.

The expansion of FinTech companies and work-from-home opportunities has strained the talent pool for most FinTech brands, which now have to compete internationally. As the demand for talent keeps increasing, the candidates will expect additional benefits and compensations, especially among international professionals.

Speed Matters

Since the early 2020s, the time to hire has witnessed a sharp growth. Companies are looking for ways to quicken the hiring method, whether in-person or in a virtual setting. Since hiring departments have started using more tech-based tools like SignalHire, the average hiring speed has only increased. In most of these tools, they use an automatic search for people's contacts, also providing information about social networks and past places of employment. Also, similar e-mail finders allow you to write to candidates directly in the tool and track further recruitment progress. All these features will help minimise the time required for hiring. You can learn more about quick candidate search here.

If you use a complicated way to hire candidates, you will miss out on the top talents. You need to look for ways to simplify the recruitment pipeline and streamline all the processes in hiring, like interviews, etc. This will also allow you to extend the job offer to the candidates more quickly, thereby preventing the loss of potential hires.

Job Roles Are Increasing On All Levels

When it comes to FinTech hiring, most of the conversation will centre around the roles of the contributor, like back-end app developers, IT staff, analysts, and crypto brokers. While these job roles will still be important in the future, these are not the only ones available. As such, companies are expanding their tech staff and adjusting the leadership structure to reflect these changes.

Since 2020, C-level positions and tech-centred executive roles have been on the rise. Positions like Chief Technology Officer or digital sales manager are slowly becoming common leadership positions in financial companies. This is a new type of demand that can be seen in FinTech companies as brands are looking for candidates with both tech skills and leadership qualities.

Expect A Global Workforce

There are two important reasons. FinTech companies are global—the first reason is easy to understand. Since the lockdown, most people have started working remotely and can work from any place as long as it has WiFi.

The second reason is more specific towards FinTech companies. The epidemic has brought attention to the size of the unbanked population worldwide and the suffering it causes. Unlike traditional banking, FinTech companies can help solve this problem.

European-focused FinTech brands have started entering the global market, which will lead to such companies unlocking unbacked markets like Pakistan, Mexico, Nigeria, Indonesia, India, and Bangladesh.

The only thing you need to remember is to hire a talent acquisition team that can work globally. Or, you could simply hire such a service.

What Are Some In-Demand FinTech Roles?

If you want to streamline your FinTech recruitment process, you need to have a strong understanding of the jobs in demand and the companies hiring. Now that you have a general idea of the current trends in this industry, let us take a closer look at some in-demand jobs in the FinTech industry.

Software Engineering

As mentioned before, this is a type of industry that deals with robust technology. When building their online services and platforms, these companies need to try to acquire the best of the best.

Most of the open roles available in FinTech companies are related to software engineering. While many software engineers are available today, only some will be selected based on their coding knowledge and unique skill sets. On further research, it has been found that FinTech companies look for people who have knowledge of coding languages, like:









While software engineers form the backbone of FinTech companies, it is the operating segment that drives the company forward. Most FinTech companies allocate 13% of the total company workforce to Operations.

Operations is not easy – it takes a lot of collaborative effort and coordination to ensure that the software engineers can create the product on budget and on time. The workers also need to ensure that the customers are happy and satisfied. The top three job roles that are highly in demand in FinTech companies include:


<li>Customer Support</li>

<li>Customer Success</li>

<li>Information Technology</li>


Data and Analytics

FinTech companies have to deal with many numbers and data; these companies often look for candidates who translate the incoming data into insights. Therefore, they are hiring a data analyst to help sort out the data they receive daily. Most FinTech companies allocate 11% of the total workforce for these positions.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, the increase in job opportunities in FinTech companies means more competition to attract the best candidates for the job roles. You will have to keep an eye out for the current hiring trends and ongoing shifts in the market so that you land the best candidate for your FinTech organisation or company. What are your thoughts on the subject? Let us know in the comments!

On top of that, they must follow strict laws governing tax-exempt status to maintain their tax-exempt status. Otherwise, they can lose their status, triggering an IRS audit and making all their donations taxable.

Non-profit accounting software helps organisations track their donations and expenses transparently, helping donors better understand how their contributions are used. If your family office makes philanthropic donations, you might need to find accounting software for documenting donations and expenses, so you can streamline accounting tasks and better manage your finances. There are many accounting software options in the market, but not all accounting software will be ideal for your organisation, since they vary significantly in terms of features and capability. To make choosing the best one for your organisation, here are the top three accounting software for non-profits:

1. QuickBooks Enterprise Non-profit

QuickBooks Enterprise is inarguably one of the best accounting software for enterprise-level non-profit organisations. This software comes equipped with special features to help you operate your non-profit with ease and great flexibility and be in control of what matters to you and your donors. As a full-service program, it helps you manage your donor lists, track your finances, and handle payroll tasks efficiently and with ease.

QuickBooks Enterprise stands out from the other accounting software due to its robustness, making it an excellent option for both large and growing non-profit organisations needing comprehensive accounting services. This software can budget and compare actuals, track donations and expenses, and create grant and donor reports. It also lets you receive donations and store donor details securely.


ACCOUNTS is an inexpensive and easy-to-use accounting software specially designed to meet the accounting needs of small non-profit organisations. The software comes equipped with all the necessary features your small organisation needs to streamline accounting tasks, including tracking income and expenses, tracking fund balances, generating detailed reports, and associating accounts with your IRS tax form lines.

3. Araize FastFund Accounting

If your organisation needs remote access to your accounting data, you might consider choosing a cloud-based solution like Araize FastFund Accounting. This software is specially designed to offer your organisation detailed accounting, payroll, and fundraising services and can be accessed from wherever you are. Since the software runs on the cloud, you can easily access it from any web browser or device, such as a tablet, Mac, or PC.

The software is incredibly easy to install and can be used by multiple users simultaneously, allowing you to collaborate with other members of your organisation remotely. The FastFund Accounting platform also allows you to manage bank reconciliations, generate accounting reports and other information you need to fill the IRS Form 990, and create budgets by grant and department. It also features payroll services that allow you to pay your organisation’s staff via check or direct deposit, allocate taxes money, and file payroll taxes.


Managing finances accurately can be a huge challenge for many non-profit organisations. However, choosing the right accounting software for your non-profit can help your organisation easily manage its bookkeeping, accounting, and tax-related tasks. This way, your non-profit can operate transparently and stay accountable to donors. It also helps your non-profit maintain its tax-exempt status by ensuring you comply with the strict government guidelines.



Nothing in this article should be construed as advice of any kind or solicitation to work and/or invest with the author or Finance Monthly. These are the thoughts and beliefs of the author based on his personal experience and knowledge. Readers should always consult their own advisers on their wealth-related decisions.

How has the wealth management world developed recently and what has influenced this?

The epidemic and the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian war were the key variables impacting the wealth management business in the last 2 years. However, these events have mainly influenced the assets themselves rather than how money and other assets are managed.

The movement of the Standard and Poors 500 clearly illustrates these tendencies. This index monitors the weighted average of the share prices of 500 big businesses listed on US stock exchanges.

How has the pandemic affected the wealth management landscape?

During the pandemic

Financial market developments in the first half of the reporting period were heavily biased toward equity markets and, in particular, riskier assets. Overall, this had a twofold effect: on the one hand, wealth management firms and their customers who switched in good times were able to expect up to triple-digit returns; on the other hand, the resulting flood of money led to a significant increase in the real estate sector and other markets.

In this situation, not only were those with substantial savings able to increase their wealth, but also many new people joined the club. They typically came from the following industries:

Of course, there were some short-term losers in this situation, including real estate developers, restaurant operators, and some players in the construction industry.

After a pandemic, in a war

The weakening of the virus and the gradual increase in general immunity made it seem for a short time that economic life would remain stagnant at this high level for some time. But experts had already sounded the alarm: we are facing a global crisis and associated inflation due to the labour shortages caused by the pandemic and the massive problems in the supply chain. Moreover, inflation has been further exacerbated by the escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine in February 2022, skyrocketing oil and energy prices worldwide. And a major attack on the crypto market has also had a serious negative impact on financial markets already in a downtrend (especially the riskiest cryptocurrencies).

Those who did not act in time were either stuck in their positions on the stock market and the crypto market for an unpredictable period or suffered significant losses.

While 2020 and 2021 may have been a time for wealth accumulation, today's focus is on wealth preservation.

What are the most common misconceptions that wealth owners have about wealth management?

High net worth individuals and the market need fewer asset management experts

Research shows that high net worth individuals think about services quite differently than one might initially assume. For example, common sense and market logic would dictate that the number of wealth management professionals should decline during a crisis. A lower number of wealth management professionals are needed when overall wealth drops. On the contrary, research shows that demand tends to move toward asset management firms precisely because a more crisis-resistant portfolio needs to be built. Only assets managed by several firms with different strategies can be more crisis-resilient than a diversified portfolio.

Investing in Fortune 500 firms equals a balanced portfolio

Over the last ten years, many investors have depended only on the trendiest stock exchange companies. However, this strategy is only viable until there is a bull market (trending upward). Those who have followed this strategy may now realise that it makes sense to diversify much more broadly because the negative trend affects not just one sector but the entire stock market, almost without exception.

Instead of focusing on high-profile growth businesses, you may diversify your portfolio by investing in value stocks and stocks with varying market capitalisation to gain exposure to many industries. Furthermore, investing in an exchange-traded fund allows you to diversify and actively manage your assets without having to hire a financial manager.

Wealth management services that are prohibitively pricey

Many consumers misperception that this service is pricey due mainly to comparisons with typical bank costs. Private banking, asset management, and fiduciary services are more expensive than standard bank rates. However, they also offer considerably more significant potential for value generation. A professionally managed portfolio has a markedly better chance of generating significant returns in the short and long term.

Larger service providers offer better solutions in wealth management

Although many people believe that larger companies provide a higher level of service, and it may be true, this is an issue that should be considered from the perspective of individual preferences.

While small boutique agencies probably serve fewer clients than the market-leading large firms, they are also likely to devote more attention to individual clients. And it's not difficult to bring in additional staff to assist when needed.

With a larger asset management firm, the benefits of decades of experience, a high-quality track record, or standardised processes are more likely to be reasons to choose. In addition, larger institutions may not cater to customers with less than £5 million in investable assets or may only give restricted services to such clients.

What are the best practices in auditing a client’s needs?

In this rapidly changing environment, wealth management firms are doing everything they can to understand the needs of their clients comprehensively and to maintain and increase the assets under management.

To do this, they apply the following best practices:

How to design a successful wealth management plan? What would be the first course of action?

When creating a wealth management plan, professional service providers typically begin with an inventory of existing assets. Assets of five million pounds can be considered a diversified portfolio that includes several types of assets. These may include:

Asset management firms evaluate this framework and learn about the client's thoughts as a first step. While some people do not care about the details, others are concerned with minor details.

Therefore, it is vital to assess the current situation and determine where the client wants to go in the short, medium, and long term. An overview of the structure is also important because an easily liquidated asset consisting solely of listed assets requires the management of artefacts and real estate.

As a result of the discussion, the trustee develops an overall picture based on which they create an asset management plan. This may include the creation of an appropriate legal form, such as the establishment of a trust for the proper management and simple inheritance of real estate and business assets.

Are any significant changes expected in wealth management in the UK in the upcoming years?

One of the most significant global trends for the future may be a considerable increase in the number of high-net-worth individuals. Of course, this process has not just started in recent years. However, start-ups and cryptocurrencies have contributed significantly to democratising the path to wealth, making it accessible to an ever-increasing number of people.

The digitisation of the field and the use of artificial intelligence, neural networks, and learning algorithms are constantly improving the quality of services and the customer experience in countries around the world. Likely future trends include the proliferation of chatbots, which make contact even easier, and the further personalisation of portfolio management.

While the number of Russian oligarchs residing in the UK is not publicly available, at the time of writing, a significant number of them seem to have been restricted in connection with the war between Russia and Ukraine. This restriction primarily includes a complete freeze on assets managed here, including trusts belonging to them that have been uncovered to date - more than £10 billion in total. How the war will end, no one knows at this point. However, there is a good chance of long-term asset freezes that will negatively impact the value of all assets managed by the UK wealth management sector.

Other expected trends affecting the future of the industry:

What are the top tips for wealth preservation in 2022?

2022 - Inflation, economic downturn, stock market highs and lows, cryptocurrency crash. Even with the benefit of hindsight, it will not be easy to review this year's events, even now that we are in it! However, chances are, this year will be more about wealth preservation than significant gains. So let us consider some tips on how to preserve the value of your portfolio:

  1. Always pay attention to your portfolio! If you manage your portfolio yourself or have entrusted it to a professional service provider, make sure you know its current status. Many online solutions and your portfolio manager can help you with this.
  2. If possible, you should consult a professional wealth management adviser. When you bring in a financial adviser, you have a wealth of knowledge, experience, and a solid safety net to protect the value of your assets.
  3. Choose less risky investments! Suppose you are thinking about restructuring your wealth. In that case, it's a good time to choose safer but lower-risk investments for the long term - such as a stock index, a government bond, but even more so real estate or a unique piece of art.
  4. Diversify your portfolio! Unfortunately, most often than not, this is only possible, say, when the bear market has bottomed out. However, the trends are pointing downwards for now. In such a situation, it makes sense to minimise risky assets and instead choose a variety of assets so that the rest of your portfolio can offset any downside.

2022 is the third successive year that confirms we live in very exciting and eventful times. It is truly a historical time - with all its pros and cons. However, the economy is becoming more and more unpredictable, so you may want to consider wealth management and protection as an integral part of wealth creation.

About Ramesan Doraisami

Ramesan Doraisami is an entrepreneur, investor, business adviser and international professional Speaker.

For more than 20 years, he has been investing, training entrepreneurs and working with other investors in entrepreneurship and business. During this time, he created several businesses, both as his ventures and on behalf of global clients.

In 2013 he founded Azalea Ventures Limited as his investment firm and a global consulting firm, LCL Group, based in London. For the last nine years, he has worked with start-ups and small business owners as an investor, mentor, and adviser to help entrepreneurs generate personal wealth through their businesses.

Recently Ramesan launched the Entrepreneur Success Foundry, dedicated to providing much-needed training and education to both current and would-be entrepreneurs, significantly improving their success potential. Ramesan intends to share his knowledge and extensive experience with a more significant number of entrepreneurs through the Entrepreneur Success Foundry.



This is because TRX recently experienced an 8.5% surge after announcing a forthcoming listing on a major crypto exchange. This latest upswing, which occurred on May 5th, represents the highest level that TRX has seen since the end of December 2021. In addition, the Tron prices development in early May also came in tandem with the launch of the USDD decentralised algorithmic stablecoin. As it stands, users can now stake USDD-TRX pairs in liquidity pools on exchanges for high annual percentage yield rewards.

Since its establishment in March 2014 and subsequent caretaking by the TRON Foundation three years later, TRX has hit all-time highs several times. This is why the token’s price predictions for 2022 and beyond have taken on even more significant meaning for observers.

What Is Tron?

Tron has been under the supervision of the TRON Foundation since 2017, the same year that the Singaporean non-profit organisation was founded. Created by Chinese entrepreneur and former Ripple (XRP) chief representative in the Greater China region, Justin Sun, the Tron ecosystem launched with uniqueness as its primary aim.

Initially starting as an Ethereum-based ERC-20 token in 2017, Tron (TRX) switched to its own protocol a year later. The Tron blockchain launched in June 2018, later integrating with peer-to-peer file-sharing network BitTorrent the following month of that year. Under the auspices of the TRON Foundation, Tron seeks to create a global entertainment system for digital content at great prices.

Tron’s operational functions are two-fold. The first is that it aims to be a global online content sharing platform. Secondly, the digital platform allows developers to create autonomous applications capable of operating without intermediaries. 

Tron also functions via a three-tier architecture that includes storage, core, and application layers. The core layer houses several key modules, such as smart contracts and account management. All modules housed in the core layer directly provide Tron with a pathway for growth.

In December 2021, Tron became a fully decentralised protocol with a community-governed DAO. In an announcement that shed further light on its new-found status, the Tron development team said:

“TRON DAO is what distinguishes TRON from web2.0 tech companies as it fully demonstrates decentralisation, the essence of blockchain.”

Tron (TRX) Predicted Future Prices Movement

Tron’s native TRX coin is issued by the DAO and facilitates transactions and applications on the network. Before going global, Tron initially saw sparse visibility in a few Asian countries. However, data from August 2021 shows that the platform already custodies more than 50 million accounts.

As of May 9th, short-term technical analysis from CoinCodex showed an overwhelming bullish sentiment on the TRX coin. In fact, out of 29 technical analysis indicators reviewed, only one was bearish.  

Over the next few years, algorithm-based forecast website Wallet Investor indicated a gradual increase in TRX price. Analyses covering periods from 2022 to 2025 suggest that Tron prices would approximately double. Furthermore, Wallet Investor also predicted that TRX price could increase by an additional 35% in five years.

“The figures reported directly to Loans Warehouse from second charge lenders confirm lending totalled £155.5 million in March 2022, a new post-credit crunch record and a continuation of the huge growth being seen in second charge lending over the last six months,” explained Loans Warehouse managing director, Matt Tristram.

Second charge transaction volumes for March increased by almost 12.5% from the previous month, breaking all records set since the credit crunch. A total of 3,237 loans were issued in March, topping November’s previous record high of 3,036. 

Average completion times came out at 22 days - largely unchanged from the previous month. 

Consolidation continues to top the table as the most popular use for second charge loans, accounting for just over 39% of all loans issued. This was closely followed by joint consolidation and home improvement purposes (37.2%), and home improvements (16%). 

The figures also indicate that the average term on a second charge loan for March was 21.8 years, but there has also been a major uptake in the number of short term bridging loans issued.

In terms of types of loans, consolidation accounted for 39.3%; consolidation and home improvements for 37.2%; and home improvements for 16%. The average term was 21.8 years.

The report also showed that almost 85% of second charge loans were completed at below 85% LTV; the remaining 15% at above 85% LTV.

“One of the biggest impacts on mortgage lending during the pandemic has been on the level of equity available to borrowers,” added Tristam. 

“Second charge lending continues to offer an alternative method of raising capital for many, as such we will have highlighted the split of lending over 85% LTV.”

Bridging Finance Boom Continues

The short-term bridging sector has likewise recorded a monumental performance during the first quarter of 2022, achieving a total combined transaction value of £156.78 million - a major increase of 8.5% compared to the same period last year.

As it becomes increasingly difficult to qualify for affordable finance on the High Street, businesses and households alike are setting their sights on alternative options from specialist lenders. 

For 16 months in a row, the most popular use for bridging finance has been purchasing investment properties, followed by speeding up the property purchase process and mitigating the risk of a chain break scenario.

“It comes as no surprise that bridging loan transactions have increased again from the previous quarter – the property market continues to be turbulent for a variety of well-publicised reasons so borrowers are looking for increasingly innovative ways to structure their debt,” said Head of Corporate Partnerships at Sirius Property Finance, Kimberley Gates.

“The stigma surrounding bridging also continues to subside as more investors, developers and homeowners are starting to see it as a useful tool for realising their real estate goals and no longer as a last resort.”

We wanted to help you start a career as a crypto trader on the right foot, so we've created a list of the top 5 crypto exchanges of 2022. We'll go over their assets, security features, customer service, etc. Here are the best crypto exchanges in 2022.

The Top 5 Crypto Exchanges Right Now

  1. Binance
  2. Coinbase
  4. Gemini 
  5. Kraken

Binance: Largest Crypto Exchange With Low Fees

We have to start our list with Binance since it's the largest crypto exchange in the world. The marketplace is built on the Binance Smart Chain and it has some of the lowest fees, especially for direct crypto to crypto trading. In that case, the fees are only 0,10%, which is much lower than what most other marketplaces charge. 

The marketplace offers over 500 cryptos, including over 60 DeFi coins, and access to other markets, including stocks, commodities, and others. You can create an account in minutes and deposit some money to start trading immediately. Binance allows you to deposit cash using many different methods, including bank transfer, PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, etc. However, make sure to check the fees, as some options are more expensive than others. For example, Visa and Mastercard deposits come with a 4.5% fee.

Even though Binance is one of the largest crypto exchanges, it's still not regulated by the SEC. With that said, the platform has state-of-the-art security features, so you don't have to worry about fraud or scams. Binance looks and feels like a regular stock market, so it might be a little difficult to pick up if you're a beginner, but once you figure it out, you can make some extra cash without any problems.

Coinbase: Excellent Crypto Exchange For Beginners

Coinbase probably has the best-designed crypto market of all websites you can join. It's an excellent option for beginners because it's extremely easy to use, and provides users with access to extensive educational material on cryptos, blockchain, and similar topics. 

While many crypto markets require getting used to, Coinbase allows users to start trading digital assets as soon as they join the platform. It's no wonder why Coinbase is the most popular crypto market in the US. The user experience is so simple that anyone can navigate the platform and manage their cryptos on the go. Moreover, the available learning material is also worth checking out because it offers excellent insights into the world of cryptocurrencies and crypto trading in general.  

Security should always be on top of your priorities when choosing a crypto marketplace, and Coinbase doesn't disappoint there either. If you want to know where to buy cryptocurrency safely, this site is worth checking out. It's got all of the latest security features such as two-factor authentication, an insurance policy for custodial accounts, etc. It does come with higher fees than many other markets, but the ease of use and 100% protection are worth the cost. Best Crypto Marketplace For Debit Card Deposits is one of the safest crypto marketplaces on the market. It's got multiple security features designed to eradicate fraud, scams, and cyberattacks. The platform has the best cybersecurity ranking on multiple websites among over 100 similar platforms. For example, it allows users to store their cryptos offline, it also has a fully-regulated custodian bank account feature for traditional currencies, and it's got a multi-factor identification that includes a password, biometric data, email, phone, etc.

Apart from offering state-of-the-art security to its users, the platform also provides access to over 250 different digital assets. You can create a non-custodial DeFi wallet to improve crypto transfer speeds and earn interest on your cryptos for margin trading. The site also promotes margin trading and you can even get crypto loans if you need them. is based in the US, and it's fully regulated by multiple institutions. However, some states don't support all available cryptos, so you'll have to check what options are available in your area. 

Gemini: Highly Liquid Exchange 

Gemini has been up and running since 2014, and it was built using the best security and compliance practices from day one. It's got a detailed identity verification process designed to prevent fraud and scammers. The site also includes two-factor authentication and allows users to add and approve devices they use when trading cryptos. The platform is SOC 2-certified, so it's one of the safest places for trading crypto assets.

The overall look and feel of the platform are great. Users have access to over 75 of the most popular digital currencies, and users can pay for all services and transactions using cryptos. It's not the most affordable option though, as all transactions over $200 come with a 1.49%  fee, along with 0.4% maker to taker fees. Similar to, most users are willing to pay higher fees to get the robust security features provided by the site. Gemini might not be as large and popular as other options on this list, but it is one of the safest crypto exchanges you can join. 

Kraken: Platform With One Of The Lowest Fees

Kraken is a marketplace with a professional look and feel. It deserves a spot on our list because it has some of the lowest exchange fees in the entire industry. With that said, Kraken is not a place for beginners, as it comes with advanced order types, margin trading, and futures trading. 

The site has been active since 2011, and it has since attracted millions of traders. Investors have access to over 120 popular cryptos and plenty of other useful features designed to make trading easier. That includes advanced chart analysis tools, insights into order books, 13 different types of orders, and extremely fast transactions. The Kraken Pro app is the best option for high-volume trades, as it comes with super-low fees of 0.16%. The fees drop to 0.10% if the monthly volume surpasses $10 million, allowing traders to save even more money. 

The only downside to this platform is the lack of funding options. Users can load their accounts using only wire transfers. ACH transfers are not supported at all. If you don't mind the limited account funding options, Kraken is an excellent choice overall.


When trading cryptocurrencies, you must pick a platform that suits your skills, goals, and fees. Crypto markets are extremely volatile, and you have to risk your hard-earned money when trading digital assets. We covered the top five options, hoping to point you in the right direction. We wish you the best of luck in your trading in the future.

As war and corrections plague the market, stocks left invested could lose significantly. As a result, many investors are looking for ways to increase their investments’ security by placing their money in safe havens to hedge their bets against a market downturn. Discover these 6 safe havens to invest your funds in during market downturns this year. 

1. A high-yield savings account

Maybe you like to play it safe when investing in safe havens. That’s good news since safe havens are low-risk places to stash your funds. 

If you’re interested in a low-risk haven, consider placing your money in a high-yield account at Discover, Synchrony, Citi Bank, or Marcus by Goldman Sachs. 

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), your money is insured for up to “250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category.” This guarantee also applies to any initial funds that you deposit and any accrued interest. 

The FDIC, which started in 1933 at the end of the Great Depression, was designed to stabilise the nation’s financial banking system. 

Keep in mind that while safe havens have many pros, there are also some cons attached to investing in these areas. 

The first con is inflation. Inflation rises at an average of 3.10% in the U.S. each year. Over the past year, inflation has soared in almost every area, from fuel to utilities, to grocery bills. The second con is slow growth. 

If you place your cash in an account with no interest, your stash can only grow as you add to it. So, even though a high-yield savings account will give you maximum interest, it doesn’t have the potential to grow as fast or at as high rates as other (riskier) types of investments. At the same time, a high-yield, FDIC-insured savings account is one of the safest havens during a market downturn. 

6 True Safe Havens During 2022 Market Downturns

2. Index funds, Federal Treasury ETFs, and government bonds

One of the top safe havens to nest your money during a downturn lies with the U. S. government. Whether you believe that Fort Knox is stocked with gold or secretly empty, there are few more stable places to keep your funds. 

Index funds differ from market ETFs in one significant way: they are not exchange-traded funds. Unlike ETFs, you can only buy or sell index funds at the price that the market sets at the end of each trading day. This makes index funds generally less volatile than ETFs. 

If you’re interested in stock market investing but want to hedge your bets, do your research, and then discuss a balanced and risk-averse portfolio game plan with a reputable investment adviser to get started. You can invest in index funds that cover everything from robotics to gold mines, health care to real estate, pharmaceuticals to fintech, etc.

One of the most stable investments in safe havens involves federal ETFs or savings bonds. As debt securities issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, savings bonds sometimes garner low returns, but they are also fully backed by the U.S. government. 

Unlike mainstream bank accounts, be aware that the FDIC’s insurance doesn’t cover stocks and bonds. You can find several market ETFs that give investors access to a broad range of government bonds. Treasury ETFs rank high for reasonable interest rates and usually give more back to investors than other types of bonds available on the market. For instance, from November 2021 to April 2022, the typical U.S. Treasury bond offers investors a solid 7.12% interest rate. 

The good news is that you don’t have to pay a fund manager to perform an ETF investment for you. Instead, you can buy your own Treasury bonds. As a bonus, Treasury bonds are highly liquid. When you decide to sell your bonds, there will always be a buyer. 

3. Utilities stocks

Essential utilities such as water, electricity, and waste disposal services are so common that many investors don’t even know to invest in these types of safe havens. Even during market downturns and economic issues, most Americans will do whatever it takes to keep the lights on, the heat or AC running, and keep the minimum utility standard

They’re the kind of defensive stock that grows during prosperity and stays above water during hard times. Utility stocks usually increase in value, but they also pay investors some of the highest dividend rewards in today’s market. These dividends offer a safe haven security option even when the stock dips or flatlines. 

4. Real estate

As Mark Twain once famously said, “Buy land. They’re not making it anymore.” While real estate comes with risks, it can also offer rewarding growth. Some risks to watch out for can include tenant problems, a high vacancy rate, rental property damage, or negative cash flow. If you’re looking for a safe haven investment, renting out land to farmers is a popular option. 

You don’t need to know anything about farming or even get your hands dirty to take advantage of this option. According to the USDA, almost half of the 911 million acres of American agricultural land is rented out to farmers by non-operator landlords.

Some of the world’s billionaires made their fortunes in real estate. Bill Gates owns the most privately invested farmland across 19 states. Need any further convincing? Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, doesn’t know about farming. Nevertheless, he’s owned a prosperous farm in his home state for 30 years. 

5. Precious metals

It’s no secret that precious metals are a stable and popular choice for safe havens in today’s market. 

Gold and silver remain two of the oldest currency forms. Global economies used to back their paper currency with gold, silver, or other precious metals. This offers continuous economic stability. 

When there is a downturn in the economy, people buy precious metals like gold bullion or precious metal ETFs, which stay or even rise in value.

6 True Safe Havens During 2022 Market Downturns

6. Cold, hard cash

You probably knew that this one would make a list. As the king of financial safe havens, it’s hard to argue against storing at least some of your assets safe in purely liquid form. Moreover, it’s probably a smart thing to do. 

Since no investment is ever completely risk-free, cash offers a sense of security. Of course, you won’t earn any dividends or interest on your cash stash. But, likewise, you won’t gain potential growth if the cash isn’t invested in a bear market. 

If you don’t feel like stuffing cash in your mattress, another option is digital assets. At the same time, holding a cash reserve is the most stable safe haven of all. It can give investors peace of mind, but it means that you have the money you need to secure your future in case an economic downturn occurs. 

Speaking in the House of Commons on Wednesday, Sunak pledged support to the UK’s hardest-hit families and said he was committed to building a “stronger, more secure economy for the United Kingdom.”

The Chancellor announced a cut to fuel duty to combat spiralling prices at petrol pumps after Russia’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine further exacerbated costs. There will be a temporary 5p per litre reduction until March 2023, a rate cut that is the largest on record. 

However, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves said that households require more than a temporary 5p reduction: Even a 5p reduction in fuel duty will only reduce filling up the car with petrol by £2. So, I don't think that really rises to the scale of the challenge," Reeves said.

In addition to these measures, Sunak also announced that the Government would be pausing VAT on energy efficiency measures such as solar panels and heat pumps for five years. Meanwhile, the Household Support Fund will be doubled to £1 billion from April. The extra £500 million will allow councils to further support low-income families. 

Even if you've never looked into crypto investment yet, this might be the best time to do so. Crypto can now be utilised in such activities, and it is already happening in some regions of the globe. In exchange for services rendered, more businesses are taking cryptocurrencies as fees. You could also use a cryptocurrency trading platform to help you manage your transaction if you are a newbie. Based on this article, Bitcoin Prime is suited for beginners, created by professionals at a trusted crypto outlet and enables rapid signup. Now let’s look at some of the most beneficial crypto tactics and scenarios for holding, which you may follow to boost your venture.

Set A Target Selling Value

You may set a target selling value. Therefore, you can figure it out, and it's time to sell. To achieve this goal, all you have to do is wait for the rates to stabilise. Whichever the situation could be, one must be conscious that you'll be attempting to obtain the maximum possible market value. You may accomplish this by looking at the price graph of your coin. You may utilise the highest sales price on record as a factor for calculating your objective price after you have located it. After you have traded your cryptos at your desired sale value, you might anticipate prices to fall drastically, requiring you to reinvest your funds. You might just have to wait a long time to acquire your crypto assets for another wave of cryptocurrency trading. So it is best to hold multiple cryptos if you can. You might still draw on your previous knowledge to estimate how low the purchase value could be. You might plan for a time when the sales price is the same as it was before you bought your coins.  Examining certain market projections can also help you guess what will happen afterwards. You can also read some credible price prediction articles online.

Wait For The Ideal Opportunity

Whenever it applies to cryptocurrency trading, timing is everything. You must understand when it is preferable to keep or trade your investments. This will essentially define if you generate income or continue to lose money. Investors that wish to improve their prospects may have to wait a while. This is entirely dependent on the value of your coin. It's also a beneficial factor if you acquire a coin that is significantly volatile. You might, at the very minimum, capitalise from the fluctuation without having to wait a very long time. Despite cryptos being often regarded as great investments, you cannot predict whenever the price would be ideal. Remember that cryptocurrency investing is a highly volatile environment, and no one can foretell whether you could profit or end up losing your capital. It's vital to keep a strong financial condition to get through all the waiting time. That means you won't have to withdraw your cryptocurrencies. It is a good idea to have separate funds for the financial crisis rather than withdrawing all your assets prematurely.

Hold Until The Price Is At An All-Time High

You may be bewildered at this point if you want to sell your cryptocurrencies. With some, it involves selling something for more revenue than you spent for the assets. You will have to keep a record as to how much you have spent on your crypto accounts. The amount would be used to determine if you're not able to deal. One should be aware of the pricing, and they'll be the primary consideration in your investment decision.

Closing Thoughts

Follow the option that best suits you. This will only work if it is compatible with your temperament. For beginner investors, holding is reasonable and easy.  At the end of the day, the decision is up to you. You can hold your cryptos for as much as you choose and trade them whenever the value goes up while building your crypto portfolio along the line. Whenever it relates to cryptocurrency assets, it is indeed essential to come up with strategies. As a crypto investor, you should be attentive to any threats which you can manage as long as it keeps control over the situation.

You believe that innovation is not just for the big industry players. Can you elaborate on this?

There are many opportunities and solutions available with insuretechs, and they run the gamut of what’s of interest to the big industry players as well as what might be of interest to someone smaller. A lot of insuretechs and innovators out there are looking to partner with someone a little smaller, with whom they can get their foot in the door and learn from in a more focused way. Utilising the “software as a service” model also allows for flexibility in pricing, and this can enable smaller companies to become involved in the insuretech space and innovate at scale.

What are the benefits of partnering with an insuretech?

One of the biggest benefits of partnering with an insuretech is that, depending on where they are in their journey, they’re open to feedback from customers along their roadmap. Becoming involved with insuretechs has allowed us to partner and identify avenues of innovation we can pursue to bring collective value. It also allows us to influence where insuretechs are spending their time and resources and enables both organisations tolearn as we go. We’ve built strong relationships with our insuretech partners: they appreciate companies that took a risk on them in the early days and want to truly partner and make changes or adjustments that would bring value.

Insuretechs can help insurance carriers think differently— sometimes we get stuck in our traditional ways of thinking and are risk-averse. Insuretechs can push you to realise what’s possible. The relationship provides benefits and opportunities for both parties: many insuretechs are just starting out, and it’s easier for them to get in and focus with a smaller regional carrier who can help them learn and grow as they go along and provide immediate feedback on what works and doesn’t.

The biggest challenge when exploring insuretechs can be deciding where to focus your time and efforts. I spend a lot of time looking at potential solutions through the lens of 1) what’s the problem to solve, 2) what’s the constituency that will benefit from this (such as our customers and their journey, or our claims staff by automating processes so that they have more time), and 3) how will it improve outcomes. At Amerisure, when we began exploring opportunities, we established a roadmap that determined where we wanted to focus and where were the solutions we wanted to look at; conducted evaluations with consultants; and focused on “moments of truth” in our claims journey, with the bookends of claims submission and resolution. We spent a lot of time focusing on those areas; now we can focus on additional enhancements in the journey to help everyone.

To keep learning about the benefits of insuretechs, I leverage industry events such as webinars, conferences and expositions, as well as vendor demonstrations (I am excited in-person events should be starting up again in the second half of 2022, as they are very valuable to help us determine who we may want to move forward with).

Tell us a little bit more about Amerisure and the services you offer.

Amerisure is a leading provider of commercial property and casualty insurance solutions for US-based construction, manufacturing and healthcare businesses. Licensed in all fifty states and available through an exclusive network of elite independent agents, the company upholds an “A” (Excellent) financial strength rating, industry- leading service scores, and multiple awards for innovation. Amerisure has been in business for more than 100 years and is consistently named among the best places to work in the industry and throughout the nation.

Insuretechs can help insurance carriers think differently — sometimes we get stuck in our traditional ways of thinking and are risk-averse. Insuretechs can push you to realise what’s possible.

In what ways has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your work?

The COVID-19 pandemic allowed us to think about technology differently and enabled us to — out of necessity in some cases — innovate. It allowed us to identify vulnerabilities and showed us the “old way” of doing things is not always as efficient. COVID provided us with a timely reason to explore innovation — in general, customers realised that because they were going through it themselves, we must also do things differently. We found that with so many people working remotely, everyone is more patient and understanding of these situations than they would have been before. In a lot of ways, we all became much more flexible and have learned to roll with the punches.

What are the key lessons it has taught you so far?

My philosophy in life is: out of any negative situation, seek to find the positives and silver linings. There have been a lot of negatives with COVID, and while we can’t change the negatives, I always like to reflect on: “What are some of the things I can see as a positive?”

COVID has taught us how important it is to keep in touch and that relationships are truly sacred. At Amerisure, we started to look at how to maintain those connections in this situation, including increased communication with our staff, especially as we move into a hybrid work environment.

We used to believe we needed to be face-to-face with customers and now have found that virtual meetings can sometimes be more efficient, eliminating travel time and in-person technological challenges. The entire experience provides lessons in leveraging technology and finding a balance so that there is a nice blend of communication methodologies.

What trends do you expect to see industry-wide in the next 12 months?

There will be many trends focusing on the customer experience and digital journey. Especially because of COVID, the pendulum settles into a sweet spot where not all experiences are electronic, and yet not all are manual such as it was before. This balance will continue to be a conversation in our industry as carriers respond to what their customers need and where they want to conduct business, whether it’s through a digital channel, over the phone, or a little of both — especially when it comes to claims. It’s important in claims to always consider the empathy piece, as there is likely a traumatic event happening in someone’s life, and it can be emotional. Flexibility for people to opt in and out of digital channels depending on the circumstances is something we’ll continue to see.

There will be a lot more that happens around artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) this year. This technology will continue to become more seamless, enhancing software already in existence to identify sentiment.

The next version of analytics will also be a significant trend: There’s a lot of work being done around predictive analytics and prescriptive analytics, which not only tells you that “X” is going to happen, but it also tells you what actions will have the most benefit.

Another trend we’ll hear more about is how innovation can be achieved easier, faster, and cheaper. There will be technology available that doesn’t require as much maintenance from an IT perspective, and even more opportunities in the insuretech space for companies to leverage software across multiple areas throughout an organisation. For example, I may be talking to a vendor about their claims product, and they also have a capability that’s perfect for underwriting or other areas of the organisation. That synergy allows you to learn from the technology you’ve already implemented, making it faster and easier to enhance usage, and also allows for less maintenance and technological debt to manage. That’s an opportunity we’re going to see going forward: more insuretechs are looking at how to broaden their focus to address problems from multiple organisational areas.

Many core systems in the insurance space are looking to expand and make it easier for carriers to innovate, exploring and identifyingopportunitiesalready part of licenses within the software to achieve solutions easier and cheaper than before. Core systems functioning outside of a silo make it easier for carriers to innovate and allow the insuretech to integrate with them easily and seamlessly.

What is Amerisure working on in 2022?

One of the largest initiatives we’re working on is the modernisation and upgrading of our core applications. While we’ve been on a modern claims system since 2015, it’s been an upgrade process to move the entire claims core system to the cloud. Having all major core systems on a modern platform will allow us to innovate and move forward at a much faster rate. Our claims systems will be in the cloud this year; moving our policy and billing systems to the cloud is a multi-year journey.

As an organisation, we’ve made tremendous strides in how to approach the experience we want our customers to have, whether internal or external and focus on the customer journey. We’ve created multiple roles focused on the customer experience, and we’ve added a user experience group within IT to help us focus from a tech perspective, making sure it’s consistent and seamless. The teams will focus and look at opportunities from that perspective and help us feel cohesive and consistent across applications customers interact with. I’m excited to make tremendous strides here in 2022.

One of the things I am most impressed with within our industry is, yes, there’s competition among carriers, as we are all trying to be successful and grow business — but we also are trying to help each other and are always looking to find ways to share information to help others be successful. I feel that it’s important to impart lessons to my industry peers that may help them. As I have looked at technologies, I’ve learned a lot from other companies, and it’s helped me identify how and where to focus. I’m very proud of how we all continue to help each other as an industry, and how so many industry leaders are working to pay it forward and share lessons learned.

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